M 7.5 Earthquake and Tsunami (1.3 m) in Mexico from 19 Sep 2022 18:05 UTC to 18:05

Media coverage of this event

Articles: 1590
Articles about casualties: 318 (20%)
Articles in last hour: 0

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Social media analysis

The information below is extracted by an experimental JRC system to analyze Twitter messages for the occurance of secondary effects for earthquakes and tsunamis. This feature is currently not available for other disaser types.

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All headlines on this Alert

The headlines below have been automatically extracted by the Europe Media Monitor.

Second Earthquake Hits Mexico, Leaves Two Dead

2022-09-23T18:10+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Just three days after an earthquake shook western and central Mexico , another powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to topple and leaving at least two dead in the country's capital. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake occurred just after 1 a.

What to do during and immediately after an earthquake

2022-09-23T17:57+0200latimes (en)

California natives know the drill: During an earthquake, drop to the floor and cover your neck and head with your hands. If you can, get underneath a table and hold on until the shaking stops. — not standing in a doorway or other common misconceptions — is the best advice from the earthquake experts and authorities.

IMSS doctors continue with pediatric surgery during an earthquake

2022-09-23T17:47+0200bullfrag (en)

So far only one person has been reported to have died in Colima. After an earthquake it is necessary to identify damage to the infrastructure of your property such as possible gas leaks or cracks. During such an incident, hospitals have an obligation to maintain their service.

The plate boundary between Africa and the Iberian Peninsula could cause large tsunamis

2022-09-23T16:58+0200phys (en)

A new study led by the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona and the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) has revealed the exact location of the boundary between the European and African tectonic plates, located in the Alboran Sea region.

The plate boundary between Africa and the Iberian Peninsula…

2022-09-23T16:35+0200samacharcentral (en)

A new study led by the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona and the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) has revealed the exact location of the boundary between the European and African tectonic plates, located in the Alboran Sea region.

National Drill 2022: At what time will the seismic alert sound this Monday, September 19?

2022-09-23T16:26+0200bullfrag (en)

These natural events left an indelible mark on the heart of Mexico City due to the cost of human lives and material damage they left behind. For this reason, the authorities have decided to carry out the National Drill so that the population knows what measures to take in case of facing another earthquake of great magnitude.

The plate boundary between Africa and the Iberian Peninsula…

2022-09-23T16:26+0200vervetimes (en)

A new study led by the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona and the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) has revealed the exact location of the boundary between the European and African tectonic plates, located in the Alboran Sea region.

La perforación científica más profunda del océano arroja luz sobre el próximo gran terremoto de Japón

2022-09-23T16:00+0200vistaalmar (es)

El estrés tectónico en la zona de subducción de Nankai de Japón es menor de lo esperado. Los científicos que perforaron más profundo que nunca en una falla de terremoto submarino descubrieron que el estrés tectónico en la zona de subducción de Nankai de Japón es menor de lo esperado, según un....

Plate boundary between Africa and Iberian Peninsula could cause large tsunamis

2022-09-23T15:56+0200miragenews (en)

(ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona and the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) has revealed the exact location of the boundary between the European and African tectonic plates, located in the Alboran Sea region. The work also evaluates its potential capacity to produce large earthquakes....

23-Sep-2022 The plate boundary between Africa and the Iberian Peninsula could cause large tsunamis Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) Peer-Reviewed Publication The plate boundary between Africa and the Iberian Peninsula could cause large tsunamis, according to a new study published recently in Nature Communications.

2022-09-23T15:53+0200eurekalert (en)

The plate boundary between Africa and the Iberian Peninsula could cause large tsunamis. • Due to a lack of data, the studies available so far underestimated the seismic and tsunami risk of these large faults. Peer-Reviewed Publication Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) image: The fault system....

Tsunami en el desierto en el Valle de la Muerte de EEUU tras sismo en México

2022-09-23T14:48+0200diariolibre (es)

El poderoso sismo que sacudió a México esta semana también fue sentido en tierras lejanas provocando un "tsunami en el desierto", en el medio del Valle de la Muerte, en Estados Unidos. Olas de hasta 1,2 metros se agitaron en la caverna Hoyo del Diablo 22 minutos después de que el terremoto se....

Mexico struck by another earthquake as 6.8 tremor kills at least two people

2022-09-23T13:56+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

At least two people have been killed in Mexico after a 6.8 magnitude tremor rattled the country overnight, terrifying residents of central and western areas and the capital, Mexico City. In a series of updates overnight, Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said the tremor was an aftershock from Monday’s 7.

Another powerful earthquake rattles Mexico, leaving at least 2 dead Fox Weather

2022-09-23T13:56+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

MEXICO CITY – At least two deaths have been reported after a powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early Thursday morning. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake struck at about 1:16 a.m. Central time. The epicenter was in Michoacan, about 170 miles from Mexico City.

Deepest scientific ocean drilling sheds light on Japan’s next great earthquake

2022-09-23T13:46+0200innovations-report (en)

Scientists who drilled deeper into an undersea earthquake fault than ever before have found that the tectonic stress in Japan’s Nankai subduction zone is less than expected, according to a study from researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and University of Washington.

Peste suina africana, Coldiretti incontra esperti e allevatori

2022-09-23T13:40+0200termolionline (it)

La Peste Suina Africana (PSA), che sarebbe più corretto chiamare peste dei cinghiali, costituisce un rischio reale per gli allevatori di suini, come anche per chi alleva maiali ad uso domestico, e per questo vanno prese tutte le misure di sicurezza possibili per evitare il rischio di una sua diffusione anche nella nostra regione.

“Tsunami en desierto” en el Valle de la Muerte de EE.UU.

2022-09-23T13:21+0200diario-extra (es)

L os Ángeles, Estados Unidos. (AFP) - El poderoso sismo que sacudió a México esta semana también fue sentido en tierras lejanas provocando un “tsunami en el desierto”, en el medio del Valle de la Muerte, en Estados Unidos. Olas de hasta 1,2 metros se agitaron en la caverna Hoyo del Diablo 22 minutos....

Mexico - Earthquake update and floods (GDACS, USGS, CNPC, WHO PAHO, CONAGUA, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 23 September 2022)

2022-09-23T13:13+0200reliefWeb (en)

After the strong earthquake of 6.8 M at a depth of 21 km which occurred on 22 September at 6.16 UTC in Michoacán State (approximately 46 km south-west of Aguililla City), casualties and damage were reported across the affected area. The National Civil Protection Coordination and WHO PAHO report, as....

What to do after an earthquake and before a possible aftershock?

2022-09-23T13:12+0200bullfrag (en)

After an earthquake like the one that experienced this Monday, September 19, in Mexico City, Michoacán, Guadalajara and other states of magnitude of 7.4 degrees on the Richter scale Several buildings were damaged and some even collapsed. The structures of your home or workplace may have suffered....

“Tsunami en desierto” en el Valle de la Muerte de EE.UU.

2022-09-23T13:01+0200diarioextra (es)

L os Ángeles, Estados Unidos. (AFP) - El poderoso sismo que sacudió a México esta semana también fue sentido en tierras lejanas provocando un “tsunami en el desierto”, en el medio del Valle de la Muerte, en Estados Unidos. Olas de hasta 1,2 metros se agitaron en la caverna Hoyo del Diablo 22 minutos....

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-23T12:55+0200radionigeria (en)

People gather outside after a magnitude earthquake was felt in Mexico City. (AP Photo) A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving two people dead as residents rushed out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor.

Sismo en México provocó tsunami en el Valle de la Muerte de EEUU

2022-09-23T12:21+0200noticiaaldia (es)

El poderoso sismo que sacudió a México esta semana también fue sentido en tierras lejanas provocando un «tsunami en el desierto», en el medio del Valle de la Muerte, en Estados Unidos. Olas de hasta 1,2 metros se agitaron en la caverna Hoyo del Diablo 22 minutos después de que el terremoto se....

« Deux cultures du risque, naturel et technique, continuent de coexister »

2022-09-23T12:07+0200LeMonde (fr)

Partage désactivé. Article réservé aux abonnés L ’activité industrielle est intrinsèquement dangereuse. Ses modes de conception, d’exploitation, de maintenance peuvent se dégrader et conduire à un accident d’envergure. Vulnérable par elle-même, l’activité industrielle l’est aussi par l’impact des....

Terremoto in Messico ha generato uno “tsunami” nella Death Valley

2022-09-23T12:05+0200scienzenotizie (it)

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.6 in Messico è stato avvertito nel sistema di grotte di Devils Hole nel Parco Nazionale della Valle della Morte in Nevada. Il terremoto di magnitudo 7,6 che ha scosso il Messico lunedì ha inviato onde d’urto che hanno innescato uno “tsunami nel deserto” in un sistema di grotte a 1.

Este es el único lugar de España que está preparado en caso de tsunami

2022-09-23T11:48+0200DiarioDeMallorca (es)

Este municipio andaluz está ubicado en una zona cercana a placas tectónicas marinas activas , por lo que un deslizamiento o choque podría provocar un maremoto o tsunami . De hecho, se trata del único en España considerado seguro en caso de ocurrir un fenómeno así. Sin embargo, no es el único país que cuenta con pocas o ninguna previsión.

A powerful earthquake shakes Mexico Two people are killed

2022-09-23T11:36+0200usnewslatest (en)

A powerful earthquake rattled Mexico in the early hours of Thursday leaving at most two dead, as people were rushing to the streets of the capital city in the evening hours following another powerful quake. One woman died at the scene in Mexico City after falling down some steps which hit her head as the quake set off warning alarms.

2023: Atiku Drags Lai Muhammed to Mud, Reveals Minister Tells “A Tsunami of A Lie”

2022-09-23T10:58+0200hausa-legit-ng (en)

Atiku made the disclosure while reacting to Mohammed's claim that he has stole the economic blueprint of President Muhammadu Buhari and the APC; The former vice president argued that the APC and President Buhari did not come into power with a single paper that can be described as an economic blueprint.

Séisme au Mexique : "Vagues d'1m20", les images du "tsunami" dans une caverne de la vallée de la mort aux États-Unis

2022-09-23T10:16+0200midilibre (fr)

On September 19th, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook western Mexico sending vibrations strong enough to produce waves in the Devils Hole in Nevada. Fortunately, the pupfish seem to be doing fine. They're used to the intensities of the desert, including tectonic events like these. pic.twitter.

Experts Explain the Likelihood of Three Massive Earthquakes in Mexico Hitting on the Same Day in Three Different Years

2022-09-23T10:08+0200sciencetimes (en)

Coincidence or Not? Experiencing massive earthquakes on the same dates but in different years is indeed a mystery that people are curious about. Is it merely a coincidence or is there another explanation to it? According to Newsweek , some observers pointed out the similarities between the three....

Temblor en México: sismo con epicentro en S Pedro Pochutla, Oaxaca

2022-09-23T09:32+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo se registró en S Pedro Pochutla a las 2:06 hora local (7:06 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.1 y una profundidad de 16 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 34 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Oaxaca.

Il sisma in Messico ha provocato uno 'tsumani' nel deserto della Death Valley

2022-09-23T09:24+0200agi (it)

AGI - Il forte terremoto che ha scosso il Messico questa settimana ha provocato uno 'tsunami' nel deserto della Death Valley americana. Un video ha catturato le immagini di onde alte oltre un metro che hanno colpito Devils Hole, una grotta calcarea piena d'acqua in Nevada.

Uno tsunami nel deserto del Nevada. Cosa è successo nella Death Valley

2022-09-23T09:12+0200quotidiano (it)

Il video diffuso dai ranger della Death Valley National Park. Uno tsunami nella Devils Hole del deserto del Nevada. Uno tsunami nella Devils Hole del deserto del....

Earthquake: Tremors shake India, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Japan; devastation in Manipur

2022-09-23T09:03+0200firstpost (en)

A series of earthquakes hit several parts of the world including Afghanistan, Indonesia, Japan and Manipur in India on Friday. Earthquake tremors were also felt in Manipur in North East India. According to the National Center for Seismology (NCS), an earthquake of 4.

Il sisma in Messico ha provocato uno 'tsumani' nel deserto della Death Valley

2022-09-23T08:58+0200news-yahoo-it (it)

AGI - Il forte terremoto che ha scosso il Messico questa settimana ha provocato uno 'tsunami' nel deserto della Death Valley americana. Un video ha catturato le immagini di onde alte oltre un metro che hanno colpito Devils Hole, una grotta calcarea piena d'acqua in Nevada.

Terremoto in Messico, eco nella Death Valley

2022-09-23T08:43+0200laregione (it)

Il potente terremoto, di magnitudo 7,7, che ha scosso il Messico lunedì, è stato avvertito anche negli Stati Uniti occidentali, provocando uno ‘tsunami’ in una grotta situata in mezzo al deserto della Death Valley. Lo ha riferito sapere l’autorità statunitense per i parchi (Nps).

VIDEO. Mexique : un puissant séisme déclenche un tsunami dans une caverne de la vallée de la Mort

2022-09-23T08:26+0200ladepeche (fr)

Plusieurs séismes ont secoué le continent américain et notamment le Mexique cette semaine. Le puissant tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Mexique lundi a également été ressenti dans l’ouest des États-Unis, provoquant un tsunami dans une caverne au milieu du désert de la vallée de la Mort, a annoncé le service des parcs nationaux américains (NPS).

Why sea levels are rising higher than expected in Dublin and Cork Ireland Aside from climate change, local exacerbating factors are behind rising sea levels in Irish coastal cities

2022-09-23T08:24+0200RTERadio (en)

Analysis: aside from climate change, local exacerbating factors are behind rising sea levels in Irish coastal cities. This article is now available above as a Brainstorm podcast. You can subscribe to the Brainstorm podcast through or wherever you get your podcasts.

Mexico was shaken by a pair of earthquakes

2022-09-23T08:23+0200exbulletin (en)

On September 19 every year, earthquake drills are held in various cities in Mexico to commemorate the 1985 earthquake. In Mexico City, a seismic alert is broadcast using public loudspeakers. In 2017, two hours before a 7.1-magnitude earthquake, the drills and alerts went out.

STATI UNITI 3 min Il sisma in Messico provoca uno tsunami in una grotta della Death Valley Un video mostra l'arrivo delle onde, alte più di un metro. L'energia sismica ha viaggiato per 2'400 chilometri

2022-09-23T08:10+0200tio (it)

SACRAMENTO - Il potente terremoto che ha scosso il Messico lunedì scorso, di magnitudo 7.7, è stato avvertito anche negli Stati Uniti occidentali, provocando uno "tsunami" in una grotta situata in mezzo al deserto della Death Valley. Lo ha riferito sapere l'autorità Usa per i parchi (Nps).

Messico: terremoto provoca uno “tsunami” in una grotta del deserto della Death Valley

2022-09-23T08:04+0200interris (it)

Il potente terremoto che ha scosso il Messico lunedì scorso, di magnitudo 7.7, è stato avvertito anche negli Stati Uniti occidentali, provocando uno “tsunami” in una grotta situata in mezzo al deserto della Death Valley: lo ha fatto sapere l’autorità Usa per i parchi (Nps). L’onda nella grotta.

Mexique : un tremblement de terre provoque un « tsunami » dans une caverne de la vallée de la Mort

2022-09-23T08:01+0200sudouest (fr)

De magnitude 7,7, le puissant séisme qui a secoué le Mexique a été ressenti jusque dans l’ouest des États-Unis. Deux personnes sont mortes, ainsi que deux autres après un nouveau tremblement de terre jeudi. a également été ressenti dans l’ouest des États-Unis, provoquant un « tsunami » dans une....

Il potente terremoto in Messico innesca tsunami nella Death Valley | VIDEO

2022-09-23T07:48+0200meteoweb (it)

Il forte terremoto che ha scosso il Messico lo scorso 19 settembre, di magnitudo 7.7, è stato avvertito anche negli Stati Uniti occidentali: il sisma ha innescato uno “ tsunami ” in una grotta situata in mezzo al deserto della Death Valley : lo ha confermato il National Park Service , agenzia federale statunitense.

La Mira, Michoacán, registra temblor de 4.0 de magnitud

2022-09-23T07:35+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo fue registrado en La Mira a las 0:05 hora local (5:05 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.0 y una profundidad de 15 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 99 km al oeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán.

Le séisme au Mexique provoque un «tsunami» dans la vallée de la Mort

2022-09-23T07:24+0200arcinfo (fr)

Le puissant tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Mexique lundi a également été ressenti dans l’ouest des Etats-Unis, provoquant un tsunami dans une caverne au milieu du désert de la vallée de la Mort. Des vagues de 1m20 ont déferlé dans le Devils Hole.

Earthquake today in Genoa, strong tremors: one of magnitude 4.1

2022-09-23T07:23+0200italy24news (en)

CopyAMP code. The first seismic event was recorded by the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology at 3.39 pm, with the epicenter of Bargagli. Other earthquakes have been recorded in the metropolitan area of ​​the city. The strongest of these was warned at 5.32 pm in Davagna and had a magnitude of 2.

Un tremblement de terre au Mexique provoque un « tsunami » dans une caverne de la vallée de la Mort (AFP)

2022-09-23T06:59+0200almanar-fr (fr)

Un tremblement de terre au Mexique provoque un tsunami dans une caverne de la vallée de la Mort (AFP) – Site de la chaîne....

Un tremblement de terre au Mexique provoque un "tsunami" dans une caverne de la vallée de la Mort

2022-09-23T06:51+0200varmatin (fr)

Des vagues atteignant 1m20 ont déferlé dans la caverne dénommée "Devils Hole" --littéralement le trou du diable-- 22 minutes après le séisme de lundi, le tout capturé en vidéo, précise le NPS dans un communiqué daté de mercredi. L'énergie sismique a parcouru 2.

Un tremblement de terre au Mexique provoque un "tsunami" dans une caverne de la vallée de la Mort

2022-09-23T06:44+0200nicematin (fr)

Des vagues atteignant 1m20 ont déferlé dans la caverne dénommée "Devils Hole" --littéralement le trou du diable-- 22 minutes après le séisme de lundi, le tout capturé en vidéo, précise le NPS dans un communiqué daté de mercredi. L'énergie sismique a parcouru 2.

Un tremblement de terre au Mexique provoque un "tsunami" dans une caverne de la vallée de la Mort

2022-09-23T06:44+0200monacomatin (fr)

Des vagues atteignant 1m20 ont déferlé dans la caverne dénommée "Devils Hole" --littéralement le trou du diable-- 22 minutes après le séisme de lundi, le tout capturé en vidéo, précise le NPS dans un communiqué daté de mercredi. L'énergie sismique a parcouru 2.

¿Qué parte de la Biblia habla de terremotos? ¿Castigo divino o fenómeno natural? Ciencia y fe

2022-09-23T06:29+0200debate (es)

Guadalajara, Jalisco.- Pocas experiencias generan entre la humanidad un trabajo intelectual como los desastres naturales , desde el inicio de los tiempos, las personas buscan darle explicación a los fenómenos que experimentan con las herramientas cognitivas de su época y la religión o lo....

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving two dead

2022-09-23T06:27+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving at least two people dead as residents rushed into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered....

Sismo en México provocó un "tsunami en el desierto" en el Valle de la Muerte, EE.UU.

2022-09-23T06:26+0200elpais-CO (es)

El poderoso sismo que sacudió a México esta semana también fue sentido en tierras lejanas provocando un "tsunami en el desierto", en el medio del Valle de la Muerte, en Estados Unidos. Olas de hasta 1,2 metros se agitaron en la caverna Hoyo del Diablo 22 minutos después de que el terremoto se....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-23T06:17+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central , killing two. The U.S. Geological Survey said Thursday’s earthquake, like....

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving two dead

2022-09-23T05:51+0200dailytimesPK (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving at least two people dead as residents rushed into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered....

Un séisme au Mexique provoque un « tsunami » dans une caverne de la vallée de la mort aux États-Unis

2022-09-23T05:50+0200maville (fr)

Ce phénomène, connu officiellement sous le nom de seiche, a remué les sédiments et les roches dans le bassin, ce qui a sans doute surpris les quelques dizaines de poissons qui y vivent. Aucun poisson retrouvé mort. Le Cyprinodon diabolis, une espèce rare de poisson, endémique à Devils Hole et qui se....

Un séisme au Mexique provoque un « tsunami » dans une caverne de la vallée de la mort aux États-Unis

2022-09-23T04:42+0200lemainelibre (fr)

L’énergie sismique du tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Mexique lundi 19 septembre a parcouru 2 400 kilomètres jusqu’à une grotte remplie d’eau dans le désert du Nevada, créant des vagues de plus d'un mètre de hauteur dans le bassin. Le parc national de la vallée de la mort est le plus vaste des États-Unis, en dehors de l'Alaska.

Un séisme au Mexique provoque un « tsunami » dans une caverne de la vallée de la mort aux États-Unis

2022-09-23T04:41+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

L’énergie sismique du tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Mexique lundi 19 septembre a parcouru 2 400 kilomètres jusqu’à une grotte remplie d’eau dans le désert du Nevada, créant des vagues de plus d'un mètre de hauteur dans le bassin. Le parc national de la vallée de la mort est le plus vaste des États-Unis, en dehors de l'Alaska.

Un séisme au Mexique provoque un « tsunami » dans une caverne de la vallée de la mort aux États-Unis

2022-09-23T04:41+0200presseocean (fr)

L’énergie sismique du tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Mexique lundi 19 septembre a parcouru 2 400 kilomètres jusqu’à une grotte remplie d’eau dans le désert du Nevada, créant des vagues de plus d'un mètre de hauteur dans le bassin. Le parc national de la vallée de la mort est le plus vaste des États-Unis, en dehors de l'Alaska.

Strong quake kills at least 2 in Mexico

2022-09-23T04:36+0200thedailystarBD (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico yesterday , leaving at least two people dead as residents rushed into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. The epicenter of the 6.9-magnitude earthquake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometers south of Coalcoman in the western state of Michoacan.

Se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.2 en Moquegua

2022-09-23T04:05+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.2 ocurrió este jueves 22 de septiembre en la ciudad de Ilo, en la provincia de Ilo, del departamento de Moquegua, de acuerdo con la más reciente información del Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) Según los reportes obtenidos a través de....

L’éruption de Honga Tonga a envoyé plus de 50 milliards de kilogrammes d’eau dans la stratosphère

2022-09-23T03:41+0200algeriemondeinfos (fr)

En janvier de cette année, un volcan sous-marin aux Tonga a provoqué une éruption massive, la plus importante de ce siècle. Le mélange de matériaux volcaniques chauds avec de l’eau froide de l’océan a déclenché une explosion qui a envoyé une onde de choc atmosphérique à travers la planète et....

"Tsunami en el desierto" en el Valle de la Muerte de EE. UU. tras sismo en México

2022-09-23T03:22+0200teletica (es)

Olas de hasta 1.2 metros se agitaron en la caverna Hoyo del Diablo 22 minutos después de que el terremoto se sintiera en México el lunes, en un episodio capturado por las cámaras. El poderoso sismo que sacudió a México esta semana también fue sentido en tierras lejanas, provocando un "tsunami en el....

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-23T03:19+0200pakobserver (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a pow-erful tremor left at least two people dead. The epicentre of the 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometres (52 miles) south of....

Another earthquake strikes Mexico World

2022-09-23T03:08+0200usaToday (en)

Mexico rattled by second deadly earthquake in a week. Days after a deadly 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook cities in Mexico, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake rattled Michoacan, causing at least two deaths.

Deepest scientific ocean drilling effort sheds light on Japan’s next ‘big one’

2022-09-23T02:57+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

Scientists who drilled deeper into an undersea earthquake fault than ever before have found that the tectonic stress in Japan’s Nankai subduction zone is less than expected. The results of the study led by the University of Washington and the University of Texas at Austin, published Sept.

Allarme alluvione, un buco di 2 ore e mezzo: alle 19.30 le chiamate dei sindaci della valle del Misa ma piena segnalata solo alle 22 a Senigallia

2022-09-23T02:36+0200corriereadriatico (it)

ANCONA Ormai sono chiare le domande a cui dovranno rispondere le due inchieste aperte sull’ alluvione del 15 settembre, in particolare quella della Procura di Ancona , che indaga con ipotesi di reato di inondazione colposa e omicidio colposo plurimo. La prima, di una brutale semplicità, è se con....

Amérique du NordUn séisme au Mexique provoque un «tsunami» dans la vallée de la Mort Des vagues de plus d’un mètre ont déferlé dans une caverne de la Vallée de la Mort dénommée «Devils Hole», 22 minutes après le séisme de lundi au Mexique. 0 4 1

2022-09-23T02:35+0200lematin-CH (fr)

Le puissant tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Mexique lundi a également été ressenti dans l’ouest des Etats-Unis, provoquant un «tsunami» dans une caverne au milieu du désert de la vallée de la Mort, a annoncé le service des parcs nationaux américains (NPS).

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving two dead

2022-09-23T02:22+0200citizen (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving at least two people dead as residents rushed into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered....

A 'desert tsunami' observed in the United States after the earthquake in Mexico... 1.2m sling

2022-09-23T02:10+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-23T00:08:45.441Z. Not long ago, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Mexico . I have also seen many articles that a natural phenomenon called 'desert tsunami' was observed in Death Valley, USA, more than 2,000 km away under the influence of this earthquake. Not long ago, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Mexico.

Amérique du Nord: Un séisme au Mexique provoque un «tsunami» dans la vallée de la Mort

2022-09-23T02:08+0200tdg (fr)

Le Cyprinodon diabolis, une espèce rare de poisson, endémique à Devils Hole et qui se nourrit d’algues poussant dans la caverne, semble s’en être tout de même sorti indemne. Le puissant tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Mexique lundi a également été ressenti dans l’ouest des Etats-Unis,....

Amérique du NordUn séisme au Mexique provoque un «tsunami» dans la vallée de la Mort Des vagues de plus d’un mètre ont déferlé dans une caverne de la Vallée de la Mort dénommée «Devils Hole», 22 minutes après le séisme de lundi au Mexique.

2022-09-23T02:06+020024heures (fr)

Le Cyprinodon diabolis, une espèce rare de poisson, endémique à Devils Hole et qui se nourrit d’algues poussant dans la caverne, semble s’en être tout de même sorti indemne. Le puissant tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Mexique lundi a également été ressenti dans l’ouest des Etats-Unis,....

Live Oak

2022-09-23T02:00+0200palestinewater (en)

SANTA CRUZ — A former Live Oak scouts leader and foster parent was sentenced to 45 years to life in state prison Thursday, as the child molester heard emotional statements from some of his numerous victims. – Construction of the ’s crown jewel water purification facility in Live Oak continues to....

Death Valley National Park

2022-09-23T01:36+0200palestinewater (en)

.6-magnitude earthquake 1, 500 miles away triggered a “desert tsunami” in Valley , rangers said. The earthquake struck Mexico near the Colima-Michoacan border on Monday, Sept. 19, according (1926) Valley , CaliforniaHassayampa Inn ( , ArizonaThe Dunhill (1929) CarolinaHacienda del Sol Resort (1929)....

Se registró un sismo de 4.1 en Trujillo, La Libertad

2022-09-23T01:35+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un sismo de magnitud 4.1 este jueves 22 de septiembre con epicentro en la ciudad de Trujillo, en la provincia de Trujillo del departamento de La Libertad. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el....

Le tremblement de terre au Mexique provoque un « tsunami »

2022-09-23T01:29+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

(Los Angeles) Le puissant tremblement de terre qui a secoué le Mexique lundi a également été ressenti dans l’ouest des États-Unis, provoquant un « tsunami » dans une caverne au milieu du désert de la vallée de la Mort, a annoncé le service des parcs nationaux américains (NPS).

Natural Hazards Monitoring - 22 September 2022

2022-09-23T01:21+0200reliefWeb (en)

Official. Hurricane. Dominican Republic (Update) On 22 September, the Center for Emergency Operations of Dominican Republic (COE, per its acronym in Spanish) provided update on Hurricane Fiona's passage in the country. The COE indicated the Civil Defense has reported 8,708 (6,540 increase since the....

¿Un tsunami en el desierto? El Valle de la Muerte registra curioso fenómeno

2022-09-23T01:19+0200informador (es)

La energía sísmica recorrió dos 400 kilómetros a través de la corteza terrestre hasta llegar a esta caverna de piedra caliza. ESPECIAL. El poderoso sismo que sacudió a México esta semana también fue sentido en tierras lejanas provocando un "tsunami en el desierto", en el medio del Valle de la Muerte , en Estados Unidos.

Sismo en México provoca un tsunami en el Valle de la Muerte de EEUU

2022-09-23T01:14+0200laprensa-HN (es)

El poderoso sismo que sacudió a México esta semana también fue sentido en tierras lejanas provocando un “tsunami en el desierto” , en el medio del Valle de la Muerte , en Estados Unidos. Olas de hasta 1,2 metros se agitaron en la caverna Hoyo del Diablo 22 minutos después de que el terremoto se....

Deepest scientific ocean drilling sheds light on Japan’s next…

2022-09-23T00:41+0200vervetimes (en)

The findings, published in the journal Geology , are a puzzle because the fault produces a great earthquake almost every century and was thought to be building for another big one. “This is the heart of the subduction zone, right above where the fault is locked, where the expectation was that the....

Deepest scientific ocean drilling effort sheds light on Japan’s next ‘big one’

2022-09-23T00:17+0200nationaltribune (en)

The deep-sea scientific drilling vessel Chikyu, which in 2018 performed the deepest drilling of a subduction zone earthquake fault.Wikimedia/Gleam. Scientists who drilled deeper into an undersea earthquake fault than ever before have found that the tectonic stress in Japan’s Nankai subduction zone is less than expected.

Deepest scientific ocean drilling effort sheds light on Japan’s next ‘big one’

2022-09-23T00:16+0200miragenews (en)

The deep-sea scientific drilling vessel Chikyu, which in 2018 performed the deepest drilling of a subduction zone earthquake fault.Wikimedia/Gleam. Scientists who drilled deeper into an undersea earthquake fault than ever before have found that the tectonic stress in Japan’s Nankai subduction zone is less than expected.

DEO Community Consultation Meeting

2022-09-23T00:09+0200gisbarbados (en)

(Stock Photo) Residents from the St. Matthias to Rendezvous, Christ Church area are invited to attend a community consultation on Monday, September 26, at the St. Matthias Church Hall, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The meeting is being hosted by the Christ Church West District Emergency Organisation (DEO)....

Earthquake in Mexico creates 'desert tsunami' 1,500 miles away in Death Valley National Park - Fox News

2022-09-23T00:07+0200google-top-stories (en)

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake that rattled Mexico on Monday triggered a "desert tsunami" in a cave system 1,500 miles away in Death Valley National Park in Nevada, officials said. Credit: National Park Service / Ambre Chaudoin. A 7.6 magnitude earthquake that rattled Mexico on Monday sent shockwaves....

"Tsunami en el desierto" en el Valle de la Muerte de EEUU tras sismo en México

2022-09-23T00:03+0200infobae (es)

El poderoso sismo que sacudió a México esta semana también fue sentido en tierras lejanas provocando un "tsunami en el desierto", en el medio del Valle de la Muerte, en Estados Unidos. Olas de hasta 1,2 metros se agitaron en la caverna Hoyo del Diablo 22 minutos después de que el terremoto se....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T23:52+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 am near the epicentre of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

Deepest scientific ocean drilling sheds light on…

2022-09-22T23:50+0200techcodex (en)

“This is the heart of the subduction zone, right above where the fault is locked, where the expectation was that the system should be storing energy between earthquakes,” said Demian Saffer, director of the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) who co-led the research and scientific mission that drilled the fault.

Deepest scientific ocean drilling sheds light on Japan's next great earthquake

2022-09-22T23:42+0200phys (en)

The findings, published in the journal Geology , are a puzzle because the fault produces a great earthquake almost every century and was thought to be building for another big one. "This is the heart of the subduction zone, right above where the fault is locked, where the expectation was that the....


2022-09-22T23:23+0200nampa (en)

'Desert tsunami' hits Death Valley after Mexico quake ATTENTION - Editors please note: no apostrophe in Devils Hole /// Los Angeles, Sept 22, 2022 (AFP) - A powerful earthquake that rattled Mexico this week was also felt further afield -- sparking a "desert tsunami" in the middle of Death Valley. Waves up to four feet (1.

Volunteers help Puerto Rico as Hurricane Fiona leaves people without water, food or power

2022-09-22T23:23+0200wsoctv (en)

Hurricane Fiona’s destructive path has curved eastward, heading toward Bermuda and posing life-threatening surf and rip current conditions for the U.S. East Coast and Atlantic Canada. But it has already left behind devastation in Puerto Rico, where much of the island is still without power or access to clean water.

Volunteers help Puerto Rico as Hurricane Fiona leaves people without water, food or power

2022-09-22T23:17+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Hurricane Fiona’s destructive path has curved eastward, heading toward Bermuda and posing life-threatening surf and rip current conditions for the U.S. East Coast and Atlantic Canada. But it has already left behind devastation in Puerto Rico, where much of the island is still without power or access to clean water.

Volunteers help Puerto Rico as Hurricane Fiona leaves people without water, food or power

2022-09-22T23:13+0200wftv (en)

Hurricane Fiona’s destructive path has curved eastward, heading toward Bermuda and posing life-threatening surf and rip current conditions for the U.S. East Coast and Atlantic Canada. But it has already left behind devastation in Puerto Rico, where much of the island is still without power or access to clean water.

Mexico earthquake: 6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T23:12+0200digitpatrox (en)

MEXICO CITY — A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, inflicting buildings to sway and leaving a minimum of one individual lifeless within the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., simply three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel Messico centrale, dal 19 settembre 1.229 scosse di assestamento

2022-09-22T23:08+0200mister-x (it)

Il Messico trema ancora. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. La violenta sc; Un nuovo potente terremoto in Messico, sempre il 19 settembre, come già accaduto nel 1985 e nel 2017. Tanto che l’#8217; Due forti scosse di terremoto sono state avvertite in provincia di Reggio Emilia.

Salmon-Challis National Forest gets new rangers for districts bordering Montana

2022-09-22T22:23+0200missoulian (en)

The appointment came after Waverek was made the district's temporary district ranger for 120 days beginning April 25. Waverek, who holds a degree in resource conservation from UM, has worked for the U.S. Forest Service since 1999. He was the regional fire planner for the agency's Pacific Southwest....

More likely in September? What does the science say?

2022-09-22T22:13+0200wn (en)

Why was there another tremor in Mexico on September 19? 2:55 (CNN Spanish) — It happened again. As it happens only in fiction, in September Mexico was again hit by a strong earthquake. What makes this fact even more incredible is that Earthquake this Monday It happened on September 19, a....

Mexico rattled by another powerful earthquake, at least 2 dead

2022-09-22T22:09+0200nypost (en)

At least two deaths have been reported after a powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early Thursday morning. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake struck at about 1:16 a.m. Central time. The epicenter was in Michoacan, about 170 miles from Mexico City.

Cosa fare in caso di terremoto

2022-09-22T21:59+0200247libero (it)

L'Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv) ha registrato diverse scosse in poche ore in più parti d'Italia. In Liguria, Toscana, Emilia-Romagna e Marche la magnitudo ha superato i 3 gradi della scala Richter. La più forte è stata avvertita a Bargagli, nel Genovese.

‘Tsunami of a lie’ — PDP campaign hits Lai over claim Atiku copied Buhari’s economic model

2022-09-22T21:56+0200thecable (en)

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential campaign organisation has tackled L ai Mohammed , minister of information, for saying the economic blueprint of Atiku Abubakar is a “poor copy” of President Muhammadu Buhari’s model. Earlier on Thursday, at a media briefing in Abuja , Mohammed had said....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T21:52+0200startribune (en)

The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths. The U.S. Geological Survey said Thursday's earthquake was centered in a sparsely populated area 31 miles (50 kilometers)....

Manu’a quakes decline but are still being monitored, volcano team says

2022-09-22T21:48+0200samoanews (en)

Pago Pago, AMERICAN SAMOA — The strongest tremor recorded for the Ta’u volcano earthquake — in the Manu’a island group — is around 4.0 on the Richter scale, and the number of quakes has declined compared to when it was first reported 8 weeks ago, says Dr.

22-Sep-2022 Deepest scientific ocean drilling sheds light on Japan’s next great earthquake University of Texas at Austin Peer-Reviewed Publication Scientists who drilled deeper into an undersea earthquake fault than ever before have found that the tectonic stress in Japan’s Nankai subduction zone is....

2022-09-22T21:46+0200eurekalert (en)

in the journal Geology , are a puzzle because the fault produces a great earthquake almost every century and was thought to be building for another big one. “This is the heart of the subduction zone, right above where the fault is locked, where the expectation was that the system should be storing....

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving two dead

2022-09-22T21:26+0200jordantimes (en)

MEXICO CITY — A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving two people dead as residents rushed out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake....

Deepest Scientific Ocean Drilling Sheds Light on Japan’s Next Great Earthquake

2022-09-22T21:21+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

AUSTIN, Texas — Scientists who drilled deeper into an undersea earthquake fault than ever before have found that the tectonic stress in Japan’s Nankai subduction zone is less than expected, according to a study from researchers at The University of Texas at Austin.

Deepest Scientific Ocean Drilling Sheds Light on Japan’s Next Great Earthquake

2022-09-22T21:12+0200news-utexas (en)

AUSTIN, Texas — Scientists who drilled deeper into an undersea earthquake fault than ever before have found that the tectonic stress in Japan’s Nankai subduction zone is less than expected, according to a study from researchers at The University of Texas at Austin.

Deepest Scientific Ocean Drilling Sheds Light on Japan’s Next Great Earthquake

2022-09-22T21:07+0200miragenews (en)

Demian Saffer, director of the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (UTIG), during scientific ocean drilling at Japan’s Nankai earthquake fault. Credit: Demian Saffer/UTIG. “This is the heart of the subduction zone, right above where the fault is locked, where the expectation was that the....

Watch: Death Valley’s Devils Hole is roiled by earthquake 1,500 miles away

2022-09-22T20:57+0200wn (en)

In what Death Valley naturalists called a Monday’s magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico triggered 4-foot waves in Devils Hole, a water-filled cavern in the national park. The “desert tsunami” — technically, a seiche — was recorded in the video above. The earthquake, at 11:05 a.m.

At least two dead in Mexico after second earthquake strikes within a week

2022-09-22T20:50+0200palestinewater (en)

Michoac�n state suffers another temblor, felt as far away as Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero states A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck Mexico , causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1.

Two dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T20:50+0200palestinewater (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck Mexico , causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1.19am on Thursday near the epicentre of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

Watch: Death Valley’s Devils Hole is roiled by earthquake 1,500 miles away

2022-09-22T20:14+0200dailybreeze (en)

In what Death Valley naturalists called a “surprising quirk of geology,” Monday’s magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico triggered 4-foot waves in Devils Hole, a water-filled cavern in the national park. The “desert tsunami” — technically, a seiche — was recorded in the video above. The earthquake, at 11:05 a.

Watch: Death Valley’s Devils Hole is roiled by earthquake 1,500 miles away

2022-09-22T20:13+0200dailynews (en)

In what Death Valley naturalists called a “surprising quirk of geology,” Monday’s magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico triggered 4-foot waves in Devils Hole, a water-filled cavern in the national park. The “desert tsunami” — technically, a seiche — was recorded in the video above. The earthquake, at 11:05 a.

Se registró un sismo de magnitud 4.4 en Ica

2022-09-22T20:09+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un temblor de magnitud 4.4 este jueves 22 de septiembre con epicentro en la ciudad de Marcona, en la provincia de Nazca del departamento de Ica. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el movimiento....

Watch: Death Valley’s Devils Hole is roiled by earthquake 1,500 miles away

2022-09-22T20:05+0200whittierdailynews (en)

In what Death Valley naturalists called a “surprising quirk of geology,” Monday’s magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico triggered 4-foot waves in Devils Hole, a water-filled cavern in the national park. The “desert tsunami” — technically, a seiche — was recorded in the video above. The earthquake, at 11:05 a.

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.0 en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-09-22T20:05+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.0 se registró en las cercanías de Coalcomán a las 12:40 hora local (17:40 UTC) de hoy, según el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del sismo fue a 84 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán y tuvo una profundidad de 15 km.

Trema la Terra, terremoto 6,8 in Messico, morti e feriti, scosse in Italia

2022-09-22T20:04+0200247libero (it)

Il Coordinamento Nazionale della Protezione Civile ha riferito che il terremoto di oggi, con epicentro a Coalcom n, nello stato del Michoacan, è stato avvertito da circa 38,7 milioni di persone in 12 stati del Paese. Mentre la sindaca Sheinbaum ha riferito che non si registrano danni a Città del....

At least two dead in Mexico after second earthquake strikes within a week - The Guardian

2022-09-22T19:58+0200google-top-stories (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck Mexico , causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1.19am on Thursday near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacán . It was also blamed for two deaths.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T19:58+0200mexicoinstitute (en)

Source: AP News. 9/22/2022. MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead - The Associated Press

2022-09-22T19:55+0200google-top-stories (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

Watch: Death Valley’s Devils Hole is roiled by earthquake 1,500 miles away

2022-09-22T19:54+0200eastbaytimes (en)

In what Death Valley naturalists called a “surprising quirk of geology,” Monday’s magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico triggered 4-foot waves in Devils Hole, a water-filled cavern in the national park. The “desert tsunami” — technically, a seiche — was recorded in the video above. The earthquake, at 11:05 a.

Watch: Death Valley’s Devils Hole is roiled by earthquake 1,500 miles away

2022-09-22T19:52+0200mercurynews (en)

In what Death Valley naturalists called a “surprising quirk of geology,” Monday’s magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico triggered 4-foot waves in Devils Hole, a water-filled cavern in the national park. The “desert tsunami” — technically, a seiche — was recorded in the video above. The earthquake, at 11:05 a.

What is the fear of earthquakes and how to control it?

2022-09-22T19:46+0200worldakkam (en)

Tremophobia is the name given to the fear of earthquakes, characterized by a state of anxiety and exhibiting a persistent, excessive and irrational fear of the movement of the earth. Flor Gil Bernal, an expert in the Department of Psychology at the University of Iberoamericana, assures us that there....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T19:39+0200bna-en (en)

Mexico City, Sept. 22 (BNA): A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

Two dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T19:32+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck Mexico , causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1.19am on Thursday near the epicentre of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

Two People Confirmed Dead As Earthquake Shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T19:32+0200saharareporters (en)

After many days of intense tremors, Mexico was shaken by an earthquake on Thursday that killed two people as they fled into the streets of the city during the night. “It was felt in Michoacan (and the other states of) Colima, Jalisco, Guerrero and Mexico City. So far there are no reports of damage,” he added.

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 et ses répliques dans l'Ouest du Mexique font 4 morts et des dommage

2022-09-22T19:25+0200catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} 22/09: Selon le service sismologique mexicain, une forte réplique sismique de magnitude 6,9 s'est produite à 1h16, heure locale, dans l'Etat du Michoacan, dans l'ouest du Mexique, à 84 kilomètres de la ville de Coalcoman.

El Salvador landslides kill at least 7, including three children

2022-09-22T19:20+0200aljazeera-en (en)

At least seven people have been killed in El Salvador, officials said, after heavy rains triggered landslides south of the capital. Two adults and three children were killed when a landslide buried their house in the municipality of Huizucar, approximately 17km (10 miles) south of San Salvador, the....

6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T19:10+0200thenational (en)

A powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck near the epicentre of a 7.6-magnitude quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

Environnement. Forts séismes, essaim près de San Diego, tsunami dans la vallée de la mort… Quand la terre tremble de la Californie au Mexique, la peur du "Big One" renaît

2022-09-22T18:52+0200lindependant (fr)

L'activité sismique est particulièrement intense de la Californie au Mexique ces derniers jours. Ce jeudi matin, un fort séisme de 6,9 de magnitude a frappé le Mexique, dans l'Etat du Michoacan. Trois jours plus tôt, dans la même région, c'est un séisme de 7,7 de magnitude qui avait déjà fait trembler le Mexique.

Mexico trembles again; magnitude 6.9 earthquake leaves two dead

2022-09-22T18:50+0200dominicantoday (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 was recorded in the early hours of this Thursday in Mexico , with a balance of two deaths, authorities reported, unleashing panic in the capital and other areas of the country. This is the strongest aftershock of the 7.7 tremor recorded last Monday, with a balance of....

Two dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T18:39+0200wn (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck Mexico , causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1.19am on Thursday near the epicentre of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Mexico, 2 Dead

2022-09-22T18:34+0200outlookindia (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 am near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

Mexican earthquake triggers 4-foot waves in Death Valley National Park

2022-09-22T18:29+0200wn (en)

The waves churned inside a Death Valley cave 1,500 miles from the quake, in a phenomenon geologists called a "desert tsunami." ......

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel Messico centrale, dal 19 settembre 1.229 scosse di assestamento

2022-09-22T18:16+0200247libero (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

A summer of fires in Pakistan’s Hindu Kush has caused lasting damage The prolonged heatwave sparked wildfires, which destroyed trees and wildlife and probably worsened the floods that devastated the country. Rina Saeed Khan · 10 minutes ago

2022-09-22T18:10+0200scroll-in (en)

The dry period from the end of April until the advent of the monsoon in July is “fire season” in Pakistan’s forests, which cover the Hindu Kush Himalayas in the country’s north. “There were no good rains this spring and the windy, hot weather led to the fire spreading fast,” says Jan Kharotee, a....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake strikes Mexico, killing two

2022-09-22T18:04+0200exbulletin (en)

Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake struck near Chinquilla, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, September 20, 2022. A 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, with an epicenter 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near From the borders of....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T18:00+0200ahram-EN (en)

The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths. The U.S. Geological Survey said Thursday's earthquake was centered in a sparsely populated area 31 miles (50 kilometers)....

Sismo de magnitud 4.3 con epicentro en Caraveli, Arequipa

2022-09-22T17:56+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un sismo de magnitud 4.3 este miércoles 21 de septiembre con epicentro en la ciudad de Atico, en la provincia de Caraveli del departamento de Arequipa. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el....

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.0 en Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca

2022-09-22T17:56+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 4.0 de magnitud y con una profundidad de 15 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad de Puerto Escondido a las 9:01 hora local (14:01 UTC) de hoy. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 33 km al sureste de dicha ciudad del estado de Oaxaca, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Cd Hidalgo, Chiapas, registra sismo de magnitud 4.3

2022-09-22T17:56+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.3 y con una profundidad de 16 kilómetros alertó a los habitantes de la ciudad de Cd Hidalgo a las 9:15 hora local (14:15 UTC) de hoy. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 134 km al sur de dicha población del estado de Chiapas, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Mexican earthquake triggers 4-foot waves in Death Valley National Park The waves churned inside a Death Valley cave 1,500 miles from the quake, in a phenomenon geologists called a "desert tsunami." 8M ago

2022-09-22T17:55+0200CBSnews (en)

A rattled Mexico 's Pacific coast on Monday and left at least two people dead in its wake. Repercussions of the tremor extended as far as 1,500 miles north, where four-foot-tall waves began churning inside a Death Valley cave called Devils Hole, in what the National Park Service called a "surprising quirk of geology.

Powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico, at least 2 dead

2022-09-22T17:42+0200metro-uk (en)

Two people were killed after a powerful earthquake struck western Mexico early Thursday morning (Picture: AFP/Getty) A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck western Mexico early Thursday morning, leaving at least two dead and hundreds of thousands out of power. The earthquake is the second to hit the Mexican state of Michoacán in three days.

Amid a Flurry of Global Disasters, Red Cross Helping Around the World

2022-09-22T17:39+0200reliefWeb (en)

Over the past week, the global Red Cross network has responded to disasters around the world. National societies and team members from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) are rolling up their sleeves to help those in need following earthquakes, a typhoon, a....

Terremoto oggi a Genova: magnitudo e ultime notizie. Trema tutta la Liguria - Cronaca - quotidiano.net

2022-09-22T17:31+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) Gente lascia gli uffici e si riversa in strada. Sisma prolungato nel Levante, disagi alla circolazione ... : Terremoto, due forti scosse avvertite ad Ascoli Piceno - : Terremoto nel Messico centrale: scossa di magnitudo 6.8, non c'è allarme tsunami - : Terremoto nel Catanese, registrata scossa di magnitudo 3.

Mexico rattled by second earthquake this week

2022-09-22T17:30+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A powerful earthquake earthquake in Mexico 's state of Michoacan unleashed landslides early Thursday morning, and was felt in the nearby states of Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero. The US Geological Survey said the tremor was centered 31 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Aguililla at a depth of 15 miles (24.

Locals Wake to Quake Alarm as Tremors Felt in Mexico City

2022-09-22T17:29+0200news_com_au (en)

Tremors from a 6.8-magnitude earthquake were felt in Mexico City in the early hours of Thursday, September 22. The United States Geological Survey said the earthquake’s epicenter was in Michoacan, one of Mexico’s western states, around 170 miles from the capital.

Hotel Evacuated in ‘Middle of the Night’ as Tremors Felt in Mexico City

2022-09-22T17:29+0200news_com_au (en)

Tremors from a 6.8-magnitude earthquake recorded in west Mexico were felt in Mexico City in the early hours of Thursday, September 22. The United States Geological Survey said the earthquake’s epicenter was in Michoacan, around 170 miles from the capital. Video by Andre Andriolli shows people out on a street in Mexico City that night.

Mexico rattled by second earthquake this week

2022-09-22T17:24+0200deutschewelle-bs (en)

A powerful earthquake earthquake in Mexico 's state of Michoacan unleashed landslides early Thursday morning, and was felt in the nearby states of Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero. The US Geological Survey said the tremor was centered 31 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Aguililla at a depth of 15 miles (24.

Mexico rattled by second earthquake this week

2022-09-22T17:21+0200deutschewelle-hr (en)

A powerful earthquake earthquake in Mexico 's state of Michoacan unleashed landslides early Thursday morning, and was felt in the nearby states of Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero. The US Geological Survey said the tremor was centered 31 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Aguililla at a depth of 15 miles (24.

Mexico rattled by second earthquake this week

2022-09-22T17:21+0200deutschewelle-sw (en)

A powerful earthquake earthquake in Mexico 's state of Michoacan unleashed landslides early Thursday morning, and was felt in the nearby states of Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero. The US Geological Survey said the tremor was centered 31 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Aguililla at a depth of 15 miles (24.

Mexico rattled by second earthquake this week

2022-09-22T17:21+0200deutschewelle-bg (en)

A powerful earthquake earthquake in Mexico 's state of Michoacan unleashed landslides early Thursday morning, and was felt in the nearby states of Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero. The US Geological Survey said the tremor was centered 31 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Aguililla at a depth of 15 miles (24.

Mexico rattled by second earthquake this week

2022-09-22T17:21+0200deutschewelle-ro (en)

A powerful earthquake earthquake in Mexico 's state of Michoacan unleashed landslides early Thursday morning, and was felt in the nearby states of Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero. The US Geological Survey said the tremor was centered 31 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Aguililla at a depth of 15 miles (24.

Mexico rattled by second earthquake this week

2022-09-22T17:20+0200deutschewelle-fr (en)

A powerful earthquake earthquake in Mexico 's state of Michoacan unleashed landslides early Thursday morning, and was felt in the nearby states of Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero. The US Geological Survey said the tremor was centered 31 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Aguililla at a depth of 15 miles (24.

"Ça fait partie des choses de la vie" : Patrick Sébastien révèle avoir été opéré d'un cancer du rein

2022-09-22T17:16+0200midilibre (fr)

"Ce qui m'est arrivé, c'est ce que j'appelle un 'chancer'." Dans un entretien au Figaro , Patrick Sébastien révèle avoir été touché par un cancer au niveau du rein. Une épreuve de plus dans ce qu'il appelle "un véritable tsunami" de deux années. "C'est arrivé en janvier dernier" "C'est arrivé en janvier dernier", se rappelle l'artiste.

Fertiberia asegura que "las máximas autoridades científicas" avalan el proyecto de los fosfoyesos

2022-09-22T17:14+0200heconomia (es)

Las máximas autoridades científicas de España han avalado la fortaleza y la seguridad del proyecto de Fertiberia para la restauración de los apilamientos de fosfoyesos Restore 20/30, que logró en 2020 la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (DIA) positiva tras un largo y minucioso proceso de concepción,....

Mexico rattled by second earthquake this week

2022-09-22T17:13+0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

A powerful earthquake earthquake in Mexico 's state of Michoacan unleashed landslides early Thursday morning, and was felt in the nearby states of Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero. The US Geological Survey said the tremor was centered 31 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Aguililla at a depth of 15 miles (24.

At least two dead in Mexico after second earthquake strikes within a week

2022-09-22T17:12+0200wn (en)

Michoac�n state suffers another temblor, felt as far away as Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero states A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck Mexico , causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1.

Video shows ‘desert tsunami’ in Death Valley triggered by earthquake 1,500 miles away

2022-09-22T17:12+0200wn (en)

A 7.6-magnitude earthquake 1,500 miles away triggered a “desert tsunami” in Death Valley National Park, rangers said. The earthquake struck Mexico near the Colima-Michoacan border on Monday, Sept. 19, according ......

Hotel Evacuated in ‘Middle of the Night’ as Tremors Felt in Mexico City

2022-09-22T17:08+0200couriermail (en)

Tremors from a 6.8-magnitude earthquake recorded in west Mexico were felt in Mexico City in the early hours of Thursday, September 22. The United States Geological Survey said the earthquake’s epicenter was in Michoacan, around 170 miles from the capital. Video by Andre Andriolli shows people out on a street in Mexico City that night.

Locals Wake to Quake Alarm as Tremors Felt in Mexico City

2022-09-22T17:08+0200couriermail (en)

Tremors from a 6.8-magnitude earthquake were felt in Mexico City in the early hours of Thursday, September 22. The United States Geological Survey said the earthquake’s epicenter was in Michoacan, one of Mexico’s western states, around 170 miles from the capital.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T17:06+0200news-gazette (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

Isla del Coco registró cambio en corrientes marinas tras terremoto en México

2022-09-22T17:06+0200nacion (es)

Horas después del terremoto en México, una corriente inusual llegó a Isla del Coco A las 4:02 p.m. quedó grabada la entrada de agua marina a la desembocadura del río Genio, lo cual no suele ocurrir durante la marea baja y se atribuye al sismo. El terremoto de magnitud 7,4 ocurrido el lunes al....

Mexico rattled by second earthquake this week

2022-09-22T17:05+0200deutschewelle-sr (en)

A powerful earthquake earthquake in Mexico 's state of Michoacan unleashed landslides early Thursday morning, and was felt in the nearby states of Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero. The US Geological Survey said the tremor was centered 31 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Aguililla at a depth of 15 miles (24.

Strong Nighttime Earthquake Mexico Leaves One Dead

2022-09-22T17:04+0200von (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country’s second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said “ the woman stumbled on the stairs of her....

Mexico rattled by second earthquake this week Mexican officials said today's earthquake was an aftershock from an tremor several days ago.

2022-09-22T16:59+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

A powerful earthquake earthquake in Mexico 's state of Michoacan unleashed landslides early Thursday morning, and was felt in the nearby states of Colima, Jalisco and Guerrero. The US Geological Survey said the tremor was centered 31 miles (50 kilometers) southwest of Aguililla at a depth of 15 miles (24.

Terremoto in Messico: le onde in piscina sono impressionanti

2022-09-22T16:58+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) Il Paese latinoamericano è stato colpito da un sisma di magnitudo 6.8. Sui social è diventato virale il video dell'effetto che ha avuto nella piscina. : Nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 in Messico: colpito il Michoacan. Scossa avvertita anche nella capitale - : Terremoto nel Messico centrale: scossa di magnitudo 6.

MEXICO-4THLD QUAKE - 6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T16:52+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / PTI. Mexico City, Sep 22 (AP) A powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.8 struck Mexico early on Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1.19 am near the epicentre of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.

2022-09-22T16:46+0200kitchenertoday (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.

2022-09-22T16:45+0200timescolonist (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T16:39+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead 0 9/22/2022 7:25:03 AM

2022-09-22T16:38+0200tricitynews (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T16:35+0200dailybreeze (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T16:34+0200eastbaytimes (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T16:34+0200eastbaytimes (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T16:31+0200mercurynews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T16:31+0200mercurynews (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T16:27+0200dailynews (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T16:26+0200whittierdailynews (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T16:12+0200wsvn (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

1 dead as 6.8 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico

2022-09-22T16:11+0200thedailystarBD (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

At least two dead in Mexico after second earthquake strikes within a week

2022-09-22T16:07+0200guardian (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck Mexico , causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1.19am on Thursday near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacán . It was also blamed for two deaths.

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T16:05+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

People clean debris after the 7.7-magnitude earthquake in Coalcoman, Michoacan, Mexico , September 20, 2022. Another strong temblor struck near the Pacific coast early today, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night. – EPA pic, September 22, 2022.

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,9 secoue le Mexique

2022-09-22T15:55+0200aa-fr (fr)

Tunisia. AA / Tunis. Un séisme de magnitude 6,9 sur l'échelle de Richter a été enregistré au Mexique, dans la matinée de ce jeudi, a annoncé le service sismologique national. L'épicentre du séisme était situé dans l'État du Michoacan, dans l'ouest du Mexique, à 81 kilomètres de la ville de Coalcoman, a précisé le service sismologique.

Mexico earthquake sparks ‘desert tsunami’ in Death Valley cave 1,500 miles away in Nevada

2022-09-22T15:50+0200wn (en)

‘Within five minutes, the normally....

3 mins ago Strong quake jolts Mexico days after powerful temblor killed at least two

2022-09-22T15:50+0200digitpatrox (en)

Individuals are seen on road in Mexico Metropolis after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake early on Sept. 22, 2022. ALFREDO ESTRELLA/AFP by way of Getty Pictures. Mexico Metropolis — A robust earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, inflicting buildings to sway and....

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving one dead

2022-09-22T15:47+0200newindianexpress (en)

A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered early warning alarms, authorities said. The epicentre of the 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometres (52 miles) south of Coalcoman in the western state of Michoacan, the national seismological agency reported.

Earthquake of 6.9 that occurred at dawn leaves two dead in CDMX

2022-09-22T15:42+0200bullfrag (en)

Two people died this Thursday in the Mexican capital and three were injured in the state of Michoacán by the 6.9-magnitude earthquake that hit the country early in the morning as an aftershock of the 7.7 earthquake on Monday, according to the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Terremoto - Nuova forte scossa di magnitudo 6.8 in Messico, epicentro non lontano da quello del 19 settembre Nuova forte scossa di magnitudo 6.8 in Messico, epicentro non lontano da quello del 19 settembre. Dettagli Per il momento non si hanno notizie di danni.

2022-09-22T15:42+0200informazione (it)

Nuova forte scossa di magnitudo 6.8 in Messico , epicentro non lontano da quello del 19 settembre. Dettagli Per il momento non si hanno notizie di danni. ore 15:22 di Carlo Migliore 22 settembre 2022ore 15:22 39 secondi Per tutti tempo di lettura39 secondi Nuova forte scossa di terremoto colpisce il....

These five applications alert you when tremors in Mexico

2022-09-22T15:40+0200bullfrag (en)

The technological tool sends alerts with intensity in each locality for free, as well as the estimated time of arrival of an earthquake in This application is used for devices with operating systems But be careful, because sometimes they are just drills that can cause you a scare.

Tropical Storm Newton hits Manzanillo, Colima.Heavy rain expected in Jalisco

2022-09-22T15:38+0200worldakkam (en)

Tropical Storm Fifteen-E will turn into Tropical Storm Newton over the Pacific on Wednesday, Sept. 21, bringing rain to some states in Mexico , the National Water Commission’s National Meteorological Service (SMN) reported. . At 8:30 pm, Newton was located approximately 280 kilometers southwest of....

Deadly 6.8 magnitude earthquake rattles Mexico

2022-09-22T15:37+0200fox5atlanta (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

22 September 2022 - Strong Earthquake in Michoacan, Mexico at 2.16 pm

2022-09-22T15:36+0200met-my (en)

JABATAN METEOROLOGI MALAYSIA KEMENTERIAN ALAM SEKITAR DAN AIR JALAN SULTAN Telefon : 603-7967 8000 46667 PETALING JAYA Faksimili : 603-7957 8052 SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN E-mel : seismo@met.gov.my MALAYSIA Laman Web : www.met.gov.my JMM/POCGN(O)/BK-23B Our. Ref: JMM.APL15/756/22/07 Jld.

6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Mexico, 2 Dead

2022-09-22T15:28+0200theepochtimes (en)

struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings, and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths. The U.S.

Watch: Mexico earthquake causes desert 'tsunami' in California's Death Valley

2022-09-22T15:14+0200fox35orlando (en)

An earthquake this week in Mexico made waves over 1,700 miles away in a cave located in California’s Death Valley, officials said. The magnitude 7.6 earthquake was reported at 1:05 p.m. local time Monday along Mexico's central Pacific coast, near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states, according to the U.

Huge earthquake leaves two dead

2022-09-22T15:11+0200news_com_au (en)

A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered early warning alarms, while the second victim suffered a heart attack, authorities said. The epicentre of the 6.9-magnitude earthquake was near the Pacific coast, 84km (52 miles) south of....

New earthquake of 6.9 in Mexico leaves two dead, how serious was it? | news today

2022-09-22T15:06+0200247newsbulletin (en)

A new earthquake of magnitude 6.9 was recorded in the early hours of this Thursday in Mexico , with a balance of two deaths, authorities reported, unleashing panic in the capital and other areas of the country. This is the strongest aftershock of the 7.

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving 2 dead

2022-09-22T14:53+0200globaltimes (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving at least two people dead as residents rushed into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T14:52+0200news-herald (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

Sismo de magnitud 6,8 deja dos fallecidos en México

2022-09-22T14:48+0200teleamazonas (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6,8 sacudió el jueves 22 de septiembre de 2022 a doce estados del occidente y centro de México que dejó al menos dos fallecidos. En un primer momento no había reportes de daños en estructuras. El sismo ocurrió tres días después de un terremoto de 7,6 que afectó a doce de los 32....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T14:45+0200bostonherald (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

Huge earthquake leaves two dead

2022-09-22T14:45+0200heraldsun (en)

A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered early warning alarms, while the second victim suffered a heart attack, authorities said. The epicentre of the 6.9-magnitude earthquake was near the Pacific coast, 84km (52 miles) south of....

The earthquake rattled an already jittery country

2022-09-22T14:42+0200dallasnews (en)

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico , 2 dead The earthquake rattled an already jittery country People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico.

At least two people dead after powerful earthquake strikes Mexico 4 minutes ago

2022-09-22T14:40+0200theglobeandmail (en)

A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicentre of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

Séisme au Mexique : au moins 2 morts

2022-09-22T14:38+0200news-24 (fr)

MEXICO – Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,8 a frappé le Mexique tôt jeudi, faisant au moins deux morts, endommageant des bâtiments et provoquant des glissements de terrain. Le tremblement de terre a frappé à 01h19 près de l’épicentre d’un séisme de magnitude 7,6 qui a frappé trois jours plus tôt dans l’État occidental de Michoacan.

World News | 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Mexico, 1 Dead

2022-09-22T14:37+0200latestly (en)

Mexico City, Sep 22 (AP) A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T14:35+0200ctvnews (en)

MEXICO CITY - A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early Thursday, causing at least two deaths, damaging buildings and setting off landslides. The earthquake struck at 1:19 a.m. near the epicenter of a magnitude 7.6 quake that hit three days earlier in the western state of Michoacan. It was also blamed for two deaths.

Thu. 8:32 a.m.: 6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T14:34+0200vindy (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt early this morning in Mexico City. The earthquake struck three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early this morning,....

Mexico - Earthquake (GDACS, USGS, National Civil Protection Coordination of Mexico) (ECHO Daily Flash of 22 September 2022)

2022-09-22T14:31+0200reliefWeb (en)

A new strong earthquake of 6.8 M at a depth of 21 km hit again western Mexico on 22 September at 6.16 UTC (1.16 local time). The epicentre was located in southern Michoacán State, approximately 46 km south-souhwest of Aguililla City. The epicentre is also located 36 km east of the 7.

Dua Lupita is a trend due to the singer’s scare with the 6.9 earthquake in Mexico

2022-09-22T14:28+0200bullfrag (en)

After the 6.9 earthquake that affected the central zone of Mexico , users on social networks wondered how the singer Dua Lipa had overcome the strong aftershock, who hours before had finished her show at the Foro Sol. The earthquake occurred at 01:15 am on Thursday, September 22, waking up half the city and activating seismic alerts.

Nuevo sismo de magnitud 6.9 sacudió a México la madrugada de este #22Sep

2022-09-22T14:28+0200talcualdigital (es)

El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, informó que el sismo se sintió en Michoacán, Colima, Jalisco, Guerrero y el DF. La jefa de gobierno de la capital mexicana advirtió que murieron dos personas durante el movimiento: uno por infarto y la otra por un golpe en la cabeza En horas de....

México vuelve a sufrir este jueves otro terromoto de magnitud 6,9

2022-09-22T14:27+0200hoybolivia (es)

22/09/2022 - 08:19:42 Un nuevo sismo se registró este jueves a la 01:16 (hora local) en el municipio de Coalcoman, en el estado de Michoacán, en la costa del Pacífico mexicano, ocasionando la muerto de al menos dos personas. Inicialmente, el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) registró el sismo con....

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one dead

2022-09-22T14:14+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

There were no immediate reports of serious damage elsewhere in the country, authorities said. The quake was weaker and deeper than a quake on Monday, striking at a depth of 13 miles. In the capital’s Roma Sur neighbourhood, alarmed residents ran outdoors in nightdresses and pyjamas, some wrapped only in blankets.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T14:12+0200metro-us (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Terremoto, sisma di magnitudo 6,8 in Messico centrale

2022-09-22T14:11+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) Un Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale . Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'e' stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha ... : Due forti scosse di terremoto oggi tra Marche e Abruzzo, epicentro vicino Ascoli.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one dead

2022-09-22T14:06+0200standard (en)

The city government said the woman stumbled on the stairs of her home in the city's central Doctores neighbourhood and hit her head as quake alarms rang out. Officials also reported that a man in the south of the capital suffered a fatal heart attack after the quake.

Strong aftershock hits western Mexico, 2 killed

2022-09-22T14:05+0200bnonews (en)

A strong aftershock with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has struck western Mexico , killing at least two people in Mexico City, local officials say. It comes just days after two people were killed and dozens were injured when a powerful earthquake hit the same region. The aftershock struck at 1:16 a.m.

6.9-magnitude quake hits western Mexico, earthquake alerts sound in capital

2022-09-22T14:00+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-22T11:56:39.137Z. Mexico City News: The National Seismological Agency of Mexico reported on the 22nd local time that an earthquake of magnitude 6.9 occurred in the western state of Michoacán in the early morning of the same day (the China Earthquake Network showed a magnitude of 6.7).

"Sono in partenza". Tsunami del Fisco, milioni di lettere in arrivo: chi rischia la botta

2022-09-22T13:56+0200libero-news (it)

Matteo Salvini lancia l'allarme per le tasche degli italiani. Il leader della Lega infatti segnala la partenza di milioni di cartelle del Fisco che rischiano di affossare definitivamente le tasche delle famiglie. E così, proprio Salvini ha spiegato le cifre mostruose delle lettere di contestazione....

Tremors of 6.8-Magnitude Earthquake Felt in Mexico City

2022-09-22T13:55+0200news_com_au (en)

A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck in Michoacan, west Mexico , in the early hours of Thursday, September 22, the United States Geological Survey said, with tremors felt as far away as Mexico City. The quake came days after a damaging one of 7.6 magnitude on September 19, an infamous date in Mexico....

John Saxe Fernández: Radiando al Pacífico

2022-09-22T13:54+0200jornada (es)

a energía nuclear ha sido utilizada en el área militar y en la de la nucleoelectricidad. Revisar estas vertientes esclarece asuntos vitales de la actual constelación histórica e internacional. La primera ocurrió con la utilización de la bomba atómica contra la inerme población japonesa de las ciudades de Hiroshima y Nagasaki en 1945 .

Mexico is Struck With a Second Earthquake

2022-09-22T13:50+0200albawaba-en (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a powerful tremor left at least two people dead. The epicenter of the 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometers (52 miles) south of....

Tremors of 6.8-Magnitude Earthquake Felt in Mexico City

2022-09-22T13:46+0200couriermail (en)

A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck in Michoacan, west Mexico , in the early hours of Thursday, September 22, the United States Geological Survey said, with tremors felt as far away as Mexico City. The quake came days after a damaging one of 7.6 magnitude on September 19, an infamous date in Mexico....

Terremoto in Messico, l'effetto onde nella piscina sul grattacielo è impres...

2022-09-22T13:45+0200corriere (it)

Un potente terremoto di magnitudo preliminare 6.8 ha colpito il Messico. L’epicentro, secondo l’Istituto geologico Usa (Usgs), si trova nello Stato occidentale di Michoacan, vicino alla costa del Pacifico, ma è stato avvertito anche nella capitale Città del Messico. Questa scossa giunge tre giorni dopo il sisma di magnitudo 7.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes western Mexico

2022-09-22T13:43+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

PTI. A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico during the early hours, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early on Thursday shortly after 1am, just three days after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Terremoto, sisma di magnitudo 6,8 in Messico centrale

2022-09-22T13:41+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Terremoto, sisma di magnitudo 6,8 in Messico centrale Residenti della capitale scendono in strada dopo la scossa.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T13:27+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP): A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T13:20+0200wn (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least two people dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 am, just three days after a 7.

Mexique: Deuxième séisme de la semaine, au moins un mort

2022-09-22T13:19+0200challenges (fr)

MEXICO (Reuters) - Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,8, le deuxième de cette ampleur cette semaine au Mexique, a secoué l'ouest du pays tôt jeudi, entraînant la mort d'une femme à Mexico , alors que les habitants évacuaient leur domicile. Selon les autorités mexicaines, la femme a trébuché dans....

6.8-magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico's Pacific coast, 2nd powerful quake to hit region this week

2022-09-22T13:16+0200abc7ny (en)

Alarms for the new quake came less than an hour after a quake alarms warbled in a nationwide earthquake simulation marking major, deadly quakes that struck on the same date in 1985 and 2017. Earthquake expert Dr. Lucy Jones breaks down latest developments in the video above. MEXICO CITY -- A 6.

Mexico earthquake: 6.8-magnitude aftershock strikes the state of Michoacan, 2nd powerful quake to hit region this week - KABC-TV

2022-09-22T13:15+0200google-top-stories (en)

Alarms for the new quake came less than an hour after a quake alarms warbled in a nationwide earthquake simulation marking major, deadly quakes that struck on the same date in 1985 and 2017. Earthquake expert Dr. Lucy Jones breaks down latest developments in the video above. MEXICO CITY (KABC) -- A 6.

In Messico gente in strada dopo scossa di terremoto magnitudo 6,9

2022-09-22T13:11+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Milano, 22 set. (askanews) - Un potente terremoto di magnitudo 6,9. è stato registrato questa mattina in Messico, solo pochi giorni dopo la precedente scossa. Molte persone sono scese in strada per timore di crolli. Una donna è morta dopo essere caduta dalle scale e aver battuto la testa.

Mexique: Deuxième séisme de la semaine, au moins un mort

2022-09-22T13:07+0200boursier-fr (fr)

MEXICO (Reuters) - Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,8, le deuxième de cette ampleur cette semaine au Mexique, a secoué l'ouest du pays tôt jeudi, entraînant la mort d'une femme à Mexico , alors que les habitants évacuaient leur domicile. Selon les autorités mexicaines, la femme a trébuché dans....

Terremoto, sisma di magnitudo 6,8 in Messico centrale

2022-09-22T13:04+0200tiscali-it (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'e' stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondita' di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Citta' del Messico.

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving two dead

2022-09-22T13:02+0200tribuneonline (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving at least two people dead as residents rushed into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered....

New Zealand shaken by 5.8 magnitude earthquake

2022-09-22T13:00+0200vervetimes (en)

New Zealand has been rattled by its biggest earthquake this year, a 5.8 magnitude tremor striking near the heart of the country. The strong earthquake was centred just off the Marlborough Sounds between North and South Islands, startling Kiwis at 9.07pm on Thursday. There have been no immediate reports of serious damage.

Mexico Struck by Second Powerful Earthquake in Four Days - Latest Tweet by Bloomberg

2022-09-22T12:59+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Bloomberg states, ' Mexico struck by second powerful earthquake in four days ...' Mexico struck by second powerful earthquake in four days Bloomberg (@business) September 22, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Tremblements de terre à répétition : les scientifiques reconnaissent leurs limites

2022-09-22T12:59+0200lexpress (fr)

La ville de Mexico est-elle condamnée à subir un tremblement de terre chaque 19 septembre ? Dans les rues de la capitale mexicaine, certains y pensent déjà tant cette date reste associée à des catastrophes naturelles. A trois reprises dans le passé (en 1985, 2017 et 2022) ce jour fatidique a été le....

Violento terremoto in Messico: il fenomeno della triboluminescenza dopo l’ultima scossa

2022-09-22T12:58+0200scienzenotizie (it)

Non si arrestano le tremende e pericolose scosse di terremoto in Messico. Dopo i violenti sismi registrati il 19 settembre (magnitudo 7.5) ed il giorno seguente (magnitudo 6.1), una nuova fortissima replica è avvenuta alle 1:16 locali, le 8:16 italiane, del 22 settembre. Un terremoto estremamente forte, che ha raggiunto la magnitudo 6.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T12:57+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) By Associated Press - Thursday, September 22, 2022.

Mexico struck by another earthquake as 6.8 tremor kills at least two people

2022-09-22T12:55+0200independent-UK (en)

At least two people have been killed in Mexico after a 6.8 magnitude tremor rattled the country overnight, terrifying residents of central and western areas and the capital, Mexico City. In a series of updates overnight, Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said the tremor was an aftershock from Monday’s 7.

Forte terremoto magnitudo tra 3.4 e 3.9 ad Ascoli Piceno

2022-09-22T12:54+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) Un terremoto di magnitudo tra 3.4 e 3.9 è stato registrato oggi dall'Ingv alle 12:25 IT nell'area di Ascoli Piceno . In aggiornamento. : ?? ULTIM'ORA Forte scossa di #terremoto avvertita poco fa nelle Marche - : Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 nel Michoacán.

In Messico gente in strada dopo scossa di terremoto magnitudo 6,9

2022-09-22T12:54+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) Un potente terremoto di magnitudo 6,9è stato registrato questa mattina in Messico , solo pochi giorni dopo la precedente scossa . Molte persone sono scese in strada per timore di crolli. Una donna è ... : ?? Terremoto in Messico, magnitudo 6.8: 1.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T12:53+0200washtimes (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) By Associated Press - Thursday, September 22, 2022.

Patrick Sébastien touché par un cancer: «Je viens de traverser un véritable tsunami»

2022-09-22T12:50+0200soirmag-lesoir (fr)

Patrick Sébastien vient de sortir un livre dans lequel il confie avoir été atteint par un cancer du rein. BelgaImage Publié le 22/09/2022 à 12:39 Temps de lecture: 2 min À l’occasion de la sortie, le 29 septembre, de son livre « Vivre et renaître chaque jour », Patrick Sébastien s’est livré au Figaro .

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T12:48+0200syracuse (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Magnitude 6.8 Quake Strikes Mexico

2022-09-22T12:36+0200menafn (en)

- Saudi Press Agency) MEXICO CITY, September 22, 2022, SPA -- A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds of buildings in the country, but there were no immediate reports of serious damage, according to Reuters.

Another 6.8-magnitude earthquake hits Mexico today

2022-09-22T12:33+0200worldakkam (en)

A few days after the 7.7 magnitude, another 6.8 magnitude earthquake reportedly killed at least two people. “Earthquake of note, preliminary information: M 6.8 – 46 km SSW of Aguirilla, Mexico ,” the US Geological Survey tweeted today. Earlier Monday, a magnitude 7.7 earthquake shook Mexico’s southwestern coast on Monday, killing two people.

In Messico gente in strada dopo scossa di terremoto magnitudo 6,9

2022-09-22T12:33+0200tiscali-it (it)

Milano, 22 set. (askanews) - Un potente terremoto di magnitudo 6,9è stato registrato questa mattina in Messico, solo pochi giorni dopo la precedente scossa.Molte persone sono scese in strada per timore di crolli. Una donna è morta dopo essere caduta dalle scale e aver battuto la testa.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T12:29+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least two people dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 am, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central , killing two.

Middle of the night: Two dead after another earthquake in Mexico

2022-09-22T12:28+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-22T10:26:54.600Z. An earthquake in Mexico killed two people earlier this week, and an aftershock has now claimed two more lives. The earthquake surprised many people in their sleep. A few days after a violent earthquake in Mexico, an aftershock in the middle of the night claimed two more lives.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico, one death reported World News

2022-09-22T12:23+0200alarabiya-en (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country’s second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled on the stairs of her....

Another massive earthquake of magnitude 6.8 strikes Mexico today

2022-09-22T12:23+0200wn (en)

Mexico was jolted by another massive earthquake of 6.8 magnitudes, days after the 7.7 hit here, where at least two people were reportedly killed . "Notable quake, preliminary info: M 6.8 - 46 km SSW of Aguililla, Mexico," US Geological Survey tweeted today. Earlier on Monday, an earthquake of magnitude 7.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico’s capital and left at least one person dead. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two people.

2022-09-22T12:22+0200minnesota-publicradio (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 2 dead

2022-09-22T12:22+0200english-alaraby (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least two people dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 am, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central , killing two.

Second major earthquake strikes Mexico with tremors felt hundreds of miles away

2022-09-22T12:21+0200southwales-eveningpost (en)

According to The United States Geological Survey (USGS), the quake hit at 6.16am and witnesses said buildings in Mexico City, roughly 370km from Michoacan, shook as the earthquake alarm was sounding. People on Twitter also reported feeling the effects in Guadalajara, roughly 260km from Michoacan.

1 min ago Strong earthquake strikes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T12:20+0200digitpatrox (en)

A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, inflicting buildings to sway and leaving no less than one particular person lifeless within the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., simply three days after a 7.

Second Strong Earthquake in Week Rattles Mexico City, One Death Reported

2022-09-22T12:14+0200sunstkitts (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 22 (Reuters) – A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country’s second major temblor this week.

Another massive earthquake of magnitude 6.8 strikes Mexico today

2022-09-22T12:14+0200dnaindia (en)

was jolted by another massive earthquake of 6.8 magnitudes, days after the 7.7 hit here, where at least two people were reportedly killed . "Notable quake, preliminary info: M 6.8 - 46 km SSW of Aguililla, Mexico ," US Geological Survey tweeted today. Earlier on Monday, an earthquake of magnitude 7.

Patrick Sébastien révèle avoir été opéré d’un cancer du rein

2022-09-22T12:12+0200presseocean (fr)

Éloigné des plateaux télévisés depuis quelques années, Patrick Sébastien sortira un nouvel ouvrage intitulé Vivre et renaître chaque jour (éd. XO) le 29 septembre 2022. Un livre dans lequel il révèle avoir combattu un cancer du rein ces derniers mois. ce jeudi 22 septembre, il revient sur cet événement marquant de sa vie.

Patrick Sébastien révèle avoir été opéré d’un cancer du rein

2022-09-22T12:11+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Éloigné des plateaux télévisés depuis quelques années, Patrick Sébastien sortira un nouvel ouvrage intitulé Vivre et renaître chaque jour (éd. XO) le 29 septembre 2022. Un livre dans lequel il révèle avoir combattu un cancer du rein ces derniers mois. ce jeudi 22 septembre, il revient sur cet événement marquant de sa vie.

Patrick Sébastien révèle avoir été opéré d’un cancer du rein

2022-09-22T12:09+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Éloigné des plateaux télévisés depuis quelques années, Patrick Sébastien sortira un nouvel ouvrage intitulé Vivre et renaître chaque jour (éd. XO) le 29 septembre 2022. Un livre dans lequel il révèle avoir combattu un cancer du rein ces derniers mois. ce jeudi 22 septembre, il revient sur cet événement marquant de sa vie.

Patrick Sébastien révèle avoir été opéré d’un cancer du rein

2022-09-22T12:07+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Éloigné des plateaux télévisés depuis quelques années, Patrick Sébastien sortira un nouvel ouvrage intitulé Vivre et renaître chaque jour (éd. XO) le 29 septembre 2022. Un livre dans lequel il révèle avoir combattu un cancer du rein ces derniers mois. ce jeudi 22 septembre, il revient sur cet événement marquant de sa vie.

In pics: Another strong quake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T12:05+0200livemint (en)

3/5 A view shows debris from a landslide blocking a road, after an earthquake on Monday, in an area of Huitzontla, Michoacan, Mexico . (REUTERS) 4/5 Similar earthquake was seen in Taiwan. A bridge collapsed after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit Hualien on September 18, Taiwan, September 21, 2022.

“I have considered it many times”: the confidences of Patrick Sébastien on suicide

2022-09-22T12:04+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-22T10:03:20.622Z. Patrick Sébastien confides without filter in his new book Live and be reborn every day, in bookstores on September 29th. The PAF star reflects on the kidney cancer he battled and how the disease changed his relationship to death.

Second major earthquake strikes Mexico with tremors felt hundreds of miles away

2022-09-22T11:56+0200icWales (en)

According to The United States Geological Survey (USGS), the quake hit at 6.16am and witnesses said buildings in Mexico City, roughly 370km from Michoacan, shook as the earthquake alarm was sounding. People on Twitter also reported feeling the effects in Guadalajara, roughly 260km from Michoacan.

One dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T11:56+0200breakingnews-ie (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has struck Mexico , causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the capital. The quake struck shortly after 1am, three days after a 7.6-magnitude tremor shook western and central Mexico, killing two people.

Second major earthquake strikes Mexico with tremors felt hundreds of miles away

2022-09-22T11:55+0200hulldailymail (en)

According to The United States Geological Survey (USGS), the quake hit at 6.16am and witnesses said buildings in Mexico City, roughly 370km from Michoacan, shook as the earthquake alarm was sounding. People on Twitter also reported feeling the effects in Guadalajara, roughly 260km from Michoacan.

6.8 magnitude earthquake jolts sleeping Mexicans, at least one death reported

2022-09-22T11:49+0200indiatoday (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled on the stairs of her....

Second earthquake of greater than 6 magnitude in a week in Mexico:...

2022-09-22T11:46+0200morningexpress (en)

Earlier, tremors of 7.6 magnitude earthquake were felt in South America near the west coast of Mexico at 1 pm (11:30 pm Indian time) on Monday 19 September. Two people were killed and several buildings were damaged after the wall of a store collapsed in the city of Manzanillo in Colima state.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T11:42+0200techcodex (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

1 reported dead as 6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes buildings in Mexico

2022-09-22T11:36+0200business-standard (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early on Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early on Thursday shortly after 1 am, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Strong earthquake hits southwestern Mexico, killing 2

2022-09-22T11:35+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

Sept. 21 (UPI) -- A 6.8-magnitude earthquake hit southwestern Mexico early Thursday, killing at least two people, officials said. The earthquake hit at 1:16 a.m .in the state of Michoacan at a depth of nearly 15 miles, according to the Mexican President Andres Manuel said the temblor's epicenter was....

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T11:33+0200guardian-ng (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a powerful tremor left at least two people dead. The epicenter of the 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometers (52 miles) south of....

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving two dead

2022-09-22T11:30+0200thesundaily (en)

MEXICO CITY : A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving at least two people dead as residents rushed into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 a Michoacan in Messico: «Ho visto gli edifici che traballano» – Foto e video

2022-09-22T11:29+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) Un Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan in Messico . Il Terremoto si è verificato 80 chilometri (49,7 miglia) sotto la superficie terrestre, secondo i dati del Centro Sismologico Euromediterraneo. Nessun allarme tsunami è stato emesso.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T11:28+0200sunstar (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Strong earthquake strikes Mexico at night, one death reported

2022-09-22T11:28+0200thechronicleherald (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead It comes just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

2022-09-22T11:24+0200tvnz (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico today, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City,. (Source: Associated Press) The earthquake struck shortly after 1am (local time), just three days after a 7.

Strong earthquake strikes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T11:23+0200wn (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. ......

(TAP) - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds...

2022-09-22T11:23+0200ATAP-en (en)

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes Mexico , no initial reports of damage (TAP) - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds of buildings in the country, but there were no immediate reports of serious damage.

Strong earthquake hits southwestern Mexico, killing 2

2022-09-22T11:22+0200upi (en)

Several residents wait on a Mexico City street after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake hit the country's southwestern coast early Thursday. The earthquake happened days after a 7.7-magnitude temblor shook the area on Monday. Photo by Sashenka Gutierrez/EPA-EFE. Sept. 21 (UPI) -- A 6.

Terremoto a Michoacan, in Messico centrale

2022-09-22T11:19+0200online-news (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 si è registrato a Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Unitiha detto che non c’è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La scossa di terremoto ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri, a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

Strong nighttime earthquake jolts Mexicans, 1 death reported

2022-09-22T11:15+0200chinadailyhk (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Sept 22, 2022. (EDUARDO VERDUGO / AP) MEXICO CITY - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week.

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving two dead

2022-09-22T11:14+0200enca (en)

NEW MEXICO - A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving two people dead as residents rushed out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake....

Strong nighttime earthquake jolts sleeping Mexicans, at...

2022-09-22T11:14+0200dailymail (en)

One person has died after a second powerful earthquake with 6.8 magnitude struck Mexico two days after a 7.7 scale quake hit killing two. The quake struck early this morning, killing a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second earthquake this week.

Un fort séisme secoue le Mexique, deux morts dans la capitale

2022-09-22T11:13+0200lexpress (fr)

Ce séisme de magnitude 6,9 enregistré peu avant 01h20 (06h20 GMT) est la plus forte réplique du tremblement de terre de lundi, selon le Service sismologique national. L'épicentre se trouvait de nouveau dans l'ouest du pays, près du Pacifique. A Mexico , une femme est morte en tombant " dans les....

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Mexico - EMSC

2022-09-22T11:10+0200wn (en)

Sept 22 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Michoacan in Mexico on Thursday, the European Mediterranean Siesmological Centre said. The quake was 80 kilometres (49.

6.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico, one dead

2022-09-22T11:09+0200nypost (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Mexico earthquake today: magnitude 6.8, no tsunami warning

2022-09-22T11:08+0200breakinglatest (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Michoacan, central Mexico . The United States Geological Survey (Usgs) said there was no tsunami warning. The strong quake struck at a depth of 20.7 kilometers (12.8 miles), approximately 410 kilometers from Mexico City.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T11:06+0200thewall (en)

MEXICO CITY — A robust earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, inflicting buildings to sway and leaving not less than one individual useless within the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., simply three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

At least one dead in Mexico due to an earthquake of magnitude 6.9

2022-09-22T11:05+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-22T09:03:19.397Z. An earthquake of preliminary magnitude 6.9 has been registered in the early hours of this Thursday in Mexico . There is at least one dead, according to authorities. It's about the... Events An earthquake shakes central Mexico on the anniversary of the 2017 catastrophe. An earthquake of preliminary magnitude 6.

One dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T11:02+0200theargus (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has struck Mexico , causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the capital. The quake struck shortly after 1am, three days after a 7.6-magnitude tremor shook western and central Mexico, killing two people.

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremorThe 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometers (52 miles) south of Coalcoman. The epicenter was in the western state of Michoacan, which was hit by a 7.7 quake on Monday. Monday's tremor came less than an hour after millions of....

2022-09-22T10:59+0200ground-news (en)

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor. A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a powerful tremor left at least two people dead. Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving one dead.

Look: Powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico capital; kills at least one

2022-09-22T10:59+0200khaleejtimes (en)

Shaken residents scrambled out of their homes as seismic alarms sounded just days after another massive quake shook the nation A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds of buildings in the country,....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead Toronto Star 1 hour ago

2022-09-22T10:58+0200justdial (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at le...

One dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T10:58+0200independent-ie (en)

A huge boulder sits on a road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving two dead

2022-09-22T10:57+0200urdupoint (en)

Mexico City, Sept 22 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Sep, 2022 ) :A strong jolted on Thursday, leaving two people dead as residents rushed out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. A in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and....

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico and leaves 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:57+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

One dead as 6.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico

2022-09-22T10:57+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Terremoto in Messico, scossa di 6,8 colpisce Michoacan: panico nelle strade

2022-09-22T10:57+0200ilmattino (it)

trema ancora. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. La violenta scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri dalla capitale del Paese. Il Servizio sismologico nazionale (Ssn) ha precisato che si tratta del sisma....

Strong Quake Shakes Mexico, Leaving One Dead

2022-09-22T10:55+0200ibtimes (en)

Many people evacuated their homes, some still dressed in pajamas and carrying their pet dogs. A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving one person dead as people rushed out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after another powerful tremor.

Panic on streets after 6.9-magnitude earthquake jolts Mexico

2022-09-22T10:52+0200trtworld (en)

On Monday, Michoacan state was hit by a powerful magnitude 7.7 quake that damaged several thousand buildings and sparked panic more than 400km away in Mexico City. (AA) A strong earthquake has jolted Mexico, leaving one person dead, with people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the....

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico and leaves 1 dead :…

2022-09-22T10:49+0200vervetimes (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey said Thursday’s earthquake, like Monday’s, was centered in the western state of Michoacan near the Pacific coast. The epicenter was about 29 miles (46 kilometers) south-southwest of Aguililla, Michoacan, at a depth of about 15 miles (24.1 kilometers).

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel Messico centrale, dal 19 settembre 1.229 scosse di assestamento

2022-09-22T10:49+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

Powerful Earthquake Hits Mexico City Overnight, Killing At Least 2

2022-09-22T10:48+0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel Messico centrale, dal 19 settembre 1.229 scosse di assestamento

2022-09-22T10:48+0200ilpiccolo (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

Capital FM » Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving two dead

2022-09-22T10:47+0200kenyamoja (en)

Mexico City (AFP), Sep 22 – A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving two people dead as residents rushed out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head....

One dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T10:46+0200impartialreporter (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has struck Mexico , causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the capital. The quake struck shortly after 1am, three days after a 7.6-magnitude tremor shook western and central Mexico, killing two people.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:46+0200vervetimes (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Alert: A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway ...

2022-09-22T10:46+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. ......

One dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T10:44+0200irishexaminer (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has struck Mexico , causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the capital. The quake struck shortly after 1am, three days after a 7.6-magnitude tremor shook western and central Mexico, killing two people.

Strong nighttime earthquake jolts sleeping Mexicans, at least one death reported

2022-09-22T10:44+0200channelnewsasia (en)

People wait outside their homes after a tremor was felt in Mexico City, Mexico, September 22, 2022. REUTERS/Henry Romero People wait outside their homes after a tremor was felt in Mexico City, Mexico, September 22, 2022. REUTERS/Henry Romero People wait outside their homes after a tremor was felt in Mexico City, Mexico, September 22, 2022.

Un nouveau séisme cette nuit près de Mexico : Deux personnes décédées

2022-09-22T10:44+0200lepetitjournal (fr)

Deux jours après un séisme de magnitude 7,7 au Mexique, un nouveau tremblement terre a été ressenti à 1h16 du matin jusqu’à Mexico . Le 22 septembre, au milieu de la nuit, Eric, expatrié à Mexico City avec sa femme et ses trois enfants, a été reveillé par un nouveau tremblement de terre, deux jours....

Un puissant tremblement de terre frappe Mexico pendant la nuit, tuant au moins 2 personnes

2022-09-22T10:44+0200generationsnouvelles (fr)

MEXICO CITY (AP) – Un puissant tremblement de terre d’une magnitude préliminaire de 6,8 a frappé le Mexique tôt vendredi, provoquant le balancement des bâtiments et faisant au moins un mort dans la capitale nationale. Le tremblement de terre a frappé tôt jeudi peu après 1 heure du matin, trois....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:43+0200expressindia (en)

The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico , killing two. The U.S. Geological Survey said Thursday’s earthquake, like Monday’s, was centered in the western state of Michoacan near the Pacific coast.

Strong nighttime earthquake jolts sleeping Mexicans, at least one death reported

2022-09-22T10:43+0200gazette (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel Messico centrale, dal 19 settembre 1.229 scosse di assestamento

2022-09-22T10:43+0200nuovavenezia (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

Earthquake of 6.8 magnitude shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T10:42+0200wn (en)

The US Geological Survey said Thursday’s earthquake like Monday’s tremor was centred in the western state of Michoacan near the Pacific coast. A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly....

Earthquake of 6.8 magnitude shakes Mexico; one woman killed

2022-09-22T10:42+0200wn (en)

The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake was centered in the western state of Michoacan near the Pacific coast. ......

Un fort tremblement de terre frappe le Mexique, 1 mort

2022-09-22T10:42+0200news-24 (fr)

Un puissant tremblement de terre d’une magnitude préliminaire de 6,8 a frappé le Mexique tôt vendredi, provoquant le balancement des bâtiments et faisant au moins un mort dans la capitale nationale. Le tremblement de terre a frappé tôt jeudi peu après 1 heure du matin, trois jours seulement après....

One dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T10:41+0200thecourier (en)

A huge boulder sits on a road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

Powerful Earthquake Hits Mexico City Overnight, Killing At Least 2

2022-09-22T10:41+0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel Messico centrale, dal 19 settembre 1.229 scosse di assestamento

2022-09-22T10:41+0200corrierealpi (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:40+0200naharnet-ar (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

One dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T10:40+0200pressandjournal (en)

A huge boulder sits on a road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

Nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 in Messico: colpito il Michoacan. C’è una vittima: scossa avvertita anche nella capitale

2022-09-22T10:40+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) Una donna è morta a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 che ha colpito il Messico intorno alle 1.16 di notte (poco dopo le 8 ora italiana). Il sisma si è verificato nello Stato centrale del Michoacan ed è stato avvertito anche a Città del Messico , a 400 chilometri di distanza.

Terremoto Messico, nuova scossa magnitudo 6.7

2022-09-22T10:40+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) (Adnkronos) – Un Terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 è stato registrato in Messico , dove solo tre giorni fa si era registrato un Terremoto di magnitudo 7.2. Lo rende noto il Centro sismologico europeo mediterraneo. Oggi a tremare sono stati i palazzi di Michoacan, nel Messico....

6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Mexico, 1 Dead

2022-09-22T10:39+0200thenationalherald (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

One dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T10:39+0200eveningtelegraph (en)

A huge boulder sits on a road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

6.8 magnitude earthquake hits western Mexico days after deadly quake

2022-09-22T10:38+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MEXICO CITY A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just , killing two. The U.S. Geological Survey said Thursday’s earthquake, like Monday’s, was centered in the western state of Michoacan near the Pacific coast.

One killed after powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T10:38+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City. Photo / AP A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1am (local time), just three days after a 7.

One dead as 6.8-magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T10:37+0200belfasttelegraph (en)

A huge boulder sits on a road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:35+0200naharnet-en (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Terremoto: sisma di magnitudo 6,8 in Messico centrale

2022-09-22T10:35+0200laprovinciacr (it)

CITTA' DEL MESSICO - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaves one dead

2022-09-22T10:34+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

MEXICO CITY A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving one person dead as people rushed out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered early warning alarms, authorities said.

Messico: registrata nuova e violentissima scossa di terremoto

2022-09-22T10:34+0200scienzenotizie (it)

I residenti si sono alzati dal letto, si sono radunati per le strade. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito il Messico occidentale, causando la morte di una donna a Città del Messico che è caduta e ha battuto la testa mentre i residenti evacuavano le loro case durante il secondo grande terremoto del paese questa settimana.

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaves one dead

2022-09-22T10:33+0200punchng (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving one person dead as people rushed out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered early warning alarms, authorities said.

Un puissant séisme secoue le Mexique, le deuxième en quelques jours

2022-09-22T10:33+0200lechorepublicain (fr)

Une forte secousse a ébranlé la capitale Mexico , selon des journalistes de l’ AFP. L’épicentre du séisme était situé dans l’État du Michoacan, dans l’ouest du Mexique, à 81 kilomètres de la ville de Coalcoman, a précisé le service sismologique. Comme le rappelle Ouest France , le 19 septembre, une....

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes Mexico, no initial reports of damage

2022-09-22T10:32+0200clubofmozambique (en)

People wait outside their homes after a tremor was felt in Mexico City, Mexico, September 22, 2022. [Photo: Reuters/Henry Romero] A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds of buildings in the country,....

Days After Deadly 7.6 Earthquake, Another One Measuring 6.8 Jolts Mexico

2022-09-22T10:28+0200ndtvnews (en)

Residents of Mexico City scrambled out of their homes as the earthquake alarm sounded. Mexico City: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country.

AP News Summary at 3:48 a.m. EDT

2022-09-22T10:27+0200wcfcourier (en)

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine has completed a high-profile prisoner swap with Russia, the culmination of months of efforts to free many of the Ukrainian fighters who defended a steel plant in the port of Mariupol during a months-long Russian siege. In exchange, Ukraine gave up an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin it was holding.

One dead in Mexican quake

2022-09-22T10:27+0200bordermail (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck western Mexico , claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled on the stairs of her home in the....

One dead in Mexican quake

2022-09-22T10:27+0200illawarramercury (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck western Mexico , claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled on the stairs of her home in the....

No tsunami threat following strong quake in Mexico - PHIVOLCS

2022-09-22T10:27+0200gmanews (en)

No tsunami threat to the Philippines was reported after the magnitude 7 earthquake that jolted western Mexico , the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) said on Thursday. In an advisory, the PHIVOLCS said there was no destructive tsunami threat based on available data.

Strong earthquake strikes Mexico at night again, one death reported

2022-09-22T10:26+0200newsincyprus (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country’s second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled on the stairs of her....

Earthquake of 6.8 magnitude shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T10:25+0200financialexpress (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 am, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Strong earthquake strikes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:25+0200CBC (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T10:25+0200taiwannews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two. The U.S.

One dead in Mexican quake

2022-09-22T10:25+0200dailyadvertiser (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck western Mexico , claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled on the stairs of her home in the....

One dead in Mexican quake

2022-09-22T10:24+0200maitlandmercury (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck western Mexico , claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled on the stairs of her home in the....

One killed after 6.8-magnitude earthquake rattles Mexico

2022-09-22T10:22+0200aljazeera-en (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has struck Mexico , causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck early on Thursday shortly after 1am (06:00 GMT), just three days after a 7.6-magnitude quake shook western and central Mexico, killing two people.

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in ...

2022-09-22T10:21+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:21+0200wn (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake ......

Powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T10:19+0200nzherald (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City. Photo / AP A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1am (local time), just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:19+0200hjnews (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022.

AP News Summary at 3:48 a.m. EDT

2022-09-22T10:18+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine has completed a high-profile prisoner swap with Russia, the culmination of months of efforts to free many of the Ukrainian fighters who defended a steel plant in the port of Mariupol during a months-long Russian siege. In exchange, Ukraine gave up an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin it was holding.

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving one dead

2022-09-22T10:17+0200brecorder (en)

MEXICO CITY: A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving one person dead as people rushed out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered early warning alarms, authorities said.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel Messico centrale, dal 19 settembre 1.229 scosse di assestamento

2022-09-22T10:17+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

One dead in Mexican quake

2022-09-22T10:16+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck western Mexico , claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled on the stairs of her home in the....

«Je viens de traverser un véritable tsunami» : Patrick Sébastien révèle avoir souffert d’un cancer

2022-09-22T10:15+0200leparisien (fr)

À l’occasion de la sortie de son livre « Vivre et renaître chaque jour » (à paraître aux éditions XO le 29 septembre), s’est confié au Figaro sur ces deux dernières années : « J’ai 68 ans et je viens de traverser un véritable tsunami. J’en ai pris plein la gueule pendant deux ans : l’éviction....

Strong earthquake strikes Mexico at night, one death reported

2022-09-22T10:14+0200zawya-palestine (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled on the stairs of her....

6.8-magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico, killing one

2022-09-22T10:14+0200nbcnews (en)

A 6.8-magnitude earthquake hit southwest Mexico early Thursday, killing at least one person, Like the more powerful quake on Monday, the quake was centered in the state of Michoacán. It was detected around 1:16 a.m. (9:16 p.m. Wednesday ET) at a depth of 12.4 miles, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Terremoto Messico, nuova scossa magnitudo 6.7

2022-09-22T10:14+0200it-geosnews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 è stato registrato in Messico, dove solo tre giorni fa si era registrato un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2. Lo rende noto il Centro... L'articolo Terremoto Messico, nuova scossa magnitudo 6.7 sembra essere il primo su OglioPoNews.

6.8 magnitude earthquake hits western Mexico days after deadly quake World

2022-09-22T10:13+0200usaToday (en)

MEXICO CITY A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just , killing two. The U.S. Geological Survey said Thursday’s earthquake, like Monday’s, was centered in the western state of Michoacan near the Pacific coast.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:13+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.

Scossa di magnitudo 6.5 a Michoacan in Messico

2022-09-22T10:13+0200news-yahoo-it (it)

Una scossa di magnitudo 6.5 si è verificata a Michoacan , in Messico, ad una profondità di 80 km. Il terremoto è avvenuto questa mattina, giovedì 22 settembre, alle ore 8.16, ora italiana. Terremoto in Messico: scossa di magnitudo 6.5 a Michoacan. Un altro terremoto ha colpito il Messico. Questa mattina, giovedì 22 settembre, alle 8.

Nazionali Oggi alle 09:26 Terremoto Messico, nuova scossa magnitudo 6.7

2022-09-22T10:13+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 è stato registrato in Messico, dove solo tre giorni fa si era registrato un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2. Lo rende noto il Centro sismologico europeo mediterraneo. Oggi a tremare sono stati i palazzi di Michoacan, nel Messico occidentale, ma la scossa è....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m.

2022-09-22T10:11+0200timescolonist (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.

Terremoto - Nuova forte scossa di magnitudo 6.8 in Messico,...

2022-09-22T10:11+02003bmeteo (it)

Nuova forte scossa di terremoto colpisce il Messico. Alle 8:16 ora italiana , l'una di notte in Messico una nuova forte scossa di terremoto ha colpito lo stato di Michoachan. L'epicentro una trentina di chilometri più a sud della e ha fatto gravi danni con anche una vittima , la magnitudo 6.8 con un ipocentro a 24km di profondità.

Strong quake jolts Mexico days after powerful temblor killed at least two The latest quake left at least one person dead and sent people into the street in the middle of the night. 6M ago

2022-09-22T10:10+0200CBSnews (en)

People are seen on street in Mexico City after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake early on Sept. 22, 2022. ALFREDO ESTRELLA/AFP via Getty Images. Mexico City A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital.

Phivolcs: No tsunami threat to PH after 7.0 magnitude quake in Mexico

2022-09-22T10:10+0200mb-com-ph (en)

State seismologists said no tsunami threat exists in the Philippines following the destructive 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Mexico on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 22. Based on the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology’s (Phivolcs) advisory, the earthquake occurred in Michoacan, Mexico around 2:16 p.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel Messico centrale, dal 19 settembre 1.229 scosse di assestamento

2022-09-22T10:10+0200lasentinella (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes Mexico, no initial reports of damage

2022-09-22T10:09+0200brecorder (en)

MEXICO CITY: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds of buildings in the country, but there were no immediate reports of serious damage. Shaken residents of Mexico City scrambled out of their homes....

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel Messico centrale, dal 19 settembre 1.229 scosse di assestamento

2022-09-22T10:09+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

08:19: Terremoti: scossa 6.8 in Messico, avvertita anche nella capitale

2022-09-22T10:09+0200lapresse-it (it)

Città del Messico (Messico), 22 set. (LaPresse/AP) – Un potente terremoto di magnitudo preliminare 6.8 ha colpito il Messico. L’epicentro, secondo l’Istituto geologico Usa (Usgs), si trova nello Stato occidentale di Michoacan, vicino alla costa del Pacifico, ma è stato avvertito anche nella capitale Città del Messico.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m.

2022-09-22T10:08+0200kitchenertoday (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.

Messico: nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.9 a Michoacan

2022-09-22T10:08+0200interris (it)

Un nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan , Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c’è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

Nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 in Messico: colpito il Michoacan. Ci sono vittime, scossa avvertita anche nella capitale

2022-09-22T10:08+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Due persone sono morte a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 che ha colpito il Messico intorno alle 1.16 di notte (poco dopo le 8 ora italiana). Il sisma si è verificato nello Stato centrale del Michoacan ed è stato avvertito anche a Città del Messico, a 400 chilometri di distanza.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead 0 9/22/2022 12:42:24 AM

2022-09-22T10:07+0200tricitynews (en)

People gather outside after an earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022. The earthquake struck early Thursday, three days after a deadly earthquake shook western and central Mexico. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo) MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.

Sisma, scossa magnitudo 6,8 in Messico

2022-09-22T10:06+0200rai-televideo (it)

22/09/2022 10:00 Sisma, scossa magnitudo 6,8 in Messico 10.00 Sisma, scossa magnitudo 6,8 in Messico Forte terremoto in Messico. Nello stato centrale di Michoacan, si è registrato un sisma di magnitudo 6,8. Il servizio geologico degli Usa ha ri- ferito che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami.

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving one dead

2022-09-22T10:05+0200capitalfm (en)

Mexico City (AFP), Sep 22 – A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, leaving one person dead as people rushed out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after another powerful tremor. A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:05+0200news-gazette (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Strong quake shakes Mexico, leaving one dead

2022-09-22T10:04+0200tuko (en)

A woman died in Mexico City after falling down some stairs and hitting her head when the quake triggered early warning alarms, authorities said. The epicenter of the 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometers (52 miles) south of Coalcoman in the western state of Michoacan, the national seismological agency reported.

Terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 nel Messico centrale, dal 19 settembre 1.229 scosse di assestamento

2022-09-22T10:04+0200lastampa (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T10:03+0200dawn (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a powerful tremor left at least two people dead. The epicentre of the 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometres (52 miles) south of....

Race to rescue survivors of Mexico's 'most powerful earthquake in a century'

2022-09-22T10:03+0200dawn (en)

Police, soldiers and emergency workers raced to rescue survivors from the ruins of Mexico 's most powerful earthquake in a century , which killed at least 61 people, as storm Katia menaced the country's eastern coast on Saturday with heavy rains. In the southern region hit hardest by the quake,....

Death toll rises to 90 after Mexico earthquake

2022-09-22T10:03+0200dawn (en)

JUCHITAN: Government cargo planes fl ew in supplies and troops began distributing boxes of food to jittery survivors of an earthquake that destroyed a large part of Juchitan and killed at least 37 people here, even as officials on Sunday raised the nationwide death toll to 90.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:02+0200whig (en)

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital and left at least one person dead. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, < killing two people. The U.S.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-22T10:02+0200chron (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Alert: A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico’s capital

2022-09-22T10:02+0200chron (en)

Alert: A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico’s capital. The 14-week decline in prices was the longest streak since 2015.

Strong earthquake strikes Mexico at night, one death reported

2022-09-22T10:01+02004-traders (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week. The Mexico City government said the woman stumbled....

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T10:01+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY, Mexico — A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out....

Le Mexique frappé par un nouveau violent séisme de magnitude 6,9 qui fait au moins un mort

2022-09-22T10:01+0200lindependant (fr)

Les actualizo la información. Desafortunadamente me reportan un lamentable fallecimiento por caída en la colonia Doctores. https://t.co/B4lChHigoR Dra. Claudia Sheinbaum (@Claudiashein) September 22, 2022 Une puissante secousse a été ressentie jusque dans la capitale du pays Mexico , où une victime a été signalée.

Strong earthquake strikes Mexico at night, one death reported

2022-09-22T09:59+0200reuters (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 22 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, claiming the life of a woman in Mexico City who fell and hit her head as residents evacuated their homes during the country's second major temblor this week.

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T09:58+0200kuwaittimes (en)

Mexico City A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a powerful tremor left at least two people dead. The epicenter of the 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometers (52 miles)....

Earthquake Memorial Museum in Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Open to the public before opening in October

2022-09-22T09:58+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-22T07:56:46.873Z. [NHK] A facility that conveys the memories and lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake was set up for the first time in Minamisanriku-cho, Miyagi Prefecture, and the interior was opened to the public on the 22nd before the opening next month.

Mexique. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,9 enregistré

2022-09-22T09:57+0200maville (fr)

Le Mexique a, à nouveau, été touché par un tremblement de terre. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistré jeudi matin au Mexique, a annoncé le service sismologique national. Ni victimes ni dégâts n’ont été signalés dans un premier temps. Une forte secousse a ébranlé la capitale Mexico ,....

Nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 in Messico: colpito il Michoacan. C’è una vittima: scossa avvertita anche nella capitale

2022-09-22T09:57+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Una donna è morta a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 che ha colpito il Messico intorno alle 1.16 di notte (poco dopo le 8 ora italiana). Il sisma si è verificato nello Stato centrale del Michoacan ed è stato avvertito anche a Città del Messico, a 400 chilometri di distanza.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:56+0200TorontoStar (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Friday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

Ultime Notizie – Terremoto Messico, nuova scossa magnitudo 6.7

2022-09-22T09:56+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) A tremare è il Michoacan, nel Messico occidentale, ma la scossa è stata avvertita anche nella capitale Un Terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 è stato registrato in Messico , dove solo tre giorni fa si era registrato un Terremoto di magnitudo 7.2. Lo rende noto il Centro sismologico europeo mediterraneo.

Terremoto in Sicilia: scossa magnitudo 3.6 all'alba a Paternò, paura in provincia di Catania

2022-09-22T09:56+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) Una scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 3.6 è stata registrata dai sismografi dell'Ingv a 4 km da Paternò Catania ) alle 4,21 del mattino ad una profondità di 10 km. Terremoto in Messico, oltre 500 ... : Terremoto in Sicilia, nella notte la terra ha tremato a Paternò e....

Nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 in Messico: colpito il Michoacan. Scossa avvertita anche nella capitale

2022-09-22T09:56+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha colpito il Messico intorno alle 1.16 di notte (poco dopo le 8 ora italiana). Il sisma si è verificato nello Stato centrale del Michoacan , a poco più di 400 chilometri da Città del Messico . Il terremoto si è sentito anche nella capitale .

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico’s capital

2022-09-22T09:54+0200taiwannews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital.

Another 6.7 magnitude earthquake in Mexico... A tsunami warning cannot be issued

2022-09-22T09:52+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-22T07:50:29.059Z. At 1:16 a.m. on the 22nd, a magnitude 6.7 earthquake struck Michoacan in western Mexico , Reuters reported, citing data from the European Mediterranean Seismic Center EMSC. Enlarging an image On the 22nd (Korean time) at 1:16 a.m., a magnitude 6.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:50+0200timesofindia (en)

MEXICO CITY: A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico 's capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 am, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Mexico, 1 Dead

2022-09-22T09:50+0200india (en)

Mexico City: A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 struck Mexico early Thursday, causing buildings to sway and leaving at least one person dead in the nation’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two.

No tsunami threat to Hawaii following 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Mexico

2022-09-22T09:49+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

MEXICO CITY >> A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two. There is no tsunami threat to Hawaii.

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T09:41+0200bssnews (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 22, 2022 (BSS/AFP) - A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a powerful tremor left at least two people dead. The epicenter of the 6.

TélévisionPatrick Sébastien a été opéré d’un cancer du rein L’ex-animateur du «Plus grand cabaret du monde» assure aller bien, aujourd’hui. Mais «c'est un beau tsunami qui s'est abattu sur moi», explique-t-il. 0 0

2022-09-22T09:40+0200lematin-CH (fr)

C’est au détour d’une interview accordée au magazine «Gala» que Patrick Sébastien fait une confession: début 2022, l’’ex-animateur du «Plus grand cabaret du monde» a été opéré d’un cancer du rein. «Sur le plan de la santé, c'est un beau tsunami qui s'est abattu sur moi», explique-t-il. Patrick Sébastien assure aller mieux, aujourd’hui.

Terremoto Messico, nuova scossa magnitudo 6.7

2022-09-22T09:39+0200news-yahoo-it (it)

(Adnkronos) - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 è stato registrato in Messico, dove solo tre giorni fa si era registrato un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2. Lo rende noto il Centro sismologico europeo mediterraneo. Oggi a tremare sono stati i palazzi di Michoacan, nel Messico occidentale, ma la scossa è....

Nuovo terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 in Messico: colpito il Michoacan. Scossa avvertita anche nella capitale

2022-09-22T09:37+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Il terremoto ha colpito il Messico intorno all'1 di notte (8.16 ora italiana) nello Stato centrale del Michoacan. Secondo il Servizio sismologico nazionale si tratta di una scossa molto forte, seconda solo a quella che si è verificata lo scorso 19 settembre Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 ha colpito il Messico intorno alle 1.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:35+0200apnews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two. The U.S.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake strikes Mexico, no initial reports of damage

2022-09-22T09:34+0200rappler (en)

The epicenter of the earthquake is recorded in the state of Michoacan. MEXICO CITY, Mexico – A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, September 22, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds of buildings in the country, but there were no immediate reports of serious damage.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes western Mexico days after deadly temblor

2022-09-22T09:34+0200AsiaOne (en)

MEXICO CITY – A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday (Sept 22), shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country. Residents of Mexico City scrambled out of their homes as the earthquake alarm sounded and buildings shuddered.

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:34+0200latimes (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck shortly after 1 a.m. Thursday, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two. The U.S.

Terremoto Messico, nuova scossa magnitudo 6.7

2022-09-22T09:34+0200adnkronos (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 è stato registrato in Messico, dove solo tre giorni fa si era registrato un terremoto di magnitudo 7.2. Lo rende noto il Centro sismologico europeo mediterraneo. Oggi a tremare sono stati i palazzi di Michoacan, nel Messico occidentale, ma la scossa è stata avvertita anche nella capitale, a Città del Messico.

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T09:33+0200mb-com-ph (en)

MEXICO CITY, Mexico — A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a powerful tremor left at least two people dead. Soldiers and members of civil defence work to unblock access to three houses that....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:32+0200digitpatrox (en)

MEXICO CITY — A robust earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has brought on buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., simply three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two. The U.S.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes western Mexico days after deadly temblor

2022-09-22T09:32+0200timesofindia (en)

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country (Reuters) MEXICO CITY: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking....

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes western Mexico days after deadly temblor

2022-09-22T09:32+0200straitstimesSG (en)

MEXICO CITY - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country. Residents of Mexico City scrambled out of their homes as the earthquake alarm sounded and buildings shuddered.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes western Mexico days after deadly temblor MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong t... 36m ago

2022-09-22T09:32+0200kelo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country. Residents of Mexico City scrambled out of their homes as the earthquake alarm sounded and buildings shuddered.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Mexico - EMSC (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Michoacan in Mexico on Thursday, the European Mediterranean Siesmological Centre said. The quake was 80 ... 56m ago

2022-09-22T09:32+0200kelo (en)

(Reuters) – A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Michoacan in Mexico on Thursday, the European Mediterranean Siesmological Centre. said. The quake was 80 kilometres (49.7 miles) below the earth’s surface, EMSC said. No Tsunami warning was issued after the earthquake, the U.S. Tsunami Warning System said.

09:24 - Terremoti, magnitudo sisma Messico rivista a 6.9: nessuna vittima

2022-09-22T09:32+0200geagency (it)

La magnitudo del terremoto che ha colpito il Messico questa mattina è stata rivista a 6.9, secondo il servizio sismologico nazionale, ma inizialmente non sono state segnalate vittime o danni. Una forte scossa ha fatto tremare la capitale Città del Messico, dove vivono 22 milioni di persone, tre....

MESSICO 12 min Una forte scossa fa tremare il Messico Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 si è verificato a 20 chilometri di profondità a un'ottantina di chilometri da Coalcomán

2022-09-22T09:32+0200tio (it)

Il terremoto di magnitudo 6.8 si è verificato a 20 chilometri di profondità a un'ottantina di chilometri da Coalcomán. CITTÀ DEL MESSICO - Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito il Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami.

Mexico: A new earthquake of 6,5 degrees occurred in the state of Michoacán

2022-09-22T09:30+0200famagusta (en)

A magnitude 6,5 earthquake struck the Mexican state of Michoacán today. A magnitude 6,5 earthquake struck the Mexican state of Michoacán today, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) announced. The earthquake had a focal depth of 80 kilometers, according to the same source.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes Mexico, no initial reports of damage

2022-09-22T09:29+0200themalaymailonline (en)

People wait outside their homes after a tremor was felt in Mexico City, Mexico, September 22, 2022. ― Reuters pic. MEXICO CITY, Sept 22 ― A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early today, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds of buildings in the....

Un séisme de magnitude 6,8 secoue le Mexique, aucun dégât connu pour le moment

2022-09-22T09:29+0200news-24 (fr)

Le US Geological Survey a déclaré que le tremblement de terre de jeudi, comme celui de lundi, était centré dans l’État occidental de Michoacan, près de la côte du Pacifique. L’épicentre était à environ 29 miles (46 kilomètres) au sud-sud-ouest d’Aguililla, Michoacan, à une profondeur d’environ 15 miles (24,1 kilomètres).

NO se espera la generación de un tsunami, sin embargo... 02:17 hrs.

2022-09-22T09:29+0200excelsior (es)

El Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis (CAT-SEMAR), informó que de acuerdo con los datos obtenidos sobre ell sismo de 6.9 de intensidad con epicentro en Coalcoman, Michoacán, no hay probabilidades de Tsumami, sin embargo, se pueden producir variaciones de pocos centimetros en el nivel del mar.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:28+0200wftv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday shortly after 1 a.m., just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two. The U.S.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes Mexico, no initial reports of damage

2022-09-22T09:28+0200malaymail (en)

People wait outside their homes after a tremor was felt in Mexico City, Mexico, September 22, 2022. ― Reuters pic. MEXICO CITY, Sept 22 ― A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early today, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds of buildings in the....

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes western Mexico days after deadly temblor MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong t... 35m ago

2022-09-22T09:28+0200wsau (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country. Residents of Mexico City scrambled out of their homes as the earthquake alarm sounded and buildings shuddered.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T09:27+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

This shows the epicenter of a strong earthquake that hit Mexico on Thursday. USGS. MEXICO CITY A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Michoacan, Mexico on Thursday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, but there was no tsunami warning. The strong quake hit at a depth of 20.7 kilometers, about 410 kilometers from Mexico City at 0616 GMT (2:16 p.

Terremoto: sisma di magnitudo 6,8 in Messico centrale

2022-09-22T09:27+0200ansa (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. Il Servizio geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) ha detto che non c'è stato alcun allarme tsunami. La forte scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri da Città del Messico.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes Mexico, no initial reports of damageA magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday. The quake struck a few days after a major temblor killed two people in the country. There were no immediate reports of serious damage in Mexico City.

2022-09-22T09:23+0200ground-news (en)

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes Mexico , no initial reports of damage. MEXICO CITY -A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds of buildings in the country, but there were no immediate reports of serious damage.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes Mexico, no initial reports of damage

2022-09-22T09:23+02004-traders (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck western Mexico early on Thursday, a few days after a major temblor killed two people and battered hundreds of buildings in the country, but there were no immediate reports of serious damage. Shaken residents of Mexico City scrambled out of....

22/09/2022 Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T09:22+0200rfi-en (en)

The epicenter of the 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometers (52 miles) south of Coalcoman in the western state of Michoacan, the national seismological agency reported. The US Geological Survey (USGS) estimated the magnitude at 6.8. Michoacan had been hit by a powerful magnitude 7.

Terremoto in Messico, scossa di 6,8 colpisce Michoacan: panico nelle strade

2022-09-22T09:22+0200ilmessaggero (it)

trema ancora. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 ha colpito Michoacan, Stato del Messico centrale. La violenta scossa ha colpito a una profondità di 20,7 chilometri (12,8 miglia), a circa 410 chilometri dalla capitale del Paese. Il Servizio sismologico nazionale (Ssn) ha precisato che si tratta del sisma....

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T09:21+0200hausa-legit-ng (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a powerful tremor left at least two people dead. The epicenter of the 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometers (52 miles) south of....

Strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico days after deadly temblor

2022-09-22T09:21+0200wn (en)

Mexico City: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country. Residents of Mexico City scrambled out of their homes as the earthquake....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:21+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico,....

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Mexico, 3rd this week

2022-09-22T09:21+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Michoacan in Mexico on Thursday, the European Mediterranean....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage …

2022-09-22T09:21+0200wowktv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two. The U.S.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Mexico–EMSC

2022-09-22T09:19+0200inquirer (en)

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Michoacan in Mexico on Thursday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center said. The quake was 80 kilometers (49.7 miles) below the earth’s surface, EMSC said. No Tsunami warning was issued after the earthquake, the U.S. Tsunami Warning System said. RELATED STORIES.

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T09:19+0200digitaljournal (en)

A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a powerful tremor left at least two people dead. The epicenter of the 6.9-magnitude quake was near the Pacific coast, 84 kilometers (52 miles) south of....

Un nouveau séisme de magnitude 6,5 enregistré au Mexique

2022-09-22T09:18+0200Europe1 (fr)

Le Mexique a à nouveau enregistré un séisme de magnitude 6,5 sur l'échelle de Richter. Il s'agit du deuxième séisme que le pays connait en quelques jours, après un premier tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 le lundi 19 septembre dernier. Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,5 a été enregistré jeudi....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-22T09:17+0200ABCnews (en)

MEXICO CITY -- A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico , killing two. The U.S.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:16+0200wsoctv (en)

Mexico Earthquake Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:16+0200bostonglobe (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central Mexico, killing two. The U.S.

Un puissant séisme secoue le Mexique, le deuxième en quelques jours

2022-09-22T09:16+0200lepopulaire (fr)

Une forte secousse a ébranlé la capitale Mexico , selon des journalistes de l’ AFP. L’épicentre du séisme était situé dans l’État du Michoacan, dans l’ouest du Mexique, à 81 kilomètres de la ville de Coalcoman, a précisé le service sismologique. Comme le rappelle Ouest France , le 19 septembre, une....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a 7. Sep 22, 2022 12:04 AM Read more >

2022-09-22T09:15+0200timescolonist (en)

Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

Strong quake shakes Mexico days after deadly tremor

2022-09-22T09:15+0200tuko (en)

PAY ATTENTION: Help us change more lives, join TUKO.co.ke’s Patreon programme. A strong earthquake jolted Mexico on Thursday, sending people rushing out into the streets of the capital in the middle of the night, days after a powerful tremor left at least two people dead. The epicenter of the 6.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:14+0200independent-UK (en)

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. The earthquake struck early Thursday, just three days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western and central , killing two.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:14+0200news4jax (en)

Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexicos central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:13+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes western Mexico days after deadly temblor

2022-09-22T09:12+0200saltwire (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country. Residents of Mexico City scrambled out of their homes as the earthquake alarm sounded and buildings shuddered.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:12+0200clickondetroit (en)

Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexicos central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

Mexico earthquake: Magnitude 6.8 quake reported in Michoacan

2022-09-22T09:12+0200fox13memphis (en)

By Michelle Ewing, Cox Media Group National Content Desk September 22, 2022 at 2:05 am CDT AGUILILLA, Mexico A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico’s Michoacan state early Thursday, the is reporting. Prelim M6.8 Earthquake Michoacan, Mexico Sep-22 06:16 UTC, updates https://t.

09:08 - Terremoti, potente sisma di magnitudo 6.5 in Messico

2022-09-22T09:12+0200geagency (it)

Un potente terremoto di magnitudo 6.5 è stato registrato giovedì mattina in Messico, ha annunciato il servizio sismologico nazionale. Secondo i giornalisti dell’AFP, una forte scossa ha fatto tremare la capitale Città del Messico. L’epicentro del sisma è stato localizzato nello stato di Michoacan,....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:11+0200sfgate (en)

Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:10+0200actionnewsjax (en)

Mexico Earthquake Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Mexico, No Damage Known Yet

2022-09-22T09:10+0200usnews (en)

Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:10+0200kitchenertoday (en)

Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet

2022-09-22T09:09+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

Mexico earthquake: Magnitude 6.8 quake reported in Michoacan

2022-09-22T09:08+0200kiro7 (en)

AGUILILLA, Mexico A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico’s Michoacan state early Thursday, the is reporting. Prelim M6.8 Earthquake Michoacan, Mexico Sep-22 06:16 UTC, updates https://t.co/7np6JUCVjJ USGS Tweet Earthquake Dispatch (@USGSted) According to the agency , the quake, which occurred at 1:16 a.

Strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico

2022-09-22T09:07+0200gulfnews (en)

Mexico City: A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country.

BREAKING: A Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake Struck Aguililla, Mexico, the US Geological Survey ... - Latest Tweet by Bloomberg

2022-09-22T09:06+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Bloomberg states, 'BREAKING: A magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Aguililla, Mexico , the US Geological Survey says ...' BREAKING: A magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Aguililla, Mexico, the US Geological Survey says Bloomberg (@business) September 22, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the....

Magnitude 6.8 Quake Strikes Western Mexico Days After Deadly Temblor

2022-09-22T09:06+0200usnews (en)

People wait outside their homes after a tremor was felt in Mexico City, Mexico, September 22, 2022. REUTERS/Henry Romero Reuters MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two....

6.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico, no damage known yet 0 9/22/2022 12:04:06 AM

2022-09-22T09:06+0200tricitynews (en)

Soldiers walk on a damaged road, a day after an earthquake near Chinicuila, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, centered 37 kilometers (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states and at a depth of 15.

Mexico earthquake: Magnitude 6.8 quake reported in Michoacan

2022-09-22T09:04+0200wftv (en)

AGUILILLA, Mexico A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico’s Michoacan state early Thursday, the is reporting. Prelim M6.8 Earthquake Michoacan, Mexico Sep-22 06:16 UTC, updates https://t.co/7np6JUCVjJ USGS Tweet Earthquake Dispatch (@USGSted) According to the agency , the quake, which occurred at 1:16 a.

Alert: A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico’s capital

2022-09-22T09:04+0200sfgate (en)

Alert: A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico ’s capital. MEXICO CITY (AP) — A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.8 has caused buildings to sway in Mexico’s capital.

Un puissant séisme secoue le Mexique, le deuxième en quelques jours

2022-09-22T09:04+0200lamontagne (fr)

Une forte secousse a ébranlé la capitale Mexico , selon des journalistes de l’ AFP. L’épicentre du séisme était situé dans l’État du Michoacan, dans l’ouest du Mexique, à 81 kilomètres de la ville de Coalcoman, a précisé le service sismologique. Comme le rappelle Ouest France , le 19 septembre, une....

Un puissant séisme secoue le Mexique, le deuxième en quelques jours

2022-09-22T09:04+0200lyonne-republicaine (fr)

Une forte secousse a ébranlé la capitale Mexico , selon des journalistes de l’ AFP. L’épicentre du séisme était situé dans l’État du Michoacan, dans l’ouest du Mexique, à 81 kilomètres de la ville de Coalcoman, a précisé le service sismologique. Comme le rappelle Ouest France , le 19 septembre, une....

Mexico earthquake: Magnitude 6.8 quake reported in Michoacan

2022-09-22T09:03+0200actionnewsjax (en)

AGUILILLA, Mexico A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico’s Michoacan state early Thursday, the is reporting. Prelim M6.8 Earthquake Michoacan, Mexico Sep-22 06:16 UTC, updates https://t.co/7np6JUCVjJ USGS Tweet Earthquake Dispatch (@USGSted) According to the agency , the quake, which occurred at 1:16 a.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes western Mexico days after deadly temblor

2022-09-22T09:02+0200thesundaily (en)

MEXICO CITY : A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country. Residents of Mexico City scrambled out of their homes as the earthquake alarm sounded and buildings shuddered.

AFP - earthquake

2022-09-22T09:01+0200nampa (en)

URGENT Strong earthquake shakes Mexico : USGS Mexico City, Sept 22, 2022 (AFP) - A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Michoacan, Mexico on Thursday, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said, but there was no tsunami warning. The strong quake hit at a depth of 20.7 kilometres (12.8 miles), about 410 kilometres from Mexico City at 0616 GMT.

Strong 6.5 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico

2022-09-22T09:01+0200wn (en)

Mexico City: A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Michoacan in Mexico on Thursday, the European Mediterranean Siesmological....

Terremoto nel Catanese, trema Paternò: scossa di magnitudo 3.6 - Cronaca - quotidiano.net

2022-09-22T09:00+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di giovedì 22 settembre 2022) Il sisma alle 4:21 del mattino. Il sindaco: 'Siamo in continuo e costante contatto con la protezione ... : Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 nel Michoacán. Solo un'ora prima della scossa, ricordando i terremoti del… - : C'è stata una scossa di terremoto nel....

Earthquake in Mexico, shock of 6.5 in Michoacan at 80 km depth, no Tsunami alarm

2022-09-22T08:57+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-22T06:56:51.651Z. At 8.16 am Italian time. Detected by the European Mediterranean Sismological Center Earthquake in Mexico , a 6.5 magnitude quake in Michoacan at 80 km depth, no Tsunami warning. The earthquake at 8.16 am Italian time. Detected by the European Mediterranean Sismological Center.

Magnitude 6.8 quake strikes western Mexico days after deadly temblor

2022-09-22T08:56+0200reuters (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 22 (Reuters) - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Mexico early on Thursday, shaking buildings in Mexico City, just days after another strong temblor killed two people and damaged hundreds of buildings in the country. Residents of Mexico City scrambled out of their homes as the earthquake alarm sounded and buildings shuddered.

Magnitude 6.5 Earthquake Hits Mexico - EMSC - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2022-09-22T08:53+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Mexico - EMSC ...' Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Mexico - EMSC Reuters (@Reuters) September 22, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social media world, including Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Mexico, 3rd this week

2022-09-22T08:48+0200HindustanTimes (en)

A magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Michoacan in Mexico on Thursday, the European Mediterranean Siesmological Centre said. The quake was 80 kilometres (49.7 miles) below the earth's surface, EMSC said. No Tsunami warning was issued after the earthquake, the U.S. Tsunami Warning System said.

22 set 2022, 8:30 Redazione 3bmeteo Terremoto Messico, scossa di magnitudo 6.7 a Aguililla, tutti i dettagli

2022-09-22T08:45+02003bmeteo (it)

Terremoto Messico, scossa di magnitudo 6.7 a Aguililla, tutti i dettagli. Scossa di terremoto a Aguililla, Messico. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 6.7, si è verificata alle ore 01:24 (ore 08:24 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Aguililla, Messico. La profondità stimata è stata di circa 10 Km .

Sismo de 6.5 de magnitud con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán despertó a la CDMX

2022-09-22T08:34+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 6.5 se registró en las cercanías de Coalcomán a las 01:16 hora local (0:06 UTC) de hoy, informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 10 km al suroeste del estado de Michoacán y tuvo una profundidad de 10 km.

Hurricane Fiona submerges Puerto Rico deeper, troops rescue hundreds

2022-09-22T08:05+0200digitpatrox (en)

Hurricane Fiona unleashed extra rain on Puerto Rico on Monday, a day after the storm knocked out energy and water to many of the island, and Nationwide Guard troops rescued a whole lot of people that obtained stranded. The governor warned that it may take days to get the lights again on.

Homero Acosta: “El Código de las familias tiene mucho de cubano”

2022-09-22T06:58+0200cubadebate (es)

Una voz autorizada, Homero Acosta Álvarez, secretario del Consejo de Estado y del Parlamento cubano, ofrece pormenores de la construcción colectiva de la primera ley que se somete a referendo en Cuba. El próximo domingo 25 de septiembre Cuba irá a las urnas otra vez.

Mexican earthquake sloshes Devils Hole (NPS - National Park Service)

2022-09-22T05:18+0200wn (en)

) News Release Date: September 21, 2022 Contact:Abby Wines, 760-786-3221 Contact:Kevin Wilson DEATH VALLEY, Calif. - In a surprising quirk of geology, Monday's magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico triggered four-foot-tall waves in Devils Hole, located in Death Valley National Park.

How sustainable is Global Britain’s presence in Asia?

2022-09-22T03:02+0200shephardmedia (en)

The Royal Navy on 7 September marked the first anniversary of its deployment of two OPVs to the Indo-Pacific region . This milestone provides an opportune moment to assess how successful the UK military’s ‘return’ to the area has been. HMS Tamar and HMS Spey cumulatively travelled a staggering....

Jalisco Civil Protection Continues Earthquake Damage Assessment

2022-09-22T01:41+0200worldakkam (en)

After the earthquake that hit much of Jalisco at noon on Monday 19 September, officers from the Regional Commands of El Grullo, Guadalajara and Zapotlan El Grande immediately began a damage assessment and needs analysis. In the municipalities of Tolimán, Zapotitlan de Badiro, Cuautitlán de García....

Damage report of ISSSTE Hospitals after the 7.7 earthquake

2022-09-22T01:19+0200bullfrag (en)

So far, around 1,112 aftershocks of the 7.7-magnitude earthquake of September 19 have been detected. After the drill on September 19, a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck the Mexican capital. On September 20 of the current year, an earthquake of 5.4 degrees occurred that was also felt in several areas of Mexico City.

No fue tsunami pero el mar sí se metió a tierra en Manzanillo, tras el sismo de esta tarde

2022-09-22T00:53+0200debate (es)

Manzanillo, Colima.- En algunos puntos de la costa de se reportó una crecida de mar que ingresó a zonas habitacionales algunas calles y avenidas, esto como un efecto del sismo ocurrido la tande de este lunes, internatudas captaron y compartieron algunos imágenes en video del fenómeno.

Scossa di magnitudo 7.5 in Messico, 2 morti

2022-09-21T23:10+0200ilgiornaledellaprotezionecivile (it)

La forza del sisma ha danneggiato i palazzi, interrotto l'energia e fatto scappare dalle proprie case gli abitanti di Città del Messico. Scattata anche l'allerta tsunami. Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è avvenuto nello stato centrale messicano di Michoacán in Messico e ha ucciso due persone.

Un sismo de magnitud 7,4 sacude México en los aniversarios de los terremotos de 1985 y 2017

2022-09-21T22:04+0200es-noticias (es)

México fue sacudido por un sismo de magnitud 7,4 este lunes, dejando al menos una persona muerta. El fenómeno se produjo una hora después de las conmemoraciones para recordar a las víctimas de los terremotos del 19 de septiembre de 1987 y 2017. El Centro de Alerta de Tsunami del Pacífico de EE. UU.

Sismo de magnitud 4.2 con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-09-21T21:53+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor se registró en Coalcomán a las 14:17 hora local (19:17 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.2 y una profundidad de 11 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 29 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán.

Two dead, thousands of buildings damaged in Mexico quake

2022-09-21T20:08+0200JakartaPost (en)

Two people were killed and more than 3,000 buildings were damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said on Tuesday. A woman died of injuries caused by a falling wall in Manzanillo in the western state of Colima,....

Fuerte sismo de magnitud 7,6 sacude el suroeste de México en el aniversario de devastadores terremotos

2022-09-21T20:02+0200elmasacre (es)

(CNN Español) — Un sismo de magnitud 7,6 sacudió México este lunes, según reportes del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). El foco sísmico estuvo localizado a 10 kilómetros de profundidad y el epicentro estuvo ubicado a 42 kilómetros al norte-noroeste de La Placita de Morelos, Michoacán.

¿Podría ocurrir algún tsunami en Veracruz? Esto explica experta

2022-09-21T19:54+0200xeu (es)

Los sismos ocurren todos los días, algunos pueden generar tunamis, pero dependerá de la ubicación del temblor, así como el que se generó tras el temblor de 7.7 copn epicentro en Michoacán, que dejó olas de 3 metros. La experta Rocío Castillo Aja de la Universidad de Guadalajara dijo que hay sismos....

La maire de Biarritz Maider Arosteguy confiante sur le calendrier de l’aménagement du plateau d’Aguilera

2022-09-21T19:29+0200sudouest (fr)

Quel bilan tirez-vous de la saison qui s’achève en ce dernier jour d’été 2021 ? Du point de vue fréquentation, juillet a été mou. Août plus dynamique. On a compté plus de trois millions de visiteurs à la journée. D’où l’importance d’une piétonnisation et des transports collectifs qui permettent de gérer les flux.

Long-term impacts of ‘terrible’ fire season in Pakistan’s mountains

2022-09-21T19:14+0200eco-business (en)

The dry period from the end of April until the advent of the monsoon in July is “fire season” in Pakistan’s forests, which cover the Hindu Kush Himalayas in the country’s north. “There were no good rains this spring and the windy, hot weather led to the fire spreading fast,” says Jan Kharotee, a....

Estos han sido los sismos más fuertes en el mundo

2022-09-21T19:10+0200informador (es)

El pasado 19 de septiembre México vivió un temblor de magnitud 7.7 que dejó dos muertos y recordó otros sismos de gran escala que causaron dolor en los mexicanos como el de 1985 de 8.1 que ocasionó miles de víctimas, ¿pero cuáles han sido los terremotos más fuertes en las últimas décadas? EL....

Fact Check: Did Earthquake Hit Mexico on Same Date Three Times?

2022-09-21T18:58+0200newsweek-USA (en)

Earthquakes of these magnitudes or higher are relatively common in Mexico . The country is regularly affected by seismic activity that stems from the movement of the North American plate against the Cocos and Pacific plates, making it an extremely seismically active region. In the past 10 years, Mexico saw eight earthquakes with a magnitude over 7.

Etude : 225 millions de personnes sont devenues réfugiées climatiques en 10 ans

2022-09-21T18:19+0200catnat (fr)

Pour la seule région de l'Asie-Pacifique, le nombre de personnes déplacées en raison de catastrophes climatiques et naturelles a dépassé les 225 millions au cours des 10 dernières années, selon Les chiffres sont sans doute en deçà de la réalité. Ne serait-ce qu'au regard des inondations ayant endeuillé le tiers du Pakistan cet été.

Watch: Viral drone footage of damaged Gaoliao bridge in aftermath of Taiwan quake

2022-09-21T18:02+0200firstpost (en)

A massive 6.9 magnitude earthquake recently struck Taiwan, the tremors of which were felt in neighbouring countries including China and Japan. While the high-intensity earthquake caused widespread damage to including several buildings, roads, bridges and houses. It also derailed train carriages in the sparsely populated southeastern region.

Sismo de magnitud 4.0 con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-09-21T17:54+0200infobae (es)

Los pobladores de la ciudad de Coalcomán vivieron un temblor que alcanzó los 4.0 de magnitud y tuvo una profundidad de 13 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el sismo sucedió hoy a las 10:20 hora local (15:20 UTC), con un epicentro de 50 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán.

Natural Hazards Monitoring - 21 September 2022

2022-09-21T16:25+0200reliefWeb (en)

Official. Hurricane. Dominican Republic (Update) On 19 September, the government including the Civil Defense and Center for Emergency Operations (COE, per its acronym in Spanish) of the Dominican Republic provided updates on Hurricane Fiona's passage in the country.

News 7.6-Magnitude Earthquake Slams Mexico on the Same Date as Deadly 1985 and 2017 Quakes By Lizzy Rosenberg

2022-09-21T15:31+0200greenmatters (en)

Sept. 19 is a historically tough date for residents of Mexico — on that date in 2022, a 7.6-magnitude quake shook the country's central Pacific coast. But on that same date five years before in 2017, and 37 years before in 1985, deadly earthquakes also struck the southernmost North American country.

Operativo 'Tsunami' busca darle otra cara a la ciudad de Colón

2022-09-21T15:30+0200diaadia (es)

Este sábado 24 de septiembre se desarrollará un extensivo operativo de limpieza en los corregimientos del Barrio Norte y Sur que componen la ciudad de Colón, en una acción comunitaria denominada operativo “Tsunami”, organizado por la alcaldía colonense con el apoyo de la junta técnica y la empresa privada.

Spider-Man actor Andrew Garfield spotted vacationing in Puerto Vallarta

2022-09-21T15:20+0200worldakkam (en)

On Tuesday afternoon, Andrew Garfield started trending after Mexican fans were seen enjoying the waves on his surfboard on the beach in Puerto Vallarta. The American actor was seen surfing yesterday and according to some fan accounts, he decided to come to Jalisco for the sole purpose of vacationing and disconnecting from his life as an artist.

Los tres temblores del 19S, solo coincidencia: expertos

2022-09-21T15:13+0200diariodecolima (es)

Expertos en Geofísica de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) coinciden en que la ocurrencia de tres sismos de gran magnitud en 19 de septiembre de distintos años, se trata solamente de una coincidencia.

Two dead, more than 3,000 buildings damaged in Mexico earthquake

2022-09-21T14:38+0200terradaily (en)

Two people were killed and more than 3,000 buildings were damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said Tuesday. A woman died of injuries caused by a falling wall in Manzanillo in the western state of Colima, civil....

Sanità, Giuliano (UGL): “Sistema ridotto in briciole. Dopo il voto basta slogan, solo fatti concreti” “Cosa resterà della gestione della sanità del Ministro Roberto Speranza? Tanti slogan e pochissimi fatti. Lo dimostrano un fiume di milioni di euro, frutto del Pnrr, persi in rivoli di inutilità.

2022-09-21T14:25+0200agenparl (it)

21 Settembre 2022 By Redazione Sanità, Giuliano (UGL): “Sistema ridotto in briciole. Dopo il voto basta slogan, solo fatti concreti” “Cosa resterà della gestione della sanità del Ministro Roberto Speranza? Tanti slogan e pochissimi fatti. Lo dimostrano un fiume di milioni di euro, frutto del Pnrr, persi in rivoli di inutilità.

Sismo de magnitud 4.2 con epicentro en La Mira, Michoacán

2022-09-21T14:19+0200infobae (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) informó sobre un temblor de magnitud 4.2 cerca de La Mira que sucedió a las 6:52 horas en el horario local (11:52 UTC). Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 82 km al oeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán, con una profundidad de....

Nicole Huber vivió un susto tras el sismo en México: “Para mí fue eterno”

2022-09-21T14:04+0200lanacion-PY (es)

La modelo y exmiss Mundo Paraguay 2011, Nicole Huber, contó su testimonio acerca de lo que vivió el lunes pasado en medio del sismo de 7.7 grados en México, donde se encuentra realizando un curso de yoga. La misma reside a metros del mar de Manzanillo, lugar en que también se encendió la alarma por un tsunami, que afortunadamente no ocurrió.

Earthquake of 7.6 in Mexico leaves at least 2 people dead

2022-09-21T12:57+0200d1softballnews (en)

(CNN Spanish) –– The magnitude 7.6 earthquake that shook Mexico this Monday already claims the lives of two people. The national coordinator of Civil Protection, Laura Velázquez, confirmed this Tuesday that the deaths were registered in Manzanillo, Colima state.

Mexique L’ouest du pays secoué par un violent séisme

2022-09-21T12:09+0200lesoirdalgerie (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,7 a frappé ce lundi l’ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l’Institut sismologique national. «Nous souhaitons de tout cœur qu’il ne s’est rien passé de....

Alluvione Marche, mancata allerta meteo: nel mirino le telefonate di 5 funzionari regionali

2022-09-21T12:09+0200ilmattino (it)

Mentre i soccorritori continuano a cercare senza tregua il piccolo Mattia, i carabinieri Forestali hanno acquisito i tabulati telefonici di 5 funzionari della Regione Marche per capire quando è scattata l'allerta e cosa non ha funzionato nel sistema di comunicazioni tra Protezione civile regionale e Comuni.

Tecomán, Colima, registra temblor de 4.1 de magnitud

2022-09-21T12:03+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo fue registrado en Tecomán a las 4:36 hora local (9:36 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.1 y una profundidad de 7 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 49 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Colima.

Séisme au Mexique : aucune victime marocaine

2022-09-21T11:28+0200bladi (fr)

Pour le moment, aucune victime n’a été enregistrée dans le rang des Marocains résidant à Mexico . L’ambassade du Maroc a mis en alerte ses services qui suivent de près l’évolution de la situation dans les zones touchées. À lire : Tremblement de terre au Mexique : pas de Marocains parmi les victimes....

Messina, simulazione di terremoto e maremoto: tutto pronto per la Settimana della Sicurezza

2022-09-21T10:50+0200strettoweb (it)

Settimana della Sicurezza: dopo l’incontro con il Sindaco Basile, avviate le riunioni operative dell’Assessore Minutoli con le strutture del settore sanitario coinvolte. Primo incontro operativo svolto ieri con i rappresentanti delle strutture del settore sanitario coinvolte nell’esercitazione della Settimana della Sicurezza .

Settimana della Sicurezza, iniziano i preparativi: verranno simulati terremoto e maremoto

2022-09-21T10:33+0200messinatoday (it)

Primo incontro operativo svolto ieri con i rappresentanti delle strutture del settore sanitario coinvolte nell’esercitazione della Settimana della Sicurezza. Il tavolo è stato indetto dall’Assessore alla Protezione Civile Massimiliano Minutoli per la programmazione delle attività inserite nel....

Fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 dans l'Ouest du Mexique : 2 morts et des dommages

2022-09-21T10:19+0200catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national.

Tecomán, Colima, registra temblor de 4.0 de magnitud

2022-09-21T10:18+0200infobae (es)

Los pobladores de la ciudad de Tecomán vivieron un sismo que alcanzó los 4.0 de magnitud y tuvo una profundidad de 25 kilómetros. La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el temblor sucedió hoy a las 2:48 hora local (7:48 UTC), con un epicentro de 81 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Colima.

Violences sexistes et sexuelles en politique : "Pas une de plus !"

2022-09-21T10:06+0200tv5 (fr)

"Silence, consternation, puis explosion de colère : chez les féministes, ce n’est pas une vague de dégoût qui nous a emporté·e·s après les déclarations de nombreux cadres et partis de gauche, c'est un vrai tsunami", lancent les membres de ce collectif baptisé #Relèveféministe.

Nearly 700 aftershocks occurred after Mexico earthquake - Xinhua English.news.cn

2022-09-21T09:34+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-21T07:32:05.153Z. Nearly 700 aftershocks hit Mexico On September 20, local time, according to the information of the National Earthquake Monitoring Center of Mexico, a strong aftershock of magnitude 5.4 occurred again in the epicenter of the strong earthquake of magnitude 7.7 on the 19th.

Deux morts dans le tremblement de terre au Mexique qui a frappé à la même date que les deux tremblements de terre précédents | Nouvelles du monde

2022-09-21T08:51+0200news-24 (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,6 a frappé le Mexique à la même date que deux tremblements de terre dévastateurs en 1985 et 2017, dans ce que les scientifiques ont qualifié de pure coïncidence. Au moins deux personnes ont été tuées après le tremblement de terre qui a frappé peu après 13....

Coalcomán, Michoacán, registra temblor de 4.0 de magnitud

2022-09-21T08:36+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.0 y con una profundidad de 15 kilómetros alertó a los pobladores de la ciudad de Coalcomán a las 0:59 hora local (5:59 UTC) de hoy. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 80 km al suroeste de dicha localidad del estado de Michoacán, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Mexican authorities deny Colima volcano threat after earthquake: ‘Do not listen to rumours’

2022-09-21T08:29+0200independent-ie (en)

Mexican authorities are urging calm following social media rumours concerning volcanic activity following Monday’s earthquake. T he centre monitoring the Colima volcano said in a statement on Twitter on Tuesday morning that the volcano “is calm” and urged people to “remember not to spread rumours and stay calm at all times.

Two dead, more than 3,000 buildings damaged in Mexico earthquake

2022-09-21T08:20+0200bssnews (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 21, 2022 (BSS/AFP) - Two people were killed and more than 3,000 buildings were damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said Tuesday. A woman died of injuries caused by a falling wall in Manzanillo....

Therefore, Sweden cannot declare national mourning

2022-09-21T08:15+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-21T06:14:21.298Z. When Queen Elizabeth II passed away, ten days of national mourning were declared in Great Britain. But something similar could not happen in Sweden. Here, the state cannot declare national mourning for the death of a prominent public figure, such as the monarch or the prime minister, or in the event of a national disaster.

Temblor en México: Por RIESGO DE TSUNAMI Protección Civil pide alejarse de las playas

2022-09-21T08:12+0200debate (es)

Por riesgo de tsunami, Protección Civil pide alejarse de playas . La Coordinación Nacional de Protección Civil pidió mantener a la población alejada de las playas hasta la cancelación de la alerta; se esperan corrientes fuertes en la entrada de los puertos debido a los fuertes Inicalmente, se reportó un sismo de 4.

World Earthquake Report for Wednesday, 21 September 2022

2022-09-21T07:25+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

This report is being updated every hour. Magnitude 6 +: 1 earthquake Magnitude 5 +: 6 earthquakes Magnitude 4 +: 50 earthquakes Magnitude 3 +: 99 earthquakes Magnitude 2 +: 274 earthquakes No quakes of magnitude 7 or higher. Total seismic energy estimate: 1.3 x 10 14 joules (35.9 gigawatt hours, equivalent to 30904 tons of TNT or 1.

Sismo de magnitud 4.1 con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-09-21T06:36+0200infobae (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 4.1 cerca de Coalcomán que ocurrió a las 23:02 horas en el horario local (4:02 UTC). Información preliminar señala que el temblor tuvo un epicentro 78 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán, con una profundidad de....

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.0 en Matías Romero, Oaxaca

2022-09-21T06:03+0200infobae (es)

Matías Romero fue el epicentro de un temblor de magnitud 4.0 que sorprendió hoy a los habitantes del estado de Oaxaca a las 22:37 en hora local (3:37 UTC). El sismo sucedió 55 km al oeste de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 5 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Earthquake Summary in Mexico September 20 | News, affected states and magnitude of the earthquake

2022-09-21T06:00+0200wn (en)

INAH reported that many historical and cultural sites suffered damage after the magnitude 7.7 earthquake. continuously 7.7 magnitude earthquake Today, September 19, 2022, which occurred at 1:05 pm in the center of the country, an earthquake occurred in Colcoman, Michoac�n.

Mexico's earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many - The Associated Press - en Español

2022-09-21T05:45+0200google-top-stories (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. “No, not again! My God, not again!” they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima.

Locals worry about loved ones following massive earthquake in Mexico KSTU

2022-09-21T05:40+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

Locals worry about loved ones following massive earthquake in Mexico .

H Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, registra temblor de 4.1 de magnitud

2022-09-21T05:20+0200infobae (es)

H Huajuapan de León fue el epicentro de un temblor de magnitud 4.1 que sorprendió hoy a los habitantes del estado de Oaxaca a las 21:58 en hora local (2:58 UTC). El sismo sucedió 15 km al noroeste de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 57 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

As the Parents of Children Killed when a School Collapsed During Mexico's 2017 ... - Latest Tweet by Snopes.com

2022-09-21T04:28+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by snopes.com states, 'As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. — The Associated Press ...' As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico’s....

Link to 'Fact Tsunami': Tucker Carlson Ridicules Don Lemon For Getting Bamboozled By Guest

2022-09-21T04:28+0200dailycaller (en)

Fox News host Tucker Carlson roasted CNN host Don Lemon Tuesday evening over a reaction Lemon had during coverage of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. “[Lemon] had a royal commentator called Hilary Fordwich, who is British, on to his show, talking about the royal funeral and everything.

Alluvione, l?allarme per la piena scattato dopo i morti. La Protezione civile ha avvisato i Comuni alle 22: l?unico sensore utile è a Bettolelle

2022-09-21T03:27+0200corriereadriatico (it)

ai sindaci per l’onda di piena che stava montando sul bacino idrografico del fiume Misa è partito soltanto dopo le ore 22 di giovedì sera. Solo allora il livello idrometrico ha superato la soglia di allarme nell’unico punto di rilevamento ritenuto significativo nella rete di monitoraggio....

1. Hurricane Fiona makes landfall in Puerto Rico, Dominican RepublicHurricane Fiona struck Puerto Rico's southwest coast on Sunday ...

2022-09-21T03:06+0200myrecordjournal (en)

People stand outside after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was felt in Mexico City on Monday. The sign is for people from the fourth floor of a nearby building to gather there. The quake was centered near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states. AP Photo/Fernando Llano.

The probability of the earthquake was 0.000751%. Where did this figure come from?

2022-09-21T02:50+0200bullfrag (en)

If both earthquakes (the one in 2017 and the one in 2022) are extraneous events, which is valid to assume because exactly 5 years passed between the previous tremor and the last one, then there is no influence of the first on the second date. “It cannot be said that one event has induced the other,....

Sismo de 4.1 de magnitud con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-09-21T02:37+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.1 se registró en las cercanías de Coalcomán a las 19:06 hora local (0:06 UTC) de hoy, informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 68 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán y tuvo una profundidad de 16 km.

Two killed in Mexico earthquake, over 200 buildings damaged

2022-09-21T02:36+0200indiatoday (en)

Members of the National Guard stand near vehicles damaged by the collapse of the facade of a department store during an earthquake, in Manzanillo, Mexico . (Image: Reuters) HIGHLIGHTS A major earthquake killed two people in Mexico on Monday; At least 10 people were injured and more than 200 buildings were damaged; The magnitude 7.

‘Sobre la libertad’: La ambigüedad del consentimiento y el deseo femenino. Un testimonio personal | Ideas

2022-09-21T02:01+0200columnadigital (es)

Un tsunami de atención sexual. Reunir los diversos encuentros y tribulaciones de una vida en un relato que intente reformular el azar como karma siempre me ha parecido un tanto sospechoso. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando se trata de historias sexuales, ya que, sobre todo para las chicas, el....

Cd de Armería, Colima, registra temblor de magnitud 4.1

2022-09-21T01:54+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad de Cd de Armería experimentó un temblor que alcanzó los 4.1 de magnitud y tuvo una profundidad de 1 kilómetros. La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el sismo ocurrió hoy a las 18:18 hora local (23:18 UTC), con un epicentro de 71 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Colima.

Tremor hits Mexico on earthquake anniversariesA 7.6 earthquake hits western Mexico on the anniversary of two other quakes in 1985 and 2017.

2022-09-21T01:46+0200ground-news (en)

Shocking Earthquake in Mexico Kills One. A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety, Reuters reported... Earthquakes in Mexico every September 19.

Dal Mondo35 secondi fa: Messico, scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.7

2022-09-21T01:43+0200mister-x (it)

Oggi, domenica 20 gennaio, alle 22.05 � stata registrata una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 2.7 alla profondit� di 10; La scossa sentita anche nella capitale, almeno un morto e danni alle infrastrutture di vari Stati; Terremoto in Perù oggi. Una violenta scossa di magnitudo 7.2, registrata alle 14.

Two dead, more than 3,000 buildings damaged in Mexico earthquake

2022-09-21T01:21+0200mb-com-ph (en)

MEXICO CITY, Mexico – Two people were killed and more than 3,000 buildings were damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said Tuesday. Soldiers and members of civil defence work to unblock access to three houses....

'It's really strange': Earthquake strikes Mexico on same date as two previous quakes

2022-09-21T01:18+0200skynews (en)

Laura Velazquez, the head of Mexico 's civil protection agency, said the two deaths were due to the partial collapse of buildings. One of the victims was crushed by the front of a department store in Manzanillo and the other was found dead inside a shopping centre in the same port city in the state of Colima.

Mexican Earthquake Of Magnitude 7.6 Results In Fatalities

2022-09-21T01:17+0200chiangraitimes (en)

(CTN News) – Mexican Earthquake, Earlier this week, an earthquake of magnitude 7.6 struck off the western coast of Mexico , causing at least two deaths. How many deaths Recorded on Mexican Earthquake? As Reuters confirmed with local authorities, the deaths were recorded in the Pacific port of....

an earthquake and a hurricane leave their communities devastated

2022-09-21T01:10+0200d1softballnews (en)

(CNN Spanish) — If Mexico and Puerto Rico were people, they would probably hug each other to comfort each other in the midst of the scare of the tragedy, since both communities suffered this week a reminder of the threat of nature, in a scenario lived five years ago also around this time.

Two dead in Mexico earthquake which struck on same date as two previous quakes

2022-09-21T01:03+0200heart (en)

At least two people were killed after the earthquake struck shortly after 1pm local time on Monday 19 September in the west of the country. It damaged buildings, knocked out power and sent residents in the capital, Mexico City, scrambling outside for safety.

One dead after new quake hits Mexico on most historic seismic date

2022-09-21T01:02+0200mercopress (en)

People in Mexico City had just participated in a drill marking the anniversary of the 1985 tremor that left thousands dead and “no damages” were reported in the capital. At least one person died Monday as a 7.6-degree Richter scale earthquake hit the Mexican State of Michoacán, on the Pacific coast,....

Two dead in Mexico earthquake which struck on same date as two previous quakes

2022-09-21T00:50+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake has hit Mexico on the same date as two devastating quakes in 1985 and 2017, in what scientists labelled a pure coincidence. At least two people were killed after the earthquake struck shortly after 1pm local time on Monday 19 September in the west of the country.

Cuban seismologists keep watch on earthquake in Mexico

2022-09-21T00:48+0200plenglish (en)

Santiago de Cuba, Sep 20 (Prensa Latina) Specialists of the National Center for Seismological Research (CENAIS) continue keeping a close eye out present situation with the 7.7-magnitude offshore earthquake in Mexico . According to CINAIS´ brief report, it is considered as a superficial tremor because its depth was 15.

Earthquake damages thousands of buildings in Mexico

2022-09-21T00:18+0200trtworld (en)

There were hundreds of aftershocks, the most powerful of which was magnitude 5.8, according to the national seismological agency. (AP) Two people have been killed and more than 3,000 buildings damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said.

Así fue el debut de Carlos "Tsunami" Martínez en la Lidove

2022-09-21T00:04+0200acento (es)

Carlos "Tsunami" Martínez hizo su debut en la Liga De Béisbol Profesional del Verano (Lidove), con los Tiburones del Norte. El exlanzador de los Cardenales de San Luis vio acción de nuevo en su país el sábado 17 de septiembre contra los Indios de La Vega. El "Tsunami" actuó durante cinco entradas en el estadio Jose Briceño en Puerto Plata.

Mexico earthquake – live: At least one dead after 7.6 magnitude quake strikes on chilling anniversary

2022-09-20T23:47+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

Another eerie coincidence. 06:00 Io Dodds. This earthquake happened less than an hour after Mexico 's annual nationwide earthquake drill, which was introduced in 1985 after the devastating quake in Mexico City. Across the country, about 14,000 loudspeakers issued a fake warning in order to test....

Powerful Mexico earthquake leaves at least two dead

2022-09-20T23:22+0200thenational (en)

A magnitude-7.6 earthquake struck Mexico , killing at least two people on the same date that two earlier devastating tremors shook the country. Mexican authorities said two people died in the port of Manzanillo. One was crushed by a department store's facade while another was found dead at a mall.

2 dead, more than 3k buildings damaged in Mexico quake

2022-09-20T23:17+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

Two people were killed and more than 3,000 buildings were damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said Tuesday. A woman died of injuries caused by a falling wall in Manzanillo in the western state of Colima, civil....

'My God, not again!': Quake coincidence causes anxiety for Mexico

2022-09-20T23:13+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A resident walks through a street cordoned off amid debris from the previous day's earthquake in Coalcoman, Michoacan state, Mexico . Photo / AP As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico's 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again.

Mexico's earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T23:11+0200nzherald (en)

A resident walks through a street cordoned off amid debris from the previous day's earthquake in Coalcoman, Michoacan state, Mexico . Photo / AP As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico's 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again.

'No, not again!': In Mexico, 3 powerful earthquakes have struck the same day

2022-09-20T23:10+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MEXICO CITY — As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. “No, not again! My God, not again!” they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima.

Mexicans feel anxiety after hit with third earthquake on a Sept. 19

2022-09-20T23:10+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

"No, not again! My God, not again!" they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima. Three powerful earthquakes have struck Mexico on Sept. 19 — in 1985, 2017 and now 2022. The unlucky coincidence has driven anxiety high for many.

'No, not again!': In Mexico, 3 powerful earthquakes have struck the same day

2022-09-20T23:05+0200nbcnews (en)

MEXICO CITY — As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. “No, not again! My God, not again!” they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima.

Mexico's earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T22:57+0200chron (en)

Three powerful earthquakes have struck Mexico on Sept. 19 — in 1985, 2017 and now 2022. The unlucky coincidence has driven anxiety high for many. The last two quakes also came very shortly after the annual earthquake drill conducted every Sept. 19 to commemorate the devastating 1985 temblor.

After Mexico suffers its fourth earthquake to land on a Sept. 19, some fear the day is 'cursed'

2022-09-20T22:49+0200nationalpost (en)

Article content. Three powerful earthquakes have struck Mexico on Sept. 19 — in 1985, 2017 and now 2022. The unlucky coincidence has driven anxiety high for many. The last two quakes also came very shortly after the annual earthquake drill conducted every Sept. 19 to commemorate the devastating 1985 temblor.

Two dead, more than 3,000 buildings damaged in Mexico earthquake

2022-09-20T22:46+0200urdupoint (en)

Mexico City, Sept 20 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Sep, 2022 ) :Two people were killed and more than 3,000 buildings were damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said Tuesday.

Two dead, more than 3,000 buildings damaged in Mexico earthquake

2022-09-20T22:25+0200gmanews (en)

MEXICO CITY, Mexico - Two people were killed and more than 3,000 buildings were damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said Tuesday. A woman died of injuries caused by a falling wall in Manzanillo in the western....

'Scale 7.6' earthquake in Mexico kills 2, destroys more than 200 buildings

2022-09-20T22:15+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-20T20:13:54.088Z. A 7.6-magnitude earthquake that shook central western Mexico killed two people and injured more than 10, it is tentatively counted. "Two people were killed in Manzanillo, Colima, close to the epicenter of the earthquake the previous day," Laura Velázquez, director of....

Mexico earthquake: Death toll rises to two, 200 buildings damaged

2022-09-20T22:08+0200aljazeera-en (en)

The death toll from a powerful earthquake that struck western Mexico on Monday has risen to two, a government official said, as authorities take stock of the damage from the temblor that struck on the “cursed” anniversary of two previous quakes in the country.

The great scare that Eiza González experienced during the earthquake in Mexico: VIDEO

2022-09-20T22:05+0200d1softballnews (en)

Eiza González shows her solidarity before him earthquake of this September 19 because he shared on his social networks the moment in which he felt this Earth movement so we show you the minute by minute of how he witnessed this moment that made our hearts beat all.

Magnitude 7.5 earthquake strikes off La Placita de Morelos, Mexico

2022-09-20T22:04+0200azernews (en)

By Trend A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in western Mexico , the U.S. Geological Survey said on Monday, reports citing The quake struck 46 km (29 miles) south-southeast of La Placita de Morelos in the state of Michoacan and was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), USGS said.

Magnitude 7.5 earthquake strikes off La Placita de Morelos, Mexico

2022-09-20T22:04+0200today-az (en)

20 September 2022 [23:16] - By Trend A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in western Mexico , the U.S. Geological Survey said on Monday, reports citing The quake struck 46 km (29 miles) south-southeast of La Placita de Morelos in the state of Michoacan and was at a depth of 10 km (6.

Women’s role essential for development of better climate adaptation

2022-09-20T21:53+0200dailytimesPK (en)

Women’s role is essential for the development of better climate adaptation mechanisms and disaster risk resilience efforts as they bring unique perspectives, insights and challenges to the table which must be recognized and integrated into future policy making.

Mexico earthquake: furniture shakes in building as people gather outside

2022-09-20T21:42+0200en-africanews (en)

Last updated: 2 hours ago. Furniture shakes and people gather outside in Mexico City after a powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two major quakes in 1985 and 2017.

Se registra un temblor de magnitud 5.4 en Coalcomán

2022-09-20T21:35+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de 5.4 de magnitud fue registrado en las cercanías de Coalcomán a las 14:04 hora local (19:04 UTC) de hoy, según el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del sismo fue a 71 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán y tuvo una profundidad de 16 km.

Temblor en México: sismo de magnitud 4.3 en Huimanguillo, Tabasco

2022-09-20T21:20+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.3 se registró en las cercanías de Huimanguillo a las 13:40 hora local (18:40 UTC) de hoy, de acuerdo con el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 6 km al noreste de la ciudad del estado de Tabasco y tuvo una profundidad de 53 km.

Scientists say three earthquakes on same date years apart is ‘coincidence’

2022-09-20T21:16+0200independent-UK (en)

on the same date in Mexico years and decades apart is a coincidence. The alerts for Monday’s incoming earthquake came within the hour of the warning systems being used in a drill to commemorate the previous earthquakes on 19 September in 1985 and 2017. In 1985, an 8.

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme un 19 septembre… pour la troisième fois

2022-09-20T21:06+0200watson (fr)

Au Mexique, le 19 septembre est décidément un jour maudit: un fort séisme d’une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué l’ouest du pays et sa capitale Mexico lundi, jour-anniversaire des tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017. Pour la troisième fois dans son histoire, le pays est touché par un séisme e à cette date, ravivant de terribles souvenirs.

Mexico’s earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:54+0200TorontoStar (en)

This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distribution to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about permissions/licensing, please go to: www.TorontoStarReprints.com A resident walks through a street cordoned off....

Powerful earthquake shakes parts of Mexico. Tsunami alert issued, check latest updates

2022-09-20T20:47+0200wn (en)

The quake happened just after noon at 1:05 PM local time, according to reports from the US....

Mexico's earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:41+0200whig (en)

The parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake were celebrating a Mass in their memory, And then the ground began to shake again, as people cried out: “No, not again! My God, not again!” In the end, the magnitude 7 <.

Officials: Earthquake near Mexico City leaves two dead, nine injured

2022-09-20T20:35+0200nbcnews (en)

The 7.6 magnitude earthquake was the third deadly tremor to strike on Sept. 19 in the last 40 years. NBC News’ Guad Venegas reports on the level of damage and the severity of the aftershocks. Sept. 20, 2022 Obamas return to White House for presidential portrait unveilings 02:16; How Florida....

Mexico's earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:30+0200news4jax (en)

MEXICO CITY – As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. “No, not again! My God, not again!” they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima.

Ricky Martin y Luis Fonsi envían mensajes de apoyo a Puerto Rico. ( Fotos: Instagram/Luis Fonsi/Ricky Martin. )

2022-09-20T20:30+0200noroeste (es)

Famosos han reaccionado en sus redes sociales al devastador paso del huracán Fiona por Puerto Rico. Olga Tañón compartió un video en Instagram mostrando su preocupación por los desastres naturales que azotan al mundo en diferentes países, publicó el portal peopleenspanol.com. “La realidad señores es que tenemos que orar.

La coïncidence du tremblement de terre au Mexique inquiète beaucoup

2022-09-20T20:26+0200news-24 (fr)

MEXICO CITY (AP) – Alors que les parents d’enfants tués lors de l’effondrement d’une école lors du tremblement de terre au Mexique en 2017 célébraient une messe en leur mémoire, le sol a recommencé à trembler. « Non, pas encore ! Mon Dieu, pas encore ! ont-ils crié lorsqu’un tremblement de terre de....

Mexico’s earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:23+0200apnews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. “No, not again! My God, not again!” they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima.

Mexico's earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:23+0200wftv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. “No, not again! My God, not again!” they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima.

Mexico's earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:22+0200independent-UK (en)

Three powerful earthquakes have struck Mexico on Sept. 19 — in 1985, 2017 and now 2022. The unlucky coincidence has driven anxiety high for many. The last two quakes also came very shortly after the annual earthquake drill conducted every Sept. 19 to commemorate the devastating 1985 temblor.

Mexico's earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:21+0200sfgate (en)

Three powerful earthquakes have struck Mexico on Sept. 19 — in 1985, 2017 and now 2022. The unlucky coincidence has driven anxiety high for many. The last two quakes also came very shortly after the annual earthquake drill conducted every Sept. 19 to commemorate the devastating 1985 temblor.

Mexico's earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:21+0200clickondetroit (en)

MEXICO CITY – As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. “No, not again! My God, not again!” they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima.

Mexico’s earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for …

2022-09-20T20:20+0200wearecentralpa (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. “No, not again! My God, not again!” they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima.

Mexico's earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:19+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. “No, not again! My God, not again!” they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima.

Mexico’s earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:18+0200fresnobee (en)

A resident walks through a street cordoned off amid debris from the previous day's earthquake in Coalcoman, Michoacan state, Mexico , Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2022. The magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, killing at least one person. (AP Photo/Armando Solis) Armando Solis AP MEXICO CITY.

Mexico’s earthquake coincidence drives anxiety for many

2022-09-20T20:17+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — As the parents of children killed when a school collapsed during Mexico ’s 2017 earthquake celebrated a Mass in their memory, the ground began to shake again. “No, not again! My God, not again!” they shouted when a magnitude 7.6 earthquake rattled the capital Monday, killing two people in the Pacific coast state of Colima.

Two Dead, Buildings Damaged After Mexico Earthquake

2022-09-20T20:13+0200news18 (en)

Two people were killed and dozens of buildings were damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said Tuesday. A woman died of injuries caused by a falling wall in Manzanillo in the western state of Colima, civil defense....

Más de 200 edificios dañados por sismo en México que dejó dos muertos

2022-09-20T20:05+0200elpaisonline (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,6 sacudió el oeste de México el lunes en el aniversario de dos temblores devastadores, que mataron al menos a dos personas, dañaron edificios, cortaron el suministro eléctrico y obligaron a los residentes de la Ciudad de México a salir corriendo en busca de seguridad.

Las empresas se enfrentan a un tsunami regulatorio para afrontar la Ley del Clima

2022-09-20T20:04+0200capitalmadrid (es)

El documento elaborado por Ernst & Young llama la atención sobre la transformación que una economía baja en carbono va a suponen en todas las empresas. Tales cambios van a exigir una gran cantidad de fondos tanto públicos como privados, y a los que las compañías podrán acceder.

Powerful earthquake strikes western Mexico on anniversary of two tremors

2022-09-20T20:00+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, killing at least one person and damaging local infrastructure. It comes on the anniversary of two local tremors in 1985 and 2017, which respectively killed thousands and 350 people. At 13:05 local time (20:05 CEST) the powerful quake hit....

Séisme au Mexique : un deuxième décès et quelques dégâts

2022-09-20T19:45+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Ce deuxième décès a été enregistré dans l’État de Colima, voisin du Michoacan où l’épicentre a été localisé près de la côte de l’océan Pacifique, a indiqué la protection civile. « Une femme sévèrement blessée, écrasée par un mur qui s’est écroulé sur elle, est morte » dans la ville portuaire de....

Terremoto in Messico: 765 repliche e danni in almeno 6 Stati | FOTO

2022-09-20T19:38+0200meteoweb (it)

Continua la paura in Messico dopo il violento terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 avvenuto ieri davanti alla costa sudoccidentale del Paese. Secondo quanto segnala il Servizio Sismologico Nazionale (SSN), alle 11 locali (le 18 italiane) sono avvenute ben 765 repliche. La più importante è avvenuta la notte scorsa e ha avuto magnitudo di 5.

Mexico earthquake: furniture shakes as people gather outside

2022-09-20T19:30+0200euronews-en (en)

Updated: 20/09/2022. Furniture shakes and people gather outside in Mexico City after a powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two major quakes in 1985 and 2017.

Un fuerte terremoto sacude el sureste de Taiwán y deja a miles sin electricidad

2022-09-20T19:27+0200es-noticias (es)

El sureste de Taiwán se vio estremecido este domingo 18 de septiembre por un fuerte movimiento telúrico de 6,8 de magnitud. Las autoridades confirmaron que al menos una persona murió, un tren se descarriló y cientos de habitantes quedaron bloqueados por derrumbes en las carreteras. Además, el terremoto dejó a más de 7.

Mexican authorities urge calm following earthquake: ‘Do not listen to rumors’

2022-09-20T19:24+0200independent-UK (en)

authorities are urging calm following social media rumours concerning volcanic activity following Monday’s earthquake. The centre monitoring the Colima volcano said in a statement on Twitter on Tuesday morning that the volcano “is calm” and urged people to “remember not to spread rumours and stay calm at all times.

El Sabueso: Este video muestra la caída de la Línea 12 en 2021, no daños del sismo

2022-09-20T19:14+0200animalpolitico (es)

Un mensaje de Twitter que supuestamente informa sobre el sismo de magnitud 7.7 que afectó varias zonas de México el 19 de septiembre de 2022 incluye un video en el que se observa un tren colapsado, pero esta grabación fue sacada de contexto: corresponde a la caída de la Línea 12 del Metro en mayo de....

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake strikes Mexico's west coast on fateful anniversary 1 hour ago

2022-09-20T19:12+0200parstoday-en (en)

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake shook central Mexico on Monday after a drill was conducted to mark the two devastating tremors of 1985 and 2017. The quake jolted Mexico at 13:05 local time, just about an hour after millions of Mexicans throughout the country participated in the National Drill 2022, an....

En una extraña coincidencia histórica, sismo de magnitud 7.7 sacude...

2022-09-20T19:07+0200cubanoticias360 (es)

Foto: Armando Monroy. Texto: Redacción Cuba Noticias 360. Tercera vez en la historia reciente de México que el 19 de septiembre se convierte en un día trágico. El terremoto que se vivió ayer y que tuvo una magnitud de 7.7 se produjo justo en los aniversarios de los producidos en 1985 y 2017.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least 2

2022-09-20T19:00+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

By Daina Beth Solomon, Kylie Madry and Lizbeth Diaz. MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Powerful earthquake shakes parts of Mexico. Tsunami alert issued, check latest updates

2022-09-20T18:55+0200economictimes (en)

The Mayor of Mexico City, Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum , informed us there weren't any damages in the city. There were similar earthquakes in 1985 and 2017, and they both hit on the same day, September 19th. The earthquake happened after a memorial siren rang to mark the previous year's earthquakes.

18:26 Le Mexique touché par un fort séisme le jour anniversaire de …

2022-09-20T18:40+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Une femme sévèrement blessée, écrasée par un mur qui s’est écroulé sur elle, est morte dans la ville portuaire de Manzanillo, a indiqué la cheffe de la protection civile Laura Velazquez. L’ancien procureur général du Mexique sera jugé pour disparition forcée et torture de 43 étudiants Lundi,....

Au Mexique, un puissant tremblement de terre se produit en plein exercice d'alerte sismique

2022-09-20T18:40+0200nouvelobs (fr)

Le 19 septembre, date déjà synonyme de deuil au Mexique relativement aux séismes meurtriers de 1985 et 2017, poursuit son triste sort dans ce pays puisqu'un puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 s'y est à nouveau produit ce jour-là, causant la mort d'au moins une personne.

Quake hits Mexico

2022-09-20T18:36+0200newagebd (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and sparking panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. The quake magnitude 7.7 according to the national seismological agency shook buildings and sent people rushing out into the streets of the capital.

Sismo de 4.0 de magnitud con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-09-20T18:35+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.0 fue registrado en las cercanías de Coalcomán a las 11:03 hora local (16:03 UTC) de hoy, informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del sismo fue a 71 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán y tuvo una profundidad de 9 km.

Two dead, buildings damaged after Mexico earthquake

2022-09-20T18:34+0200digitaljournal (en)

Two people were killed and dozens of buildings were damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said Tuesday. A woman died of injuries caused by a falling wall in Manzanillo in the western state of Colima, civil defense....

Two dead, buildings damaged after Mexico earthquake

2022-09-20T18:33+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

Civil protection personnel check the damage to the façade of the Nuestra Señora de la Merced church moments after an earthquake in Guadalajara, Jalisco state, Mexico , on September 19, 2022. - A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings in Mexico City on the....

'It seems like a curse': Magnitude-7.6 quake shakes Mexico on anniversary of two previous tremors

2022-09-20T18:31+0200wn (en)

Photo: Creative Commons / Presidencia de la República Mexicana At least two people die and some damage is reported after an earthquake strikes Mexico on the same date as destructive quakes in 1985 and 2017. ...... Photo: President Enrique Pena Nieto and military officers led the raising of the....

Estados Unidos emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7.6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-20T18:31+0200elperiodicodemexico (es)

Washington, 19 sep (EFE).- El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Explotaron cables en México por el terremoto y el video se hizo viral

2022-09-20T18:29+0200lanacion-AR (es)

, quienes todavía recuerdan con angustia cómo la tierra tembló en 1985 y se repitió nuevamente en 2017 . Como si fuese una fecha marcada por algún designio, este 2022 ocurrió nuevamente el mismo episodio. Momentos antes, se había realizado el simulacro nacional en Ciudad de México cuando sintieron....

20/09/2022 Two dead, buildings damaged after Mexico earthquake

2022-09-20T18:27+0200rfi-en (en)

A woman died of injuries caused by a falling wall in Manzanillo in the western state of Colima, civil defense national coordinator Laura Velazquez told reporters. A man had been killed by falling debris in a shopping center in the same city due to Monday's earthquake, which caused buildings to shake and sway in Mexico City.

Two Dead, Buildings Damaged After Mexico Earthquake

2022-09-20T18:22+0200barrons (en)

A man had been killed by falling debris in a shopping center in the same city due to Monday's earthquake, which caused buildings to shake and sway in Mexico City. Nine others were injured across Colima, where more than 150 houses and other buildings were damaged, officials said.

Las máximas autoridades científicas avalan la seguridad de Restore 20/30 y certifican que es el mejor proyecto posible

2022-09-20T18:22+0200agrodigital (es)

Las máximas autoridades científicas de España han avalado la fortaleza y la seguridad del proyecto de Fertiberia para la restauración de los apilamientos de fosfoyesos Restore 20/30, que logró en 2020 la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (DIA) positiva tras un largo y minucioso proceso de concepción,....

Mexican dogs graduate ‘rescue school’ prepped to save owners in event of earthquake

2022-09-20T18:20+0200independent-UK (en)

A group of dogs in Mexico have graduated “rescue school,” and are now trained to save their owners in the event of an The first pack of canines to finish their training graduated on Monday (19 September), the same day local officials recorded a 7.7 magnitude earthquake south of Coalcoman. A second magnitude 5.

Séisme au Mexique : deux morts, neufs blessés et quelques dégâts

2022-09-20T18:17+0200sudouest (fr)

Une deuxième personne est décédée mardi des conséquences du séisme de magnitude 7,7 qui a secoué l’ouest du Mexique jusqu’à la capitale lundi, jour anniversaire de deux précédents tremblements de terre meurtriers en 1985 et 2017. Ce deuxième décès a été enregistré dans l’État de Colima, voisin du....

Two dead, buildings damaged after Mexico earthquake

2022-09-20T18:14+0200hausa-legit-ng (en)

Two people were killed and dozens of buildings were damaged by a powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating tremors, authorities said Tuesday. A woman died of injuries caused by a falling wall in Manzanillo in the western state of Colima, civil defense....

7.7-magnitude earthquake hits western Mexico, 1 dead - Xinhua English.news.cn

2022-09-20T18:11+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-20T16:08:44.531Z. 7.7-magnitude quake hits western Mexico , 1 dead On September 19, local time, a magnitude 7.7 earthquake occurred in the western state of Michoacán, Mexico. Mexican President Lopez said the earthquake had killed one person. The epicenter was located 63 kilometers south of Coalcomán, Michoacán, at a depth of 15 kilometers.

Le volcan Hunga Tonga, à l’origine d’un tsunami hors norme

2022-09-20T18:02+0200LeMonde (fr)

Aléas à l’origine de nombreuses catastrophes, les tsunamis sont provoqués par la brusque mise en mouvement d’un grand volume d’eau dans un océan, une mer ou un lac. Si les séismes constituent l’une de leurs sources bien connues, des éruptions volcaniques peuvent également en être la cause.

Le 19 septembre, date maudite au Mexique, avec un nouveau séisme qui secoue le pays

2022-09-20T18:01+0200futura-sciences (fr)

La date du 19 septembre semble décidément être un présage de séisme au Mexique. En 2017 et 1985 déjà, ce jour avait été marqué par deux importants tremblements de terre qui avaient fait, respectivement, 369 et plus de 10.000 morts. Cette tragique date anniversaire a d'ailleurs été choisie par les....

Earthquake in Mexico: In which states was the 7.7-degree tremor felt?

2022-09-20T17:59+0200d1softballnews (en)

This Monday, September 19, it was reported an earthquake of 7.7 degrees of magnitude with epicenter in Coalcoman, Michoacán. The telluric movement was perceived in 12 states of the Mexican Republic. Mexico City, Michoacán, Oaxaca, Colima and Puebla were the main places where it was perceived. Most of the states reported a white balance.

Sinaproc emite aviso de prevención por lluvias, advierte sobre desbordamiento de ríos e inundaciones

2022-09-20T17:54+0200telemetro (es)

Esto debido a la zona de convergencia intertropical y los sistemas de bajas presiones en el sector, aunado a flujos de vientos confluentes y con alta humedad, generando el ambiente ideal para lluvias y algunas tormentas, según indicó el Departamento de Hidrometeorología de ETESA.

VIDÉO. Le Mexique frappé par un violent séisme, pour la 3e fois un 19 septembre

2022-09-20T17:53+0200leparisien (fr)

L’ouest du Mexique a été frappé par un violent séisme de magnitude 7,4 qui a été ressenti jusqu’à la capitale, le 19 septembre. Une date maudite pour les habitants puisque deux des tremblements de terre les plus meurtriers de l’histoire du pays ont eu lieu ce jour-là.

Annual U.S. border arrests top 2 million, fueled by record migration from Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua

2022-09-20T17:46+0200flipboard (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate … Hurricane Fiona strengthened overnight to a Category 3 storm as it barreled toward the Turks and Caicos Islands after hammering Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.

0.00075%. Those Are the Odds of an Earthquake in Mexico Occurring on the Anniversary of ... - Latest Tweet by Bloomberg

2022-09-20T17:41+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Bloomberg states, '0.00075%. Those are the odds of an earthquake in Mexico occurring on the anniversary of large tremors in 1985 and 2017, an expert calculated ...' 0.00075%. Those are the odds of an earthquake in Mexico occurring on the anniversary of large tremors in 1985 and....

Potente sismo sacude a México en aniversario de dos devastadores terremotos

2022-09-20T17:41+0200latribuna (es)

Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de terremoto como....

Mexique : pour la troisième fois, la terre tremble un 19 septembre

2022-09-20T17:26+0200LeMonde (fr)

Le 19 septembre est-il un jour maudit au Mexique ? A en croire le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 qui a secoué le centre du pays, ce lundi, la question se pose. C’est la troisième fois que cette date est bousculée par un séisme mortel sur le territoire mexicain : le 19 septembre 1985, environ....

Over 200 buildings damaged in Mexico quake that killed 2-official MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A major earthquake that killed two people in Mexico on Monday also damaged more than 200 buildings and injured 10 people, Laur... 1h ago

2022-09-20T17:18+0200kelo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – A major earthquake that killed two people in Mexico on Monday also damaged more than 200 buildings and injured 10 people, Laura Velazquez, the head of Mexico’s civil protection agency, said on Tuesday. The magnitude 7.6 quake struck in western Mexico and most of the damage....

Death toll from earthquake in Mexico rises to two

2022-09-20T17:10+0200plenglish (en)

The report specified that the deceased are women, and another woman and two minors were injured. Homes, schools, businesses, medical units, offices, churches and bridges were damaged, and there were landslides on highways in the states of Colima, Michoacan, Jalisco and Nayarit.

Magnitude 5.8 earthquake strikes Michoacan region in Mexico

2022-09-20T17:01+0200wn (en)

Sept 20 (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 struck the Michoacan region in Mexico on Tuesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said.

Se registra un temblor de magnitud 4.4 en Coalcomán

2022-09-20T16:50+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.4 y con una profundidad de 16 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Coalcomán a las 9:26 hora local (14:26 UTC) de hoy. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 86 km al sur de dicha población del estado de Michoacán, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Sismo de magnitud 4.2 con epicentro en Tonalá, Chiapas

2022-09-20T16:35+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo fue registrado en Tonalá a las 9:00 hora local (14:00 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.2 y una profundidad de 15 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 144 km al suroeste de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas.

Messico: potente terremoto scuote il paese durante esercitazione antisismica

2022-09-20T16:31+0200scienzenotizie (it)

Le autorità hanno emanato l’allerta tsunami per ”possibili onde fino a 82 centimetri nell’area dell’epicentro”. Due persone sono morte, una è rimasta ferita a causa del forte terremoto che ha colpito il Messico nella giornata di oggi, 20 settembre, con epicentro localizzato a 63 chilometri a sud di....

“Parece una maldición”: fuerte sismo remece México en aniversario de fatídicos terremotos

2022-09-20T16:24+0200latina (es)

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 19 sep (Reuters) – Un poderoso terremoto azotó el oeste de México el lunes en el aniversario de otros dos devastadores sismos, dejando al menos dos personas fallecidas, fallas en el suministro eléctrico, edificios dañados y enviando, despavoridos, a los residentes de Ciudad de México a las calles en busca de resguardo.

Is Bamboo a Safe Construction Material in Natural Disasters Like Earthquakes?

2022-09-20T16:19+0200archdaily (en)

You may have heard about the use of bamboo in the temporary shelters created in humanitarian aid efforts after an earthquake, but bamboo can actually be very valuable in the construction of buildings that can withstand earthquakes. Why should we look towards bamboo as a temporary solution after a....

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 frappe le Mexique, un mort

2022-09-20T16:17+0200french-news (fr)

MEXICO, 19 septembre (Xinhua) -- Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 a secoué lundi le centre-ouest du Mexique, causant des dommages structurels le même jour où avaient déjà eu lieu dans ce pays deux précédents tremblements de terre majeurs, en 1985 et 2017.

Taiwan Earthquake of at Least 6.8-Magnitude Results in Fatalities, Damage, and More

2022-09-20T15:32+0200greenmatters (en)

Much of the southeast coast of Taiwan was shaken by what's been reported as a 6.8-magnitude earthquake on Sunday, Sept. 18. Buildings were toppled over, roads were inundated with debris, and unfortunately, many sustained serious injuries. This comes after several other weaker earthquakes hit the same area.

Por Tercera Ocasión Ocurre un Sismo de Gran Magnitud el 19 de Septiembre

2022-09-20T15:29+0200elorbe (es)


Earthquake: This is the step by step to receive Google alerts on your Android smartphone

2022-09-20T15:24+0200bullfrag (en)

During a earthquake, a few minutes, a few seconds can be vital. Based on this, Google developed since 2020 alerts for any smartphone Android. Earthquakes such as those experienced in Colombia or Mexico generate concern among the inhabitants. And although it is impossible to predict them long in....

Terremoti, le incredibili coincidenze delle date e il calendario degli eventi sismici

2022-09-20T15:19+0200zazoom-it (it)

Terremoti | le incredibili coincidenze delle date e il calendario degli eventi sismici Terremoti, le incredibili coincidenze delle date e il calendario degli eventi sismici (Di martedì 20 settembre 2022) Dai tre episodi devastanti in Messico (sempre il 19 settembre) ai casi italiani in mille anni di scosse studiati .

Deadly earthquake causes gym roof to collapse in western Mexico

2022-09-20T14:58+0200wn (en)

A deadly 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook Mexico on September 19.

Tecomán, Colima, registra temblor de 4.3 de magnitud

2022-09-20T14:58+0200infobae (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) informó sobre un temblor de magnitud 4.3 cerca de Tecomán que sucedió a las 6:51 horas en el horario local (11:51 UTC). Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 56 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Colima, con una profundidad de 16 km....

El terremoto de 7,7º que sacudió México dejó un muerto y ya tuvo 692 réplicas

2022-09-20T14:57+0200cadena3 (es)

Un fuerte sismo remeció el lunes el occidente de México, dejando al menos un fallecido, y su intensidad se sintió hasta la capital, donde pobladores despavoridos abandonaron sus viviendas rememorando la fatídica fecha, pero de 2017 y 1985, cuando sendos terremotos sacudieron el país cobrando miles de vidas.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-20T14:55+0200terradaily (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and sparking panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. The quake -- magnitude 7.7 according to the national seismological agency -- shook buildings and sent people rushing out into the streets of the capital.

Le sud-ouest du Mexique frappé par un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,5

2022-09-20T14:55+0200mapecology (fr)

Votre navigateur ne prend pas en charge le lecteur radio. Le sud-ouest du Mexique frappé par un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,5 Le sud-ouest du Mexique frappé par un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,5 Mexico - Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,5 a frappé lundi après-midi le sud-ouest du Mexique.

7:30 am | Deja sismo dos muertos y daños materiales en Manzanillo

2022-09-20T14:42+0200diariodecolima (es)

Elementos de la Policía Municipal cerraron el bulevar Miguel de la Madrid, alertando a los conductores que evacuaran la zona por vías alternas derivado de una alerta de tsunami El sismo de magnitud 7.7 registrado la tarde de ayer con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán, dejó como saldo una mujer fallecida y cuantiosos daños materiales.

Mexico - Earthquake and tsunami (GDACS, USGS, NOAA PTWC, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 20 September 2022)

2022-09-20T14:35+0200reliefWeb (en)

A strong earthquake of 7.6 M at a depth of 15 km occurred in western Mexico on 19 September at 20.05 UTC (15.05 local time). The epicentre was located inland, very close to the Pacific coast, in southern Michoacán State, approximately 15 km north-east of Maruata Town (near the border with Colima State).

VIDEO: Earthquake in Mexico awakens terrible memories

2022-09-20T14:22+0200slobodenpecat-en (en)

What is interesting about this earthquake is the incredible coincidence that the country faced, as this earthquake happened on the anniversary of two devastating earthquakes that hit the country in 1985 and 2017. As incredible as it may seem, on the same day, September 19, two large earthquakes caused many casualties in Mexico .

7.7 magnitude quake hits Mexico, kills 1

2022-09-20T14:22+0200manilametro (en)

MEXICO CITY - A 7.7 magnitude earthquake shook west-central Mexico on Monday, causing some structural damage on the anniversary of two previous major earthquakes in 1985 and 2017. One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping center in Manzanillo, a beach resort in western Colima state,....

Quake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary

2022-09-20T14:17+0200globaltimes (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. Two died in the Pacific port of Manzanillo, authorities....

The 9/19 nightmare of Mexico... Another earthquake occurred on the same day

2022-09-20T14:15+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-20T12:14:21.101Z. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Mexico yesterday. Following 1985 and 2017, another earthquake with a magnitude greater than 7 occurred on September 19, and the details are reported by Reporter Sang-Woo Ahn. <Anchor> Yesterday (19th), a magnitude 7.6 earthquake occurred in Mexico.

Strong earthquake jolts Mexico on fateful anniversary; at least two deadThousands of people were killed ...

2022-09-20T14:14+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. Two died in the Pacific port of Manzanillo, authorities....

VIDEO. Mexico and a strong earthquake with a fatal coincidence

2022-09-20T14:10+0200california18 (en)

A woman receives assistance after the violent earthquake in Mexico City. MEXICO CITY. A strong 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook several states in western and central Mexico yesterday, just after several regions of the country participated in a drill and on the same day that it shook strongly in 1985 and 2017.

Terremoto en México por tercera vez un 19 de setiembre

2022-09-20T14:10+0200diarioextra (es)

M éxico, Ciudad de México. (AFP) - Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades.

20/09/2022 Mexique : un séisme de magnitude 7,4 fait au moins un mort

2022-09-20T14:08+0200france24 (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé ce lundi 19 septembre l’ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico . Ce tremblement de terre est survenu le même jour que les séismes dévastateurs des 19 septembre 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l’institut sismologique national.

Deadly earthquake causes gym roof to collapse in western Mexico

2022-09-20T14:06+0200azcentral (en)

A deadly 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook Mexico on September 19.

Así ocurrió el tsunami tras el sismo de 7.7 (+Video)

2022-09-20T14:05+0200xeu (es)

Especialistas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) informaron que hubo un pequeño tsunami en el puerto de Manzanillo, Colima, luego del sismo de 7.7 de magnitud este 19 de septiembre a las 13:05 horas, en Coalcomán, Michoacán, minutos después del Simulacro Nacional de Sismos 2022.

Terremoto en México por tercera vez un 19 de setiembre

2022-09-20T14:03+0200diario-extra (es)

M éxico, Ciudad de México. (AFP) - Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades.

CATÁSTROFE NATURAL Al menos un muerto en el doble aniversario de los sismos en México Hoy 07:54 Jorge Elías

2022-09-20T14:02+0200perfil (es)

Al menos una persona falleció este lunes por un terremoto de magnitud 7,4 en el centro de México que coincidió con los aniversarios de los registrados el 19 de septiembre de 1985 y el 19 de septiembre de 2017. Ambos fueron los más destructivos en la historia del país.

Mexico earthquake – live: Another 5.8 quake jolts Michoacán as death toll rises

2022-09-20T13:57+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 struck the Michoacán region in Mexico on Tuesday, a day after two people were killed in another powerful quake. Monday’s earthquake, measured at a magnitude of 7.6, stuck on the anniversary of two previous earthquakes that caused enormous damage and killed hundreds or thousands of people in 1985 and 2017.

Major earthquake shakes Mexico on anniversary of two previous tremors | First Thing

2022-09-20T13:53+0200wn (en)

Quake registered at 7.5 magnitude on anniversary of earlier tremors. Plus, the rise and fall of Peloton Good morning. A magnitude 7.5 earthquake has struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two earlier devastating tremors , killing at least one person and causing flooding on the Pacific coast.

Potente sismo sacudió al centro de México en aniversario de dos devastadores terremotos

2022-09-20T13:49+0200laprensaaustral (es)

Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de terremoto como parte de la conmemoración de los eventos de 1985 y 2017, un fuerte temblor desató el pánico en varios sectores de la capital y otros estados del centro de México. “Una persona falleció por la caída de una barda (muro) de un....

Terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacude varios estados de México

2022-09-20T13:48+0200oncubanews (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud de 7,7 en la escala de Ritchter tuvo este lunes su epicentro en Michaoacán, México . El siniestro ha dejado hasta el momento una persona fallecida y algunos daños materiales, de acuerdo con medios internacionales. El movimiento telúrico, al que preliminarmente se le había....

No tsunami threat to Hawaii following massive 7.6M earthquake in Mexico | Update | Sweetened

2022-09-20T13:44+0200exbulletin (en)

USA, US Virgin Islands, small islands far from the US, Canada, Mexico , United Mexican States, Bahamas, Commonwealth of Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Republic of Jamaica, Afghanistan, Albania, Socialist People’s Republic of Algeria, People’s Democratic Republic of America (American Samoa, Digola,....

Fuerte sismo sacude a México en aniversario de dos devastadores terremotos

2022-09-20T13:35+0200listin (es)

Un sismo de 7.4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de terremoto como....

Messico: scossa di magnitudo 7,7 con epicentro nel Michoacán. Due vittime, danni a scuole, ospedali e chiese in via di quantificazione

2022-09-20T13:27+0200agensir (it)

(Foto Centro catolico multimedial) Per la terza volta, un forte terremoto colpisce il Messico il 19 settembre. Proprio mentre si stava rendendo omaggio alle vittime del 1985 e del 1917, è arrivata una forte scossa, di magnitudo 7,7, con epicentro vicino alla del Pacifico, nello Stato del Michoacán.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least 2

2022-09-20T13:24+0200TheFrontierPost-en (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters): A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,6 sacude el suroeste de México y desata una alerta de tsunami

2022-09-20T13:24+0200eldeber (es)

Reuters El sismo se sintió con fuerza en Ciudad de México. Un fuerte sismo sacudió México este lunes, causando la muerte de al menos una persona. La magnitud del terremoto fue de 7 6, según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Environnement et climat : ce que la vague de Dust Bowl dans les années 1930 nous avait vraiment appris sur la hausse des températures

2022-09-20T13:21+0200atlantico (fr)

L’expression Dust Bowl (cuvette ou bassin de poussière) a été inventée par un journaliste témoin du fameux « dimanche noir ». Le 14 avril 1935, dans l’Oklahoma, les oiseaux fuient mais sont rattrapés par un mur de poussière qui avance à 90 kilomètres/heure. Et soudain il fait nuit noire en plein jour.

Se registra un temblor de magnitud 4.8 en Coalcomán

2022-09-20T13:19+0200infobae (es)

Los habitantes de la ciudad de Coalcomán vivieron un temblor que alcanzó los 4.8 de magnitud y tuvo una profundidad de 12 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el movimiento telúrico ocurrió hoy a las 5:43 hora local (10:43 UTC), con un epicentro de 89 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.7

2022-09-20T13:17+0200kmetro0 (it)

K metro 0 – Adnkronos – Città del Messico – Una scossa di magnitudo 7.7 ha colpito Città del Messico. L’evento un’ora dopo un’esercitazione nazionale antisismica in occasione dell’anniversario dei terremoti del 1985 e 2017. L’epicentro del terremoto, avvertito nella capitale, è stato registrato 63....

CROLLI E VITTIME Il forte terremoto che ha colpito (di nuovo) il Messico Si tratta del terzo devastante sisma che si verifica il 19 settembre

2022-09-20T13:16+0200timgate (it)

Si tratta del terzo devastante sisma che si verifica il 19 settembre La terra torna a tremare in Messico . Una scossa di magnitudo 7.7 è stata registrata alle 13.05 (le 20.05 italiane) con epicentro a Coalcomán, nello stato di Michoacán, nella parte centro-orientale del Paese.

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.6 in Messico: crolli e due morti

2022-09-20T13:09+0200newsonline (it)

Il terzo sisma in pochi giorni, due per la precisione, è stato avvertito a Jalisco - Coalcomán e al largo di La Placita de Morelos , lungo la costa Sud - Ovest del Messico. Il movimento tellurico è stato nettamente registrato ... ...

Civil protection and emergency numbers

2022-09-20T13:02+0200d1softballnews (en)

September 19 continues to be a very marked date in the country, because in this 2022 another strong shaking that passed through several states of the Mexican republic . So far, official reports reveal that there is no serious damage in the country’s capital, while in the Colima one person lost his life.

At least one dead after magnitude 7.6 earthquake hits Mexico's pacific coast

2022-09-20T13:02+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

Sept. 19 (UPI) -- At least one person is dead after a strong earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast Monday, as the nation observed the anniversaries of two previous quakes. At least one person died and residents reported damage to buildings after a major earthquake struck Mexico on Monday. Photo by Jose Mendez/EPA-EFE.

What’s the probability of three earthquakes hitting Mexico City on the date September 19?

2022-09-20T12:55+0200elpais-en (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale struck Mexico City on Monday, September 19 – the same date as the deadly quakes in 1985 and 2017. According to experts, the probability of an earthquake hitting the capital on the exact same day in between 0.000751% and 0.00000024%. On September 19, 1985, an 8.

Shocking Earthquake in Mexico Kills One

2022-09-20T12:54+0200albawaba-en (en)

Fireghters take part in an earthquake drill at the Zocalo Square in Mexico City on September 19, 2022, as Mexico marks the anniversaries of the 1985 and 2017 deadly earthquakes. (Photo by ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP) A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two....

Mexico earthquake: Tremor hits on anniversaries

2022-09-20T12:50+0200bbc (en)

A powerful earthquake has killed at least one person after a 7.6 magnitude tremor hit western Mexico . It took place on 19 September, which is the same date as two other fatal earthquakes in the country. In 1985 and 2017 the two other quakes killed thousands of people. Mexican authorities were carrying out a drill 46 minutes before the quake hit.

Séisme au Mexique : le 19 septembre, une date maudite pour le pays

2022-09-20T12:46+0200cnews (fr)

Pour la troisième fois de son histoire, le Mexique a été secoué par un séisme un 19 septembre. Une date maudite qui a profondément marqué le pays. C’est une date sombre de l’histoire du Mexique . Ce lundi 19 septembre, l’ouest du pays et la capitale ont été secoués par un séisme de magnitude 7,7,....

AP Top Stories September 20 A

2022-09-20T12:40+0200azcentral (en)

Here's the latest for Tuesday September 20th: Hurricane Fiona moves west; Texas sheriff opens investigation into immigrant flights; Magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico ; House to vote on reforming Electoral Count Act.

Women's role acknowledged for development of better climate adaptation

2022-09-20T12:39+0200urdupoint (en)

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Sep, 2022 ) :Women's role is essential for the development of better climate adaptation mechanisms and disaster risk resilience efforts as they bring unique perspectives, insights and challenges to the table which must be recognized and integrated into future policy making.

Tsunami Alert Issued After Massive Earthquake of 7.7 Magnitude Jolts Mexico; Whopping 168 Aftershocks Recorded 4 hours ago The earthquake occurred shortly after an annual nationwide earthquake drill commemorating the devastating 1985 earthquake that claimed some 5,000 lives.

2022-09-20T12:37+0200weather-en-IN (en)

One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping centre in Manzanillo, a beach resort in western Colima state, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday evening after receiving a report from the Naval Ministry. The President was in contact with governors of states most affected by the quake that hit at 1:05 P.

Messico, un terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 fa danni e vittime: il video della scossa in diretta

2022-09-20T12:37+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 20 settembre 2022) Un terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 ha fatto tremare il Messico , nello Stato di Michoacan. La scossa è stata nitidamente avvertita anche a Città del Messico , capitale del Paese. Il bilancio provvisorio è di ... : Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 nel Michoacán.

First Thing: earthquake shakes Mexico on anniversary of two past tremors

2022-09-20T12:35+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

Good morning. A magnitude 7.5 earthquake has struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two earlier devastating tremors , killing at least one person and causing flooding on the Pacific coast. “It’s this date, there’s something about the 19th,” said Ernesto Lanzetta, a business owner in the Cuauhtémoc borough of the capital.

Mexico earthquake – live: Tsunami warning revised as death toll from 7.6 magnitude quake rises to two

2022-09-20T12:23+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

At least two people were killed by a major earthquake off the coast of Michoacán state in The earthquake, measured at a magnitude of 7.6, stuck on exactly the same day that two previous earthquakes caused enormous damage and killed hundreds or thousands of people in 1985 and 2017.

"Parece una maldición": fuerte sismo remece México en aniversario de fatídicos terremotos

2022-09-20T12:21+0200euronews-es (es)

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO , 19 sep – Un poderoso terremoto azotó el oeste de México el lunes en el aniversario de otros dos devastadores sismos, dejando al menos dos personas fallecidas, fallas en el suministro eléctrico, edificios dañados y enviando, despavoridos, a los residentes de Ciudad de México a las calles en busca de resguardo.

Día del terremoto: México sacudido en aniversario de dos devastadores sismos

2022-09-20T12:18+0200lanacion-PY (es)

Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de terremoto como parte de la conmemoración de los eventos de 1985 y 2017, un fuerte temblor desató el pánico en varios sectores de la capital y otros estados del centro del país. “Una persona falleció por la caída de una barda (muro) de un....

Un terremoto de 7,6 sacude México y se activa una alerta de tsunami

2022-09-20T12:18+0200analitica (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,6 sacudió el centro de México con epicentro localizado 63 kilómetros al sur de Coalcoman, en el estado de Michoacán, occidente de México, de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) de México.

Tata Aldjia, le retour

2022-09-20T12:13+0200lesoirdalgerie (fr)

Tata Aldjia m'a appelé pour se plaindre : «Au parti où travaille Sihem Lavabo et milite ton tonton Lekhmissi, ils ne se réunissent que la nuit, paraît-il ! Je pensais qu'il allait changer, mais non ! Ça empire ! Tu sais, les Américains ont eu l'ouragan Katarina, les Japonais leur tsunami, l'Europe....

Tsunami inunda poblados en Manzanillo

2022-09-20T12:08+0200jornada (es)

Colima, Col., Un tsunami de 1.24 metros de altura afectó los vasos de la Laguna de Cuyutlán –que se comunica con el mar a través de varios canales–, en el municipio de Manzanillo, y causó inundaciones en varias comunidades de la demarcación, especialmente en el sector Valle de las Garzas.

Messico, un terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 fa danni e vittime: il video della scossa in diretta

2022-09-20T12:01+0200newsonline (it)

Il bilancio provvisorio del terremoto in Messico è di 2 morti. Secondo il Servizio sismologico nazionale messicano alle 24 di ieri sera, i sismografi hanno rilevato 519 repliche del sisma, la più importante delle quali di magnitudo .... La scossa ... ...

Après le séisme au Mexique, un tsunami «de faible intensité» attendu… En Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T11:58+0200Europe1 (fr)

Après le séisme de magnitude 7,7 au Mexique, "un tsunami de faible intensité", est attendu en Nouvelle-Calédonie ce mardi vers 18 heures, heure locale. Les autorités locales annoncent des vagues anormales "de 20 à 30 centimes". Et d'ajouter : "il n'y a pas de risque de tsunami destructeur avéré".

Mexique : un séisme de 7,6 de magnitude secoue le pays le jour anniversaire de ceux de 1985 et 2017

2022-09-20T11:56+0200leparisien (fr)

Véronique se souvient avoir atterri à Mexico le 20 septembre 1985, au lendemain du gigantesque tremblement de terre qui avait ravagé la pantagruélique capitale. « Les étages des immeubles, qui ne respectaient aucune règle de construction antisismique, glissaient par comme un tas de carte à chaque réplique.

5.8-magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico, 2nd in 2 days

2022-09-20T11:51+0200wn (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 5.

Terremoto in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomàn: crolli e almeno un morto

2022-09-20T11:48+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 20 settembre 2022) Danni e Paura in Messico nelle ultime ore. Un Terremoto ha colpito il Paese lungo la costa del Pacifico, causando anche delle morti. Secondo i dati, l’ epicentro partirebbe dalla città di Coalcomàn , nella parte centrale dello Stato. La scossa è stata registrata di di magnitudo preliminare 7.

After the earthquake in Mexico, a “low intensity” tsunami expected… In New Caledonia

2022-09-20T11:38+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-20T09:38:07.639Z. After the 7.7 magnitude earthquake in Mexico , "a low intensity tsunami", is expected in New Caledonia this Tuesday around 6 p.m. local time. Local authorities announce abnormal waves "from 20 to 30 centimes". And to add: "there is no proven risk of a destructive tsunami". Gwendolina Duval with Europe 1 11:29 a.

VIDÉO. Mexique : un séisme de magnitude 7,7 ressenti à Mexico

2022-09-20T11:36+0200lemainelibre (fr)

ce lundi 19 septembre 2022 dans le centre de Mexico , a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. l’USGS. Il y a trente-sept ans jour pour jour, le pays avait déjà été touché par un séisme qui avait fait plus de 10 000 morts. Une personne est décédée dans l'ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

VIDÉO. Mexique : un séisme de magnitude 7,7 ressenti à Mexico

2022-09-20T11:36+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

ce lundi 19 septembre 2022 dans le centre de Mexico , a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. l’USGS. Il y a trente-sept ans jour pour jour, le pays avait déjà été touché par un séisme qui avait fait plus de 10 000 morts. Une personne est décédée dans l'ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Mexique: fort séisme le jour anniversaire de ceux de 1985 et 2017 il y a 2 heures

2022-09-20T11:35+0200lexpress-MU (fr)

Au Mexique, le 19 septembre est décidément maudit: un fort séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué l'ouest du pays et la capitale Mexico lundi, jour-anniversaire des tremblements de terre meurtriers de 1985 et 2017. Une personne est décédée dans l'ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Allarme a Tonga, vulcano ha eruttato otto volte in due giorni

2022-09-20T11:32+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – NUKU’ALOFA, 20 SET – Un vulcano a nord dell’isola principale di Tonga ha eruttato 8 volte nelle ultime 48 ore, secondo il servizio geologico della nazione del Pacifico che ha allertato i naviganti a tenersi alla larga. Il vulcano Home Reef è in eruzione da 10 giorni, con fuoriuscite di lava, vapore e cenere per almeno tre chilometri.

VIDEO | Magnitude 7.7 earthquake strikes Mexico's west coast on fateful anniversary10min

2022-09-20T11:29+0200presstv-ir (en)

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake shook central Mexico on Monday after a drill was conducted to mark the two devastating tremors of 1985 and 2017. The quake jolted Mexico at 13:05 local time, just about an hour after millions of Mexicans throughout the country participated in the National Drill 2022, an....

Allarme a Tonga, vulcano ha eruttato otto volte in due giorni

2022-09-20T11:27+0200globodiroma (it)

(ANSA) – NUKU'ALOFA, 20 SET – Un vulcano a nord dell'isola principale di Tonga ha eruttato 8 volte nelle ultime 48 ore, secondo il servizio geologico della nazione del Pacifico che ha allertato i naviganti a tenersi alla larga. Il vulcano Home Reef è in eruzione da 10 giorni, con fuoriuscite di lava, vapore e cenere per almeno tre chilometri.

Impactantes imágenes: así ha sacudido México el terremoto

2022-09-20T11:25+0200elperiodico (es)

Un seísmo de magnitud 7,6 sacudió este lunes e l centro de México, dejando al menos dos muertos y numerosos daños materiales. El terremoto tuvo el epicentro a 63 kilómetros al sur del municipio de Coalcomán, en el estado de Michoacán. Protección Civil descartó el riesgo de tsunami por el momento, pero las olas han subido hasta 0,32 centímetros.

Allarme a Tonga, vulcano ha eruttato otto volte in due giorni

2022-09-20T11:23+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - NUKU'ALOFA, 20 SET - Un vulcano a nord dell'isola principale di Tonga ha eruttato 8 volte nelle ultime 48 ore, secondo il servizio geologico della nazione del Pacifico che ha allertato i naviganti a tenersi alla larga. Il vulcano Home Reef è in eruzione da 10 giorni, con fuoriuscite di lava, vapore e cenere per almeno tre chilometri.

Allarme a Tonga, vulcano ha eruttato otto volte in due giorni

2022-09-20T11:22+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - NUKU'ALOFA, 20 SET - Un vulcano a nord dell'isola principale di Tonga ha eruttato 8 volte nelle ultime 48 ore, secondo il servizio geologico della nazione del Pacifico che ha allertato i naviganti a tenersi alla larga. Il vulcano Home Reef è in eruzione da 10 giorni, con fuoriuscite di lava, vapore e cenere per almeno tre chilometri.

Allarme a Tonga, vulcano ha eruttato otto volte in due giorni

2022-09-20T11:19+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - NUKU'ALOFA, 20 SET - Un vulcano a nord dell'isola principale di Tonga ha eruttato 8 volte nelle ultime 48 ore, secondo il servizio geologico della nazione del Pacifico che ha allertato i naviganti a tenersi alla larga. Il vulcano Home Reef è in eruzione da 10 giorni, con fuoriuscite di lava, vapore e cenere per almeno tre chilometri.

Messico, terremoto con magnitudo 7.7: il momento della scossa

2022-09-20T11:18+0200ilSole24ore (it)

(LaPresse) La magnitudo del terremoto che ha colpito il Messico è stata 7.7. Lo ha comunicato il servizio sismologico nazionale messicano. L'epicentro a 59 chilometri a sud di Coalcomán, nello stato di Michoacán, a una profondità di 10 km. Il terremoto è stato fortemente avvertito a Città del....

Allarme a Tonga, vulcano ha eruttato otto volte in due giorni

2022-09-20T11:18+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - NUKU'ALOFA, 20 SET - Un vulcano a nord dell'isola principale di Tonga ha eruttato 8 volte nelle ultime 48 ore, secondo il servizio geologico della nazione del Pacifico che ha allertato i naviganti a tenersi alla larga. Il vulcano Home Reef è in eruzione da 10 giorni, con fuoriuscite di lava, vapore e cenere per almeno tre chilometri.

Allarme a Tonga, vulcano ha eruttato otto volte in due giorni

2022-09-20T11:16+0200247libero (it)

(ANSA) - NUKU'ALOFA, 20 SET - Un vulcano a nord dell'isola principale di Tonga ha eruttato 8 volte nelle ultime 48 ore, secondo il servizio geologico della nazione del Pacifico che ha allertato i naviganti a tenersi alla larga. Il vulcano Home Reef è in eruzione da 10 giorni, con fuoriuscite di lava, vapore e cenere per almeno tre chilometri.

Allarme a Tonga, vulcano ha eruttato otto volte in due giorni

2022-09-20T11:14+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

NUKU'ALOFA, 20 SET - Un vulcano a nord dell'isola principale di Tonga ha eruttato 8 volte nelle ultime 48 ore, secondo il servizio geologico della nazione del Pacifico che ha allertato i naviganti a tenersi alla larga. Il vulcano Home Reef è in eruzione da 10 giorni, con fuoriuscite di lava, vapore e cenere per almeno tre chilometri.

7.7 magnitude earthquake kills 2 in Mexico

2022-09-20T11:13+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-20T09:13:43.682Z. A 7.7-magnitude earthquake in western Mexico has killed 2 people. At 13:5 local time on the 19th, a strong earthquake occurred in the western state of Michoacán. Buildings near the epicenter were damaged and telephone communications were interrupted for a time.

What you should know about the earthquake drill in Mexico this September 19

2022-09-20T11:13+0200d1softballnews (en)

(CNN Spanish) — On the anniversary of the two earthquakes that hit Mexico City hard in 1985 and 2017, Mexico will carry out a national earthquake drill on September 19 in order to identify and analyze risks and vulnerabilities in the face of another similar emergency. in the country.


2022-09-20T11:12+0200elcomercio-es (es)

Ayer mientras se recordaban a las victimas de los temblores de 1985, y 2017, el mismo día, y desde Palacio Nacional se recordaban, nadie imaginó que 4 horas de terminar la Mañanera, OTRO 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE, con origen en Colima de nuevo, sacudiría a la ciudad de México con un sismo de 7.7 grados, TRES SISMOS EL MISMO DÍA 19, UN 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE.

Allarme a Tonga, vulcano ha eruttato otto volte in due giorni

2022-09-20T11:12+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - NUKU'ALOFA, 20 SET - Un vulcano a nord dell'isola principale di Tonga ha eruttato 8 volte nelle ultime 48 ore, secondo il servizio geologico della nazione del Pacifico che ha allertato i naviganti a tenersi alla larga. Il vulcano Home Reef è in eruzione da 10 giorni, con fuoriuscite di lava, vapore e cenere per almeno tre chilometri.

Nuovo terremoto in Messico, epicentro sulla costa pacifica

2022-09-20T11:11+0200meteoweb (it)

La Sala Sismica INGV-Roma ha registrato un evento magnitudo Mwp 6.1. Nuova forte scossa di terremoto in Messico , dopo il potente sisma di ieri : la Sala Sismica INGV-Roma segnala un evento magnitudo Mwp 6.1 sull’area costiera di Michoacan. Il sisma è stato rilevato alle 10:17:20 ora italiana ad una profondità di 78 km.

"Parece una maldición": fuerte sismo remece México en aniversario de fatídicos terremotos

2022-09-20T11:09+0200investing-ES (es)

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 19 sep (Reuters) - Un poderoso terremoto azotó el oeste de México el lunes en el aniversario de otros dos devastadores sismos, dejando al menos dos personas fallecidas, fallas en el suministro eléctrico, edificios dañados y enviando, despavoridos, a los residentes de Ciudad de México a las calles en busca de resguardo.

Mexique: fort séisme le jour anniversaire de ceux de 1985 et 2017

2022-09-20T11:09+0200bfmtv (fr)

Au Mexique , le 19 septembre est décidément maudit. Un fort séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué l'ouest du pays et la capitale Mexico lundi, jour-anniversaire des tremblements de terre meurtriers de 1985 et 2017. Une personne est morte dans l'ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Compte-tenu de....

Messico: terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 nel Michoacan - Agenzia Nova

2022-09-20T11:08+0200newsonline (it)

Il terremoto si è verificato mentre era in corso un'esercitazione .... In un messaggio postato su Twitter, la sindaca della capitale Città del Messico, Claudia Sheinbaum , ha precisato che finora non sono stati segnalati danni nel ... ...

20/09/2022 Mexique : l’ouest du pays secoué par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7

2022-09-20T11:03+0200france24 (fr)

Magnitude 7,7 : un fort séisme a frappé l’ouest du Mexique, lundi 19 septembre, et a été ressenti jusqu’à Mexico , a informé l’Institut sismologique national, qui avait d’abord évoqué une magnitude de 6,8 puis de 7,4. L’épicentre a été localisé vers le Pacifique, dans l’Etat du Michoacan (ouest), à....

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-20T10:52+0200nna-en (en)

NNA - A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and causing panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.

Terremoto Messico, la maledizione del 19 settembre: 3 potenti scosse in 3 diversi anni, sempre lo stesso giorno

2022-09-20T10:51+0200blitzquotidiano (it)

Un nuovo potente terremoto in Messico , sempre il 19 settembre, come già accaduto nel 1985 e nel 2017. Tanto che l’ultima scossa, magnitudo 7.7 , è avvenuta proprio mentre si commemoravano le vittime dei terremoti precedenti. E pensare che appena un’ora prima del sisma, ricordando i forti terremoti....

5.8-magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico, 2nd in 2 days

2022-09-20T10:49+0200HindustanTimes (en)

Mexico Earthquake: The quake was at a depth of 93 km (57.78 miles), EMSC said. Mexico Earthquake: The quake was at a depth of 93 km (57.78 miles), EMSC said. (Representative Image/HT) An earthquake of magnitude 5.8 struck the Michoacan region in Mexico on Tuesday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said.

A Tonga volcano erupted 8 times in 48 hours, the local warning level was raised to orange

2022-09-20T10:41+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-20T08:38:42.758Z. According to Agence France-Presse reported on the 20th, according to the Tonga Geological Service, a volcano north of the main island of Tonga has erupted eight times in the past 48 hours. The Tonga volcano erupted on a large scale on January 15.

Machine learning-based tsunami inundation prediction derived from offshore observations

2022-09-20T10:40+0200nature-Earth-and-Environmental-Sciences (en)

The world’s largest and densest tsunami observing system gives us the leverage to develop a method for a real-time tsunami inundation prediction based on machine learning. Our method utilizes 150 offshore stations encompassing the Japan Trench to simultaneously predict tsunami inundation at seven....

Massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-20T10:34+0200ibtimes-in (en)

A massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake jolted west-central Mexico on a day when the country marked the anniversary of two major temblors that struck in 1985 and 2017. One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping centre in Manzanillo, a beach resort in western Colima state, Mexican President....

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T10:21+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 20 SET - E' di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico.

Messico, terremoto con magnitudo 7.7: il momento della scossa L'epicentro a 59 chilometri a sud di Coalcomán, nello stato di Michoacán, a una profondità di 10 km. La magnitudo del terremoto che ha colpito il Messico è stata 7.7. Il terremoto è stato fortemente avvertito a Città del Messico, dove al....

2022-09-20T10:21+0200informazione (it)

L'epicentro a 59 chilometri a sud di Coalcomán, nello stato di Michoacán, a una profondità di 10 km. La magnitudo del terremoto che ha colpito il Messico è stata 7.7. Il terremoto è stato fortemente avvertito a Città del Messico, dove al momento non sono stati segnalati danni, e in almeno altre 11 entità del centro-ovest del Paese.

09:09 Séisme au Mexique : tsunami "de faible intensité" attendu en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T10:20+0200lesoirdalgerie (fr)

Des vagues anormales de 20 à 30 centimètres "correspondant à un tsunami de faible intensité" sont attendues en Nouvelle-Calédonie mardi vers 18 heures (07H00 GMT) à la suite du puissant séisme qui a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique, ont indiqué les autorités locales.

Earthquake in Mexico causes office lights to tremble KTTV

2022-09-20T10:17+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

Earthquake in Mexico causes office lights to tremble. A 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck Mexico's Pacific coast Monday. Video credit: Hector Porter Bridges/Business Insider Mexico via....

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least 2

2022-09-20T10:17+0200tribune (en)

MEXICO CITY: A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Terremoto Messico, la maledizione del 19 settembre: 3 potenti scosse in 3 diversi anni, sempre lo stesso giorno

2022-09-20T10:06+0200newsonline (it)

Il bilancio del terremoto in Messico E' di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 scosse il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7.7. Epicentro nello stato centrale messicano di Michoacán . Sisma Ovviamente avvertito chiaramente ... ...

Terremoto in Messico, due morti dopo scossa magnitudo 7,7

2022-09-20T10:05+0200it-geosnews (it)

(Adnkronos) – E’ salito a due il numero dei morti in Messico in seguito alla violenta scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 della scala Richter, il cui epicentro è stato... L'articolo Terremoto in Messico, due morti dopo scossa magnitudo 7,7 sembra essere il primo su OglioPoNews.

Oltre 500 repliche del terremoto in Messico. Sale il numero delle vittime a Michoacán

2022-09-20T10:00+0200interris (it)

Oltre 500 repliche. E’ di due morti [e non solo uno, come si pensava ieri, ndr], danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di Michoacán . Secondo il Servizio sismologico nazionale (Ssn) messicano alle 24 di ieri sera (le 7 italiane di oggi), i sismografi hanno....

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors, at least 1 dead

2022-09-20T09:59+0200dhakatribune (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. One person was killed in the Pacific port of Manzanillo when a....

Mega bridge in Taiwan wrecked by 6.9-magnitude earthquake | Video

2022-09-20T09:54+0200indiatoday (en)

Drone footage showed the Gaoliao bridge in Taiwan lying in pieces, as sections broke apart and crumbled following a 6.9 magnitude earthquake. An aerial view shows the collapsed Gaoliao bridge in eastern Taiwan's Hualien county following a 6.9 magnitude earthquake (AFP photo) A 600-metre long....

Messico: scossa di magnitudo 7.7 nel Paese

2022-09-20T09:53+0200nanopress (it)

Una violenta scossa di terremoto ha sconvolto il Centro America e, in particolare, lo stato del Messico. Diramato anche l’allarme tzunami nell’intera area colpita dal sisma. Cartina del Messico – Nanopress.it. Una scossa pari al 7.4 grado della scala Richter, con epicentro nel Messico centrale. Terremoto in Messico: la situazione.

Séisme au Mexique: tsunami « de faible intensité » attendu en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T09:51+0200koldanews (fr)

(Belga) Des vagues anormales de 20 à 30 centimètres « correspondant à un tsunami de faible intensité » sont attendues en Nouvelle-Calédonie mardi vers 18 heures (07H00 GMT) à la suite du puissant séisme qui a frappé lundi l’ouest du Mexique, ont indiqué les autorités locales.

'It seems like a curse': Magnitude-7.6 quake shakes Mexico on anniversary of two previous tremors

2022-09-20T09:44+0200abc-au (en)

The two deaths occurred in the port of Manzanillo in Colima state, authorities said, with one person crushed by the facade of a department store and another person found dead at a mall. Social media footage showed the roof of the mall collapsed into the top floor — a gym — as people yelled for help.

Messico: potente terremoto scuote il paese

2022-09-20T09:44+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 20 settembre 2022) Un potente terremoto scuote il Messico . Il terremoto si è verificato lo stesso giorno in cui altri due potenti terremoto colpirono il paese nel 1985 e nel 2017, uccidendo 10mila persone. Il governo ha riferito che sono morte due persone e sono stati segnalati danni non gravi in diverse strutture.

'Curse' fears as Mexico earthquake kills two on EXACT same day as previous killer quakes

2022-09-20T09:41+0200themirror (en)

Two people have been left dead after a powerful shook Mexico on the exact same day as two previous killer quakes. Locals said "the 19th is a day to be feared" after the magnitude 7.6 earthquake sparked tsunami warnings for the US and left buildings smashed as it struck western Mexico on Monday, on the anniversary of two other devastating tremors.

India’s CMFRI hosts release of hatchery-produced pearl oyster spat

2022-09-20T09:38+0200thefishsite (en)

Tuticorin Regional Station of the ICAR-CMFRI produced 5 lakhs of hatchery-produced pearl oyster ( Pinctada fucata) spat and released the 5 mm seeds in selected areas of the Gulf of Mannar on 15 September 2022. This stock replenishment measure was initiated by the Shellfish Fisheries Division,....

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least two

2022-09-20T09:37+0200GulfDailyNews (en)

MEXICO CITY: A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Messico: potente terremoto scuote il paese

2022-09-20T09:37+0200periodicodaily (it)

Un potente terremoto scuote il Messico. Il terremoto si è verificato lo stesso giorno in cui altri due potenti terremoto colpirono il Paese nel 1985 e nel 2017, uccidendo 10mila persone. Il governo ha riferito che sono morte due persone e sono stati segnalati danni non gravi in diverse strutture. Potente terremoto scuote il Messico.

Terremoto in Messico, oltre 500 nuove scosse e due morti

2022-09-20T09:27+0200mister-x (it)

Terremoto, tre scosse sono state registrate nella giornata di oggi sulla costa abbruzzese-marchigiana. La prima si è ve; Ancora scosse di terremoto a Firenze, tra i comuni di Impruneta e Sa Casciano Val di Pesa, nella stessa area dove il 3 m; Altre scosse di terremoto nella notte tengono sveglia....

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 in Messico: due vittime

2022-09-20T09:26+0200laregione (it)

È di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico. Secondo il Servizio sismologico nazionale (Ssn) messicano alle 24 di ieri....

Terremoto in Messico di magnitudo 7.7

2022-09-20T09:24+0200oggitreviso (it)

MESSICO - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.7 ha colpito Città del Messico . L'evento un'ora dopo un'esercitazione nazionale antisismica in occasione dell'anniversario dei terremoti del 1985 e 2017. L'epicentro del terremoto, avvertito nella capitale, è stato registrato 63 km a sud di Coalcoman nello stato messicano di Michoacan.

Video: Small Tsunami Causes Floods in Manzanillo Port, Mexico

2022-09-20T09:21+0200worldakkam (en)

'; //bottom sticky widget when scroll up at 1st article $(".bxslider").html(infiniteScrollArticles); var emoji2 = "Video: Small Tsunami Triggers Flooding in Mexico ’s Port of Manzanillo | ⯑ LatestLY"; console.log("count1"); var newhref1 = "https://www.latestly.

Tsunami alert issued after earthquake of 7.6 magnitude hits Mexico, 1 killed

2022-09-20T09:13+0200wn (en)

Authorities also reported damage to several hospitals in the western state of Michoacan near the epicentre, which was in a sparsely populated part of Mexico . A major earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday leaving one person dead. The 7.6-magnitude quake also damaged buildings and resulted in....

Mexico hit by 7.6 magnitude earthquake, 2 dead

2022-09-20T09:07+0200in-cyprus (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. Two died in the Pacific port of Manzanillo, authorities....

7.7 magnitude quake kills 1 in Mexico

2022-09-20T09:06+0200uniindia (en)

Mexico City, Sep 20 (UNI) A 7.7 magnitude earthquake shook west-central Mexico on Monday, causing some structural damage on the anniversary of two previous major earthquakes in 1985 and 2017. One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping center in Manzanillo, a beach resort in western....

Début de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU, un collectif féministe interpelle EE-LV, de nouveaux témoignages accablent PPDA... L’actu de ce mardi matin

2022-09-20T09:04+0200Liberation (fr)

L’actu. Début de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU dans un monde assiégé par les crises. Dans un monde en crise, les dirigeants de la planète se succèdent à partir de mardi à la tribune de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU à New York. Pendant près d’une semaine, quelque 150 chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement....

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T09:02+0200virgilio (it)

E' di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e....

Quake Hits Mexico On Anniversary Of Two Deadly Tremors

2022-09-20T08:59+0200barrons (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead in Manzanillo and sparking panic hundreds of kilometres away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. Mexico sits in the world's most seismically and volcanically active zone, known as the....

Mexico hit by 7.6 magnitude earthquake, 2 dead

2022-09-20T08:57+0200newsincyprus (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. Two died in the Pacific port of Manzanillo, authorities....

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T08:52+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 20 settembre 2022) E' di due morti , danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito ... : Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.4.

Terremoto in Messico, due morti dopo scossa magnitudo 7,7

2022-09-20T08:52+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 20 settembre 2022) (Adnkronos) – E’ salito a due il numero dei morti in Messico in seguito alla violenta scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 della scala Richter, il cui epicentro è stato localizzato 64 chilometri a sud della città di Coalcoman, nella parte centrale del Paese.

Terremoto fortissimo, la ‘maledizione’ del giorno ha colpito ancora: magnitudo ed epicentro

2022-09-20T08:52+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 20 settembre 2022) Un fortissimo Terremoto ha portato paura, morte e distruzione ad una terra già devastata in passato. Il sisma ha colpito la zona nello stesso giorno in cui si stavano ricordando le vittime di altre due scosse. Torniamo a parlate di un evento sismico di grande portata....

Messico, terremoto di M 7.5

2022-09-20T08:49+0200ilmetropolitano-it (it)

La costa di La Placita de Morelos, nel Messico, Occidentale è stata colpita da un violento terremoto. Il sisma è stato di magnitudo 7,5 della scala Richter. E’ stato registrato alla profondità di circa 10 chilometri e a 46 chilometri a Sud-Est di La Placita de Morelos, nello stato di Michoacan in....

Coalcomán, Michoacán, registra temblor de magnitud 4.4

2022-09-20T08:49+0200infobae (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) informó sobre un temblor de magnitud 4.4 cerca de Coalcomán que sucedió a las 1:19 horas en el horario local (6:19 UTC). Información preliminar señala que el sismo tuvo un epicentro 68 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán, con una profundidad de 10....

Tsunami alert issued after earthquake of 7.6 magnitude hits Mexico, 1 killed

2022-09-20T08:47+0200financialexpress (en)

A major earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday leaving one person dead. The 7.6-magnitude quake also damaged buildings and resulted in power cuts in several areas. Notably, this earthquake hit Mexico on the anniversary of two major tremors in 1985 and 2017.

Quake strikes Mexico on 'cursed' anniversary, killing at least 2

2022-09-20T08:47+0200chinadailyhk (en)

A woman receives medical care after an earthquake in Mexico City on September 19, 2022. (PEDRO PARDO / AFP) MEXICO CITY - A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and....

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T08:46+0200globodiroma (it)

(ANSA) – CITTA DEL MESSICO, 20 SET – E' di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico.

Massive earthquake of magnitude 7.7 shakes Mexico, one killed

2022-09-20T08:44+0200manilametro (en)

Mexico City [Mexico], September 20 (ANI): A massive earthquake of magnitude 7.7 jolted the southwestern coast of Mexico on Monday, killing at least one person. The quake hit after 1 p.m. EST with the epicentre located near the coastline of Michoacan state, CNN reported citing the US Geological Survey Data.

7.6 magnitude earthquake kills 2 in Mexico

2022-09-20T08:43+0200worldakkam (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake hits the west Mexico At least two people have died, buildings have been damaged, power outages have occurred, and residents have been displaced. Mexico A city trying to get out for safety. Officials said two people died in the Pacific Ocean port of Manzanillo.

Messico, terremoto magnitudo 7.7: oltre 500 scosse e due morti

2022-09-20T08:41+0200larena (it)

È di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico. Secondo il Servizio sismologico nazionale (Ssn) messicano alle 24 di ieri....

Mexico earthquake, magnitude 7.6, rattles country's Pacific coast - USA TODAY

2022-09-20T08:39+0200google-top-stories (en)

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook the west coast of Mexico on Monday, coincidentally on the same day that two previous major quakes had rattled the country years before. There were no immediate reports of major damage from the quake, which hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least 2

2022-09-20T08:37+0200bna-en (en)

Mexico City, Sept. 20 (BNA): A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

2 killed in strong Mexico earthquake

2022-09-20T08:32+0200thedailystarBD (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. Two died in the Pacific port of Manzanillo, authorities....

Attualità: violentissimo terremoto scuote il Messico; scatta l’allerta tsunami

2022-09-20T08:31+0200scienzenotizie (it)

Le impressionanti immagini diffuse sul web mostrano la devastazione che ne è seguita. Il Servizio Sismico Nazionale del Messico ha riportato un terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 sulle coste di Guerrero e Michoacán, 42 chilometri a nord-ovest di La Mira, nel centro del paese. Il tremore arriva un giorno dopo un’esercitazione nazionale.

Il Messico devastato da un forte sisma

2022-09-20T08:30+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno-en (it)

Città sconvolte in Messico. Capitale devastata titola La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno il 20 settembre 1985. Un violentissimo terremoto ha devastato ieri vaste regioni del Messico, provocando crolli nella capitale e in altre città, e migliaia di vittime. I sismografi attribuiscono alla scossa sismica....

Almeno 5.000 morti sotto le macerie

2022-09-20T08:29+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

Città sconvolte in Messico. Capitale devastata titola La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno il 20 settembre 1985. Un violentissimo terremoto ha devastato ieri vaste regioni del Messico, provocando crolli nella capitale e in altre città, e migliaia di vittime. I sismografi attribuiscono alla scossa sismica....

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T08:29+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – CITTA DEL MESSICO, 20 SET – E’ di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico.

Au Mexique, le 19 septembre est maudit

2022-09-20T08:27+0200WortLuxembourg-fr (fr)

(AFP) - Au Mexique, le 19 septembre est décidément maudit: un fort séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué l'ouest du pays et la capitale Mexico lundi, jour anniversaire des tremblements de terre meurtriers de 1985 et 2017. Une personne est décédée dans l'ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least 2

2022-09-20T08:26+0200channelnewsasia (en)

MEXICO CITY: A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday (Sep 19) on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Forte terremoto in Messico, morta una persona: il VIDEO

2022-09-20T08:21+0200mondopalermo (it)

Ecco le quote dei bookmakers in merito alla vittoria finale del campionato di B: Genoa 4.00 Cagliari 4.25 Brescia 6.00 Parma 10.00 Bari 15.00 Reggina 15.00 Benevento 18.00 Frosinone 20.00Palermo 21.00 Pisa 25.00 Ascoli 26.00 Ternana 31.00 Terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di La Placita de Morelos.

SismaTerremoto in Messico: oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T08:20+0200cdt (it)

È di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico. Secondo il Servizio sismologico nazionale (Ssn) messicano alle 24 di ieri....

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T08:20+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 20 SET - E' di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico.

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T08:18+0200lasicilia (it)

CITTA DEL MESSICO, 20 SET - E' di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico.

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T08:14+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 20 SET - E' di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico.

Terremoto in Messico, due morti dopo scossa magnitudo 7,7

2022-09-20T08:13+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – E’ salito a due il numero dei morti in Messico in seguito alla violenta scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 della scala Richter, il cui epicentro è stato localizzato 64 chilometri a sud della città di Coalcoman, nella parte centrale del Paese.

Terremoto in Messico, due morti dopo scossa magnitudo 7,7

2022-09-20T08:13+0200adnkronos (it)

E' salito a due il numero dei morti in Messico in seguito alla violenta scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 della scala Richter, il cui epicentro è stato localizzato 64 chilometri a sud della città di Coalcoman, nella parte centrale del Paese. La scossa è stata registrata nello stesso giorno in....

Mexique : un séisme de magnitude 7,4 secoue la côte ouest

2022-09-20T08:12+0200linfo (fr)

Trois tremblements de terre. Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 a été ressenti dans le centre de Mexico Mexique ) lundi 19 septembre. Selon l’institut sismologique national, cette secousse a frappé le pays le même jour que les deux autres tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et de 2017. L’épicentre a été localisé dans l’Etat du Michoacan (ouest).

Il potente terremoto in Messico e la “coincidenza” della data | VIDEO

2022-09-20T08:09+0200meteoweb (it)

E’ salito a due il numero dei morti in Messico in seguito al violento terremoto magnitudo 7.7 il cui epicentro è stato localizzato 64 km a Sud della città di Coalcoman, nella parte centrale del Paese. Secondo il Servizio sismologico nazionale messicano alle 24 di ieri sera (le 7 italiane di oggi), i....

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least 2

2022-09-20T08:07+0200zawya-palestine (en)

MEXICO CITY: A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T08:06+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 20 SET - E' di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico.

Terremoto violentissimo: 7,4 di magnitudo. Gente in strada tra urla e panico: “Rischio tsunami”

2022-09-20T08:06+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 20 settembre 2022) Terremoto in Messico di magnitudo 7,4. Uno dei più forti degli ultimi tempi. L’epicentro nella zona del Michoacan, 63 km a sud di Coalcoman con profondità, secondo il Csn, di 15 chilometri. La scossa, avvertita anche fino a Città del Messico, è avvenuta un’ora dopo....

Ultime Notizie – Terremoto in Messico, due morti dopo scossa magnitudo 7,7

2022-09-20T08:06+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di martedì 20 settembre 2022) E’ salito a due il numero dei morti in Messico in seguito alla violenta scossa di Terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 della scala Richter, il cui epicentro è stato localizzato 64 chilometri a sud della città di Coalcoman, nella parte centrale del Paese.

Cuba mourns aftermaths of Mexico offshore earthquake

2022-09-20T08:05+0200cubasi (en)

Havana, Sep 19 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez offered his country's deepest condolences and solidarity with Mexico following a magnitude 7.4 offshore earthquake hit the North American nation. Rodriguez, who is in New York to attend the 77th session of the UN General Assembly....

Mexico appraised damage caused by 7.7-magnitude earthquake

2022-09-20T08:05+0200cubasi (en)

The Mexican government is presently appraising all damage caused on Monday by a fierce 7.7-magnitude offshore earthquake on the same date of that in 1985 and 2017. Mexico ´s Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation Secretariat immediately set up a supervision plan to preliminarily appraise....

Terremoto in Messico, due morti dopo scossa magnitudo 7,7

2022-09-20T08:05+0200news-yahoo-it (it)

(Adnkronos) - E' salito a due il numero dei morti in Messico in seguito alla violenta scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 della scala Richter, il cui epicentro è stato localizzato 64 chilometri a sud della città di Coalcoman, nella parte centrale del Paese.

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T08:05+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

CITTA DEL MESSICO, 20 SET - E' di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least two

2022-09-20T08:04+0200malaymail (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 20 ― A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico yesterday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Terremoto in Messico, oltre 500 scosse: due morti, danni in varie città

2022-09-20T08:03+0200leggo (it)

nella zona del Michoacan : alle 20.05 di ieri sera (ora italiana) un evento sismico di magnitudo 7.5 è stato localizzato vicino Aguililla. Non è ancora stato reso noto se ci sono danni a persone o cose, ma la scossa è stata violentissima. Il sisma è avvenuto con epicentro a Coalcomán , una....

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least two

2022-09-20T08:02+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 20 ― A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico yesterday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Messico: terremoto, oltre 500 repliche e due morti

2022-09-20T08:01+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 20 SET - E' di due morti, danni non gravi in vari Stati e oltre 500 repliche il bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 registrato ieri mattina nello Stato centrale messicano di Michoacán, e avvertito chiaramente a Città del Messico.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least two

2022-09-20T07:56+0200themalaymailonline (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 20 ― A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico yesterday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Watch: Frightening scenes from site of powerful earthquake in western Mexico 4 minutes ago

2022-09-20T07:56+0200scroll-in (en)

Watch: Frightening scenes from site of powerful earthquake in western Mexico A 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck on the anniversary of two devastating quakes in 2017 and 1985. ▶️ Así se vivió el #sismo de magnitud 7.7 en distintos puntos del país En #CdMx reportan solo incidentes menores; 99.

Séisme au Mexique : un tsunami « de faible intensité » attendu en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T07:56+0200sudouest (fr)

Des vagues anormales de 20 à 30 centimètres « correspondant à un tsunami de faible intensité » sont attendues en Nouvelle-Calédonie mardi vers 9 heures (heure française) à la suite du puissant séisme qui a frappé lundi l’ouest du Mexique. Des « mouvements anormaux de la mer » devraient être....

Puissant tremblement de terre au Mexique : le séisme de magnitude 7,6 a fait au moins un mort

2022-09-20T07:50+0200lindependant (fr)

Une alerte au tsunami a été déclenchée lundi soir dans l'ouest du Mexique. Un puissant séisme a secoué lundi la côte ouest du Mexique , où au moins une personne a été tuée, et a été ressenti jusque dans la capitale, Mexico , dont les habitants se sont précipités dans les rues pour se mettre à l'abri.

Le Mexique secoué par un puissant tremblement de terre, cinq ans après le séisme meutrier de 2017

2022-09-20T07:48+0200euronews-fr (fr)

La stupeur à Mexico après le séisme (19/09/22) Tous droits réservés Fernando Llano/Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Le Mexique a été secoué lundi par un puissant tremblement de terre de Le bilan est d' au moins un mort , aucun dégât majeur n'a été signalé, notamment dans la....

Séisme au Mexique: tsunami "de faible intensité" attendu en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T07:45+0200rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Des vagues anormales de 20 à 30 centimètres "correspondant à un tsunami de faible intensité" sont attendues en Nouvelle-Calédonie mardi vers 18 heures (07H00 GMT) à la suite du puissant séisme qui a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique, ont indiqué les autorités locales.

Terremoto in Messico, il sisma avvertito anche nella capitale

2022-09-20T07:45+0200UnioneSarda (it)

Un morto e danni alle infrastrutture in vari Stati. È il primo bilancio del terremoto di magnitudo 7.7 sulla scala Richter che si è registrato ieri sera in Messico, nello Stato di Michoacán . La prima scossa, conferma il Servizio sismologico nazionale (Ssn), è stata seguita nel corso della giornata,....

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least 2

2022-09-20T07:42+0200newsincyprus (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. Two died in the Pacific port of Manzanillo, authorities....

A Magnitude 7.6 Earthquake Struck Western Mexico on Monday , Killing at Least ... - Latest Tweet by ANI

2022-09-20T07:42+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by ANI states, 'A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday , killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety: Reuters' A magnitude 7.

Sismo de 7,6 grados sacude a México, al menos 2 muerto

2022-09-20T07:36+0200elnuevoherald (es)

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO. Un fuerte sismo de 7,6 grados sacudió el lunes varios estados del occidente y centro de México justo después de que varias regiones del país participaran en un simulacro y el mismo día que tembló con fuerza en 1985 y 2017, aunque en esta ocasión el balance fue mucho menos letal.

World News | Massive Earthquake of Magnitude 7.7 Shakes Mexico, One Killed

2022-09-20T07:34+0200latestly (en)

Mexico City [Mexico], September 20 (ANI): A massive earthquake of magnitude 7.7 jolted the southwestern coast of Mexico on Monday, killing at least one person. The quake hit after 1 p.m. EST with the epicentre located near the coastline of Michoacan state, CNN reported citing the US Geological Survey Data.

SismaMessico: corretta la magnitudo del terremoto a 7.7

2022-09-20T07:34+0200cdt (it)

Il SSN ha inoltre precisato che la prima scossa è stata seguita nel corso della giornata, e fino alle 16 (le 23 in Svizzera), da 217 repliche. Il Servizio sismologico nazionale (Ssn) dl Messico ha corretto la magnitudo del terremoto avvenuto ieri nello Stato di Michoacán, elevandolo da 7,4 a a 7,7 gradi sulla scala Richter.

Forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 7.4 nel Michoacán in Messico ⯑

2022-09-20T07:33+0200247libero (it)

Forte scossa di terremoto, magnitudo 7.4 nel Michoacán in Messico. Forte scossa di terremoto – Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn).

Massive earthquake of magnitude 7.7 shakes Mexico, one killed

2022-09-20T07:31+0200aninews (en)

Mexico City [Mexico], September 20 (ANI): A massive earthquake of magnitude 7.7 jolted the southwestern coast of Mexico on Monday, killing at least one person. The quake hit after 1 p.m. EST with the epicentre located near the coastline of Michoacan state, CNN reported citing the US Geological Survey Data.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least 2

2022-09-20T07:29+0200cyprus-mail (en)

Authorities also reported damage to several hospitals in the western state of Michoacan near the epicenter, which was in a sparsely populated part of Mexico . One person was injured by falling glass at one of the hospitals, the government said. The quake hit shortly after 1 p.m.

Terremoto en México | Última hora, en directo

2022-09-20T07:28+0200lavanguardia (es)

Presidente de Cuba envía mensaje de solidaridad a México por el sismo El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, envió un mensaje de solidaridad al pueblo y el Gobierno de México tras el sismo de magnitud 7,7 que estremeció este lunes el centro de ese país, con saldo de un muerto, justo en el aniversario de los terremotos ocurridos en 1985 y 2017.

Major earthquake strikes Mexico, at least one dead

2022-09-20T07:24+0200wam-en (en)

MEXICO CITY, 20th September, 2022 (WAM) -- A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety, Reuters reported. The magnitude 7.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least 2 Updated 8 minutes ago

2022-09-20T07:23+0200geo-tv (en)

MEXICO CITY: A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least two people, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Environnement. Séisme au Mexique : un "tsunami de faible intensité" attendu en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T07:16+0200LeBien (fr)

Des vagues anormales de 20 à 30 centimètres correspondant à un tsunami de faible intensité sont attendues en Nouvelle-Calédonie ce mardi, à la suite du puissant séisme qui a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique, ont indiqué les autorités locales. Des mouvements anormaux de la mer devraient être observés....

Terremoto en México: así se vivió el momento del sismo [VIDEOS]

2022-09-20T07:16+0200expreso-PE (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,6 sacudió este lunes el centro de México justo en el día de los aniversarios de los terremotos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de 2017, considerados los dos más destructivos de la historia reciente. El terremoto ocurrió a la 1:05 p. m.

Terremoto en México: Reportan un muerto por sismo de magnitud 7,4

2022-09-20T07:16+0200expreso-PE (es)

El presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, confirmó este lunes el primer deceso por el sismo de magnitud 7,4 en Colima, estado del occidente de México , donde una persona murió por la caída de un muro. El mandatario publicó en sus redes sociales que el secretario de la Marina, José Rafael....

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico on fateful anniversary, killing at least 2

2022-09-20T07:14+0200financialpost (en)

Article content. Authorities also reported damage to several hospitals in the western state of Michoacan near the epicenter, which was in a sparsely populated part of Mexico . One person was injured by falling glass at one of the hospitals, the government said. The quake hit shortly after 1 p.m.

Glass panes shatter, buildings crack: Mexico quake reminds of past horror. Video

2022-09-20T07:14+0200HindustanTimes (en)

At least one person died after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit western Mexico on Monday. Images and videos flooded social media platforms, showing buildings swaying from side to side - several of them badly damaged or completely crumbled. People were seen rushing out of their homes on the streets. The 7.

Un séisme frappe le Mexique à la date anniversaire meurtrière du 19 septembre

2022-09-20T07:11+0200lepetitjournal (fr)

Le 19 septembre est une date marquée au fer rouge sang au Mexique : en 1985 et 2017, de puissants séismes frappent le pays, causant de lourds dégâts humains et matériels. Hier, 19 septembre 2022, la terre a à nouveau tremblé, moins violemment. Le 19 septembre 2022, un fort séisme d'une magnitude de....

Major earthquake strikes Mexico on 'cursed' anniversary, at least one dead

2022-09-20T07:03+0200thestandard-hk (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. One person was killed in the Pacific port of Manzanillo when a....

Tsunami warning issued after 7.6-magnitude earthquake hits western Mexico 11 minutes ago

2022-09-20T07:02+0200scroll-in (en)

Tsunami warning issued after 7.6-magnitude earthquake hits western Mexico Previously, two earthquakes have struck the country on this same day in 1985 and 2017. A person checks a vehicle after a piece of stone fell on it following the earthquake in Mexico's Guadalajara city on September 19. | UlisesRuiz/AFP.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 frappe le Mexique, un mort

2022-09-20T07:00+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 a secoué lundi le centre-ouest du Mexique, causant des dommages structurels le même jour où avaient déjà eu lieu dans ce pays deux précédents tremblements de terre majeurs, en 1985 et 2017. Une personne a été tuée lorsqu'un mur s'est effondré dans un centre....

Sismo de 7,6 grados sacude a México, al menos 2 muerto

2022-09-20T06:55+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Ciudad de méxico (ap) — un fuerte sismo de 7,6 grados sacudió el lunes varios estados del occidente y centro de méxico justo después de que varias regiones del país participaran en un simulacro y el mismo día que tembló con fuerza en 1985 y 2017, aunque en esta ocasión el balance fue mucho menos letal.

Powerful earthquake hits western Mexico, at least 1 dead

2022-09-20T06:51+0200bnonews (en)

A powerful 7.7-magnitude earthquake has struck western Mexico , killing at least one person on the anniversary of two devastating earthquakes, local officials say. It happened just over an hour after a nationwide earthquake preparedness drill. The earthquake, which struck at 1:05 p.m.

Major earthquake strikes Mexico on 'cursed' anniversary, at least 1 dead

2022-09-20T06:50+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MEXICO CITY - A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday (Sept 19) on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

A small tsunami in a pool, shaking buildings, roads and cars caught on camera

2022-09-20T06:46+0200worldakkam (en)

A massive earthquake hit Mexico ’s Pacific coast on Monday, shaking buildings, roads and cars and causing great panic among the public. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake in Mexico struck at 1:05 p.m. local time and had a magnitude of 7.5 on the Richter scale.

Major earthquake of 7.6 magnitude strikes Mexico's Pacific coast, no reports of significant damage

2022-09-20T06:40+0200wn (en)

Mexico earthquake: It said the quake was centred 37 km (23 miles) southeast of Aquila near the boundary of Colima....

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,1 en el centro y sur de México deja al menos un muerto

2022-09-20T06:38+0200Publico-ES (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,1 con el epicentro cerca del balneario de Acapulco provocó escasos daños este martes por la noche en el centro y sur de México , a pesar de la intensidad del sismo. El gobernador del sureño estado de Guerrero, Héctor Astudillo, informó de que una persona falleció....

1 reported dead as massive 7.7 magnitude quake hits west-central Mexico

2022-09-20T06:37+0200business-standard (en)

jolted west-central Mexico on a day when the country marked the anniversary of two major temblors that struck in 1985 and 2017. One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping centre in Manzanillo, a beach resort in western Colima state, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said....

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake strikes Mexico's west coast

2022-09-20T06:28+0200nation (en)

Mexico 's National Seismological Service said a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck the southwestern state of Michoacan on Monday. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on social media that only one death has been reported in the neighboring state of Colima.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-20T06:27+0200tribuneonline (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and sparking panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. The quake — magnitude 7.7 according to the national seismological agency — shook buildings and sent people rushing out into the streets of the capital.

La Jornada – AMLO instructs authorities to collect information after earthquake

2022-09-20T06:25+0200d1softballnews (en)

Just 29 seconds had passed since President Andrés Manuel López Obrador tweeted about the participation of Mexicans in the 2022 National Drill, when the seismic alert was heard again from the loudspeakers, followed by a 6.8 earthquake according to the first official report. GALLERY: Damage in various states after an earthquake of magnitude 7.

Massive 7.7 Magnitude Quake Hits Mexico, 1 Dead

2022-09-20T06:21+0200menafn (en)

- IANS) Mexico City, Sep 20 (IANS) A massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake jolted west-central Mexico on a day when the country marked the anniversary of two major temblors that struck in 1985 and 2017. One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping centre in Manzanillo, a beach resort in....

Major earthquake strikes Mexico on 'cursed' anniversary, at least one dead A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person,...

2022-09-20T06:20+0200thefinancialexpress (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. One person was killed in the Pacific port of Manzanillo when a....

Mexico earthquake: Mini tsunami in swimming pools, shaking buildings, roads and cars caught on camera

2022-09-20T06:18+0200wn (en)

A massive earthquake hit Mexico 's Pacific coast on Monday, shaking buildings, roads, cars and striking panic among the masses. According to US Geological Survey, the Mexico earthquake surfaced at 1.05 pm local time and had a whopping magnitude of 7.5 on the Richter scale.

Watch: Powerful earthquake strikes Mexico on 'cursed' anniversary, 1 dead | Mint

2022-09-20T06:18+0200wn (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. The 7.6 magnitude earthquake, which left at least one person....

Mexique, CEDH, Arménie, Guinée équatoriale : les informations de la nuit

2022-09-20T06:13+0200courrierinternational (fr)

Mexique : un puissant séisme secoue l’ouest du pays. Le tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,7 sur l’échelle de Richter, a fait au moins un mort et a été ressenti jusque dans la capitale Mexico , dont les habitants se sont précipités dans les rues pour se mettre à l’abri.

Major Earthquake Strikes Mexico, At Least One Dead...

2022-09-20T06:11+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency) A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety, Trend reports citing Reuters .

Submersion marine : Concarneau se prépare au pire

2022-09-20T06:11+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Une vague déferlante qui envahirait Concarneau subitement ou une forte tempête qui inonderait des quartiers entiers… Ces scénarios catastrophe ne sont pas pris à la légère par les services de la Ville et de l’agglomération. « C’est une culture du risque à intégrer.

Massive 7.7 magnitude quake hits Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-20T06:09+0200nationalheraldindia (en)

A massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake jolted west-central Mexico on a day when the country marked the anniversary of two major temblors that struck in 1985 and 2017. One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping centre in Manzanillo, a beach resort in western Colima state, Mexican President....

Tiembla México y hablan de la “maldición del 19 septiembre”

2022-09-20T06:01+0200lagaceta (es)

Un poderoso terremoto azotó el oeste de México, ayer, en el aniversario de otros dos devastadores sismos. Al menos una persona falleció, hubo fallas en el suministro eléctrico y edificios dañados. Los residentes de Ciudad de México salieron, despavoridos, a las calles, en busca de resguardo, con el....

Magnitude 7.6 earthquake hits southwest Mexico

2022-09-20T05:59+0200wn (en)

Mexico City: A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. One person was killed in the Pacific port of....

Deadly magnitude 7.6 quake shakes Mexico

2022-09-20T05:58+0200portstephensexaminer (en)

At least one person has died after an earthquake struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents scrambling to safety. One person was killed in the Pacific port of Manzanillo when a department store roof collapsed, the government said.

Potente terremoto en México (VIDEO) – Al otro lado del Océano – El Mundo – NOVA News

2022-09-20T05:58+0200notiulti (es)

Se sintió con fuerza incluso a más de 500 km del epicentro. Un sismo de 7.6 en la escala de Richter se registró en México, informó Reuters. Según el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos, el terremoto ocurrió a una profundidad de 10 km. Se registró minutos después de las 13:00 hora local.

Watch: Powerful earthquake strikes Mexico on '...

2022-09-20T05:55+0200livemint (en)

The quake was relatively shallow, at only 15 km (9 miles) deep, which would have amplified its impact. The US Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami warning for parts of Mexico 's coast, saying waves reaching 1 to 3 meters (3 to 9 feet) above the tide level were possible.

Deadly magnitude 7.6 quake shakes Mexico

2022-09-20T05:54+0200maitlandmercury (en)

At least one person has died after an earthquake struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents scrambling to safety. One person was killed in the Pacific port of Manzanillo when a department store roof collapsed, the government said.

A Massive 7.7 Magnitude #earthquake Jolted West-central #Mexico on a Day when the Country ... - Latest Tweet by IANS India

2022-09-20T05:53+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by IANS India states, 'A massive 7.7 magnitude #earthquake jolted west-central # Mexico on a day when the country marked the anniversary of two major temblors that struck in 1985 and 2017.' A massive 7.7 magnitude jolted west-central #Mexico on a day when the country marked the....

Mexico earthquake: Mini tsunami in swimming pools, shaking buildings, roads and cars caught on camera

2022-09-20T05:52+0200dnaindia (en)

A massive earthquake hit Mexico 's Pacific coast on Monday, shaking buildings, roads, cars and striking panic among the masses. According to US Geological Survey, the Mexico earthquake surfaced at 1.05 pm local time and had a whopping magnitude of 7.5 on the Richter scale.

Deadly magnitude 7.6 quake shakes Mexico

2022-09-20T05:48+0200illawarramercury (en)

At least one person has died after an earthquake struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents scrambling to safety. One person was killed in the Pacific port of Manzanillo when a department store roof collapsed, the government said.

Major earthquake strikes Mexico, at least one dead

2022-09-20T05:47+0200trendnews-az (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety, reports citing One person was killed in the Pacific port of....

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 shook Mexico: Drivers of “This is war” send a message of solidarity

2022-09-20T05:46+0200california18 (en)

An earthquake of magnitude 7.7 shook the center of Mexico just on the day of the anniversaries of the earthquakes of September 19, 1985 and 2017, considered the two most destructive in recent history. Faced with this strong telluric movement, the drivers of “ This is war ” They spoke about it at the beginning of the youth program.

Magnitude 7.6 earthquake hits Mexico

2022-09-20T05:45+0200gulfnews (en)

Residents of Roma stood on the streets cradling pets, while tourists visiting a local market with a guide were visibly confused and upset. Traffic lights stopped working, and people clutched their phones, sending text messages or waiting for calls to get through.

Ricky Martin, Olga Tañón y más famosos se solidarizan con Puerto Rico por destrozos del huracán Fiona

2022-09-20T05:43+0200huaral (es)

El huracán Fiona causó destrozos e inundaciones en Puerto Rico , patria de muchas celebridades del mundo del entretenimiento. Precisamente, varios de ellos se pronunciaron en sus respectivas redes sociales para solidarizarse con su país en este momento crítico, tales como Olga Tañón Luis Fonsi y varios más.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-20T05:40+0200bssnews (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 19, 2022 (BSS/AFP) - A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and sparking panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. The quake -- magnitude 7.

7.7 magnitude quake hits Mexico, kills 1

2022-09-20T05:37+0200ecns (en)

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake shook west-central Mexico on Monday, causing some structural damage on the anniversary of two previous major earthquakes in 1985 and 2017. One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping center in Manzanillo, a beach resort in western Colima state, Mexican....

México instala comité de emergencias para evaluar daños tras sismo de 7,7

2022-09-20T05:31+0200ElComercio (es)

El Gobierno mexicano instaló el Comité Nacional de Emergencias para monitorear la actividad sísmica y concluir la evaluación de daños, tras el sismo de magnitud 7.7 que dejó una persona fallecida, un lesionado, daños estructurales en viviendas y fallas en el servicio eléctrico.

Protección Civil reporta un muerto y lesionado tras sismo

2022-09-20T05:30+0200milenio (es)

Un persona muerta y otra lesionada, además de fallas en el sistema eléctrico de Colima y afectaciones en hospitales de Michoacán, es el saldo tras el sismo con epicentro en Coalcomán registrado este lunes, informó la coordinadora nacional de Protección Civil, Laura Velázquez.

Ricky Martin, Olga Tañón y más famosos se solidarizan con Puerto Rico por destrozos del huracán Fiona

2022-09-20T05:22+0200rpp (es)

El huracán Fiona causó destrozos e inundaciones en Puerto Rico , patria de muchas celebridades del mundo del entretenimiento. Precisamente, varios de ellos se pronunciaron en sus respectivas redes sociales para solidarizarse con su país en este momento crítico, tales como Olga Tañón Luis Fonsi y varios más.

Japon : le typhon Nanmadol est le plus puissant jamais vu dans le pays

2022-09-20T05:21+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Le puissant typhon Nanmadol balaye la côte ouest du Japon depuis dimanche soir. Pour l’heure, le bilan fait état d’un mort, de plusieurs dizaines de blessés et d’importants dégâts. Le phénomène continue sa progression avec des rafales de vent très importantes. Des millions de personnes ont été appelés à évacuer.

Strong earthquake of magnitude 7.6 shakes Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-20T05:20+0200wn (en)

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. There were no immediate reports of significant damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 pm local time, according to the US....

Continue reading "SES and Digicel connection to shield Tonga from communication disruptions in time of natural disasters"

2022-09-20T05:18+0200itwire (en)

The Kingdom of Tonga has suffered two major disruptions in the last four years. The latest disaster to occur was the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano eruption and tsunami in January 2022 which damaged undersea communication links. In the immediate wake of the disaster, Digicel had leveraged SES’s....

Japon : le typhon Nanmadol est le plus puissant jamais vu dans le pays

2022-09-20T05:18+0200la1ere (fr)

Le puissant typhon Nanmadol balaye la côte ouest du Japon depuis dimanche soir. Pour l’heure, le bilan fait état d’un mort, de plusieurs dizaines de blessés et d’importants dégâts. Le phénomène continue sa progression avec des rafales de vent très importantes. Des millions de personnes ont été appelés à évacuer.

Mexique : au moins un mort dans un violent séisme

2022-09-20T05:08+0200RTLFrance (fr)

La journée du 19 septembre est décidément une date particulière en matière de séisme au Mexique. Après ceux de 1985, 2017 et 2021, un nouveau tremblement de terre a sévit dans le pays lundi 19 septembre. Le séisme a fait un mort dans l'ouest du pays, a annoncé le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador .

Coalcomán, Michoacán, registra temblor de 4.1 de magnitud

2022-09-20T05:06+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.1 fue registrado en las cercanías de Coalcomán a las 21:23 hora local (2:23 UTC) de hoy, informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del sismo fue a 89 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán y tuvo una profundidad de 6 km.

Un tsunami « de faible intensité » est attendu mardi en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T05:02+0200maville (fr)

Des vagues anormales de 20 à 30 centimètres « correspondant à un tsunami de faible intensité » sont attendues en Nouvelle-Calédonie mardi 20 septembre vers 18 heures (07H00 GMT) à la suite du puissant séisme qui a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique , ont indiqué les autorités locales.

Presidente cubano expresa solidaridad a México tras terremoto

2022-09-20T04:57+0200cubadebate (es)

La ciudad de México registró un sismo a las 13:08 de este lunes 19 de septiembre, con epicentro a 59 km al Sur de Coalcoman, Michoacán, reportó el Sismológico Nacional. De acuerdo con La Jornada el temblor fue de una intensidad de 6.8 grados en la escala de Richter, mientras que teleSUR y CNN publican que superó los siete grados.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,7 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-20T04:54+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

Une personne est décédée dans l’ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Un blessé a été ramené dans l’État du Michoacán (ouest), où l’épicentre a été localisé près du Pacifique. Aucun dégât majeur n’a été enregistré à Mexico (neuf millions d’habitants intra-muros, 25 millions avec sa métropole).

Major earthquake strikes Mexico on ‘cursed’ anniversary, at least one dead

2022-09-20T04:52+0200inquirer (en)

MEXICO CITY — A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. One person was killed in the Pacific port of....

Juanse Quintero fue sorprendido por sismo en México: “Me agarró en el baño”

2022-09-20T04:52+0200infobae (es)

Han pasado cinco años desde que el pasado 19 de septiembre de 2017, la Ciudad de México vivió un episodio que destacó profusamente la coincidencia en la fecha de un sismo, que también ocurrió en la misma fecha, pero en 1985, y que también tuvo lugar exactamente el mismo día en el año que cursa, exactamente 32 años después.

Deadly Magnitude of 7.6 Earthquake Rattles Mexico, 1 Killed

2022-09-20T04:51+0200india (en)

Mexico : At least one person died after a strong quake of magnitude 7.6 shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast on Monday, on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. A seismic alarm sounded in the rattled capital. Also Read - Videos Show Buildings Swaying, Power Outages in Mexico After....

Presidente de Cuba se solidariza con México tras sismo de 7.7 Mundo | lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2022

2022-09-20T04:49+0200el-mexicano (es)

La Habana.- El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, envió un mensaje de solidaridad a México, tras el sismo de magnitud de 7.7 que tuvo como epicentro Coalcomán, Michoacán, registrado en punto de las 13:05 horas. “Nuestra solidaridad con el hermano pueblo mexicano y su gobierno tras el sismo ocurrido hoy.

Se registra un temblor con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-09-20T04:48+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor se registró en Coalcomán a las 21:16 hora local (2:16 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.1 y una profundidad de 16 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 85 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán.

Society Taiwan to send text alerts on Sept. 21 in disaster prevention drill TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Members of the public are urged not to panic as eme...

2022-09-20T04:44+0200taiwannews (en)

Taiwan to send text alerts on Sept. 21 in disaster prevention drill People urged not to panic as they receive cellphone notifications about earthquakes and tsunamis. TAIPEI (Taiwan News) Members of the public are urged not to panic as emergency messages blare across Taiwan’s cellphone and television systems on Wednesday (Sept.

7.7 magnitude quake hits Mexico, kills 1

2022-09-20T04:42+0200thesundaily (en)

MEXICO CITY : A 7.7 magnitude earthquake shook west-central Mexico on Monday, causing some structural damage on the anniversary of two previous major earthquakes in 1985 and 2017, reported Xinhua. One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping centre in Manzanillo, a beach resort in....

Desde la Dimar se hace un estricto seguimiento a la seguridad de embarcaciones en el mar.

2022-09-20T04:34+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

La Dimar puso en funcionamiento el Centro Nacional de Alerta por Tsunami. ¿Cómo opera? Desde aquí se hace un monitoreo a nivel global de todos los movimientos telúricos que se producen al chocar las placas tectónicas en toda la Tierra, contamos con la tecnología para hacer esa vigilancia a nivel mundial, regional y local.

One dead in 7.6 Mexico earthquake

2022-09-20T04:32+0200cnc3 (en)

People gather outside after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which said the quake was centered near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states.

1st LD Writethru: 7.7 magnitude quake hits Mexico, kills 1

2022-09-20T04:26+0200china.org.cn (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- A 7.7 magnitude earthquake shook west-central Mexico on Monday, causing some structural damage on the anniversary of two previous major earthquakes in 1985 and 2017. One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping center in Manzanillo, a beach resort in....

Major earthquake strikes Mexico on 'cursed' anniversary, at least 1 dead

2022-09-20T04:23+0200AsiaOne (en)

MEXICO CITY - A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday (Sept 19) on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Mexique: Fort séisme le jour anniversaire de ceux de 1985 et 2017

2022-09-20T04:19+0200arabnews-fr (fr)

MEXICO: Au Mexique, le 19 septembre est décidément maudit: un fort séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué l'ouest du pays et la capitale Mexico lundi, jour-anniversaire des tremblements de terre meurtriers de 1985 et 2017. Une personne est décédée dans l'ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

7.7 magnitude quake hits Mexico, kills 1

2022-09-20T04:17+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- A 7.7 magnitude earthquake shook west-central Mexico on Monday, causing some structural damage on the anniversary of two previous major earthquakes in 1985 and 2017. One person was killed when a wall collapsed at a shopping center in Manzanillo, a beach resort in....

Magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico city kills 1; videos show building, traffic signal shake | Watch

2022-09-20T04:17+0200wn (en)

Mexico earthquake: A massive earthquake of magnitude 7.6 hit Mexico city's central Pacific coast on Monday, killing one person. The earthquake set off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. Some visuals shared by people who experienced the quake....

Earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-20T04:16+0200beloitdailynews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, killing at least one person and setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. There were at least some early reports of damage to buildings from the quake, which hit at 1:05 p.

The president of Mexico confirms the death of a person after the 7.4 earthquake that has shaken the country

2022-09-20T04:15+0200d1softballnews (en)

The president of Mexico , Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has confirmed the death of a person after 7.4 earthquake on the Richter scale that took place this Monday with an epicenter 64 kilometers south of Coalcoman, Michoacán. The person would have lost his life after a wall fell on him in the....

Sismo de 7,4 grados sacude a México durante el aniversario del terremoto del 85

2022-09-20T04:14+0200asere (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,4 en la escala de Richter sacudió a México este 19 de septiembre, fecha en la que se recuerda a las víctimas del terremoto de 1985, uno de los peores capítulos de la historia del país azteca. El epicentro del temblor registrado este lunes se localizó en el estado de Michoacán,....

7.2-magnitude earthquake hits Taiwan`s southeastern coast

2022-09-20T04:11+0200digitpatrox (en)

A robust earthquake struck Taiwan`s southeastern coast on Sunday, the US Geological Survey mentioned, bringing at the very least one constructing down in a small city and prompting Japan to difficulty a tsunami warning. The quake hit at 2:44 pm (0644 GMT) about 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of the....

Major earthquake strikes Mexico on ‘cursed’ anniversary, at least one dead

2022-09-20T04:09+0200expressindia (en)

One person was killed in the Pacific port of Manzanillo when a department store roof collapsed on them, the government said. Authorities also reported damage to several hospitals in the western state of Michoacan near the epicenter, which was in a sparsely populated part of Mexico .

Mexico and the earthquakes on September 19: an “unpleasant coincidence”

2022-09-20T04:04+0200d1softballnews (en)

(CNN Spanish) — It has trembled again in Mexico on September 19, a date marked by tragedy and fright: three tremors have shaken the country on the same day in 1985, 2017 and now this 2022. The probability that this will be repeated exists but it is very low, according to the scientists, who....

Un terremoto de 7,7 sacude México el mismo día de los mortíferos sismos de 1985 y 2017

2022-09-20T04:03+0200lanetaneta (es)

México ha vuelto a temblar un 19 de septiembre. Un terremoto de 7,7 grados ha sacudido el Estado de Michoacán con réplicas en el centro del país, cuando apenas había pasado una hora del simulacro organizado para conmemorar los mortíferos sismos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de la misma fecha en 2017.

Fort séisme le jour anniversaire de ceux de 1985 et 2017

2022-09-20T04:02+0200lecourrier (fr)

Une personne est décédée dans l'Ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Un blessé a été rapporté dans l'État du Michoacan (Ouest), où l'épicentre a été localisé près du Pacifique. Aucun dégât majeur n'a été enregistré à Mexico (neuf millions d'habitants intra-muros, 25 millions avec sa métropole).

Sismo de 7,6 grados sacude a México, al menos 1 muerto

2022-09-20T04:01+0200elperiodicodemexico (es)

Por FABIOLA SÁNCHEZ y MARÍA VERZA. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (AP) Un fuerte sismo de 7,6 grados sacudió el lunes varios estados del occidente y centro de México justo después de que varias regiones del país participaran en un simulacro y el mismo día que tembló con fuerza en 1985 y 2017, aunque en esta ocasión el balance fue mucho menos letal.

Riesgo de tsunami en México tras el fuerte sismo

2022-09-20T03:55+0200elnuevodia (es)

Tras el fuerte sismo de 7.7 con epicentro al sur de Coalcoman, en el estado de Michoacán, el cual sacudió este lunes a gran parte del país, dejando hasta el momento reportes de daños materiales, el sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió una alerta.

Un tsunami « de faible intensité » est attendu mardi en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T03:54+0200lemainelibre (fr)

Des vagues de 20 à 30 centimètres « correspondant à un tsunami de faible intensité » sont attendues en Nouvelle-Calédonie mardi 20 septembre vers 18 heures (07H00 GMT). Cela fait suite au séisme qui a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique.

Un tsunami « de faible intensité » est attendu mardi en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T03:52+0200presseocean (fr)

Des vagues de 20 à 30 centimètres « correspondant à un tsunami de faible intensité » sont attendues en Nouvelle-Calédonie mardi 20 septembre vers 18 heures (07H00 GMT). Cela fait suite au séisme qui a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique.

Un tsunami « de faible intensité » est attendu mardi en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T03:52+0200OuestFrance (fr)

Des vagues de 20 à 30 centimètres « correspondant à un tsunami de faible intensité » sont attendues en Nouvelle-Calédonie mardi 20 septembre vers 18 heures (07H00 GMT). Cela fait suite au séisme qui a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique.

Un tsunami « de faible intensité » est attendu mardi en Nouvelle-Calédonie

2022-09-20T03:52+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

Des vagues de 20 à 30 centimètres « correspondant à un tsunami de faible intensité » sont attendues en Nouvelle-Calédonie mardi 20 septembre vers 18 heures (07H00 GMT). Cela fait suite au séisme qui a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique.

Sismo provoca ‘levantamiento’ del mar en el Pacífico mexicano

2022-09-20T03:52+0200tiempo (es)

México. El sismo magnitud 7.7 ocurrido la tarde de este lunes, 19 de septiembre, activó la por un posible tsunami en las costas del Pacífico mexicano. Alrededor de las 15:54 horas (1 hora menos en Honduras), la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) informó sobre un “levantamiento en el nivel del mar” registrado en Manzanillo, Colima.

Strong Earthquake in Mexico – Watch Out For Damage To Hotels

2022-09-20T03:50+0200loyaltylobby (en)

A strong 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit western Mexico 200 miles south of the very popular tourist spot of Puerto Vallarta. There appears to be some damage to area hotels, as a friend who was checking in today was told, and his accommodation was downgraded by Westin Marina. The hotel is consolidating all guests to the main tower.

La costa salvadoreña experimentará “un ligero incremento en la altura de las olas” en las próximas horas, y el fenómeno estaría relacionado con el terremoto de 7.4 grados que este lunes sacudió la costa sur de México, donde más tarde se registró un tusnami. Las autoridades de...

2022-09-20T03:49+0200elmundo-sv (es)

La costa salvadoreña experimentará “un ligero incremento en la altura de las olas” en las próximas horas, y el fenómeno estaría relacionado con el terremoto de 7.4 grados que este lunes sacudió la costa sur de México, donde más tarde se registró un tusnami.

Otra vez un sismo en 19 de septiembre 20:23 hrs.

2022-09-20T03:45+0200excelsior (es)

Nacional Otra vez un sismo en 19 de septiembre. Por tercera ocasión en la historia moderna del país ocurre un sismo el 19 de septiembre, ahora con una magnitud de 7.7 con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán. Por tercera ocasión en la historia moderna del país ocurre un sismo el 19 de septiembre, ahora con una magnitud de 7.

Sea level rises near epicenter after aftershocks of 7.7-magnitude earthquake in Mexico

2022-09-20T03:44+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-20T01:44:16.187Z. According to the statistics of the National Seismological Monitoring Center (SSN) of Mexico , as of 19:55 local time that day, a total of 4 aftershocks were recorded. Near the epicenter, the relevant departments of Manzanillo, Colima, on the western Pacific coast of Mexico,....

Buildings crumble as magnitude 7.6 quake strikes Mexico, 1 killed | Watch

2022-09-20T03:40+0200indiatoday (en)

One person died after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit western Mexico on Monday (23.30 IST), September 19. Photo of firefighters looking at damages in a building after an earthquake in Mexico City on September 19 (Photo: AFP) One person died after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit western Mexico on Monday (23.

Major earthquake strikes Mexico on ‘cursed’ anniversary, at least 1 dead

2022-09-20T03:36+0200rappler (en)

MEXICO CITY, Mexico – A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, September 19, on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

The Odds of an Earthquake in Mexico Occurring on the Anniversary of Large Tremors in 1985 ... - Latest Tweet by Bloomberg

2022-09-20T03:35+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Bloomberg states, 'The odds of an earthquake in Mexico occurring on the anniversary of large tremors in 1985 and 2017 is 0.00075%, an expert calculated ...' The odds of an earthquake in Mexico occurring on the anniversary of large tremors in 1985 and 2017 is 0.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico city

2022-09-20T03:33+0200wn (en)

Mexico , Sep 20: Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday, as the country was marking the anniversaries of two major quakes that had struck the country on the same date in 1985 and 2017. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ......

Strong quake shakes Mexico’s Pacific coast

2022-09-20T03:33+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, killing at....

Mexico appraises damage caused by 7.7-magnitude earthquake

2022-09-20T03:32+0200plenglish (en)

Mexico ´s Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation Secretariat immediately set up a supervision plan to preliminarily appraise the conditions of the federal highway, airports, railway and major bridges nationwide. Michoacán, Oaxaca, Colima, Guerrero, Hidalgo, State of Mexico and Morelos are....

Earthquake in Mexico: the three tragedies that marked Mexico on September 19 | news today

2022-09-20T03:20+0200d1softballnews (en)

It is not the first time that a September 19 tremors in Mexico : the earthquakes of 1985 and 2017 left thousands dead in the country. This Monday, an earthquake of magnitude 7.4 shook central Mexico and left at least one dead, according to data from Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. “It felt terrible.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-20T03:17+0200manilastandard-ph (en)

The quake—magnitude 7.7 according to the national seismological agency—shook buildings and sent people rushing out into the streets of the capital. “I thought I would have a heart attack!” said Gabriela Ramirez, a 58-year-old resident of Mexico City, where many remain traumatized by an earthquake five years ago that killed several hundred people.

Terremoto en México: “Parece una maldición”, el dolor después de tres sismos, distinto año, el mismo día

2022-09-20T03:16+0200ElComercio (es)

Un poderoso terremoto azotó el oeste de México este lunes en el aniversario de otros dos devastadores sismos. La sacudida de la corteza terrestre dejó al menos una persona fallecida, fallas en el suministro eléctrico, edificios dañados y envió, despavoridos, a los residentes de Ciudad de México a las calles en busca de resguardo.

A Powerful Earthquake Struck Western Mexico on the Anniversary of Two Devastating ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2022-09-20T03:13+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety ...

Photos: 7.6 earthquake hits Mexico’s Pacific coast on anniversary of previous quakes

2022-09-20T03:12+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, killing at least one person and setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. There were at least some early reports of damage to buildings from the....

7.4 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-20T03:11+0200peopledaily (en)

People gather in the Zocalo Square after an earthquake in Mexico City, Mexico, on Sept. 19, 2022. (Xinhua/Francisco Canedo) MEXICO CITY, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 shook Mexico on Monday, according to preliminary data, with further details unavailable at the moment.

Forte scossa di terremoto in Messico: magnitudo 7.5

2022-09-20T03:04+0200ladigetto (it)

È la terza volta che un terremoto di questa potenza colpisce il Messico, esattamente la stessa data: 19 settembre. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 è un evento straordinario, il più delle volte catastrofico. Questa sera alle 20.05 (ora italiana ore locali 13.

Descartan tsunami en Colima; suspenden clases también el martes

2022-09-20T03:04+0200informador (es)

Pese a diversas alertas compartidas a través en redes sociales, la gobernadora de Colima, Indira Vizcaíno, pidió a la población colimense evitar caer en la desinformación y noticias falsas, descartando que exista hasta el momento algún riesgo de la formación de un tsunami en las costas del municipio.

Descartan alerta de tsunami en costas de México tras sismo

2022-09-20T03:03+0200entornointeligente (es)

Entornointeligente.com / CARACAS.- Autoridades mexicanas supervisan las costas de México ante la presencia de fuertes oleajes producto de la actividad sísmica de 7, 4 que se registró este lunes en la tarde . La Unidad Estatal de Protección Civil Colima descartó una posible alerta de tsunami para las....

Tsunami Alert in Mexico After Earthquake of Magnitude 7.5 Hits Mexican State of Michoacan (Watch Video)

2022-09-20T03:02+0200digitpatrox (en)

A tsunami warning was issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Middle after an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 jolted the Mexican state of Michoacan on Monday, September 19. A robust earthquake shakes central Mexico ; No speedy information of injury or lack of life reported but. Additional particulars are awaited.

Powerful 7.6 Quake Strikes Mexico on Anniversary of Deadly Temblors, At Least One Dead

2022-09-20T03:00+0200theepochtimes (en)

MEXICO CITY—A powerful struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling on to streets for safety. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said in a video....

Earthquake drills in Mexico's capital just ended as 7.7-magnitude quake hits the country - Xinhua English.news.cn

2022-09-20T02:58+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-20T00:55:57.829Z. On September 19, local time, a strong earthquake occurred in Mexico . The magnitude previously measured by the National Seismological Agency of Mexico was 7.4, which was subsequently updated to 7.7. Just before the quake struck, Mexico City's 2022 earthquake drills had just....

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-20T02:54+0200themalaysianinsight (en)

An earthquake of preliminary magnitude 7.6 shakes central Mexico on the anniversary of two previous major earthquakes. – EPA pic, September 20, 2022. A POWERFUL earthquake struck western Mexico yesterday, leaving at least one person dead and sparking panic hundreds of kilometres away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors.

Un terremoto de 7,6 grados sacudió México y dejó al menos una víctima fatal

2022-09-20T02:54+0200primeraedicionweb (es)

Aunque parezca difícil de creer, después de un simulacro, se vivió el movimiento telúrico que se inició unos 37 kilómetros al sureste del municipio de Aquila, similar al que sucedió en 2017. Un fuerte sismo estremeció este lunes el occidente de México, dejando al menos un fallecido, y su intensidad....

Arequipa registró un temblor de magnitud 3.8

2022-09-20T02:54+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 3.8 ocurrió este lunes 19 de septiembre en la ciudad de Vitor , en la provincia de Arequipa del departamento de Arequipa, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 19:26:49 (hora local) y se....

Se registra un temblor de magnitud 4.1 en Coalcomán

2022-09-20T02:54+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo fue registrado en Coalcomán a las 19:09 hora local (0:09 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.1 y una profundidad de 14 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 62 km al sureste de la ciudad, en el estado de Michoacán.

7.4 magnitude quake shakes Mexico on anniversary of 2 quakes

2022-09-20T02:49+0200ecns (en)

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 shook central Mexico on Monday, on the same day as commemorations of the devastating tremors of 1985 and 2017 took place. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador provided a preliminary report on social media, where he echoed the data of the National....

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico city

2022-09-20T02:47+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

Mexico , Sep 20: Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday, as the country was marking the anniversaries of two major quakes that had struck the country on the same date in 1985 and 2017. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said in a video address that one person had been killed in the....

Terremoto en México: se han registrado 217 réplicas tras el potente sismo de 7.7 grados

2022-09-20T02:43+0200huaral (es)

y hasta el momento ya ha tenido unas 217 réplicas que ponen en zozobra a la población. Así lo informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional en su más reciente reporte sobre lo que ha dejado el fuerte sismo. Este sismo se dio apenas minutos después de que se realizara un simulacro para recordar las....

A Powerful Earthquake Struck Western Mexico, Sending Residents of Mexico City Scrambling ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters

2022-09-20T02:41+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico , sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety ...' A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico, sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety Reuters (@Reuters) September 20, 2022....

Experto pide a ciudadanía no alarmarse ante réplicas de temblor

2022-09-20T02:41+0200informador (es)

con epicentro a 63 km al sur de Coalcomán, Michoacán, y que se sintió en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara, no es motivo para alarmarse ya que no habrá réplicas mayores. Carlos Suárez Plascencia, profesor investigador del departamento de Geografía, del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y....

Puerto Vallarta reports damage to facades and ceilings after earthquake

2022-09-20T02:40+0200worldakkam (en)

September 19th again. A new 7.7-magnitude quake centered in Colecomán, Michoacán was recorded this Monday and felt in several parts of Mexico . The city’s coordination of civil protection and firefighters in Puerto Vallarta confirmed that there was damage to several buildings, but so far only one building has reported structural damage.

Major quake strikes Mexico on 'cursed' anniversary of temblors, at least one dead

2022-09-20T02:40+0200cubasi (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 19 (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Videos Show the Earthquake in Mexico Shaking Buildings in Several States.

2022-09-20T02:38+0200nokiamobilephonenews (en)

Videos Show the Mexico Earthquake Shaking Several States’ Buildings. Videos of a powerful earthquake that struck several states in Mexico show trembling trucks and buildings, overflowing pools, and collapsed buildings with trapped people inside. After Monday’s earthquake that left at least one....

At Least One Killed After a Powerful #earthquake Struck Western #Mexico on the ... - Latest Tweet by DD News

2022-09-20T02:38+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by DD News states, 'At least one killed after a powerful #earthquake struck western # Mexico on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents running outside for safety' At least one killed after a powerful struck western....

Emiten alerta de tsunami por terremoto en México

2022-09-20T02:36+0200radio-corporacion (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

An Earthquake Of Magnitude 7.7 Shakes Mexico On The Anniversary Of The Great Tremors Of 1985 And 2017

2022-09-20T02:35+0200wearebreakingnews (en)

An earthquake of preliminary magnitude 7.7 has shaken central Mexico on Monday. The earthquake occurred at 1:05 p.m. (6:05 p.m. GMT) with an epicenter located 63 kilometers south of Coalcomán, in the state of Michoacán, western Mexico, according to preliminary information from the National Seismological Service (SSN) of Mexico.

Major quake strikes Mexico on 'cursed' anniversary of temblors, at least one dead

2022-09-20T02:33+0200malaymail (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 20 ― A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico yesterday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Moquegua: se registra sismo de magnitud 4 en Ilo

2022-09-20T02:33+0200infobae (es)

El Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP) registró un temblor de magnitud 4 este lunes 19 de septiembre con epicentro en la ciudad de Ilo, en la provincia de Ilo del departamento de Moquegua. De acuerdo con un reporte de la Red Sísmica Nacional, el movimiento....

Major quake strikes Mexico on 'cursed' anniversary of temblors, at least one dead

2022-09-20T02:31+0200themalaymailonline (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 20 ― A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico yesterday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Mexique: fort séisme le jour anniversaire de ceux de 1985 et 2017

2022-09-20T02:23+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Au Mexique, le 19 septembre est décidément maudit: un fort séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué l'ouest du pays et la capitale Mexico lundi, jour-anniversaire des tremblements de terre meurtriers de 1985 et 2017. Une personne est décédée dans l'ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 dans l'Ouest du Mexique : 1 mort et des dommages

2022-09-20T02:17+0200catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national.

Regardez les joueurs de badminton fuir pour sauver leur vie alors que le plafond du centre sportif s’effondre lors d’un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,8

2022-09-20T02:15+0200news-24 (fr)

C’est le moment terrifiant où le plafond d’un terrain de badminton s’est effondré lors d’un séisme de magnitude 6,8 à Taiwan. Des dizaines de personnes jouaient au cinquième étage d’un centre sportif près de la capitale Taipei peu avant 15 heures dimanche lorsque le violent tremblement de terre a frappé.

Descartan alerta de tsunami en litoral peruano tras terremoto de 7,4 en México

2022-09-20T02:15+0200panamericana (es)

Hace 43 minutos Descartan alerta de tsunami en litoral peruano tras terremoto de 7,4 en México. La Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación del Perú, se pronunció acerca de la situación en el litoral peruano tras el terremoto ocurrido en México. La Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación del Perú, se....

Mexico's Pacific coast shaken by magnitude 7.6 earthquake minutes after alarms mark anniversary of two major temblors

2022-09-20T02:14+0200flipboard (en)

The Mexican president has shared his first update after a magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck south of Coalcoman on Monday, 19 September. Speaking in a video message he shared on Twitter, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said officials were “starting to gather information” and “wish with all our hearts that nothing serious has happened.

7.4 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-20T02:13+0200wn (en)

People gather in the Zocalo Square after an earthquake in Mexico City, Mexico, on Sept. 19, 2022. (Xinhua/Francisco Canedo) An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-20T02:11+0200tuko (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and causing panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.

sismo Un muerto, 146 heridos y destrozos por un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en Taiwán

2022-09-20T02:10+0200aimdigital (es)

Este domingo un sismo de magnitud 6,9 destruyó varios edificios y rutas en el sureste de Taiwán; en un comienzo los especialistas alertaron sobre un posible tsunami, aunque poco después lo descartaron Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en la escala de Richter sacudió este domingo el sureste de Taiwán.

VIDEO | Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors13min

2022-09-20T02:09+0200presstv-ir (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said in a video address....

7.7-magnitude quake hits Mexico, 1 dead

2022-09-20T02:09+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-20T00:07:45.770Z. Comprehensive reports, on the afternoon of the 19th local time, a strong earthquake occurred in western Mexico , killing at least one person. The U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami warning for parts of Mexico's coast, saying waves could be 1 to 3 meters above tide level.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-20T02:05+0200english-alaraby (en)

The Mexican capital was holding emergency drills to mark the disasters of 1985 and 2017 just before the tremors struck [Getty] A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and sparking panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors.

Cuban president conveys solidarity to Mexico after offshore quake

2022-09-20T02:01+0200plenglish (en)

Havana, Sep 19 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel conveyed his solidarity with the Mexican people and government following a 7.7-magnitude offshore earthquake hit the North American nation on Monday. On Twitter, the Cuban leader offered his deepest condolences to the victim´s relatives.

Cuba mourns aftermaths of Mexico offshore earthquake

2022-09-20T02:01+0200plenglish (en)

Havana, Sep 19 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez offered his country's deepest condolences and solidarity with Mexico following a magnitude 7.4 offshore earthquake hit the North American nation. Rodriguez, who is in New York to attend the 77th session of the UN General Assembly....

Terremoto en México: así se sintió en todo el país

2022-09-20T01:59+0200cronica (es)

Los ciudadanos de México comienzan a recuperarse después del terremoto con magnitud de 7,5 que sacudió el centro del país este lunes por la tarde. El sismo, que tuvo su epicentro en el estado de Michoacán , tomó desprevenidos a los habitantes que recién terminaban de participar del Simulacro....

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast; 1 killed

2022-09-20T01:58+0200buffalonews (en)

People gather outside after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. The quake hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which said the quake was centered near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states. People gather outside after a magnitude 7.

Terremoto en México: se han registrado 168 réplicas tras el potente sismo de 7.7 grados

2022-09-20T01:58+0200rpp (es)

y hasta el momento ya ha tenido unas 217 réplicas que ponen en zozobra a la población. Así lo informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional en su más reciente reporte sobre lo que ha dejado el fuerte sismo. Este sismo se dio apenas minutos después de que se realizara un simulacro para recordar las....

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast; 1 killed

2022-09-20T01:52+0200wcfcourier (en)

People gather outside after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. The quake hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which said the quake was centered near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states. People gather outside after a magnitude 7.

7.4 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-20T01:50+0200china.org.cn (en)

People gather in the Zocalo Square after an earthquake in Mexico City, Mexico, on Sept. 19, 2022. (Xinhua/Francisco Canedo) An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 shook Mexico on Monday, according to preliminary data, with further details unavailable at the moment.

Coalcomán, Michoacán, registra temblor de magnitud 4.0

2022-09-20T01:50+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.0 se registró en las cercanías de Coalcomán a las 18:00 hora local (23:00 UTC) de hoy, informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del sismo fue a 90 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán y tuvo una profundidad de 16 km.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 secoue le Mexique le jour de l'anniversaire de deux autres tremblements de terre

2022-09-20T01:49+0200french-news (fr)

MEXICO, 19 septembre (Xinhua) -- Un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,4 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué lundi le centre du Mexique, le jour même où des commémorations avaient lieu pour marquer les anniversaires des séismes dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017.

Powerful tropical storm Fiona, Nan Madol devastating Puerto Rico and Japan simultaneously

2022-09-20T01:48+0200worldakkam (en)

https://cdnn1.img.sputniknews.com/img/07e6/09/12/1100914078_0:172:1648:1099_1920x0_80_0_0_de62b9ed378b8b0eeb6f8e6c53c5793e.jpg. Hurricane Fiona hit the US-controlled island of Puerto Rico on Sunday, hitting the flanks of a powerful storm. As a result, the island’s fragile power grid collapsed,....

Photos: 7.6 earthquake hits Mexico’s Pacific coast on anniversary of previous quakes

2022-09-20T01:47+0200mercurynews (en)

MEXICO CITY — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, killing at least one person and setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. There were at least some early reports of damage to buildings from the quake, which hit at 1:05 p.

Tsunamis menores y emisiones desde el volcán Popocatépetl tras terremoto en México

2022-09-20T01:47+0200publimetro (es)

Varios videos han sido puestos en redes sociales con consecuencias tras el sismo en el sur de ese país. Las estaciones de monitoreo en la región cercana al sismo de este lunes 19 en el Pacífico mexicano registraron un levantamiento del nivel del mar. La estación de Manzanillo detectó una amplitud....

Photos: 7.6 earthquake hits Mexico’s Pacific coast on anniversary of previous quakes

2022-09-20T01:45+0200eastbaytimes (en)

MEXICO CITY — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, killing at least one person and setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. There were at least some early reports of damage to buildings from the quake, which hit at 1:05 p.

Woman left in police car on railroad tracks injured in train collision

2022-09-20T01:44+0200usaToday (en)

A 20-year-old woman in Colorado suffered serious injuries after police put her inside a parked cruiser that was struck by a train in a Denver-area town, according to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. The incident occurred just after 7:30 p.m. Friday when a Platteville, Colorado, police officer....

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast; 1 killed

2022-09-20T01:44+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

People gather outside after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. The quake hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which said the quake was centered near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states. People gather outside after a magnitude 7.

La terrible coincidencia que vive México: el de hoy es el tercer terremoto que sacude al país un 19 de septiembre

2022-09-20T01:43+0200losandes (es)

Este lunes 19 de septiembre el centro de en la escala de Richter. Hasta el momento se han registrado pequeños daños materiales y un fallecido. El día de hoy se estaba conmemorando un nuevo aniversario de dos fuertes terremotos que se produjeron en ese mismo país en 1985 y 2017 , y dejaron miles de muertos.

7.4 magnitude quake shakes Mexico on anniversary of 2 quakes

2022-09-20T01:41+0200chinadaily (en)

A couple hugs each other after hearing an earthquake alarm in Mexico City, Mexico, on Sept 19, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua] MEXICO CITY - An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 shook central Mexico on Monday, on the same day as commemorations of the devastating tremors of 1985 and 2017 took place.

Séisme au Mexique : prudence près du littoral calédonien dès 18h ce mardi

2022-09-20T01:41+0200la1ere (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,6 s'est produit, à 10 km de profondeur, sur la côte ouest du Mexique, ce 20 septembre au petit matin. En Nouvelle-Calédonie, pas de risque de tsunami mais "des mouvements anormaux de la mer pourront être observés vers 18h" indique la sécurité civile. La consigne est de ne pas s'approcher du littoral.

Sismo de 7,6 grados remeció al oeste de México, autoridades descartan riesgo de tsunami para Chile

2022-09-20T01:41+0200df-CL (es)

Un sismo de 7,6 grados de intensidad azotó el oeste de México el lunes en el aniversario de otros dos devastadores sismos, dejando al menos una persona fallecida, fallas en el suministro eléctrico, edificios dañados y enviando, despavoridos, a los residentes de Ciudad de México a las calles en busca de resguardo.

Watch as badminton players flee for their lives as sports centre ceiling COLLAPSES during 6.8 magnitude earthquake

2022-09-20T01:40+0200thesun (en)

THIS is the terrifying moment the ceiling of a badminton court collapsed during a 6.8 magnitude quake in Taiwan. Dozens of people were playing on the fifth floor of a sports centre near the capital Taipei shortly before 3pm on Sunday One man was injured by the falling debris Credit: Twitter.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-20T01:37+0200mb-com-ph (en)

MEXICO CITY, Mexico – A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings hundreds of miles away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two major tremors in 1985 and 2017, seismologists said. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.4, while the United States Geological Survey estimated it at 7.

Descartan alerta de tsunami en costas de México tras sismo

2022-09-20T01:27+0200unionradio (es)

CARACAS.- Autoridades mexicanas supervisan las costas de México ante la presencia de fuertes oleajes producto de la actividad sísmica de 7, 4 que se registró este lunes en la tarde. La Unidad Estatal de Protección Civil Colima descartó una posible alerta de tsunami para las costas de la entidad,....

Urgent: 7.4 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-20T01:24+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

People gather in the Zocalo Square after an earthquake in Mexico City, Mexico, on Sept. 19, 2022. (Xinhua/Francisco Canedo) MEXICO CITY, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 shook Mexico on Monday, according to preliminary data, with further details unavailable at the moment.

18:22 Sismo en México provocó 'levantamiento de mar' en Manzanillo

2022-09-20T01:24+0200elcomercio-EC (es)

Debido al sismo de magnitud 7.7, la UNAM registró un levantamiento en del nivel del mar en las costas del Pacífico mexicano. Foto: Sismológico Nacional Un sismo de magnitud 7.7 en la escala de Richter se registró en México este lunes 19 de septiembre de 2022 a las 13:05 hora local.

Woman who was left in police car parked on railroad tracks injured in train collision, officials say

2022-09-20T01:21+0200azcentral (en)

A 20-year-old woman in Colorado suffered serious injuries after police put her inside a parked cruiser that was struck by a train in a Denver-area town, according to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. The incident occurred just after 7:30 p.m. Friday when a Platteville, Colorado, police officer....

Se registra un temblor en Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-09-20T01:19+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.2 se registró en las cercanías de Coalcomán a las 17:57 hora local (22:57 UTC) de hoy, informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 82 km al sur de la ciudad del estado de Michoacán y tuvo una profundidad de 16 km.

Major Quake Strikes Mexico On 'Cursed' Anniversary Of Temblors, At Least One Dead

2022-09-20T01:18+0200ibtimes (en)

People stand in the street after a quake, in Mexico City, Mexico, September 19, 2022. A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling outside for safety.

Séisme au Mexique : prudence près du littoral calédonien dès 18h ce mardi...

2022-09-20T01:18+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,6 s'est produit, à 10 km de profondeur, sur la côte ouest du Mexique, ce 20 septembre au petit matin. En Nouvelle-Calédonie, pas de risque de tsunami mais "des mouvements anormaux de la mer pourront être observés vers 18h" indique la sécurité civile. La consigne est de ne pas s'approcher du littoral.

Terremoto Messico, per la terza volta sisma il 19 settembre

2022-09-20T01:17+0200it-geosnews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un altro terremoto in Messico il 19 settembre. Il sisma registrato oggi nel paese è avvenuto in una data tristemente nota per il paese. Il Messico in passato... L'articolo Terremoto Messico, per la terza volta sisma il 19 settembre sembra essere il primo su OglioPoNews.

TWS forecasts sea variations in Mexico due to offshore earthquake

2022-09-20T01:16+0200plenglish (en)

Mexico City, Sep 19 (Prensa Latina) The Tsunami Warning Center (TWS) of the Secretariat of the Navy has forecast anomalous variations of 82 centimeters in sea level due to the magnitude-7.4 offshore earthquake, one death reported. The TWS warned there is a tsunami threat for the Michoacán and....

Terremoto Messico, per la terza volta sisma il 19 settembre

2022-09-20T01:14+0200ildenaro (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un altro terremoto in Messico il 19 settembre. Il sisma registrato oggi nel paese è avvenuto in una data tristemente nota per il paese. Il Messico in passato è stato colpito da terremoti di magnitudo elevata nel 1985 (con migliaia di morti) e nel 2017: in entrambi i casi, i disastri sono accaduti il 19 settembre.

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7,4

2022-09-20T01:13+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national. "Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu'il ne s'est rien passé de....

Terremoto en México. “Parece una maldición”, el dolor después de tres sismos, distinto año, el mismo día

2022-09-20T01:13+0200lanacion-AR (es)

El presidente, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , dijo en un video compartido en su cuenta de Twitter que una persona había muerto en la ciudad portuaria Manzanillo, en el Pacífico, luego de que se derrumbara un muro en un centro comercial. “Una persona perdió la vida porque se cayó una barda” , se....

Confirman tsunami ‘leve’ en Manzanillo por sismo de 7.7

2022-09-20T01:12+0200vanguardia-MX (es)

“Cuando ocurre un sismo cerca de la costa con cierta profundidad es plausible que este levante una columna de agua y esta columna al restituirse por gravedad genere un tsunami, es lo que estamos viendo en nuestros datos” , dijo el jefe del Servicio Mareográfico de la UNAM , Octavio Gómez Ramos a Publímetro.

Tsunami y terremoto golpean el sur de México y dejan daños considerables en Estado de Colima

2022-09-20T01:08+0200elmundo-sv (es)

Tres horas después que un terremoto de 7.4 grados sacudió el centro y sur de México, un tsunami sorprendió a los residentes de la costa del Estado de Colima, donde el mar ingresó dañando edificaciones, edificios, ramadas y hasta altero el curso de una laguna que drena al mar.

News2 hours ago The Third Major Earthquake To Strike Mexico Since 1985 Strikes On Sept. 19, This One Measuring 7.6; 1 Person is Killed

2022-09-20T01:07+0200chiangraitimes (en)

(CTN News) _ A 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook the west coast of Mexico on Monday, coincidentally on the same day as two previous major tremors. A major damage report was not immediately available following the quake, which struck at 1:05 pm ET, the U.S. Geological Survey stated.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-20T01:07+0200BangkokPost (en)

MEXICO CITY - A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and causing panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.

Earthquake along Mexico’s central Pacific coast registers 7.6, kills one; no tsunami threat in NW

2022-09-20T01:07+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, killing at least one person and setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. There were no immediate reports of significant damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m.

Descartan alerta de tsunami para costas de Colima tras sismo de magnitud 5.3

2022-09-20T01:07+0200xeu (es)

La Secretaría de Protección Civil del Estado de Colima, descartó la alerta de Tsunami en las costas de Colima, esto, luego del temblor de magnitud 5.3 en ese estado. Fue a través de sus redes sociales, donde indicaron esperan variaciones en el oleaje y pidieron a las personas evitar acercarse a las playas.

tremble again on September 19

2022-09-20T01:06+0200d1softballnews (en)

A 7.7 magnitude tremor shook Mexico City on Monday afternoon, just on the anniversary of the 1985 and 2017 earthquakes. According to the National Seismological of Mexico, the tremor occurred at 1:05 pm in the town of Coalcomán, Michoacán. Here are the images captured by several users who shared the....

¿Cuál es el terremoto de mayor magnitud registrado en toda la historia de México?

2022-09-20T01:06+0200larepublica-pe (es)

Este lunes 19 de setiembre, se registró un sismo de magnitud 7.7 en Michoacán , México. Esto ocurrió el mismo día en el que se conmemora un año más del terremoto que devastó la Ciudad de México en 1985, el más mortífero en la historia del país. Por ello, es oportuno recordar cuál es ha sido el....

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,4 ha colpito il Messico, c'è un morto

2022-09-20T01:05+0200news-yahoo-it (it)

AGI - Il presidente messicano, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, ha confermato la prima vittima del terremoto di magnitudo 7,4 che ha colpito l'Ovest del Paese. Si tratta di una persona travolta dal crollo di un muro in un centro di commerciale di Manzanillo, nello Stato di Colima, vicino all'epicentro....

Temblor en México: sismo con epicentro en Cintalapa, Chiapas

2022-09-20T01:05+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.0 y con una profundidad de 146 kilómetros tomó por sorpresa a los pobladores de la ciudad de Cintalapa a las 17:38 hora local (22:38 UTC) de hoy. El movimiento tuvo como epicentro 22 km al oeste de dicha ciudad del estado de Chiapas, de acuerdo información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,5 golpeó México Hasta el momento se contabilizó un fallecido.

2022-09-20T01:02+0200diariohoy (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7,5 se produjo este lunes en la costa oeste de México. Justo el dia en que se conmemoran como en cada 19 de septiembre otros dos terremotos ocurridos en la misma fecha pero en 1985 y 2017, un nuevo sismo sacudió México. En esta oportunidad, el epicentro del temblor se localizó a....

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,4 ha colpito il Messico, c'è un morto

2022-09-20T01:01+0200agi (it)

AGI - Il presidente messicano, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, ha confermato la prima vittima del terremoto di magnitudo 7,4 che ha colpito l'Ovest del Paese. Si tratta di una persona travolta dal crollo di un muro in un centro di commerciale di Manzanillo, nello Stato di Colima, vicino all'epicentro....

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-20T00:57+0200elpais-en (en)

A group of people in Mexico City after the earthquake. Jose Méndez (EFE) Mexico has trembled again on September 19. A 7.7-magnitude earthquake has shaken the state of Michoacán with aftershocks in the center of the country, just under an hour after the drill organized to commemorate the terrible....

All the elements it must contain

2022-09-20T00:55+0200bullfrag (en)

From earthquakes to floods, they are natural disasters that cannot be avoided and that is why it is necessary to be prepared at all times. The National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred) announced the basic elements that an emergency backpack should contain. The ideal is to have this tool both at work and at home.

Terremoto en México: todo lo que se sabe del sismo de magnitud 7.7 ocurrido este lunes

2022-09-20T00:55+0200latina (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7.7 en la escala de Richter sacudió México este lunes 19 de septiembre, dejando al menos un fallecido y más de 100 personas heridas. El hecho ocurre en la misma fecha que se conmemora un año más de los sismos de 1985 y 2017 en el país, los cuales cobraron miles de víctimas.

“Parece una maldición”: el sismo que golpeó a México este lunes fue en el aniversario de otros fatídicos terremotos en la misma fecha

2022-09-20T00:53+0200misionesonline (es)

Gente reacciona luego de un terremoto en Ciudad de Méxicon, México. 19 de septiembre de 2022. REUTERS/Luis Cortes. (Reuters) – El terremoto que azotó el oeste de México, lo hizo justo en el aniversario de otros dos devastadores sismos. El 19 de septiembre del 2017, un terremoto de 7.

Confirman tsunami ‘leve’ en Manzanillo por sismo de 7.7 grados

2022-09-20T00:52+0200vanguardia-MX (es)

“Cuando ocurre un sismo cerca de la costa con cierta profundidad es plausible que este levante una columna de agua y esta columna al restituirse por gravedad genere un tsunami, es lo que estamos viendo en nuestros datos” , dijo el jefe del Servicio Mareográfico de la UNAM, Octavio Gómez Ramos a Publímetro.

Descartan alerta de tsunami para costas de Colima tras sismo de magnitud 7.7

2022-09-20T00:51+0200xeu (es)

La Secretaría de Protección Civil del Estado de Colima, descartó la alerta de Tsunami en las costas de Colima, esto, luego del temblor de magnitud 7.7 con epicentro en Michoacán. Fue a través de sus redes sociales, donde indicaron esperan variaciones en el oleaje y pidieron a las personas evitar acercarse a las playas.

México tiembla todos los días y muchas veces: ¿dónde son más frecuentes los epicentros?

2022-09-20T00:51+0200elpais (es)

México volvió a temblar este lunes, justo en el aniversario de los dos peores terremotos de su historia reciente . El 19 de septiembre parece tocado por una maldición antigua que desafía cualquier certeza matemática sobre las reglas de la probabilidad. En realidad, el país tiembla todos los días y muchas veces, aunque a pequeña escala.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 secoue le Mexique le jour de l'anniversaire de deux autres tremblements de terre

2022-09-20T00:49+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,4 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué lundi le centre du Mexique, le jour même où des commémorations avaient lieu pour marquer les anniversaires des séismes dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017. Le président mexicain Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador a donné des informations préliminaires sur les réseaux sociaux.

Massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico Pacific Coast region

2022-09-20T00:48+0200maritime-network (en)

A powerful earthquake struck Mexico ’s central Pacific Coast region Monday afternoon causing at least one death, as well as major damage to buildings, roads and other infrastructure, according to early reports. The U.S. Geological Survey initially reported a 7.6 magnitude earthquake .

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico's Pacific coastOutside the city's environmental ombudsman's office, dozens of employees waited. ...

2022-09-20T00:48+0200wn (en)

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. There were no immediate reports of significant damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 pm local time, according to the US....

9-1-1 Season 6 Trailer Hints at Loss and Chaos in…

2022-09-20T00:42+0200techcodex (en)

While Season 6 of 9-1-1 has yet to officially premiere, fans of the show are left waiting in suspense after an official teaser for Season 6 shows a dramatic clip of a blimp crashing into a crowded soccer stadium, and a bloody police chase down the highway.

Reportan fallas en electricidad y daños estructurales en Colima

2022-09-20T00:40+0200informador (es)

Luego del sismo de 7.7 registrado este lunes al sur de Coalcomán, Michoacán , y de las réplicas reportadas en Tecomán, Colima, el Comité Nacional de Emergencias reportó fallas en la electricidad y daños estructurales en distintas edificaciones. La coordinadora Nacional de Protección Civil, Laura....

Después de Taiwán, un fuerte sismo también sacudió a México

2022-09-20T00:40+0200nuevoperiodico (es)

El sismo de magnitud 7.6 ocurrió minutos después de la una de la tarde en la zona costera de los estados mexicanos de Michoacán y Colima a una profundidad de unos 15 kilómetros. ##TWITTER-1571936996909633536## El terremoto ocurrió justo en el aniversario de dos terremotos que azotaron a México el 19 de septiembre.

Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake Strikes Mexico's West Coast

2022-09-20T00:38+0200haberler-en (en)

Mexico 's National Seismological Service said a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck the southwestern state of Michoacan on Monday. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on social media that only one death has been reported in the neighboring state of Colima.

Autoridades descartan alerta de tsunami en Colima tras sismo

2022-09-20T00:36+0200diariodecolima (es)

Protección Civil de Colima descartó alerta de tsunami, luego de que comenzaron a salir videos sobre desplazamiento del mar en Manzanillo Protección Civil de Colima descartó la alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7.7 grados en las costas de Michoacán, aunque no descarta variaciones en el oleaje.

Terremoto: Violenta scossa scuote il Messico, magnitudo 7.6...

2022-09-20T00:33+02003bmeteo (it)

Violento terremoto colpisce il Messico, c'è anche uno tsunami. Alle 20:05 ora italiana un violento terremoto di magnitudo 7.6 ha colpito lo stato messicano del Michoacan. L'epicentro a una cinquantina di chilometri dalla costa nella zona montagnosa, non lontana dalle città di Aquila, Maruata, El faro.

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7.6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-20T00:33+0200proceso-HN (es)

Washington – El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7.6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

About 1.2 million people in Mexico were left without electricity due to the earthquake

2022-09-20T00:27+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T22:26:30.559Z. About 1.2 million people were left without power in Mexico due to a magnitude 7.7 earthquake, according to the Federal Electricity Commission. “The earthquake affected 1.2 million users in five regions,” RIA Novosti quotes the commission’s message on social networks.

Así alertan en Puerto Vallarta para alejarse de las playas tras sismo (VIDEO)

2022-09-20T00:27+0200informador (es)

Aunque la Oficina Nacional de Administración Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA) de Estados Unidos emitió una alerta de tsunami para las costas de México en el Pacífico, Protección Civil de Jalisco ha desmentido que exista riesgo de Tsunami. Imagen: Captura de pantalla. Tras el sismo de 7.

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake strikes Mexico's west coast

2022-09-20T00:26+0200aa-en (en)

MEXICO CITY. Mexico 's National Seismological Service said a 7.7-magnitude earthquake struck the southwestern state of Michoacan on Monday. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on social media that only one death has been reported in the neighboring state of Colima.

While You Were Sleeping: 5 stories you might have missed, Sept 20

2022-09-20T00:25+0200straitstimesSG (en)

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors. A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings hundreds of miles away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two major tremors in 1985 and 2017, seismologists said. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.

WATCH: Small Tsunami Causes Flooding in the Port of Manzanillo, Mexico - Latest Tweet by BNO News

2022-09-20T00:25+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News states, 'WATCH: Small tsunami causes flooding in the port of Manzanillo, Mexico ' WATCH: Small tsunami causes flooding in the port of Manzanillo, Mexico BNO News (@BNONews) September 19, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information....

7.4 magnitude quake shakes Mexico on anniversary of 2 quakes

2022-09-20T00:23+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 shook central Mexico on Monday, on the same day as commemorations of the devastating tremors of 1985 and 2017 took place. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador provided a preliminary report on social media, where he....

Nationwide public earthquake drill held today; seismic activity in Chiapas, Oaxaca

2022-09-20T00:22+0200mexicoinstitute (en)

09/19/2022. Source: Mexico News Daily. An earthquake drill will be held in Mexico City and eight states this Monday, September 19, the fifth anniversary of a powerful 7.1 magnitude temblor that shook central Mexico and the 37th anniversary of an 8.1 magnitude quake that devastated the capital.

Mexique: la magnitude du séisme réévaluée à 7,4 par l'Institut sismologique national

2022-09-20T00:19+0200rtl-BE (fr)

(Belga) Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national. "Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu'il ne s'est rien passé....

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé le Mexique: "Nous ne pensions pas que c'était vrai"

2022-09-20T00:19+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national. "Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu'il ne s'est rien passé de....

Strong earthquake hits Mexico on anniversary of 1985 and 2017

2022-09-20T00:15+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T22:14:31.283Z. At least one person died on Monday in Mexico after a powerful earthquake occurred on the anniversary of the deadly earthquakes of 1985 and 2017. The damage recorded is for the moment… In Mexico, September 19 is decidedly cursed: a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.

Mexique: fort séisme le jour anniversaire de ceux de 1985 et 2017

2022-09-20T00:15+0200la-croix (fr)

Au Mexique, le 19 septembre est décidément maudit: un fort séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué l'ouest du pays et la capitale Mexico lundi, jour-anniversaire des tremblements de terre meurtriers de 1985 et 2017. Une personne est décédée dans l'ouest du pays, a indiqué le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Scossa di terremoto di 7.4 in Messico, una vittima

2022-09-20T00:15+0200interris (it)

Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi nel centro del Messico , con epicentro a Coalcomán , una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán , ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn), 13:05 locali (le 20:05 italiane). Non sono stati registrati danni gravi nella capitale Città del....

Tsunami warning follows major quake in Mexico - CNN

2022-09-20T00:14+0200google-top-stories (en)

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake off the southwestern coast of Mexico in Michoacan state on Monday has prompted tsunami warnings and caused at least one death, according to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The powerful earthquake’s epicenter occurred in a sparsely populated region of Michoacan state, very near the coastline.

Powerful quake strikes Mexico on anniversary of temblors, at least one deadA 7.7-magnitude earthquake has struck western Mexico, killing at least one person. It happened just over an hour after a nationwide earthquake preparedness drill. Residents near the epicenter reported strong shaking which lasted at least 20 seconds.

2022-09-20T00:14+0200ground-news (en)

A 7.7-magnitude earthquake has struck western Mexico , killing at least one person. It happened just over an hour after a nationwide earthquake preparedness drill. Residents near the epicenter reported strong shaking which lasted at least 20 seconds. There were early reports of structural damage,....

EE.UU. emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7.6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-20T00:13+0200elperiodico-GT (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7.6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad Los centros de....

19/09/2022 Un fort séisme frappe le Mexique le jour anniversaire de ceux de 1985 et 2017

2022-09-20T00:11+0200france24 (fr)

Au moins une personne est morte, lundi au Mexique, après un puissant tremblement de terre intervenu le jour anniversaire des séismes meurtriers de 1985 et 2017. Les dégâts recensés sont pour l'instant mineurs. Au Mexique , le 19 septembre est décidément maudit : un fort séisme d'une magnitude de....

1 Sismo magnitud 7.7: ¿Qué es y cómo se origina un tsunami?

2022-09-20T00:10+0200elfinanciero (es)

El centro de monitoreo de Estados Unidos alertó de un posible tsunami en las costas del Pacífico mexicano. (Foto: Centro de monitoreo de EU) Por Redación septiembre 19, 2022 | 17:00 pm hrs La tarde de este lunes 19 de septiembre se registró un sismo de magnitud 7.7 con epicentro en Michoacán.

A Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Struck Southwestern Mexico on Monday, Killing One Person. It ... - Latest Tweet by Bloomberg

2022-09-20T00:08+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Bloomberg states, 'A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico on Monday, killing one person. It occurred the same day as large tremors registered in 1985 and 2017 ...' A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico on Monday, killing one person.

Descartan riesgo de tsunami en Colima tras...

2022-09-20T00:07+0200zocalo (es)

Colima.- Protección Civil de Colima descartó la alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7.7 grados en las costas de Michoacán, aunque no descarta variaciones en el oleaje. Se descarta en este momento la alerta de tsunami para las costas de la entidad, aunque se esperan variaciones en el oleaje, reiteramos evitar acercarte a las playas”.

Terremoto Messico, per la terza volta sisma il 19 settembre

2022-09-20T00:05+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Un altro terremoto in Messico il 19 settembre. Il sisma registrato oggi nel paese è avvenuto in una data tristemente nota per il paese. Il Messico in passato è stato colpito da terremoti di magnitudo elevata nel 1985 (con migliaia di morti) e nel 2017: in entrambi i casi, i disastri sono accaduti il 19 settembre.

Evacuaciones masivas por el terremoto que azotó en la Ciudad de México: las personas fueron enviadas a las calles por seguridad

2022-09-20T00:05+0200misionesonline (es)

(Reuters)- Un poderoso terremoto azotó el oeste de México, exactamente en el aniversario de dos temblores devastadores, matando al menos a una persona, dañando edificios, cortando el suministro eléctrico y enviando a los residentes de la Ciudad de México a las calles en busca de seguridad. “Estábamos en la oficina y lo sentimos.

Millions on tsunami alert as large quake hits

2022-09-20T00:03+0200wn (en)

A tsunami alert has been issued for potentially millions of people following a large magnitude 7.6 earthquake. ......

Descartan alerta de tsunami para costas de Colima tras sismo magnitud 7.7

2022-09-20T00:01+0200televisa (es)

Además, casi una hora y media después del sismo de 7.7, un temblor de magnitud 5.3 sacudió Colima Autoridades de Protección Civil informaron que se descarta la alerta de tsunami para las costas de pero esperan variaciones en el oleaje y piden a la población que evite acercarse a las playas Te recomendamos Sismológico reajusta a 7.

Un terremoto 7,7 sacudió México en el aniversario de los destructivos sismos de 1985 y 2017

2022-09-20T00:00+0200cooperativa (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,7 sacudió este lunes el centro de México justo en el día de los aniversarios de los terremotos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de 2017, considerados los dos más destructivos de la historia reciente. SISMO Magnitud 7.4 Loc 63 km al SUR de COALCOMAN, MICH 19/09/22 13:05:09 Lat 18.

Descartaron alerta de tsunami tras sismo de hoy en México

2022-09-20T00:00+0200elperiodicodetlaxcala (es)

Debido a la ubicación del epicentro las autoridades informaron que no se espera la llegada de un tsunami. De acuerdo con la Coordinación Nacional de Protección Civil, la cual lanzó un comunicado a través de su cuenta oficial de Twitter, no se esperan variaciones del nivel del mar.

Major earthquake hits Mexico sparking tsunami warning

2022-09-19T23:59+0200businessday (en)

Mexico City — A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating quakes, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling on to streets for safety.

Autoridades descartan alerta de tsunami en Colima tras sismo 16:48 hrs.

2022-09-19T23:58+0200excelsior (es)

Nacional Autoridades descartan alerta de tsunami en Colima tras sismo. Protección Civil de Colima descartó alerta de tsunami, luego de que comenzaron a salir videos sobre desplazamiento del mar en Manzanillo.

Se llegó a pensar en un probable tsunami, pero fue descartado

2022-09-19T23:57+0200elmanana-mx (es)

Descartan tsunami Se llegó a pensar en un probable tsunami, pero fue descartado Por lo regular un sismo cercano a las costas siempre trae como consecuencia altas marejadas, pero esta vez no se registraron. Debido a la intensidad del sismo de esta tarde y que se sintieron en mayor parte en los....

Un potente terremoto de 7,7º sacudió a México: al menos un muerto

2022-09-19T23:54+0200cadena3 (es)

Un fuerte sismo remeció el lunes el occidente de México, dejando al menos un fallecido, y su intensidad se sintió hasta la capital, donde pobladores despavoridos abandonaron sus viviendas rememorando la fatídica fecha, pero de 2017 y 1985, cuando sendos terremotos sacudieron el país cobrando miles de vidas.

¿Tsunami en Colima?: Usuarios reportan variación en el oleaje (VÍDEOS)

2022-09-19T23:52+0200yucatan (es)

COLIMA.- La tarde de este lunes 19 de septiembre un nuevo sismo golpeó la zona centro de México, tras el reporte del siniestro usuarios de redes sociales comenzaron a difundir vídeos de lo que sería un tsunami en las costas de Colima. De acuerdo a lo reportado por el Centro de Tsunamis de la....

Un fuerte sismo sacudió a México en el aniversario de otros dos terremotos

2022-09-19T23:52+0200losandes (es)

La alerta sísmica sonó menos de una hora después de que millones de personas participaran en un simulacro nacional, que se realiza todos los 19 de septiembre para fomentar la prevención. con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades.

AP News Summary at 5:28 p.m. EDT

2022-09-19T23:50+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

BALTIMORE (AP) — A Baltimore judge has ordered the release of Adnan Syed after overturning Syed’s conviction for a 1999 murder that was chronicled in the hit podcast “Serial.” Circuit Court Judge Melissa Phinn on Monday ordered that Syed’s conviction be vacated and she approved the release of the....

Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake Strikes Western Mexico - Seismologists

2022-09-19T23:49+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 20th September, 2022) A powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck off the state of Michoacan in western Mexico , with strong tremors felt in the country's capital, the Mexican Seismological Service said. "On September 19, 2022, the National Seismological Service registered a 7.

20 September 2022 - Strong Earthquake in Michoacan,Mexico at 2.05 am

2022-09-19T23:48+0200met-my (en)

JABATAN METEOROLOGI MALAYSIA KEMENTERIAN ALAM SEKITAR DAN AIR JALAN SULTAN Telefon : 603-7967 8000 46667 PETALING JAYA Faksimili : 603-7957 8052 SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN E-mel : seismo@met.gov.my MALAYSIA Laman Web : www.met.gov.my JMM/POCGN(O)/BK-23B Our. Ref: JMM.APL15/756/22/07 Jld.

Otro 19 de septiembre: Potente terremoto sacude el centro de México

2022-09-19T23:48+0200mysteryplanet (es)

El temblor se produjo a las 13.05 hora local (18.05 GMT) con epicentro 59 km al sur de Coalcomán (estado de Michoacán), en la costa del Pacífico y una profundidad de 15 kilómetros. Hasta el momento solo se ha informado de una víctima mortal. «Una persona falleció por la caída de una barda de un....

Terremoto in Messico, tsunami sulle coste: l’oceano invade Manzanillo | VIDEO

2022-09-19T23:46+0200meteoweb (it)

, è in atto uno tsunami sulle coste del Paese. Significative inondazioni stanno colpendo Manzanillo , nello stato di Colima, dove si registra anche una vittima e danni materiali. Nei video in fondo all’articolo, le immagini dell’acqua dell’oceano che invade le strade della località.

Se emite una alerta de tsunami tras fuerte terremoto en la costa de Michoacán, México

2022-09-19T23:45+0200vistaalmar (es)

La maldición del 19 de septiembre en México. Un terremoto de magnitud 7,6 sacudió la costa de La Placita de Morelos, en el oeste de México, dijo el lunes el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos. El sismo se registró a 46 km (29 millas) al sur-sureste de La Placita de Morelos en el estado de....

AP Top Stories September 19 P

2022-09-19T23:43+0200azcentral (en)

Here’s the latest for Monday, September 19: The world says farewell to Queen Elizabeth II; 7.6 magnitude earthquake strikes off Mexico ; Hurricane Fiona hits Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico; Woman convicted of kidnapping hoax sentenced.

¡Esté preparado! alerta sobre sismos disponible

2022-09-19T23:43+0200elnuevodia (es)

Una fuerte alarma sorprendió a los santandereanos cuando recibieron un aviso de terremoto en el departamento, función que nunca antes habían recibido, pese a los constantes temblores que se registran en la región. Así lo expresaron los usuarios en sus redes sociales, donde unos manifestaron....

Mexique : un puissant séisme frappe la côte Pacifique

2022-09-19T23:42+0200TF1 (fr)

Au Mexique, le 19 septembre est décidément maudit : un fort séisme d'une magnitude de 7,7 a secoué l'ouest du pays et la capitale Mexico lundi, jour-anniversaire des tremblements de terre meurtriers de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national.

EE.UU. emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T23:42+0200somosfan (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Sismo en México: Marina de Guerra descarta tsunami en el litoral peruano

2022-09-19T23:42+0200huaral (es)

La Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de la Marina de Guerra informó que el sismo de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió el centro de México , no genera alerta de tsunami en el litoral peruano. El evento telúrico tuvo como epicentro Coalcoman, en el estado de Michoacán , donde, de acuerdo con la agencia EFE , solo hubo daños materiales.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-19T23:41+0200digitpatrox (en)

MEXICO CITY – A robust earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings a whole lot of miles away in Mexico Metropolis on the anniversary of two main tremors in 1985 and 2017, seismologists stated. The nationwide seismological company reported the quake was of magnitude 7.4, whereas the USA Geological Survey estimated it at 7.

Permalink to Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-19T23:40+0200abidjantv (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi 19 septembre l’ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. «Nous souhaitons de tout cœur qu’il ne se soit rien....

Sisma 7,5 in Messico: almeno un morto

2022-09-19T23:38+0200rai-televideo (it)

19/09/2022 23:00 Sisma 7,5 in Messico: almeno un morto 23.00 Sisma 7,5 in Messico: almeno un morto Confermata dal presidente messicano, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, la prima vittima del terremoto di magnitudo 7,5 che ha colpito l'Ovest del Paese. Si tratta di una persona travolta dal crollo di un....

Forte terremoto in Messico: scossa di magnitudo 7.4 a Coalcomán – I video

2022-09-19T23:36+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico , con epicentro a Coalcomán , una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale. La scossa è stata avvertita anche a Città del Messico alle 13:05....

Ultime Notizie – Terremoto Messico, per la terza volta sisma il 19 settembre

2022-09-19T23:36+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) Un altro Terremoto in Messico il 19 settembre . Il sisma registrato oggi nel paese è avvenuto in una data tristemente nota per il paese. Il Messico in passato è stato colpito da terremoti di magnitudo elevata nel 1985 (con migliaia di morti) e nel 2017: in entrambi i casi, i disastri sono accaduti il 19 settembre .

Terremoto Messico, per la terza volta sisma il 19 settembre

2022-09-19T23:36+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) (Adnkronos) – Un altro Terremoto in Messico il 19 settembre . Il sisma registrato oggi nel paese è avvenuto in una data tristemente nota per il paese. Il Messico in passato è stato colpito da terremoti di magnitudo elevata nel 1985 (con migliaia di morti) e nel 2017: in....

Sismo en México: Marina de Guerra descarta tsunami en el litoral peruano

2022-09-19T23:35+0200rpp (es)

La Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación de la Marina de Guerra informó que el sismo de magnitud 7,7 que sacudió el centro de México , no genera alerta de tsunami en el litoral peruano. El evento telúrico tuvo como epicentro Coalcoman, en el estado de Michoacán , donde, de acuerdo con la agencia EFE , solo hubo daños materiales.

A 7.4 quake shook Puerto Vallarta in the state of Michoacan.Tsunami warning issued

2022-09-19T23:34+0200worldakkam (en)

Update: Jalisco Tsunami Warning Issued. For subscribers, Please login to your dashboard To keep up with the latest developments from Earthquake. Our servers are flooded with people looking for information, which can slow page loads. Dashboards give you quick access to the information you need.

¿Es setiembre el mes de los terremotos en México?

2022-09-19T23:34+0200peru21 (es)

El 19 de setiembre es una fecha recordada en por el devastador terremoto de magnitud 8.1 que acabó con la vida de más de 20.000 personas en 1985. Ese mismo día, pero en el 2017, un sismo de 7.1 volvió a sacudir el país azteca y causó gran destrucción. Cinco años después, volvió a ocurrir. Un movimiento telúrico de 7.

7.4 magnitude quake shakes Mexico on anniversary of 2 quakes

2022-09-19T23:33+0200china.org.cn (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 shook central Mexico on Monday, on the same day as commemorations of the devastating tremors of 1985 and 2017 took place. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador provided a preliminary report on social media, where he....

Magnitude 7.6 earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-19T23:33+0200fox35orlando (en)

Ceiling fan sways as strong earthquake hits Western Mexico . A hotel ceiling fan in western Mexico swayed heavily as a 7.4 magnitude earthquake shook the region on Monday, September 19. (Credit: @itspapajon via Storyful) A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck off the western coast of Mexico on Monday afternoon.

16:27 Descartan generación de tsunami en costas de Jalisco y Colima

2022-09-19T23:29+0200jalisco (es)

GUADALAJARA, Jal; 19 de septiembre de 2022.- De acuerdo con las unidades de Protección Civil y Bomberos de Puerto Vallarta y del estado de Colima, por se descarta la generación de un tsunami derivado del sismo registrado minutos después de las 13:00 horas de este lunes que tuvo epicentro en Coalcomán Michoacán y cuya intensidad se actualiza en 7.

At least one person was killed in the quake, the Mexican President has confirmed

2022-09-19T23:28+0200euronews-en (en)

People gather outside after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Monday, 19 September 2022 Copyright Fernando Llano/AP A 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, killing at least one person and damaging local infrastructure.

Millions on tsunami alert as large quake hits

2022-09-19T23:26+0200heraldsun (en)

The quake struck on Mexico ’s west coast on Monday afternoon, 37km southeast of the city of Aquila. At least one person is thought to have died. The earthquake came on the anniversary of two other deadly Mexican earthquakes. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the phenomena was....

Southwest Mexico struck by 7.5 magnitude earthquake, buildings sway in capital

2022-09-19T23:23+0200fresnobee (en)

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico on Monday, prompting evacuations and buildings to sway in the capital, and occurring on the same day as large tremors registered in 1985 and 2017. The earthquake was near La Placita de Morelos, in Michoacan state along the Pacific Coast, about 295 miles west of Mexico City, according to the U.

Southwest Mexico struck by 7.5 magnitude earthquake, buildings sway in capital

2022-09-19T23:23+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico on Monday, prompting evacuations and buildings to sway in the capital, and occurring on the same day as large tremors registered in 1985 and 2017. The earthquake was near La Placita de Morelos, in Michoacan state along the Pacific Coast, about 295 miles west of Mexico City, according to the U.

México registra 168 réplicas tras el potente terremoto de magnitud 7,7

2022-09-19T23:21+0200ElComercio (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) de México ajustó a 7,7 la magnitud del terremoto que este lunes 19 de septiembre sacudió el centro del país. En un primer reporte, el SSN había informado que la magnitud fue de 6,8 y en su segundo reporte subió a 7,4.

Lo que se sabe del fuerte sismo que sacudió a México este lunes

2022-09-19T23:21+0200portafolio (es)

Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de terremoto....

Latest Videos At least 1 killed in Mexico earthquake A magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico has killed at least one person. The earthquake was centered near a small town along the western coast of the country. Lilia Luciano has more. 55M ago 00:33

2022-09-19T23:20+0200CBSnews (en)

At least 1 killed in Mexico earthquake A magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico has killed at least one person. The earthquake was centered near a small town along the western coast of the country. Lilia Luciano has more.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,4 sacudió el centro de México y deja un muerto

2022-09-19T23:20+0200talcualdigital (es)

Este terremoto se dio el mismo día de los seísmos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y 2017, considerados los dos más destructivos de la historia reciente del país. Aunque no hubo daños graves, se ordenó la evacuación de varios edificios antiguos en el centro de la capital mexicana Un terremoto de....

Terremoto Messico, per la terza volta sisma il 19 settembre

2022-09-19T23:19+0200adnkronos (it)

Un altro terremoto in Messico il 19 settembre. Il sisma registrato oggi nel paese è avvenuto in una data tristemente nota per il paese. Il Messico in passato è stato colpito da terremoti di magnitudo elevata nel 1985 (con migliaia di morti) e nel 2017: in entrambi i casi, i disastri sono accaduti il 19 settembre.

Tsunami warning follows major quake in Mexico

2022-09-19T23:18+0200flipboard (en)

(CNN) — A 7.6-magnitude earthquake has struck just off the southwestern coast of Mexico , in Michoacan state, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has said that tsunami waves reaching up to 3 meters could hit Mexico.

7.6 magnitude earthquake in Mexico

2022-09-19T23:15+0200247newsbulletin (en)

The US Geological Survey (USGS) announced that the 7.6 magnitude earthquake, the epicenter of which was 37 kilometers southeast of the city of Aquila in Michoacan state, occurred at a depth of about 15 kilometers. A “threat of tsunami” warning was issued due to the earthquake that occurred in the area close to the beach.

Terremoto Messico di 7.4 con epicentro a Coalcomán. Tremano i palazzi della capitale, i precedenti nello stesso giorno del 1985 e del 2017

2022-09-19T23:15+0200mister-x (it)

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico... ...

Terremoto Messico, per la terza volta sisma il 19 settembre

2022-09-19T23:12+0200news-yahoo-it (it)

(Adnkronos) - Un altro terremoto in Messico il 19 settembre. Il sisma registrato oggi nel paese è avvenuto in una data tristemente nota per il paese. Il Messico in passato è stato colpito da terremoti di magnitudo elevata nel 1985 (con migliaia di morti) e nel 2017: in entrambi i casi, i disastri sono accaduti il 19 settembre.

México: un muerto por un terremoto que sacudió el centro del país

2022-09-19T23:12+0200diariouno (es)

Un fuerte sismo sacudió este lunes el occidente de México, dejando al menos una persona muerta , y su intensidad se sintió hasta la capital, donde pobladores despavoridos abandonaron sus viviendas rememorando la fatídica fecha, pero de 2017 y 1985 , cuando sendos terremotos sacudieron el país cobrando miles de vidas.

Nivel del mar podría variar hasta 82 centímetros debido al sismo

2022-09-19T23:12+0200expreso-press (es)

Después del sismo hoy 19 de septiembre de 2022, la Coordinación Nacional de Protección Civil alertó sobre una variación del mar de hasta 82 centímetros. MÉXICO.- La Coordinación Nacional de Protección Civil informó que por el sismo hoy 19 de septiembre de 2022 de magnitud 7.

Terremoto en México: qué es la alerta de tsunami

2022-09-19T23:12+0200lanacion-AR (es)

El organismo pronosticó que habría olas de entre uno y tres metros de altura , aunque los impactos “podrían variar considerablemente de una sección de costa a otra”, especificó en un comunicado en su página web. Si bien las autoridades mexicanas ya habían descartado desde la primera hora la....

Millions on tsunami alert as large quake hits

2022-09-19T23:11+0200news_com_au (en)

The quake struck on Mexico ’s west coast on Monday afternoon, 37km southeast of the city of Aquila. At least one person is thought to have died. The earthquake came on the anniversary of two other deadly Mexican earthquakes. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the phenomena was....

Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Strikes Off La Placita De Morelos, Mexico

2022-09-19T23:11+0200wn (en)

(MENAFN - Trend News Agency) A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in western Mexico , the U.S. Geological Survey said on Monday, Trend reports citing Reuters ... ......

Potente sismo sacude a México en aniversario de dos devastadores terremotos

2022-09-19T23:10+0200lahora-GT (es)

Las personas usan sus teléfonos mientras permanecen en la calle después de un terremoto en la Ciudad de México el 19 de septiembre de 2022. Foto La Hora: Pedro PARDO / AFP. Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban....

¿Cómo se genera un tsunami? Esto sabemos

2022-09-19T23:09+0200milenio (es)

Cuando ocurre un sismo en zonas aledañas a las costas, suele activarse el protocolo de alerta de tsunami, en el cual las autoridades o instituciones correspondientes determinan si existe este riesgo para la población. ¿Cómo se genera un tsunami? De acuerdo con la UNAM, un tsunami se genera cuando....

Al menos hay una víctima fatal por el fuerte terremoto en México

2022-09-19T23:09+0200noticiasbariloche (es)

Tuvo una intensidad de 7.6 grados, con epicentro en la región de Michoacán, en la zona oeste del país. Se produjo en la misma fecha que otros dos trágicos terremotos ocurridos en 2017 y 1985. Un fuerte sismo remeció el lunes el occidente de México, dejando al menos un fallecido, y su intensidad se....

Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake Strikes Western Mexico - Seismologists

2022-09-19T23:08+0200urdupoint (en)

MEXICO CITY (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 20th September, 2022) A powerful 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck off the state of Michoacan in western Mexico , with strong tremors felt in the country's capital, the Mexican Seismological Service said. "On September 19, 2022, the National Seismological Service registered a 7.

Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits Mexico on anniversary of 1985 and 2017

2022-09-19T23:08+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T21:08:01.085Z. The tremor took place at 1:05 p.m. local time. First measured at 6.6 on the Richter scale, it was later reassessed at 7.4. The tsunami risk has already been ruled out by the Ministry of the Navy. Several… Magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits Mexico on anniversary of 1985 and 2017.

One dead in Mexico earthquake

2022-09-19T23:08+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T21:07:48.645Z. One person has died as a result of an earthquake in western Mexico , President Andres Manuel López Obrador said. “Admiral José Rafael Ojeda Durán, Minister of the Navy, informed me that one person died as a result of a wall falling at a shopping center in Manzanillo, Colima,” he wrote on Twitter.

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,6 sacude México y desata una alerta de Tsunami

2022-09-19T23:08+0200bbc-es (es)

La magnitud del terremoto fue de 7 6, según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). Las autoridades mexicanas informaron inicialmente de una magnitud de 6,8. En su cuenta de Twitter, la jefa de gobierno de la Ciudad de México, Claudia Sheinbaum, informó que....

Inocar descarta alerta de tsunami en Ecuador, tras terremoto en México

2022-09-19T23:08+0200ecuavisa (es)

Un sismo de alta intensidad se sintió el lunes, 19 de septiembre, en numerosos estados de México justo después de que se hiciera un simulacro y el mismo día que tembló con fuerza en 1985 y 2017 . Un primer reporte preliminar habla de solo un muerto por el desplome de una estructura.

Terremoto in Messico: M 7.4, epicentro a Coaclomàn/ Allarme tsunami, ci sono vittime

2022-09-19T23:07+0200ilsussidiario (it)

Un terribile terremoto si è registrato in Messico alle 13,05 ora locale (le 20,05 italiane): la scossa di magnitudo 7.4, come riportato da Il Fatto Quotidiano , ha avuto come epicentro la città di Coaclomàn , nello stato di Michoacán , ma è stato avvertito in tutta la zona centrale del Paese, inclusa la capitale Città del Messico.

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T23:06+0200ilSole24ore (it)

Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05 italiane) è stata avvertita chiaramente nella capitale, Città del Messico.

Al menos un muerto tras terremoto en México y se emitió alerta de tsunami

2022-09-19T23:06+0200cnnMexico (es)

AMLO informa de una persona muerta tras el terremoto en México y se emitió una alerta de tsunami. El Centro de Alerta de Tsunami del Pacífico emitió una alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto en México . Advierte de olas potencialmente peligrosas que podrían golpear las costas del país.

Messico, strong earthquake of magnitude 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T23:04+0200breakinglatest (en)

A quake measuring 7.4 was felt today in Mexico , with its epicenter in Coalcomán, a municipality in the state of Michoacán, in central Mexico. This was announced by the National Seismological Center (CSN). The quake, which occurred at 13.05 local time (20.05 Italian time) was clearly felt in the capital, Mexico City.

Sismo de 7,4 grados sacudió el centro de México: SHOA evalúa amenaza de tsunami en costas chilenas

2022-09-19T23:03+0200lanacion-CL (es)

Un sismo de 7,4 grados Richter afectó a las 13:05 horas locales (15:05 horas de Chile) de este lunes el centro de México justo en el día de los aniversarios de los terremotos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de 2017, considerados los dos más destructivos de la historia reciente.

Al menos 4 muertos y decenas de heridos por un terremoto en Filipinas

2022-09-19T23:03+0200euronews-es (es)

Terremoto en Filipinas Derechos de autor Harley Palangchao/The Associated Press Un terremoto de 7,1 de magnitud sacude Filipinas. Al menos cuatro personas han muerto y decenas han resultado heridas debido al seísmo. La población huía despavorida de los edificios tras un temblor que ha causado....

At least one dead after magnitude 7.6 quake hits Mexico

2022-09-19T23:02+02009news (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake has shaken Mexico 's central Pacific coast, killing at least one person and setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. There were at least some early reports of damage to buildings from the quake, which hit at 1.

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de ...

2022-09-19T23:01+0200100noticias (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

L’ouest du Mexique secoué par un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,4

2022-09-19T22:59+0200LeMonde (fr)

Magnitude 7,4 : un fort séisme a frappé l’ouest du Mexique, lundi 19 septembre, et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , a informé l’institut sismologique national. Le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, citant un responsable de la marine, a fait état d’un mort dans l’Etat de Colima....

Sismo de 7,6 grados sacude a México, al menos 1 muerto

2022-09-19T22:59+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Una mujer es asistida por ansiedad mientras la gente se reúne en la calle luego de un terremoto de magnitud 7,6 en la Ciudad de México, el lunes 19 de septiembre de 2022. (AP Foto/Fernando Llano) Ciudad de méxico (ap) — un sismo de alta intensidad sacudió el lunes la costa del pacífico central de....

C’è stato un terremoto di magnitudo 7.6 in Messico: è morta una persona

2022-09-19T22:58+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) Lunedì c’è stato un forte terremoto , di magnitudo 7.6, sulla costa occidentale del Messico , nello stato del Michoacán: per ora risulta morta una persona , diversi edifici sono stati danneggiati e ci sono state interruzioni di corrente. Le scosse si sono verificate intorno all’una.

Earthquake shakes buildings in Mexico City Reuters |Updated 6 minutes ago |1 min read MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Buildings shook in Mexico City and residents of the capital ran into the streets after an earthquake struck near the coast of western Mexico on Monday afternoon. The U.S. Geological Survey said in an initial report that .

2022-09-19T22:57+0200thechronicleherald (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake struck near the coast of western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, shaking buildings and sending residents of Mexico City scurrying onto the streets for safety. Shortly after 1 p.m. local time, the quake registered at 7.6 magnitude by the U.

Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan: 146 injured, 1 dead

2022-09-19T22:57+0200ksl (en)

Firefighters search Sunday for trapped victims in a collapsed residential building following earthquake in Yuli township in Hualien County, Taiwan. A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling at least one building and trapping two people inside and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks at a station.

Prevén en México variaciones marítimas por sismo, reportan un muerto

2022-09-19T22:57+0200radiohc (es)

Ciudad de México, 19 sep (RHC) El Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis de la Secretaría de Marina prevé variaciones anómalas de 82 centímetros en el nivel del mar por el sismo de 7,4 al tiempo que reporta un muerto. El US Tsunami Warning Center alertó que existe amenaza de tsunami para las costas de....

Alert: Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico; No immediate word on damage

2022-09-19T22:56+0200chron (en)

Central Mexico earthquake USGS. MEXICO CITY (AP) — Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico; No immediate word on damage. The first state funeral since Winston Churchill’s was filled with spectacle. Post Malone received medical attention after falling through an open trap door. Saban said Reichard has been one of his most consistent players.

Earthquake in Mexico: the three tragedies that marked Mexico on September 19 | news today

2022-09-19T22:56+0200247newsbulletin (en)

It is not the first time that a September 19 tremors in Mexico : the earthquakes of 1985 and 2017 left thousands dead in the country. This Monday, an earthquake of magnitude 7.4 shook central Mexico and left at least one dead, according to data from Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. “It felt terrible.

Earthquake Causes Lights to Tremble at Office in Mexico City

2022-09-19T22:53+0200news_com_au (en)

Hanging light fixtures swayed inside an office in Mexico City as a powerful 7.6-magnitude earthquake shook western parts of Mexico on Monday, September 19, “according to”: the National Seismological Service (SSN). The quake’s epicenter was near the Pacific coast in the western state of Michoacán,....

Ceiling Fan Sways as Strong Earthquake Hits Western Mexico

2022-09-19T22:53+0200news_com_au (en)

A hotel ceiling fan in western Mexico swayed heavily as a 7.4 magnitude earthquake shook the region on Monday, September 19. Video posted to Twitter by @itspapajon shows a fan swinging in his 12th-floor hotel room in Puerto Vallarta, he said. The quake’s epicenter was Michoacan, one of Mexico’s....

Powerful quake strikes Mexico

2022-09-19T22:51+0200bdnews24 (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling on to streets for safety. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said in a video....

Monde Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique, juste après un exercice antisismique

2022-09-19T22:51+0200rts-ch (fr)

Aucun dégât majeur n'a pour l'instant été rapporté dans la zone de l'épicentre près du Pacifique (ouest) et à Mexico , qui compte plus de 20 millions d'habitants avec sa mégapole. Dans la capitale, la secousse a été fortement ressentie pendant plusieurs secondes, a constaté l'AFP.

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7.6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T22:51+0200diariolibre (es)

Fotografía cedida hoy por Jorge Luis Martínez, donde se observan los daños causados por un sismo, en el municipio de Coalcomán, estado de Michoacán (México). ( EFE. El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7.6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán.

Strong earthquake strikes western Mexico, tsunami warnings issued

2022-09-19T22:50+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T20:49:30.998Z. A strong earthquake hit western Mexico on Monday evening, causing buildings to shake in the capital, Mexico, amid warnings of tsunami waves off the western coasts, while no injuries were reported. A strong earthquake hit western Mexico on Monday evening, causing buildings....

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast; 1 killed

2022-09-19T22:50+0200hjnews (en)

People gather outside after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. The quake hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which said the quake was centered near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states. People gather outside after a magnitude 7.

Pánico en México: un muerto tras sismo de 7,5 en el centro del país

2022-09-19T22:49+0200cronica (es)

Un terremoto con magnitud de 7,5 sacudió una ciudad de México este lunes por la tarde. El sismo tuvo su epicentro en el estado Michoacán , en el centro del país, y el presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , ya confirmó una fatalidad como consecuencia de los destrozos provocados por el fenómeno.

En aniversario de dos devastadores terremotos, México vuelve a ser sacudido por potente sismo que rememora la tragedia

2022-09-19T22:49+0200rpp (es)

Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México , con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de terremoto....

Tembló México: un feroz terremoto golpeó la costa oeste y dejó al menos un muerto

2022-09-19T22:48+0200pagina12 (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,5 golpeó este lunes la costa oeste de México , según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), y hasta el momento se reportó al menos un muerto . El temblor de este 19 de septiembre se produce el mismo día en el que se conmemoran dos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos, uno en 1985 y el otro en 2017.

Powerful quake strikes Mexico on anniversary of temblors, at least one dead

2022-09-19T22:47+0200channelnewsasia (en)

MEXICO CITY: A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday (Sep 19) on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling on to streets for safety.

AP News Summary at 4:21 p.m. EDT

2022-09-19T22:46+0200siouxcityjournal (en)

LONDON (AP) — Britain and the world said farewell to Queen Elizabeth II with pomp and pageantry. Crowds massed in the streets of London and at Windsor Castle to honor a monarch whose 70-year reign defined an era. The first state funeral since Winston Churchill’s drew world leaders and other royalty.

Terremoto en México: los videos más fuertes del sismo que volvió a instalar el miedo

2022-09-19T22:46+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Este 19 de septiembre es una fecha marcada en el calendario de los mexicanos, que todavía resienten los incidentes y las tragedias por los sismos de la misma fecha de 2017 y de 1985. Este 2022 volvió a temblar. Se acababa de realizar el simulacro nacional en Ciudad de México cuando sintieron la tierra moverse.

Mexico hit by 7.6 earthquake, at least 1 person dead

2022-09-19T22:44+0200al (en)

A woman is assisted for anxiety where people gather outside after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S.

Impactantes imágenes tras fuerte sismo en México

2022-09-19T22:42+0200sonora (es)

Tras realizarse el simulacro del 19 de septiembre, se registró un fuerte sismo que sacudió al territorio mexicano. Este 19 de septiembre en la Ciudad de México se registró un fuerte sismo de magnitud 7.6 grados, momentos después de realizarse un simulacro, según informó el Servicio Sismológico....

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T22:41+0200laprensa-HN (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

EE.UU. emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T22:41+0200huaral (es)

El sistema de alerta de de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México , cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Messico: un terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 scuote il Paese

2022-09-19T22:38+0200nanopress (it)

Messico: la scossa ha avuto l’epicentro nello Stato di Michoacán solo un’ora dopo la consueta esercitazione in questa data. Le autorità registrano almeno un defunto. Manuel López Obrador – NanoPress.it. Il Messico ha tremato di nuovo il 19 settembre. Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,7 ha scosso lo stato....

Se registra un temblor con epicentro en Tecomán, Colima

2022-09-19T22:38+0200infobae (es)

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) informó sobre un sismo de magnitud 5.3 cerca de Tecomán que ocurrió a las 14:30 horas en el horario local (19:30 UTC). Información preliminar señala que el temblor tuvo un epicentro 50 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Colima, con una profundidad de 6 km y fue percibido por los vecinos de la localidad.

AP News Summary at 4:21 p.m. EDT

2022-09-19T22:37+0200wcfcourier (en)

LONDON (AP) — Britain and the world said farewell to Queen Elizabeth II with pomp and pageantry. Crowds massed in the streets of London and at Windsor Castle to honor a monarch whose 70-year reign defined an era. The first state funeral since Winston Churchill’s drew world leaders and other royalty.

Major Quake Hits Mexico On Anniversary Of Deadly Tremors

2022-09-19T22:37+0200ibtimes (en)

People wait on the streets of Mexico City after a powerful earthquake. A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and causing panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexico le jour anniversaire de ceux de 1985 et 2017

2022-09-19T22:37+0200rfi-fr (fr)

Avec notre correspondante à Mexico , Gwendolina Duval. Le séisme a été fortement ressenti dans de nombreux quartiers de Mexico. Bien que pour le moment aucune victime ni aucun dégât majeur n’ait été recensé selon les autorités de la ville. L’épicentre de ce tremblement de terre est localisé sur la....

Atención: se encienden las alarmas por posible tsunami, tras sismo de 7,4 grados en México

2022-09-19T22:36+0200semana (es)

La gente se reúne afuera después de que se sintió un terremoto de magnitud 7.6 en la Ciudad de México, el lunes 19 de septiembre de 2022. El terremoto ocurrió a la 1:05 p.m. hora local, según el U.S. Geologic Survey. - Foto: AP. La gente se reúne afuera después de que se sintió un terremoto de magnitud 7.

Impactante: Así se registró en videos el fuerte temblor de 7,4 grados en México

2022-09-19T22:36+0200semana (es)

Tras el sismo de 7,4 grados de magnitud que sacudió este lunes 19 de septiembre el centro de México, se conocieron impactantes imágenes que fueron compartidas a través de redes sociales y en las que se evidencian los momentos de zozobra que vivieron los pobladores de esa región.

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7,4, au moins un mort

2022-09-19T22:35+0200nordeclair (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 a été ressenti lundi dans le centre de Mexico à 13h05 (20h05 en France), a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. Par F.P. Publié: 19 Septembre 2022 à 20h44 Modifié: 19 Septembre 2022 à 22h01 Temps de lecture: 2 min Partage : Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 a été ressenti....

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T22:35+0200teleamazonas (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Terremoto en México de 7.4 grados deja al menos un muerto, tras primer reporte: hay alerta de tsunami

2022-09-19T22:34+0200eldia-AR (es)

México fue sorprendido este lunes por un terremoto de 7.4 grados en la escala de Richter que sacudió el centro del país y que dejó al menos un muerto , tras el primer reporte. El sismo ocurrió poco después de un simulacro nacional de sismos y el mismo día en que se conmemoran dos poderosos movimientos que dejaron miles de s en 1985 y 2017.

Sismo en México: el temblor que predijo Mhoni Vidente junto a otros desastres naturales

2022-09-19T22:34+0200clarin (es)

Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió hoy el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017 , informaron las autoridades locales. Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de terremoto....

VIDEO: Strong earthquake in Mexico - 7,6 degrees, on the same date as two previous devastating earthquakes

2022-09-19T22:32+0200slobodenpecat-en (en)

A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7,6 on the Richter scale hit the western part of Mexico , and tremors were felt as far as Mexico City, local authorities and eyewitnesses said. A tsunami warning has been issued, the agencies report. The earthquake, which occurred at 13:5 p.m.

Terremoto in Messico, scossa fortissima di magnitudo 7.5

2022-09-19T22:31+0200leggo (it)

nella zona del Michoacan : alle 20.05 (ora italiana) un evento sismico di magnitudo 7.5 è stato localizzato vicino Aguililla. Non è ancora stato reso noto se ci sono danni a persone o cose, ma la scossa è stata violentissima. Il sisma è avvenuto con epicentro a Coalcomán , una municipalità dello....

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T22:31+0200noticiassin (es)

Este sismo se produjo justo en el día de los aniversarios de los terremotos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de 2017, considerados los dos más destructivos de la historia reciente del país. Washington .- El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de....

7.6 earthquake shakes Mexico City

2022-09-19T22:30+02004-traders (en)

STORY: Shortly after 1 p.m. (1800 GMT), the magnitude 7.6 quake quake hit near the coast on the border region of the states of Michoacan and Colima at a depth of around 15 km (9 miles), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said. Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said there were no immediate reports....

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami en México tras fuerte sismo

2022-09-19T22:30+0200listin (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Terremoto in Messico, sisma di magnitudo 7.4 a Coalcomán: scatta l’allerta tsunami. C’è una vittima

2022-09-19T22:29+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita in Messico , con epicentro a Coalcomán , una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán , nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). Il sisma, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05 italiane), è stato nettamente avvertito nella....

Sismo magnitud 7.7: Usuarios reportan fallas en servicios de telefonía e internet

2022-09-19T22:29+0200elfinanciero (es)

Usuarios reportan fallas en telefonía móvil e internet tras sismo de magnitud 7.4. (Cuartoscuro) Por Christopher Calderón septiembre 19, 2022 | 15:09 pm hrs Usuarios en redes sociales han reportado intermitencias en los servicios de telefonía móvil e internet tras el sismo de magnitud 7.

Link all'articolo C’è stato un terremoto di magnitudo 7.6 in Messico: è morta una persona

2022-09-19T22:28+0200ilpost (it)

Lunedì c’è stato , di magnitudo 7.6 , sulla costa occidentale del Messico, nello stato del Michoacán: per ora risulta morta una persona, diversi edifici sono stati danneggiati e ci sono state interruzioni di corrente. Le scosse si sono verificate intorno all’una di pomeriggio locale (le 8 di sera....

Un terremoto di 7,4 è stato registrato a Michoacan, che è stato avvertito a Città del Messico

2022-09-19T22:28+0200flaminiaedintorni (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,4 ha scosso e spaventato i cittadini dopo che la vita quotidiana di milioni di residenti di Città del Messico si è fermata alle 12:19 di lunedì. quando In tutti gli altoparlanti della regione centrale del Paese è scattata l’allerta sismica come mostrato L’inizio della formazione nazionale tradizionale già per il 2022.

EE.UU. emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 en México

2022-09-19T22:28+0200critica (es)

Este sismo se produjo justo en el día de los aniversarios de los terremotos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de 2017, considerados los dos más destructivos de la historia reciente del país. EE.UU. emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 en México.

(FOTOS) México confirma 1 fallecido por sismo de 7,4 grados

2022-09-19T22:28+0200crhoy (es)

(AFP) Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de....

Magnitude 7.6 earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T22:27+0200nbcnews (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake hit Mexico 's central Pacific coast, killing at least one and setting off seismic alarms across the country. NBC's Guad Venegas reports. Sept.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico's Pacific coast; 1 killed

2022-09-19T22:27+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY — A magnitude 7.

Potente sismo sacude a México en aniversario de dos devastadores terremotos

2022-09-19T22:27+0200metrolibre (es)

Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de terremoto como....

EE.UU. emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T22:27+0200rpp (es)

El sistema de alerta de de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México , cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Alerta de tsunami en EE.UU. tras el duro sismo en México

2022-09-19T22:26+0200eluniversal-CO (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Magnitude 7.6 earthquake hits Mexico

2022-09-19T22:25+0200smh (en)

At least one person is dead after a major earthquake shook Mexico .

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-19T22:24+0200straitstimesSG (en)

MEXICO CITY - A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings hundreds of miles away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two major tremors in 1985 and 2017, seismologists said. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.4, while the United States Geological Survey estimated it at 7.

Lanzan alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico, tras temblor en México

2022-09-19T22:24+0200xevt (es)

Tras el sismo de magnitud 7.7 registrado este lunes en México, el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos ( USGS ) lanzó una alerta de tsunami en las costas del océano Pacífico, de acuerdo con información de la plataforma SkyAlert. "De acuerdo al US Tsunami Warning Center, existe amenaza de tsunami para costas de Michoacán y Colima.

National Tsunami warning issued after major Mexico earthquake Scripps National 2:29 PM, Sep 19, 2022

2022-09-19T22:23+0200abcactionnews (en)

On the anniversary of two previous major earthquakes in Mexico , a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck off Mexico's Pacific Coast on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) issued a Tsunami warning saying waves could reach up to 3 meters and could hit the Mexican coastline.

Tsunami warning follows major quake in Mexico

2022-09-19T22:23+0200wrcbtv (en)

A 7.6-magnitude earthquake has struck just off the southwestern coast off Mexico , according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The Tsunami Warning Center has issued a tsunami alert warning of potentially hazardous waves striking Mexico immediately. There are no known casualties or damage yet....

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7,4

2022-09-19T22:23+0200tv5 (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national. "Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu'il ne s'est rien passé de....

Magniatude7.6 earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast; 1 killed

2022-09-19T22:22+0200dominicantoday (en)

MEXICO CITY — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, killing at least one person and setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum also tweeted that there were no reports of damage in the capital.

No hay alerta de tsunami para Panamá tras sismo en México

2022-09-19T22:22+0200telemetro (es)

El director del Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (Sinaproc), Carlos Rumbo, confirmó a Telemetro.com que actualmente no hay alerta de tsunami para Panamá. Mientras que en los países que se encuentran a más de 300 kilómetros del foco del sismo, como es el caso de Panamá, no hay, según los pronósticos, impacto de tsunami.

Un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-19T22:21+0200sudouest (fr)

Primer reporte sobre sismo Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) September 19, 2022 « Jusqu’à présent, on ne rapporte pas de dégâts », a déclaré sur Twitter la maire de Mexico , Claudia Sheinbaum. Dans la capitale, les habitants sont redescendus dans les rues quand l’alerte a retenti. Estamos en conferencia de prensa informando los pormenores del sismo.

Major earthquake strikes Mexico on Sept. 19 for third time since 1985, this time a magnitude 7.6; 1 dead

2022-09-19T22:20+0200azcentral (en)

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook the west coast of Mexico on Monday, coincidentally on the same day that two previous major quakes had rattled the country years before. There were no immediate reports of major damage from the quake, which hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

La NOAA de Estados Unidos emite alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de magnitud 7.4

2022-09-19T22:20+0200elmanana (es)

La Oficina Nacional de Administración Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA) de Estados Unidos emitió una alerta de tsunami para las costas de México en el Pacífico tras el sismo de magnitud 7.4 de este 19 de septiembre de 2022.

Un potente terremoto de 7.4º sacudió a México: al menos un muerto

2022-09-19T22:20+0200cadena3 (es)

El presidente reportó que tras el sismo de magnitud de 7.4º con epicentro en Michoacán, se registró el fallecimiento de una persona en Manzanillo, Colima, por una barda que cayó en un centro comercial. La intensidad del terremoto se sintió hasta la capital del país, donde edificios y viviendas se....

Magnitude 7.6 earthquake hits Mexico

2022-09-19T22:19+0200brisbanetimes (en)

At least one person is dead after a major earthquake shook Mexico .

Meteo Cronaca diretta: (Video) Messico, fortissima scossa di Terremoto magnitudo 7 Meteo Cronaca diretta: (Video) Messico, fortissima scossa di Terremoto magnitudo 7.5; le prime immagini Messico: terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 nell’Ovest del Paese, con epicentro nello stato di Michoacan. Avvertito anche a Città del Messico.

2022-09-19T22:19+0200informazione (it)

Meteo Cronaca diretta: (Video) Messico , fortissima scossa di Terremoto magnitudo 7.5; le prime immagini Messico: terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 nell’Ovest del Paese, con epicentro nello stato di Michoacan . Avvertito anche a Città del Messico. Si tratta del terzo terremoto devastante che colpisce il....

EUA emite alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7.6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T22:19+0200elsiglodetorreon (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Prevén en México variaciones marítimas por sismo, reportan un muerto

2022-09-19T22:19+0200prensa-latina (es)

Ciudad de México, 19 sep (Prensa Latina) El Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis de la Secretaría de Marina prevé variaciones anómalas de 82 centímetros en nivel del mar por el sismo de 7,4 al tiempo que reporta un muerto. El US Tsunami Warning Center alertó que existe amenaza de tsunami para las costas de....

Powerful quake strikes Mexico on anniversary of temblors, at least one dead

2022-09-19T22:18+0200gazette (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling on to streets for safety.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 È il terzo che colpisce il Paese il 19 settembre

2022-09-19T22:18+0200corriere (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,4 ha colpito il Messico poco dopo le 13 (ora locale). L’epicentro è stato localizzato a Placita de Morelos una località nella zona sud occidentale del Paese, nello stato di Michoan ma è stato avvertito distintamente anche a Città del Messico dove i palazzi hanno oscillato.

¿Cuál ha sido el terremoto más fuerte registrado en México?

2022-09-19T22:17+0200monumental (es)

Por: Infobae. Los sismos que han estremecido a México a lo largo de la historia, han quedado en la memoria de los mexicanos el de 1985 y los del 2017 y 2019 que cobraron la vida de más de 470 personas. Según los expertos, nuestro país se encuentra en un área en forma de herradura con alta actividad....

Fuerte sismo golpea a México

2022-09-19T22:16+0200eldemocrata (es)

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (Reuters) – Un fuerte terremoto sacudió el oeste de México el lunes, en conmemoración de dos terremotos devastadores que sacudieron edificios, cortaron el suministro eléctrico y enviaron a los residentes de la Ciudad de México a las calles en busca de seguridad. Justo después de la 1 p.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-19T22:15+0200digitaljournal (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and causing panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.

7.4 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Mexico's West Coast

2022-09-19T22:14+0200haberler-en (en)

Mexico 's National Seismological Service reported on Monday a 7.4-magnitude earthquake in the southwestern state of Michoacan. Authorities have not reported any casualties or significant damages to infrastructure in the affected states. At the country's capital in Mexico City, historically one of the....

Powerful quake strikes Mexico on anniversary of temblors, at least one dead

2022-09-19T22:14+0200streetinsider (en)

News and research before you hear about it on CNBC and others. Claim your 1-week free trial to StreetInsider Premium MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking....

Un sismo sacudió el occidente de México: tuvo una magnitud de 7.6 y dejó hasta el momento a una persona fallecida

2022-09-19T22:14+0200misionesonline (es)

Habitantes de Ciudad de México salen a las calles durante un terremoto en la capital. 19 de septiembre de 2022. REUTERS/Raquel Cunha. (Reuters) - Un sismo de magnitud 7.6 remeció el lunes el occidente de México, y su intensidad se sintió hasta la capital del país, dejando al menos un fallecido, sin....

On the anniversary of the disaster: 7.4 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-19T22:13+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T20:13:36.389Z. According to the National Seismological Institute, the center of the quake was 59 kilometers south of Coalcoman on the Pacific coast. So far, no damage has been reported in the capital, Mexico City. Ironically, on the anniversary of the two devastating earthquakes of 1985 and 2017, a tremor with a magnitude of 7.

Nazionali Oggi alle 21:09 Terremoto in Messico di magnitudo 7.4

2022-09-19T22:13+0200oglioponews (it)

(Adnkronos) – Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 ha colpito Città del Messico. L’evento un’ora dopo un’esercitazione nazionale antisismica in occasione dell’anniversario dei terremoti del 1985 e 2017. L’epicentro del terremoto, avvertito nella capitale, è stato registrato 63 km a sud di Coalcoman nello stato messicano di Michoacan.

Strong earthquake of magnitude 7.6 shakes southwestern Mexico

2022-09-19T22:12+0200d1softballnews (en)

(CNN Spanish) — An earthquake of magnitude 7.6 shook Mexico this Monday, according to reports from the United States Geological Survey (USGS, for its acronym in English). The seismic focus was located at a depth of 10 kilometers and the epicenter was located 42 kilometers north-northwest of La Placita de Morelos, Michoacán.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,6 sacudió las costas de México: los impactantes registros que dejó el sismo

2022-09-19T22:12+0200lacuarta (es)

Este lunes 19 de septiembre ha vuelto a temblar en México. Un terremoto de 7,4 grados sacudió al Estado de Michoacán con réplicas en el centro del país azteca. El sismo ocurrió a poco menos de una hora del simulacro organizado para conmemorar los terremotos que ocurrieron en un 19 de septiembre de 1985 y en la misma fecha en 2017.

Estados Unidos emite una alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto en México

2022-09-19T22:11+020020minutos (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió este lunes el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a 9,6 kilómetros de profundidad.

Descartan amenaza de tsunami tras terremoto en México

2022-09-19T22:11+0200laverdad-VE (es)

La Onemi a través del Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico (SHOA) descartó una amenaza de tsunami en Chile producto del terremoto ocurrido en México. En horas de este domingo un sismo magnitud 7,6 sacudió al centro sur de México, teniendo su epicentro en el mar cerca de la costa de Michoacán, informó T13.

Magnitude 7.5 earthquake strikes off La Placita de Morelos, Mexico -USGS

2022-09-19T22:10+0200palestinewater (en)

(Reuters) – A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in western Mexico , the U.S. Geological Survey said on Monday. The quake struck 46 km (29 miles) south-southeast of La Placita de Morelos in the state of Michoacan and was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), USGS said.

Leggi Terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 nel Messico occidentale, gli edifici tremano nella capitale

2022-09-19T22:10+0200ecomy-it (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 ha colpito la costa centrale messicana sul Pacifico. Il sisma è stato avvertito distintamente nella capitale: gli edifici hanno tremato e molta gente si è riversata nelle strade. Il presidente Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ha comunicato che una persona è morta....

Earthquake Strikes Mexico City on Anniversary of 2 Deadly Quakes

2022-09-19T22:09+0200newsweek-USA (en)

A 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck on Monday in Mexico City on the anniversary of seismic events in 1985 and 2017. Following the country's commemoration of past earthquakes, a seismic alert was activated. Mexico's National Seismological Service said the quake occurred at about 1:05 p.m.

Mexique : un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le pays

2022-09-19T22:09+0200Europe1 (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national. L'épicentre a été localisé dans l'Etat du Michoacan, dans l'ouest du pays.

Terremoto Messico di 7.4 con epicentro a Coalcomán. Tremano i palazzi della capitale

2022-09-19T22:09+0200ilmattino (it)

di magnitudo 7.4 oggi in , con epicentro a Coalcomán , una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13:05 locali (le 20:05 italiane) è stata avvertita chiaramente nella capitale, Città del Messico.

19/09/2022 Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-19T22:08+0200rfi-en (en)

The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.4 with a depth of 15 kilometers (nine miles), while the United States Geological Survey estimated the magnitude at 7.6. "I thought I would have a heart attack!" said Gabriela Ramirez, 58, one of the many residents across the city who rushed out into the streets.

IGP registró un sismo de magnitud 3.5 en Caylloma, Arequipa

2022-09-19T22:07+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 3.5 ocurrió este lunes 19 de septiembre en la ciudad de Cabanaconde , en la provincia de Caylloma del departamento de Arequipa, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 14:40:22 (hora local) y....

UPDATE: Magnitude of Earthquake in Western Mexico Upgraded to 7.7; at Least 1 Confirmed ... - Latest Tweet by BNO News

2022-09-19T22:06+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News states, 'UPDATE: Magnitude of earthquake in western Mexico upgraded to 7.7; at least 1 confirmed dead ...' UPDATE: Magnitude of earthquake in western Mexico upgraded to 7.7; at least 1 confirmed dead BNO News (@BNONews) September 19, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the....

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T22:06+0200bresciaoggi (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

Natural disasters

2022-09-19T22:05+0200scmp (en)

As extreme weather events become more frequent, there is a need not only for humanitarian support but to avoid repeating mistakes in the future. An example is the need for sustained investment in flood mitigation planning and action. The magnitude 7.6 event shook the nation’s capital on the same....

Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 7,6 sacude México y desata una alerta de Tsunami

2022-09-19T22:05+0200es-noticias (es)

Un fuerte sismo sacudió México este lunes. La magnitud del terremoto fue de 7 6, según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). Las autoridades mexicanas informaron inicialmente de una magnitud de 6,8. El epicentro del temblor estuvo localizado 59 kilómetros....

México | Terremoto de 7,4 grados sacude CDMX, cuyo epicentro fue el Estado de Michoacán

2022-09-19T22:05+0200caretas (es)

Un terremoto de 7,4 grados sacudió el Estado de Michoacán, en México hoy 19 de septiembre, el mismo día en que se conmemoran los desastres ocurridos en 1985 y 2017, que dejó como saldo miles de muertos y cuantiosos daños materiales. . El movimiento telúrico se produjo una hora después del simulacro habitual que se practica año tras año.

Otro terremoto el 19 de septiembre en México despierta el miedo por sismos del pasado (fotos)

2022-09-19T22:04+0200univision (es)

Cientos de personas fueron evacuadas de los edificios en Ciudad de México, como parte del protocolo habitual ante sismos. Algunos lloraban por las muertes y la destrucción brutal que ya dejaron dos destructivos terremotos anteriores, ambos ocurridos un día como hoy pero en 1985 y 2007. Un terremoto de 7.

Powerful earthquake strikes Mexico on anniversary of two massive quakes

2022-09-19T22:02+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two previous massive quakes, shaking buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling on to the streets for safety. The powerful quake quake hit near the coast on the border region of the states of....

Alerta de tsunami: nivel del mar podría variar hasta 82 centímetros 14:51 hrs.

2022-09-19T22:02+0200excelsior (es)

Nacional Alerta de tsunami: nivel del mar podría variar hasta 82 centímetros. Después del sismo hoy 19 de septiembre de 2022, la Coordinación Nacional de Protección Civil alertó sobre una variación del mar de hasta 82 centímetros.

EEUU activa alertas de Tsunami por terremoto en México, que ya reporta un muerto

2022-09-19T22:02+0200articulo66 (es)

El terremoto ocurrió a las 13.05 horas (18.05 GMT) con epicentro localizado 63 kilómetros al sur de Coalcoman, en el estado de Michoacán, occidente de México, de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) de México. En un primer momento, el SSN había ubicado la magnitud en 6,8, para revisarla poco después.

Terremoto di magnitudo 4.7 al largo della Grecia

2022-09-19T22:02+0200quotidiano (it)

Le scosse si sono verificate a 13 chilometri di profondità. Monitoraggio Invg, nessuna allerta tsunami.

Powerful quake strikes Mexico on anniversary of temblors, at least one dead

2022-09-19T22:01+02004-traders (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) -A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling on to streets for safety.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast; 1 killed

2022-09-19T22:00+0200whig (en)

People gather outside after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. The quake hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which said the quake was centered near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states. People gather outside after a magnitude 7.

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T22:00+0200espansionetv (it)

(ANSA) – CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET – Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

Terremoto in Messico, sisma di magnitudo 7.4 a Coalcomán: avvertito nella capitale

2022-09-19T22:00+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico , con epicentro a Coalcomán , una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). Il sisma è stato nettamente avvertito nella capitale , Città del Messico , dove i palazzi hanno oscillato.

URGENT Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 secoue le Mexique

2022-09-19T22:00+0200french.china.org.cn (fr)

Un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude de 7,4 sur l'échelle de Richter a secoué lundi le Mexique, révèlent des données préliminaires, sans plus de détails sur le séisme pour le moment. Le séisme a eu lieu moins d'une heure après un exercice national visant à marquer les 37e et 5e anniversaires de....

Terremoto in Messico, scossa di magnitudo 7.4 a Coalcomán

2022-09-19T22:00+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico , con epicentro a Coalcomán , una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale. La scossa è stata avvertita anche a Città del Messico , dove i palazzi hanno tremato.

Forte terremoto in Messico di magnitudo 7.4, allerta tsunami

2022-09-19T22:00+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) Una Forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 ha colpito il Messico , a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos, la costa centrale messicana sul Pacifico. Il sisma, che si è registrato oggi 19 settembre alle 13 ore locali con...

C’è stato un terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Messico

2022-09-19T22:00+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) Lunedì c’è stato un forte terremoto , di magnitudo 7.4, sulla costa occidentale del Messico , nello stato del Michoacán: per ora non ci sono notizie di morti, feriti o danni. Le scosse si sono verificate intorno all’una di pomeriggio locale (le 8 di.

Terremoto in Messico, scossa fortissima di magnitudo 7.5 nel Michoacan

2022-09-19T22:00+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) scossa fortissima di Terremoto in Messico nella zona del Michoacan : alle 20.05 (ora italiana) un evento sismico di magnitudo 7.5 è stato localizzato vicino Aguililla. Non è ancora stato reso noto se ... : RT @UltimeNotiziee: Un Video del #Terremoto 7.

Fortissimo terremoto in Messico: 7.4 di magnitudo

2022-09-19T22:00+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico , con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale... : RT @ilbisa2: Taiwan: terremoto fortissimo colpisce l’isola.

Potente sismo sacude a México en aniversario de dos devastadores terremotos

2022-09-19T22:00+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de terremoto....

al menos un fallecido tras fuerte terremoto en occidente de méxico

2022-09-19T22:00+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Ciudad de méxico, 19 sep (reuters) - un fuerte sismo remeció el lunes el occidente de méxico, dejando al menos un fallecido, y su intensidad se sintió hasta la capital, donde pobladores despavoridos abandonaron sus viviendas rememorando la fatídica fecha, pero de 2017 y 1985, cuando sendos terremotos sacudieron el país cobrando miles de vidas.

¿En qué estados se sintió el nuevo sismo del 19S?

2022-09-19T22:00+0200lasillarota (es)

Una vez más ocurrió, un sismo de magnitud 7.4 con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán, se reportó este lunes 1 9 de septiembre , a cinco años del 19-S de 2017, y a 37 años del terremoto de 1985. El movimiento ocurrió a las 13:05 horas de este lunes, y el Sismológico Nacional informó primero que el sismo había sido de una magnitud de 6.

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:59+0200lavocedinewyork (it)

Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05 italiane) è stata avvertita chiaramente nella capitale, Città del Messico.

How many earthquakes have been recorded in Mexico on September 19?

2022-09-19T21:58+0200d1softballnews (en)

(CNN Spanish) — September 19 is a fateful date for Mexicans: in two different years —1985 and 2017— strong earthquakes were recorded that claimed thousands of lives. This 2022, the date was again marked by an earthquake of magnitude 7.6. Every September 19, Mexico commemorates the National Civil....

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-19T21:58+0200hausa-legit-ng (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, leaving at least one person dead and causing panic hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two devastating tremors. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.

Lunes 19 Septiembre, 2022 | 16:48 Terremoto en México: emiten alerta de tsunami, pero SHOA descarta riesgo para Chile

2022-09-19T21:58+0200biobiochile (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Sin embargo, en Chile, el Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada de Chile (SHOA), indicó que las....

EEUU emite alerta de tsunami por sismo en México

2022-09-19T21:58+0200unionradio (es)

WASHINGTON.- El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,4 de magnitud que sacudió el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

SismaMessico: forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 nello stato di Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:58+0200cdt (it)

Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (CSN). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13.05 locali (le 20.05 in Svizzera) è stata avvertita chiaramente nella capitale, Città del Messico.

El país de Joe Biden emite alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México.

2022-09-19T21:58+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-19T21:57+0200levif (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 a été ressenti lundi dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les deux tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. L’épicentre a été localisé dans l’Etat du Michoacan (ouest).

16:37hs - México: se registró un terremoto de 7.5 grados de magnitud y hay alerta de tsunami

2022-09-19T21:57+0200ellitoral (es)

Un sismo de 7.5 grados de magnitud sacudió esta tarde la costa oeste de México, con epicentro en la región de Coalcomán, una comuna del estado de Michoacán, en el centro del país, según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El terremoto se produjo a las 13.05 horas (15.05 hora Argentina).

Magnitude 7.6 earthquake hits Mexico's pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:56+0200upi (en)

Sept. 19 (UPI) -- A strong earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, on the same day that an earthquake drill was held in Mexico City. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey. The quake was centered 23 miles southeast of Aquila.

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7.6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T21:56+0200sandiegouniontribune (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Alert: Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico; No immediate word on damageStrong earthquake shakes central Mexico; No immediate word on damage. Get top headlines from the Union-Tribune in your inbox weekday mornings. Use the weekly Newsquiz to test your knowledge of stories you saw on U.S. news.

2022-09-19T21:55+0200ground-news (en)

Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico ; No immediate word on damage. Get top headlines from the Union-Tribune in your inbox weekday mornings. Use the weekly Newsquiz to test your knowledge of stories you saw on U.S. news. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the San Diego Union- Tribune.

Amérique latineUn troisième séisme frappe le Mexique un 19 septembre Après 1985 et 2017, 2022. Ce 19 septembre, un tremblement de terre a secoué le Mexique. Si les deux premiers avaient été terriblement meurtriers, celui-ci n’a pour l’instant fait aucun dégât. 0 0 2

2022-09-19T21:55+0200lematin-CH (fr)

À Mexico , les habitants sont redescendus dans les rues quand l’alerte a retenti, à peine une demi-heure après un exercice antisismique organisé chaque année à l’occasion du double anniversaire des deux grands tremblements de terre des 19 septembre 1985 et 2017.

Suben a 7,4 en la escala de Richter la magnitud del terremoto que sacudió el centro de México hace 1 horas El Sismològico Nacional corrigió al alza la magnitud del terremoto en México. El sismo de 7,4 sacudió el país cuando se conmemoraban terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017. Aún no hay balance de daños.

2022-09-19T21:55+0200deutschewelle-es (es)

Sismológico Nacional, que originalmente ubicó la magnitud en 6,8 grados, detalló en Twitter que el epicentro se localizó 59 km al sur de Coalcoman (estado de Michoacán), en la costa del Pacífico. Protección Civil descartó el riesgo de tsunami. El temblor activó la alerta sísmica, que suena un minuto....

A Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Struck Southwestern Mexico, Causing Buildings to Sway in the ... - Latest Tweet by Bloomberg

2022-09-19T21:54+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Bloomberg states, 'A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico , causing buildings to sway in the capital Mexico City and prompting evacuations ...' A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico, causing buildings to sway in the capital Mexico City and prompting....

MEXICO CITY, 19th September, 2022 (WAM) -- A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings and sending residents of Mexico City scurrying onto the streets for safety. Shortly after 1 p.m. local time, the quake registered at 7.6 magnitude by the U.S.

2022-09-19T21:54+0200wam-en (en)

MEXICO CITY, 19th September, 2022 (WAM) -- A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings and sending residents of Mexico City scurrying onto the streets for safety. Shortly after 1 p.m. local time, the quake registered at 7.6 magnitude by the U.S.

Major earthquake jolts Mexico on Sept. 19 for third time in less than 40 years

2022-09-19T21:54+0200usaToday (en)

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook the west coast of Mexico on Monday, coincidentally on the same day that two previous major quakes had rattled the country years before. There were no immediate reports of damage or fatalities from the quake, which hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, the said. T​he U.S.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: la maledizione del 19 settembre

2022-09-19T21:53+0200247libero (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Il terremoto è avvenuto alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05 italiane). Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale ma lo riporta anche l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs).

Tras simulacro, sismo de 7,4 grados sacude al centro de México

2022-09-19T21:53+0200tiempo (es)

Un sismo de 7,4 grados de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México justo cuando se recordaban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. El Sismológico Nacional, que originalmente ubicó la magnitud en 6,8 grados, detalló en Twitter que el....

Major earthquake strikes Mexico on Sept. 19 for third time since 1985, this time a magnitude 7.6

2022-09-19T21:52+0200azcentral (en)

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook the west coast of Mexico on Monday, coincidentally on the same day that two previous major quakes had rattled the country years before. There were no immediate reports of damage or fatalities from the quake, which hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, the said. T​he U.S.

Powerful earthquake strikes Mexico on anniversary of two massive quakes

2022-09-19T21:52+0200rnz-co-nz (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two previous massive quakes, shaking buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling on to the streets for safety. The powerful quake quake hit near the coast on the border region of the states of....

Inocar descarta alerta de tsunami por sismo de 7.5 en México

2022-09-19T21:52+0200ecuadorenvivo (es)

El Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada del Ecuador (Inocar) emitió un mensaje a las 13:32 de este 19 de septiembre de 2022 en donde informaba que las características del sismo de 7.5 en México "no reúnen" las condiciones necesarias para generar un tsunami en la costa del país andino.

Activan alerta de tsunami para costas en México tras sismo de magnitud 7.4

2022-09-19T21:52+0200televisa (es)

El Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis de la SEMAR dio a conocer que se activó la alerta de tsunami para costas en México tras el sismo de magnitud 7.4 de este lunes 19 de septiembre de 2022 “Se esperan variaciones anómalas del nivel del mar de hasta 82 cm sobre el nivel de la marea en la región de....

7.6-magnitude earthquake strikes off coast of Mexico, USGS says

2022-09-19T21:51+0200abc7ny (en)

A 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of central Mexico Monday, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake hit around 11:05 a.m. at a depth of about nine miles, according to the USGS, which initially put the magnitude at 7.5. The epicenter of the quake was about 23 miles southeast....

Earthquake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-19T21:51+0200RTERadio (en)

People evacuate buildings onto the streets in Mexico City after the earthquake hit. A powerful earthquake has struck western Mexico, shaking buildings hundreds of miles away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two major tremors in 1985 and 2017, seismologists said. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.

Mexico: a magnitude 7.4 earthquake hits the country

2022-09-19T21:51+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T19:49:35.812Z. A strong 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday and was felt as far away as central Mexico City, the same day as the devastating 1985 and 2017 quakes, the National Seismological Institute said. .&nbsp;The epicenter was located in the western state of Michoacan.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 ressenti à Mexico Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé le Mexique ce lundi 19 septembre 2022. Il y a trente-sept ans jour pour jour, le pays avait déjà été... 19/09/22 20:39 (Ouest-France)

2022-09-19T21:51+0200maville (fr)

Protocoles d’urgence. « Nous souhaitons de tout cœur qu’il ne s’est rien passé de grave » , a tweeté le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. « Jusqu’à présent, on ne rapporte pas de dégâts » , a pour sa part déclaré sur Twitter la maire de Mexico , Claudia Sheinbaum.

Powerful earthquake strikes Mexico on anniversary of two massive quakes

2022-09-19T21:50+0200radionz (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck western Mexico on the anniversary of two previous massive quakes, shaking buildings, knocking out power and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling on to the streets for safety. The powerful quake quake hit near the coast on the border region of the states of....

Between blackouts and gas leaks; minor earthquake damage

2022-09-19T21:50+0200bullfrag (en)

Affectations in CDMX range from gas leaks and blackouts; the magnitude of the earthquake was 7.4. The greatest damages were in Colima, while Michoacán and Mexico City also suffered the impact. Update: The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador confirmed the death of a man in Manzanillo, after the collapse of structures.

Amérique latineUn troisième séisme frappe le Mexique un 19 septembre Après 1985 et 2017, 2022. Ce 19 septembre, un tremblement de terre a secoué le Mexique. Si les deux premiers avaient été terriblement meurtriers, celui-ci n’a pour l’instant fait aucun dégât. 0 0 0

2022-09-19T21:50+0200lessentiel-lu-fr (fr)

À Mexico , les habitants sont redescendus dans les rues quand l’alerte a retenti, à peine une demi-heure après un exercice antisismique organisé chaque année à l’occasion du double anniversaire des deux grands tremblements de terre des 19 septembre 1985 et 2017.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: scossa sentita anche nella capitale

2022-09-19T21:49+0200mister-x (it)

Terremoto a Roma. Solo paura e nessun danno ieri sera per una scossa in provincia di Roma, nell'area a sud est della c; Terremoto a Roma. Una scossa è stata chiaramente avvertita nella zona sud e nella zona sud est della Capitale, oltre; Terremoto alle porte di Roma nel pomeriggio di oggi, venerdì 15 aprile: una scossa di magnitudo 2.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: la maledizione del 19 settembre

2022-09-19T21:49+0200mister-x (it)

Terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, n; Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 4.7 è stata registrata alle 6:49 ora locale (le 5:49 in Italia) nel mar Ionio, dav; Ancora scosse di terremoto a Firenze, tra i comuni di....

México: un terremoto de magnitud 7,5 golpeó la costa de: hay alerta de tsunami

2022-09-19T21:49+0200lagaceta (es)

MÉXICO.- Un fuerte sismo sacudió esta tarde la costa oeste de México, con epicentro en la región de Coalcomán, una comuna del estado de Michoacán, en el centro del país, con una magnitud de 7,5, según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), confirmó al momento un fallecido.

Última hora del sismo de magnitud 7,4 en México

2022-09-19T21:49+0200lavanguardia (es)

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto en México El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos ha emitido hoy una alerta tras el sismo que ha sacudido el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. La institución ha precisado en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a 9,6....

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T21:49+0200elnuevodiario-DO (es)

Los centros de alerta de tsunamis dependen de un sistema de observación que incluye redes sísmicas y de nivel del mar para determinar cuándo y dónde emitir un mensaje de alerta, según precisa la organización meteorológica nacional en su página web. Fuente externa. EL NUEVO DIARIO, WASHINGTON.

Mexico City is hit by an earthquake on the anniversary of two fatal earthquakes.

2022-09-19T21:48+0200nokiamobilephonenews (en)

On the anniversaries of earthquakes in 1985 and 2017, a 7.6-magnitude earthquake occurred in Mexico City on Monday. A seismic alert was set off after the nation remembered previous earthquakes. According to Cultura Colectiva, the National Seismological Service of Mexico reported that the earthquake struck at about 1:05 p.

Fortissimo terremoto in Messico: 7.4 di magnitudo

2022-09-19T21:48+0200GazzettaDelSud (it)

Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico , con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05 italiane) è stata avvertita chiaramente nella capitale, Città del Messico.

Left 36% Center 58% 6% Powerful earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coastMexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. The Mexican National Seismological Service said the earthquake was magnitude 6.8, with the epicenter several hundred kilometers west of Mexico City.

2022-09-19T21:47+0200ground-news (en)

Earthquake of 7.5 Magnitude Shakes Buildings in Mexico City, US System Says 'Tsunami Risk' Residents of Mexico City ran into the streets after the earthquake, which struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in the state of Michoacan at a depth of 10 km. Magnitude 7.5 earthquake strikes off La Placita de Morelos, Mexico -USGS.

21:35 | CATASTROPHE NATURELLE Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-19T21:47+020020minutes (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l’ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. Nous souhaitons de tout cur qu’il ne s’est rien passé de grave , a tweeté le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe la côte ouest du Mexique

2022-09-19T21:47+0200aa-fr (fr)

Washington DC. AA / Mexico City / Jorge Antonio Rocha. Le service sismologique national du Mexique a signalé, lundi, un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,4 dans l'État de Michoacan, dans le sud-ouest du pays. Les autorités n'ont signalé aucune victime ni aucun dommage important aux infrastructures dans les États de la zone touchée.

Warn up to 100 seconds in advance

2022-09-19T21:46+0200bullfrag (en)

Natural disasters cannot be predicted, but there are tools that can save valuable time. The Latin American area is distinguished by its constant seismic activity. Regardless of your place of origin, always remember to have a mobile seismic alert application on your phone. Within Medicine it is always mentioned that prevention is better than cure.

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7,4

2022-09-19T21:46+0200sciencesetavenir (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national. "Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu'il ne s'est rien passé de....

Earthquake Strikes Mexico City on Anniversary of 2 Deadly Quakes

2022-09-19T21:45+0200newsweek (en)

A 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck on Monday in Mexico City on the anniversary of seismic events in 1985 and 2017. Following the country's commemoration of past earthquakes, a seismic alert was activated. Mexico's National Seismological Service said the quake occurred at about 1:05 p.m.

Magnitude 7.6 earthquake strikes Mexico on anniversary of devastating temblors

2022-09-19T21:45+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. There were no immediate reports of significant damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.

Southwest Mexico struck by 7.5 magnitude earthquake

2022-09-19T21:45+0200wn (en)

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico on Monday, prompting evacuations and buildings to sway in the capital, and occurring on the same day as large tremors registered in 1985 and 2017. The earthquake was near La Placita de Morelos, in Michoacan state along the Pacific Coast, about....

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:45+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno-en (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

Potente sismo sacude a México en aniversario de dos devastadores terremotos

2022-09-19T21:44+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de 7,4 de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México, con balance de un fallecido, justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. Menos de una hora después de que se realizara un simulacro de terremoto como....

14:40EE.UU. emitió alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T21:44+0200diariocorreo (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:43+0200deutschewelle-sw (en)

Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. Witnesses in Mexico City reported buildings shaking. There were no immediate reports of destruction, with the mayor of the capital reporting no major damage "so far." However, an evacuation order was issued for buildings in the capital, according to local reports.

7.4 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico

2022-09-19T21:43+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T19:43:41.607Z. "We sincerely hope that nothing serious has happened," President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador tweeted. A strong 7.4-magnitude quake hit western Mexico on Monday and was felt as far away as central Mexico City, the same day as the devastating earthquakes of 1985 and 2017, the national seismological institute said.

WATCH: Part of Shopping Mall Collapses During Earthquake in Manzanillo, Mexico - Latest Tweet by BNO News

2022-09-19T21:42+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News states, 'WATCH: Part of shopping mall collapses during earthquake in Manzanillo, Mexico ' WATCH: Part of shopping mall collapses during earthquake in Manzanillo, Mexico BNO News (@BNONews) September 19, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends....

Magnitude 7.6 quake hits Mexico City, no immediate reports of casualties

2022-09-19T21:41+0200trtworld (en)

Mexico City's earthquake alarms rang out less than an hour after the capital held emergency disaster drills, sending people spilling out into the streets again. On September 19, 1985 a 8.1 magnitude quake in Mexico City killed more than 10,000 people and destroyed hundreds of buildings.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-19T21:41+0200TelegrammeDeBrest (fr)

Les habitants se sont rassemblés dans les rues de Mexico . (Pedro PARDO/AFP) Le même jour que les tremblements de terre meurtriers de 1985 et 2017, un séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé ce lundi le Mexique. Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé ce lundi l’ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque....

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake off the west coast of Mexico... Tsunami warning issued

2022-09-19T21:40+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T19:37:35.560Z. The shaking was also detected in the capital Mexico City and the Midwest, including Queretaro. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the epicenter is 18.20 degrees north latitude and 103.40 degrees west longitude, and the occurrence depth is 15 km.

Southwest Mexico Struck by 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake, Buildings Sway in Capital

2022-09-19T21:40+0200bnnbloomberg (en)

(Bloomberg) -- A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico on Monday, prompting evacuations and buildings to sway in the capital, and occurring on the same day as large tremors registered in 1985 and 2017. The earthquake was near La Placita de Morelos, in Michoacan state along the Pacific....

Desestima Semar alerta estadounidense de Tsunami 19 Septiembre 2022, 14:04

2022-09-19T21:40+0200jalisco (es)

MORELIA, Mich., 19 de septiembre de 2022.- A unos minutos de que el US Tsunami Warning advirtiera la posibilidad de un maremoto, la Secretaría de Marina descartó esta posibilidad. Fue Protección Civil quién informó que el Centro de Alertas de Tsunami consideró que “NO se espera la generación de....

Messico, forte scossa di terremoto

2022-09-19T21:39+0200rai-televideo (it)

19/09/2022 21:30 Messico, forte scossa di terremoto 21.30 Messico, forte scossa di terremoto Un terremoto di magnitudo 7,5 sulla scala Richter ha colpito la costa di La Placita de Morelos, nel Messico occi- dentale. Lo ha annunciato lo Usgs, lo Us Geological Survey.

Un terremoto de 7,4 sacude México el mismo día de los sismos de 1985 y 2017

2022-09-19T21:39+0200columnadigital (es)

México ha vuelto a temblar un 19 de septiembre. Un terremoto de 7,4 grados ha sacudido el Estado de Michoacán con réplicas en el centro del país, a poco menos de una hora del simulacro organizado para conmemorar los terribles terremotos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de la misma fecha en 2017.

Onemi descartó alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto en México

2022-09-19T21:38+0200radioagricultura (es)

Publicado en Nacional Onemi descartó alerta de tsunami tras el terremoto en México.

MESSICO 17 min Forte terremoto in Messico Un sisma di magnitudo 7.4 ha colpito lo stato di Michoacán. La scossa è stata avvertita anche nella capitale.

2022-09-19T21:38+0200tio (it)

CITTÀ DEL MESSICO - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (CSN). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05 svizzere) è stata....

Las increíbles dos coincidencias del terremoto de hoy en México

2022-09-19T21:38+0200publimetro (es)

Una persona fallecida en Manzanillo y sin riesgo de tsunami para Chile, de acuerdo a la Onemi, es el balance hasta ahora del terremoto que esta tarde afectó al sur de México. “Ya deberían dar asueto (feriado) el día de hoy”, declaraba un ciudadano mexicano a la televisión local, mientras era....

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T21:38+0200diario1 (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Estados Unidos emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T21:37+0200diario-expreso (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió este 19 de septiembre, el centro de México , cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Terremoto en México: Estados Unidos emite alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de magnitud 7,4 en Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:37+0200ElComercio (es)

El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,4 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México , cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:36+0200taiwannews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey.

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7,4

2022-09-19T21:36+0200lexpress (fr)

Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu'il ne s'est rien passé de grave ", a tweeté le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Jusqu'à présent, on ne rapporte pas de dégâts ", a déclaré sur Twitter la maire de Mexico , Claudia Sheinbaum. Dans la capitale, les habitants sont redescendus dans les rues....

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T21:35+0200holanews (es)

Washington, 19 sep (EFE).- El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Un puissant séisme secoue Mexico et l'ouest du pays

2022-09-19T21:35+0200boursier-fr (fr)

MEXICO (Reuters) - Un puissant séisme a secoué lundi la côte ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans la capitale, Mexico , dont les habitants se sont précipités dans les rues pour se mettre à l'abri. Le tremblement de terre, de magnitude 7,6 sur l'échelle de Richter, selon l'institut de veille....

Severe earthquake off the coast of Mexico – tsunami cannot be ruled out

2022-09-19T21:34+0200vikendi (en)

Ironically, on the anniversary of the two devastating earthquakes of 1985 and 2017, a tremor with a magnitude of 7.6 shook western Mexico . The center of the quake was 59 kilometers south of Coalcoman in the state of Michoacán on the Pacific coast, as the National Seismological Institute announced on Monday.

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme de très forte magnitude

2022-09-19T21:34+0200Liberation (fr)

Ils étaient dans la rue en raison d’un exercice anti-sismique, organisé chaque année à l’occasion du double anniversaire des tremblements de terre des 19 septembre 1985 et 2017. Remontés dans leurs bureaux et appartements, les habitants de Mexico sont redescendus en catastrophe moins d’une....

Semar descarta tsunami en costas de Michoacán y Colima, tras alerta de EU

2022-09-19T21:34+0200mvsnoticias (es)

Michoacán y Colima se encuentra en alerta por la posibilidad de tsunami , ello tras el sismo de 7.4 grados en la escala de Richter que se registró a las 13:05 de este lunes. De acuerdo con la US Tsunami Warning , en las próximas horas se podría conformar un maremoto que azotaría las costas de ambos estados.

Grazie a una mappa medievale, ora sappiamo dove si trova questa 'Atlantide' perduta

2022-09-19T21:34+0200motherboard (it)

Ora un team di ricercatori ha presentato nuove prove dell’esistenza delle due isole nella baia basate sull’analisi di una mappa medievale, racconti folkloristici, studi sul campo e indagini geologiche. Realizzato con la guida di Simon Haslett, professore onorario di geografia fisica all’Università....

Terremoto de 7.4 sacude México justo en aniversario de dos devastadores sismos

2022-09-19T21:32+0200elsalvadornoticias (es)

Un sismo de 7.4 grados de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. El Sismológico Nacional, que originalmente ubicó la magnitud en 6.

MEXICO-2NDLD QUAKE - Strong earthquake shakes Mexico's Pacific coast (Eds: Adds contradictory tsunami warnings; detail, colour.)

2022-09-19T21:31+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / PTI. Mexico City, Sep 19 (AP) A 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook Mexico's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off a seismic alarm in the rattled capital on the anniversary of two earlier devastating quakes. There were no immediate reports of significant damage from the....

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:31+0200jamaicaobserver (en)

People gather outside after a magnitude 7.6 earthquake was felt in Mexico City, Monday, September 19, 2022. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 pm local time, according to the US Geologic Survey, which said the quake was centered near the boundary of Colima and Michoacan states.

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:31+0200lagazzettadelmezzogiorno (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

Protección Civil desmiente alerta de tsunami, tras sismo de 7.4 en Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:31+0200vanguardia-MX (es)

No obstante, de acuerdo con la Coordinación Nacional de Protección Civil , no existe amenaza de tsunami, según el boletín del Centro de Alerta de Tsunami de la Semar. “No se espera la generación de variaciones del nivel del mar debido a la ubicación del epicentro” , aseveraron en su cuenta de....

Alertan posibilidad de Tsunami en costas de Michoacán y Colima tras sismo 19 Septiembre 2022, 14:21 MORELIA, Mich., 19 de septiembre de 2022.- Michoacán y Colima se encuentra en alerta...

2022-09-19T21:30+0200jalisco (es)

MORELIA, Mich., 19 de septiembre de 2022.- Michoacán y Colima se encuentra en alerta por la posibilidad de tsunami, ello tras el sismo de 7.4 grados en la escala de Richter que se registró a las 13:05 de este lunes. De acuerdo con la US Tsunami Warning, en las próximas horas se podría conformar un maremoto que azotaría las costas de ambos estados.

Sismo en México: Marina de Guerra descarta tsunami en el litoral peruano

2022-09-19T21:30+0200larepublica-pe (es)

Sismo en México . Minutos antes de la 1 de la tarde de este lunes 19 de septiembre, un terremoto de magnitud 7.5 se sintió en el país norteamericano, según reportó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés). El foco sísmico fue localizado a 10 kilómetros de profundidad....

Luego del sismo hoy 19 de septiembre 2022, de magnitud 7.4 al sur de Michoacán, no se activó alerta de tsunami, pero se esperan variaciones anómalas.

2022-09-19T21:30+0200aztecanoticias (es)

La Coordinación Nacional de Protección Civil (CNPC) informó que luego del sismo hoy 19 de septiembre de 2022 de magnitud 7.4, al sur de Coalcomán, Michoacán, no se activó alerta de tsunami debido a la ubicación del epicentro. Sin embargo, el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis, de la Secretaría de Marina....

Magnitude 7.6 earthquake shakes Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:29+0200latimes (en)

MEXICO CITY — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.

Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Strikes Off La Placita De Morelos, Mexico

2022-09-19T21:29+0200menafn (en)

- Trend News Agency) A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in western Mexico , the U.S. Geological Survey said on Monday, Trend reports citing Reuters . The quake struck 46 km (29 miles) south-southeast of La Placita de Morelos in the state of Michoacan and was at a depth of 10 km (6.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-19T21:29+0200arcinfo (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l’ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu’il ne s’est rien passé de grave, a tweeté le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:29+0200altoadige (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

Powerful quake strikes Mexico on anniversary of devastating temblors

2022-09-19T21:28+0200streetinsider (en)

People react during a quake in Mexico City, Mexico September 19, 2022. REUTERS/Tomas Bravo. Get instant alerts when news breaks on your stocks. Claim your 1-week free trial to StreetInsider Premium MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of....

Southwest Mexico struck by 7.5 magnitude earthquake

2022-09-19T21:28+0200gulfnews (en)

The tremor was southeast of La Placita de Morelos, in Michoacan state, west of Mexico City, according to United States Geological Survey.The tremor was southeast of La Placita de Morelos according to United States Geological Survey. The earthquake was felt at 1:05 p.m.

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:28+0200gazzettadiparma (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:28+0200globodiroma (it)

(ANSA) – CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET – Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

Earthquake off Mexico’s central Pacific coast registers 7.6; no tsunami threat

2022-09-19T21:27+0200oregonlive (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.5.

Ceiling Fan Sways as Strong Earthquake Hits Western Mexico

2022-09-19T21:27+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

A hotel ceiling fan in western Mexico swayed heavily as a 7.4 magnitude earthquake shook the region on Monday, September 19. Video posted to Twitter by @itspapajon shows a fan swinging in his 12th-floor hotel room in Puerto Vallarta, he said. The quake’s epicenter was Michoacan, one of Mexico’s....

Mexico : un puissant séisme de magnitude 7,6 frappe la capitale et l'ouest du pays

2022-09-19T21:27+0200midilibre (fr)

Un puissant séisme a secoué lundi la côte ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans la capitale, Mexico , dont les habitants se sont précipités dans les rues pour se mettre à l'abri. Le tremblement de terre, de magnitude 7,6 sur l'échelle de Richter, selon l'institut de veille géologique....

Un puissant séisme secoue Mexico et l'ouest du pays

2022-09-19T21:27+0200challenges (fr)

Une femme réconforte un patient après qu'ils aient été évacués d'un hôpital suite à un tremblement de terre à Mexico , au Mexique. /Photo prise le 19 septembre 2022/REUTERS/Claudia Daut. MEXICO (Reuters) - Un puissant séisme a secoué lundi la côte ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans la....

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7,4

2022-09-19T21:27+0200challenges (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national. "Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu'il ne s'est rien passé de....

Terremoto in Messico, c'è allerta tsunami: oscillano i palazzi della Capitale

2022-09-19T21:27+0200news-yahoo-it (it)

(Getty) Una forte scossa di terremoto (di magnitudo 7.6 sulla scala Richter ) ha colpito il Messico lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Paese. Lo riporta lo Usgs, l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti. Il sisma è stato registrato 46 chilometri a sudest di La Placita de Morelos , nello stato di Michoacan , e si trovava a una profondità di 10 chilometri.

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:27+0200giornaletrentino (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

7.6 quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-19T21:26+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings hundreds of miles away in Mexico City on the anniversary of two major tremors in 1985 and 2017, seismologists said. The national seismological agency reported the quake was of magnitude 7.4, while the United States Geological Survey estimated it at 7.

Strong 6.8 earthquake shakes central Mexico | News today | CDMX drill

2022-09-19T21:26+0200247newsbulletin (en)

An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale shook central Mexico on Monday, just as two powerful earthquakes were commemorated that left thousands dead in 1985 and 2017, authorities reported. A preliminary version indicated that the earthquake had been 6.8.

Terremoto de 7,4 grados sacudió al centro de México

2022-09-19T21:26+0200ElPaisUY (es)

Un terremoto de 7,4 grados de magnitud sacudió este lunes el centro de México justo cuando se conmemoraban dos poderosos terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017, informaron las autoridades. El Sismológico Nacional, que originalmente ubicó la magnitud en 6,8 grados, detalló en Twitter....

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-19T21:25+0200courrier-picard (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l’ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. Dans la capitale, Mexico, les habitants sont redescendus dans les....

Tsunami warning issued after Mexico hit by powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake

2022-09-19T21:24+0200independent-ie (en)

A powerful earthquake struck near the coast of western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating quakes, shaking buildings and sending residents of Mexico City scurrying onto the streets for safety. S hortly after 1pm local time, the quake, which was registered at 7.

Major quake hits Mexico on anniversary of deadly tremors

2022-09-19T21:24+0200abs-cbnnews (en)

The epicenter was located 59 kilometers south of Coalcoman in the state of Michoacan on the Pacific coast and several hundred kilometers west of Mexico City, according to Mexican seismologists. USGS screenshot. A powerful earthquake struck western Mexico on Monday, shaking buildings hundreds of....

VIDEO. Mexique : un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe la capitale, l'alerte tsunami déclenchée

2022-09-19T21:24+0200ladepeche (fr)

l'essentiel La capitale du Mexique, Mexico , a été frappée par un séisme de magnitude 7,4. Pour l'heure, aucun dégât n'a été constaté. L'alerte tsunami a été déclenchée. Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico, le même jour....

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:24+0200larena (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

Terrore in Messico, Terremoto di magnitudo 7.5

2022-09-19T21:24+0200infooggi (it)

Un terremoto di magnitudo Mwpd 7.5 è avvenuto nella zona: Michoacan, Mexico [Land: Mexico] con coordinate geografiche (lat, lon) 18.6430 -102.9810 ad una profondità di 72 km Il terremoto è stato localizzato da: Sala Sismica INGV-Roma. Ricerca terremoti: Qualsiasi nel raggio di 30 km.

fuerte sismo golpea occidente de méxico, se siente hasta en capital

2022-09-19T21:24+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Actualiza 2-fuerte sismo golpea occidente de méxico, se siente hasta en capital Ciudad de méxico, 19 sep (reuters) - un sismo de magnitud 7.6 remeció el lunes el occidente de méxico y su intensidad se sintió hasta la capital, donde pobladores abandonaron sus viviendas despavoridos y rememorando la....

Southwest Mexico struck by 7.5 magnitude earthquake, buildings sway in Capital

2022-09-19T21:23+0200thepeninsulaqatar (en)

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico on Monday, prompting evacuations and buildings to sway in the capital, and occurring on the same day as large tremors registered in 1985 and 2017. The earthquake was near La Placita de Morelos, in Michoacan state along the Pacific Coast, about....

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:23+0200giornaledibrescia (it)

CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05 italiane) è....

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: la maledizione del 19 settembre

2022-09-19T21:23+0200corrierealpi (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Il terremoto è avvenuto alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05 italiane). Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale ma lo riporta anche l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs).

Sismo activa alerta de tsunami en 4 estado...

2022-09-19T21:23+0200zocalo (es)

Ciudad de México.- Derivado del sismo de magnitud 7.4 con epicentro en Michoacán, el centro de monitoreo de tsunamis de Estados Unidos alertó de u n posible tsunami en las costas del Pacífico de México. De acuerdo con la institución estadounidense, el movimiento sísmico podría provocar la llegada de....

ArticoloTerremoti e tsunami nel Mediterraneo, i fenomeni estremi e la mappa interattiva dell'Ingv

2022-09-19T21:23+0200quotidiano (it)

Terremoti e tsunami nel Mediterraneo, i fenomeni estremi e la mappa interattiva dell'Ingv L'istituto di geofisica e vulcanologia ha messo a punto una carta storica dei disastri che dal 365 d. C. hanno colpito il nostro mare. Che cosa sono i meteotsunami.

Tsunami warning issued after Mexico hit by powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake

2022-09-19T21:22+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A powerful earthquake struck near the coast of western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two devastating quakes, shaking buildings and sending residents of Mexico City scurrying onto the streets for safety. S hortly after 1pm local time, the quake, which was registered at 7.

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:22+0200lasicilia (it)

Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05 italiane) è stata avvertita chiaramente nella capitale, Città del Messico.

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:22+0200tiscali-it (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

EEUU emite una alerta de tsunami tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud en México

2022-09-19T21:22+0200infobae (es)

Washington, 19 sep. El sistema de alerta de tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió este lunes una alerta tras el sismo de 7,6 de magnitud que sacudió hoy el centro de México, cerca de la costa de Michoacán. Esa institución precisó en su página web que el terremoto se produjo a seis millas de profundidad.

Au Mexique, un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe la côte ouest

2022-09-19T21:21+0200la-croix (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi 19 septembre l’ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. « Nous souhaitons de tout cœur qu’il ne s’est rien....

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7,4

2022-09-19T21:21+0200la-croix (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national. "Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu'il ne s'est rien passé de....

Forte terremoto in Messico di magnitudo 7.4, allerta tsunami

2022-09-19T21:21+0200citynews (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 ha colpito il Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos, la costa centrale messicana sul Pacifico. Il sisma, che si è registrato oggi 19 settembre alle 13 ore locali con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, è stato....

Enlace aSismo de gran magnitud sacude el centro de México

2022-09-19T21:21+0200cubadebate (es)

Existen alertas de posible tsunami tras el fuerte temblor. Foto: Alfredo Estrella/AFP/Getty Images. La ciudad de México registró un sismo a las 13:08 de este lunes 19 de septiembre, con epicentro a 59 km al Sur de Coalcoman, Michoacán, reportó el Sismológico Nacional. De acuerdo con La Jornada el temblor fue de una intensidad de 6.

Alertan posibilidad de tsunami en costas de Michoacán y Colima tras sismo 19 Septiembre 2022, 13:48

2022-09-19T21:21+0200jalisco (es)

MORELIA, Mich., 19 de septiembre de 2022.- Michoacán y Colima se encuentra en alerta por la posibilidad de tsunami, ello tras el sismo de 7.4 grados en la escala de Richter que se registró a las 13:05 de este lunes. De acuerdo con la US Tsunami Warning, en las próximas horas se podría conformar un maremoto que azotaría las costas de ambos estados.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:20+0200deutschewelle-fr (en)

Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. Witnesses in Mexico City reported buildings shaking. There were no immediate reports of destruction, with the mayor of the capital reporting no major damage "so far." However, an evacuation order was issued for buildings in the capital, according to local reports.

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7,4

2022-09-19T21:20+0200LePoint (fr)

U n fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national. « Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu'il ne s'est rien passé de....

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:20+0200ladige (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-19T21:19+0200lefigaro (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi 19 septembre l'ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l'institut sismologique national. Nous souhaitons de tout cœur qu'il ne se soit rien....

14:02 Inocar descarta alerta de tsunami por sismo de 7.5 en México

2022-09-19T21:19+0200elcomercio-EC (es)

El Inocar se pronunció luego del terremoto de 7.5 en México. Foto: Twitter Inocar El Instituto Oceanográfico de la Armada del Ecuador (Inocar) emitió un mensaje a las 13:32 de este 19 de septiembre de 2022 en donde informaba que las características del sismo de 7.

Tsunami waves have been observed after earthquake strikes near l…

2022-09-19T21:18+02004-traders (en)


Strong earthquake shakes Mexico’s Pacific coast 10 minutes ago

2022-09-19T21:17+0200theglobeandmail (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.5.

Large Earthquake Shakes Mexican Coastline; Tsunami Not Expected In U.S. - The Weather Channel

2022-09-19T21:16+0200google-top-stories (en)

A​ preliminary 7.6 magnitude earthquake has struck the Pacific coast of Mexico , not far from the town of Aquila. T​he USGS said the quake struck at 2:05 p.m. EDT Monday afternoon (1:05 p.m. local time) at a depth of about 9 miles. The epicenter was located about 23 miles southeast of Aquila. T​he U.S.

Mexique : un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le centre du pays

2022-09-19T21:16+0200cnews (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 a été ressenti ce lundi dans le centre de Mexico , la capitale du Mexique, a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. Le Mexique de nouveau touché par un tremblement de terre. La capitale du pays a été frappée par un séisme de magnitude 7,4 sur l’échelle de Richter. L'alerte sismique a été déclenchée.

Terremoto in Messico, sisma di magnitudo 7.4 a Coalcomán: avvertito nella capitale

2022-09-19T21:16+0200ilfattoquotidiano (it)

Il sisma è stato nettamente avvertito nella capitale, Città del Messico, dove i palazzi hanno oscillato. Esattamente 37 anni fa, il 19 settembre 1985, il Messico fu colpito da uno dei più devastanti terremoti della sua storia: una scossa di magnitudo 8.1 che provocò oltre 10mila morti.

Videos: así se vivió el fuerte sismo de 7,4 en México

2022-09-19T21:16+0200eltiempo-CO (es)

Un sismo de magnitud preliminar 7,4 sacudió este lunes el centro de México justo en el día de los aniversarios de los terremotos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de 2017 , considerados los dos más destructivos de la historia reciente. El terremoto ocurrió a las 1:05 p.m.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:15+0200fresnobee (en)

MEXICO CITY. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.

Mexico earthquake sets off alarm in the capital

2022-09-19T21:15+0200CBC (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.5.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:15+0200deutschewelle-ha (en)

Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. Witnesses in Mexico City reported buildings shaking. There were no immediate reports of destruction, with the mayor of the capital reporting no major damage "so far." However, an evacuation order was issued for buildings in the capital, according to local reports.

Mexico: strong earthquake in Michoacán, along the Pacific coast. Also warned in the capital

2022-09-19T21:15+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T19:13:35.312Z. Epicenter in Coalcomán, 46 km southeast of La Placita de Morelos, 10 km deep. Fear in Mexico City. The earthquake occurred on the anniversary of the terrible 1985 earthquake (over 10 thousand dead). Tsunami warning issued A preliminary magnitude 6.8. quake was felt today in Mexico.

7.4 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico's West coast

2022-09-19T21:15+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

MEXICO CITY. Mexico 's National Seismological Service reported a 7.4-magnitude earthquake in the southwestern state of Michoacan on Monday. Authorities have not reported any casualties or significant damages to infrastructure in the affected states. At the country's capital Mexico City, historically....

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 nel Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:15+0200ansa (it)

Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05 italiane) è stata avvertita chiaramente nella capitale, Città del Messico.

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 in Michoacán

2022-09-19T21:15+0200ansa (it)

(ANSA) - CITTA DEL MESSICO, 19 SET - Una scossa di magnitudo 7.4 è stata avvertita oggi in Messico, con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, nel Messico centrale. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale (Csn). La scossa, avvenuta alle 13,05 locali (le 20,05....

El USGS lanza alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico tras temblor en México

2022-09-19T21:15+0200informador (es)

El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos reporta que se esperan variaciones en el nivel del mar tras el temblor de este 19 de septiembre. De acuerdo con información de la plataforma SkyAlert, el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), después de que se registrara este lunes 19 de septiembre de 2022 un sismo de magnitud 7.

Sismo de 7.4 grados sacude a México: Todas las noticias, fotos y videos tras el temblor

2022-09-19T21:15+0200marca (es)

U n sismo de magnitud 7.4 sacudió a México hoy lunes 19 de septiembre del 2022. A las 13:05:09, minutos después del Simulacro Nacional, se presentó un temblor 63 km al sur de Coalcomán, en el estado de Michoacán. El reporte preliminar del Sismológico Nacional indicó que la intensidad fue de 6.8; sin embargo minutos más tarde se ajustó a 7.

Un puissant séisme frappe le Mexique (Photo: Reuters / HENRY ROMERO)

2022-09-19T21:14+0200radio-canada (fr)

Un fort tremblement de terre a frappé la côte pacifique du Mexique, lundi, et a été ressenti jusque dans la capitale du pays. L’épicentre a été enregistré dans l’État de Michoacan, sur la côte ouest, à plusieurs centaines de kilomètres de Mexico . L'Institut sismologique américain (USGS) a rapporté....

Forte terremoto in Messico di magnitudo 7.4, allerta tsunami

2022-09-19T21:14+0200europa-today (it)

Una forte scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.4 ha colpito il Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos, la costa centrale messicana sul Pacifico. Il sisma, che si è registrato oggi 19 settembre alle 13 ore locali con epicentro a Coalcomán, una municipalità dello stato di Michoacán, è stato....

Suben a 7,4 en la escala de Richter la magnitud del terremoto en sacudió el centro de México El Sismològico Nacional corrigió al alza la magnitud del terremoto en México. El sismo de 7,4 sacudió el país cuando se conmemoraban terremotos que dejaron miles de muertos en 1985 y 2017. Aún no hay balance de daños.

2022-09-19T21:14+0200deutschewelle-es (es)

Sismológico Nacional, que originalmente ubicó la magnitud en 6,8 grados, detalló en Twitter que el epicentro se localizó 59 km al sur de Coalcoman (estado de Michoacán), en la costa del Pacífico. Protección Civil descartó el riesgo de tsunami. El temblor activó la alerta sísmica, que suena un minuto....

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-19T21:13+0200lapresse-CA (fr)

( Mexico ) Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l’ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico, le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. « Nous souhaitons de tout cœur qu’il ne se soit rien....

Des habitants de Mexico se regroupent dans la rue après un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,4

2022-09-19T21:12+0200bfmtv (fr)

Des personnes se tiennent dans la rue à Mexico après qu'un tremblement de terre de magnitude 7,4 a frappé l'ouest du Mexique, faisant trembler les bâtiments de la capitale à l'occasion de l'anniversaire de deux secousses majeures en 1985 et 2017.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 frappe le Mexique

2022-09-19T21:11+0200rtbf (fr)

Un fort séisme de magnitude 7,4 a frappé lundi l’ouest du Mexique et a été ressenti jusque dans le centre de Mexico , le même jour que les tremblements de terre dévastateurs de 1985 et 2017, a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. Nous souhaitons de tout cœur qu’il ne s’est rien passé de grave ",....

México registra un terremoto de magnitud 7,4 en el aniversario de los devastadores sismos de 1985 y 2017

2022-09-19T21:11+0200abc-Andalucia (es)

Vuelve a temblar México un 19 de septiembre. Ha sido este lunes durante los dos simulacros de los terremotos de 1985 y de 2017 y que dejaron miles de muertos. Según ha informado el Sismológico Nacional de México en Twitter, este ha alcanzado una magnitud de 7,4 en la escala Richter (aunque preliminarmente lo había catalogado como de 6,8).

Urgent: 7.4 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-19T21:10+0200china.org.cn (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 shook Mexico on Monday, according to preliminary data, with further details unavailable at the moment. The quake came less than an hour after a national drill was held to mark the 37th and fifth anniversaries of the earthquakes....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,4 golpea México el día de los aniversarios de los dos seísmos más destructivos de su historia reciente

2022-09-19T21:10+0200cadenaser (es)

SISMO Magnitud 7.4 Loc 63 km al SUR de COALCOMAN, MICH 19/09/22 13:05:09 Lat 18.22 Lon -103.29 Pf 15 km pic.twitter.com/qc3bYLi9LP Sismologico Nacional (@SismologicoMX) September 19, 2022 Además, se ha producido durante la tarde de este lunes, apenas una hora después del comienzo de un simulacro....

Un fuerte terremoto sacude México, en imágenes

2022-09-19T21:10+0200elpais (es)

México ha vuelto a temblar un 19 de septiembre. Un terremoto de 7,4 grados ha sacudido el Estado de Michoacán con réplicas en el centro del país. Cientos de personas evacuaron los edificios de la colonia Roma en Ciudad de México. Mónica González El seísmo ocurrió poco menos de una hora del simulacro....

El sismo con epicentro en Michoacán podría provocar alto oleaje en al menos cuatro estados con costa del Pacífico.

2022-09-19T21:10+0200elfinanciero (es)

Sismo magnitud 7.4 activa alerta de tsunami en 4 estados del Pacífico mexicano El centro de monitoreo de tsunamis de Estados Unidos considera que el sismo de magnitud 7.4 con epicentro en Michoacán podría generar un posible tsunami en estos estados. Breaking news, Última Hora Breaking news, Última....

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital.

2022-09-19T21:09+0200ksl (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. (MuhsinRina, Shutterstock) Estimated read time: Less than a minute. MEXICO CITY — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:09+0200deutschewelle-ro (en)

Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. Witnesses in Mexico City reported buildings shaking. There were no immediate reports of destruction, with the mayor of the capital reporting no major damage "so far." However, an evacuation order was issued for buildings in the capital, according to local reports.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:09+0200TorontoStar (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.

7.4 magnitude earthquake hits Mexico's west coast

2022-09-19T21:06+0200aa-en (en)

MEXICO CITY. Mexico 's National Seismological Service reported a 7.4-magnitude earthquake in the southwestern state of Michoacan on Monday. Authorities have not reported any casualties or significant damages to infrastructure in the affected states. At the country's capital Mexico City, historically....

Earthquake of 7.5 Magnitude Shakes Buildings in Mexico City, US System Says 'Tsunami Risk'

2022-09-19T21:06+0200wn (en)

Residents of Mexico City ran into the streets after....

Sismo en México: Activan alerta de tsunami en Michoacán, descartan daños en CdMx

2022-09-19T21:06+0200am (es)

León, Guanajuato.- Un sismo de 7.4 grados, con epicentro en Coalcomán, Michoacán, activó la alerta sísmica en la Ciudad de México y se sintió con menor intensidad en otras entidades como Guanajuato. De acuerdo a información del Servicio Sismológico Nacional, el sismo tuvo una magnitud de 7.

Messico, la maledizione del 19 settembre: terzo terremoto in 37 anni durante esercitazione antisismica

2022-09-19T21:05+0200fanpage (it)

Una violentissima scossa di terremoto – di magnitudo 7.5 – si è verificata oggi, 19 settembre, con epicentro nella città messicana di Michoacán. La terra ha tremato alle 13.05 ora locale; pochi minuti prima, alle 12.20, era stata effettuata un'esercitazione antisismica nazionale organizzata in....

Hay amenaza de tsunami tras sismo de 7.4

2022-09-19T21:05+0200xeu (es)

De acuerdo con el Centro Nacional de Alerta de Tsunamis de Estados Unidos emitió una alerta debido a que existe amenaza de tsunami para costas de Michoacán y Colima, EN EL PACÍFICO , luego del sismo de magnitud 7.4 registrado la tarde de este lunes 19 de septiembre, justo cuando se realizaba el Simulacro Nacional de Sismos 2022.

Castellabate, studenti protagonisti su Rai Uno in "Generazione Tsunami"

2022-09-19T21:04+0200ottopagine (it)

I volti, le voci e le opinioni degli studenti di Castellabate saranno protagonisti della puntata di “Generazione Tsunami”, in onda su Rai Uno sabato 24 settembre p.v. all’interno del programma “Uno Mattina in famiglia” alle ore 9,50 circa. La scelta degli autori è ricaduta, infatti, sul Comune di....

MEXICO-LD QUAKE - Strong earthquake shakes Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:03+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / PTI. Mexico City, Sep 19 (AP) A 7.6 magnitude earthquake shook Mexico's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 pm local time, according to the US Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.

7.5 magnitude earthquake in western Mexico, buildings shake in the capital

2022-09-19T21:02+0200breakinglatest (en)

A 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck Mexico ’s central Pacific coast. The earthquake was felt distinctly in the capital: the buildings shook and many people poured into the streets. There is no of casualties or damages. The quake took place at 13.05 local time off La Placita de Morelos, in the state of Michoacan, at a depth of ten kilometers.

Earthquake shakes buildings in Mexico City MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Buildings shook in Mexico City and residents of the capital ran into the streets after an earthquake struck near the coast of ... 40m ago

2022-09-19T21:02+0200kelo (en)

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Buildings shook in Mexico City and residents of the capital ran into the streets after an earthquake struck near the coast of western Mexico on Monday afternoon. The U.S. Geological Survey said in an initial report that the quake was registered at 7.

Very strong magnitude 7.6 earthquake 90 km southeast of Tecoman, Mexico

2022-09-19T21:01+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

The United States Geological Survey reported a magnitude 7.6 quake in Mexico near Tecoman, Tecomán, Colima, 31 minutes ago. The earthquake hit around noon on Monday, September 19th, 2022, at 1:05 pm local time at a shallow depth of 15.1 km. Magnitude and other quake parameters can still change in....

Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Strikes Mexico, Triggers Tsunami Warning NDTV 40 minutes ago

2022-09-19T21:01+0200justdial (en)

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in western Mexico , the US Geological Survey said on Monday.

Strong 7.6 earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-19T21:01+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake has hit shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1.05pm (6.05am NZT), according to the US Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.5. It said the quake was centred 37km southeast of....

Powerful earthquake shakes Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T21:01+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geological Survey , which had initially put the magnitude at 7.5.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: la maledizione del 19 settembre

2022-09-19T21:01+0200messaggeroveneto (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale ma lo riporta anche l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs). Secondo alcuni media, la scossa è stata avvertita anche....

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: la maledizione del 19 settembre

2022-09-19T21:01+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale ma lo riporta anche l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs). Secondo alcuni media, la scossa è stata avvertita anche....

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: la maledizione del 19 settembre

2022-09-19T21:00+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale ma lo riporta anche l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs). Secondo alcuni media, la scossa è stata avvertita anche....

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:59+0200wkbn (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.

The Earthquake Was Felt at 1:05 P.m. in the Capital and Mexico City Mayor Claudia ... - Latest Tweet by Bloomberg

2022-09-19T20:59+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Bloomberg states, 'The earthquake was felt at 1:05 p.m. in the capital and Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said no initial issues had been reported. Buildings in the downtown area and business district along Reforma avenue were evacuated https://t.co/5f3jIIEvsN...' The earthquake was felt at 1:05 p.

Terremoto de 7.5 afecta al sur de México: SHOA evalúa la situación sobre posibilidad de tsunami en costas chilenas

2022-09-19T20:58+0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Terremoto de 7.4 afecta al sur de México: SHOA evalúa la situación sobre posibilidad de tsunami en costas chilenas Según informó la Onemi, el movimiento telúrico tuvo lugar 119 kilómetros al sur de Colima, mientras también se analiza la situación por parte del Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Emiten alerta de tsunami en el Pacífico por sismo de México

2022-09-19T20:58+0200tiempo-mx (es)

Informaron que activaron la alerta de tsunami en las costas del Pacífico, pues tras el sismo que tuvo epicentro en Michoacán, prevén que haya posibles réplicas, lo cual puede ocasionar un tsunami en las costas del Pacífico. Por lo que las autoridades piden a los ciudadanos estar alerta de las precauciones emitidas por las autoridades.

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,4 sacude el centro de México en el aniversario de los seísmos de 1985 y 2017

2022-09-19T20:57+0200rtve-alacarta (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud preliminar 7,4 ha sacudido este lunes el centro de México, en el aniversario de los seísmos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de 2017, considerados los dos más destructivos de la historia reciente en el país. El temblor se ha producido a las 13.05 hora local (18.

Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Strikes Mexico, Triggers Tsunami Warning

2022-09-19T20:56+0200ndtvnews (en)

Risk of a tsunami near the coast Of Michoacan, said US tsunami warning system(Representational) Mexico City: A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in western Mexico, the US Geological Survey said on Monday. The quake struck 46 km (29 miles) south-southeast of La....

A powerful 7.5 earthquake strikes Mexico’s southwest coast, causing buildings to tremble.

2022-09-19T20:55+0200nokiamobilephonenews (en)

Southwest Mexico is hit by a strong 7.5 earthquake that causes buildings to tremble. An earthquake and tsunami alarm went off in the capital on Monday after a 7.5-magnitude earthquake shook Mexico’s central Pacific coast. In Mexico City’s downtown, people were evacuated as buildings shook.

7.6-magnitude quake strikes Pacific coast of Mexico; too early to determine possible tsunami threat

2022-09-19T20:55+0200HonululuAdvertiser (en)

A major earthquake struck the Pacific coast of Mexico this morning, but it is still too early to tell if it poses a tsunami threat to Hawaii. The magnitude 7.6 temblor struck at 8:05 a.m., 23.1 miles northwest of Aquila, Michoacán, Mexico at a depth of 9.38 miles, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Powerful earthquake shakes Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:55+0200CBSnews (en)

A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geological Survey , which had initially put the magnitude at 7.5.

Alerta de tsunami en Michoacán tras temblor hoy 19 de septiembre 2022

2022-09-19T20:54+0200yucatan (es)

Terremotos Alerta de tsunami en Michoacán tras temblor hoy 19 de septiembre 2022 El temblor hoy 19 de septiembre 2022 tuvo epicentro en Coalcoman, Michoacán. COALCOMAN.- Después del temblor hoy 19 de septiembre 2022 de magnitud preliminar de 7.4 en escala Ritcher con epicentro a 63 km al sur de....

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,6 sacude el centro de México

2022-09-19T20:54+0200elperiodico (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7,6 ha sacudido este lunes por la tarde el centro de México. Así pues, según ha notificado el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés), el sismo ha tenido lugar a 37 kilómetros del municipio de Aquila, situado cerca de la costa del Océano Pacífico, a 15 kilómetros de profundidad.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico

2022-09-19T20:53+0200nbc12 (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:53+0200princegeorgecitizen (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:53+0200deutschewelle-el (en)

Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. Witnesses in Mexico City reported buildings shaking. There were no immediate reports of destruction, with the mayor of the capital reporting no major damage "so far." However, an evacuation order was issued for buildings in the capital, according to local reports.

Strong 7.5 earthquake hits Mexico's southwest coast - sparking buildings to sway

2022-09-19T20:53+0200dailymail (en)

An hour before the 7.5 earthquake today, quake alarms rung out in a nationwide simulation - marking major quakes that struck on the same date in 1985 and 2017. Today's earthquake struck 29 miles south-southeast of La Placita de Morelos in the state of Michoacan and was at a depth of 6.2 miles, USGS said.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: la maledizione del 19 settembre

2022-09-19T20:53+0200lasentinella (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale ma lo riporta anche l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs). Secondo alcuni media, la scossa è stata avvertita anche....

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: scossa sentita anche nella capitale

2022-09-19T20:53+0200lasentinella (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Lo riporta l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) mentre secondo alcuni media la scossa è stata avvertita anche nella capitale, Città del Messico, dove i palazzi hanno oscillato.

Mexico earthquake: Tsunami warning as powerful 7.5 quake strikes - 'Very strong'

2022-09-19T20:51+0200express (en)

SUBSCRIBE Invalid email. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info The US Tsunami Warning System is also warning of a risk of a tsunami near the coast of Michoacan.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:51+0200deutschewelle-hr (en)

Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. Witnesses in Mexico City reported buildings shaking. There were no immediate reports of destruction, with the mayor of the capital reporting no major damage "so far." However, an evacuation order was issued for buildings in the capital, according to local reports.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: la maledizione del 19 settembre

2022-09-19T20:51+0200ilpiccolo (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale ma lo riporta anche l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs). Secondo alcuni media, la scossa è stata avvertita anche....

Le Mexique frappé par un séisme de magnitude 7,4

2022-09-19T20:51+0200lavoixdunord (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 a été ressenti lundi dans le centre de Mexico à 20h05 (heure française), a indiqué l’institut sismologique national. Publié: 19 Septembre 2022 à 20h44 Temps de lecture: 1 min Partage : Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 a été ressenti lundi dans le centre de , le même jour que....

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: la maledizione del 19 settembre

2022-09-19T20:50+0200nuovavenezia (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Lo ha reso noto il Centro sismologico nazionale ma lo riporta anche l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs). Secondo alcuni media, la scossa è stata avvertita anche....

Hazardous tsunami waves are forecast for some coasts after magn…

2022-09-19T20:50+02004-traders (en)



2022-09-19T20:50+02004-traders (en)


No hay amenaza de tsunami tras sismo de 7.4

2022-09-19T20:48+0200xeu (es)

De acuerdo al US Tsunami Warning Center, no existe amenaza de tsunami para costas de Michoacán y Colima, EN EL PACÍFICO, luego del sismo de magnitud 7.4 registrado la tarde de este lunes 19 de septiembre, justo cuando se realizaba el Simulacro Nacional de Sismos 2022.

Magnitude 7.5 earthquake strikes off La Placita de Morelos, Mexico -USGS

2022-09-19T20:47+0200saltwire (en)

(Reuters) - A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in western Mexico , the U.S. Geological Survey said on Monday. The quake struck 46 km (29 miles) south-southeast of La Placita de Morelos in the state of Michoacan and was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), USGS said. The U.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:47+0200deutschewelle-bs (en)

Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. Witnesses in Mexico City reported buildings shaking. There were no immediate reports of destruction, with the mayor of the capital reporting no major damage "so far." However, an evacuation order was issued for buildings in the capital, according to local reports.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:47+0200deutschewelle-bg (en)

Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. Witnesses in Mexico City reported buildings shaking. There were no immediate reports of destruction, with the mayor of the capital reporting no major damage "so far." However, an evacuation order was issued for buildings in the capital, according to local reports.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 ressenti à Mexico

2022-09-19T20:47+0200lemainelibre (fr)

La capitale du Mexique a été touchée, ce lundi 19 septembre 2022, par un séisme de magnitude 7,4. Il y a trente-sept ans jour pour jour, le Mexique avait déjà été touché par un séisme meurtrier. L’épicentre a été localisé dans l’État du Michoacan (ouest).

Terremoto Messico, scossa di magnitudo 7.5 a Aguililla,...

2022-09-19T20:47+02003bmeteo (it)

Scossa di terremoto a Aguililla, Messico. Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5, si è verificata alle ore 13:15 (ore 20:15 in Italia) con epicentro nei pressi di Aguililla, Messico. La profondità stimata è stata di circa 10 Km . Potete monitorare tutte le scosse in Italia e le principali nel....

Violento terremoto in Messico: allarme tsunami | LIVE

2022-09-19T20:47+0200meteoweb (it)

Un violento terremoto si è appena verificato poco al largo delle coste del Messico . Il sisma, avvenuto alle 20:05 (ora italiana), ha avuto magnitudo 7.5 e profondità di 10km. Epicentro vicino alla costa di Michoacan. Il sistema di allarme tsunami degli Stati Uniti ritiene ci sia un rischio tsunami....

Major earthquake shakes Mexico’s central Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:46+0200guardian (en)

People use their cellphones as they stand in the street after a quake, in Mexico City, Mexico, on 19 September. Photograph: Henry Romero/Reuters. A magnitude 7.5 earthquake has shaken Mexico’s central Pacific coast, shaking buildings, setting off earthquake alarms and sending residents of the capital running into the streets.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 ressenti à Mexico

2022-09-19T20:46+0200presseocean (fr)

La capitale du Mexique a été touchée, ce lundi 19 septembre 2022, par un séisme de magnitude 7,4. Il y a trente-sept ans jour pour jour, le Mexique avait déjà été touché par un séisme meurtrier. L’épicentre a été localisé dans l’État du Michoacan (ouest).

Messico, forte terremoto di magnitudo 7.5: allerta tsunami

2022-09-19T20:46+0200quotidiano (it)

La scossa è stata avvertita anche nella capitale.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:45+0200kitchenertoday (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 ressenti à Mexico

2022-09-19T20:45+0200OuestFrance (fr)

La capitale du Mexique a été touchée, ce lundi 19 septembre 2022, par un séisme de magnitude 7,4. Il y a trente-sept ans jour pour jour, le Mexique avait déjà été touché par un séisme meurtrier. L’épicentre a été localisé dans l’État du Michoacan (ouest).

Travel to the 'ground zero' of the earthquake in Mexico, five years later

2022-09-19T20:44+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T18:43:29.024Z. On September 19, 2017, Mexico suffered one of the most serious earthquakes in its history. At 1:14 p.m., for an endless 90 seconds, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake... direct witness Travel to the 'ground zero' of the earthquake in Mexico, five years later.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:44+0200wn (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast 0 9/19/2022 11:31:19 AM

2022-09-19T20:44+0200tricitynews (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.

Earthquake shakes buildings in Mexico City

2022-09-19T20:44+0200streetinsider (en)

News and research before you hear about it on CNBC and others. Claim your 1-week free trial to StreetInsider Premium MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Buildings shook in Mexico City and residents of the capital ran into the streets after an earthquake struck near the coast of western Mexico on Monday afternoon.

Magnitude 6,8 : un puissant tremblement de terre frappe Mexico, l'alerte au tsunami déclenchée

2022-09-19T20:44+0200lindependant (fr)

Un tremblement de terre a été signalé au Mexique ce lundi. L'épicentre serait localisé sur la côte ouest de Michoacán. La magnitude serait de 6,8 sur l'échelle de Richter alors que certaines sources évoquent une magnitude de 7,5. Selon plusieurs sources, une alerte tsunami aurait été déclenchée.

Terremoto en México: se registra sismo de magnitud 7,6 en Michoacán

2022-09-19T20:44+0200adnradio (es)

Durante esta jornada se registró un terremoto en México : un sismo de magnitud 7,6 sacudió la zona de Michoacán, específicamente en La Placita de Morelos, según información del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). En Chile, desde la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (Onemi) comunicaron que....

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico A powerful earthquake has been felt in the Mexican capital.

2022-09-19T20:42+0200deutschewelle-en (en)

Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. Witnesses in Mexico City reported buildings shaking. There were no immediate reports of destruction, with the mayor of he capital reporting no major damage. However, an evacuation order was issued for buildings in the capital, according to local reports.

Powerful earthquake hits Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:42+0200deutschewelle-sr (en)

Mexico was hit by a powerful earthquake on Monday. Witnesses in Mexico City reported buildings shaking. There were no immediate reports of destruction, with the mayor of he capital reporting no major damage. However, an evacuation order was issued for buildings in the capital, according to local reports.

Un séisme de magnitude 7,4 ressenti à Mexico

2022-09-19T20:42+0200courrierdelouest (fr)

La capitale du Mexique a été touchée, ce lundi 19 septembre 2022, par un séisme de magnitude 7,4. Il y a trente-sept ans jour pour jour, le Mexique avait déjà été touché par un séisme meurtrier. L’épicentre a été localisé dans l’État du Michoacan (ouest).

Magnitude 7.5 earthquake strikes off La Placita de Morelos, Mexico

2022-09-19T20:41+0200trendnews-az (en)

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in western Mexico , the U.S. Geological Survey said on Monday, reports citing The quake struck 46 km (29 miles) south-southeast of La Placita de Morelos in the state of Michoacan and was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), USGS said.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: scossa sentita anche nella capitale

2022-09-19T20:41+0200ilsecoloxix (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Lo riporta l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) mentre secondo alcuni media la scossa è stata avvertita anche nella capitale, Città del Messico, dove i palazzi hanno oscillato.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: scossa sentita anche nella capitale

2022-09-19T20:41+0200laprovinciapavese (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Lo riporta l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) mentre secondo alcuni media la scossa è stata avvertita anche nella capitale, Città del Messico, dove i palazzi hanno oscillato.

NEW: A Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Struck Southwestern Mexico Monday, Causing Buildings to ... - Latest Tweet by Bloomberg

2022-09-19T20:40+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Bloomberg states, 'NEW: A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico Monday, causing buildings to sway in the capital Mexico City and prompting evacuations ...' NEW: A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck southwestern Mexico Monday, causing buildings to sway in the capital....

Terremoto in Messico, scossa fortissima di magnitudo 7.5 nel Michoacan

2022-09-19T20:40+0200leggo (it)

Scossa fortissima di in nella zona del Michoacan : alle 20.05 (ora italiana) un evento sismico di magnitudo 7.5 è stato localizzato vicino Aguililla. Non è ancora stato reso noto se ci sono danni a persone o cose, ma la scossa è stata violentissima. Il sisma è avvenuto con epicentro a Coalcomán ,....

Sismo de magnitud 7.4 sacude a Coalcomán, Michoacán

2022-09-19T20:40+0200infobae (es)

Las autoridades mexicanas registraron un teremoto con epicentro a 63 km al sur de la ciudad de Coalcomán, Michoacán, a las 13:05 hora local (18:05 UTC). El sismo tuvo una magnitud de 7.4 , así como una profundidad de 15 kilómetros, de acuerdo con información preliminar del SSN.

7.6 magnitude earthquake shakes Mexico’s central Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:39+0200globalnews (en)

MEXICO MEXICO CITY, Sept. 20, 2021 Members of the Mexican Army raise the national flag during a ceremony commemorating the victims of the 1985 and 2017 earthquakes before the Second National Drill 2021 at the Zocalo Square in Mexico City, capital of Mexico, on Sept. 19, 2021. (Str/Xinhua). Credit Image: © Xinhua via ZUMA Press.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:39+0200ABCnews (en)

MEXICO CITY -- A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.

Messico, terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 e rischio tsunami: scossa sentita anche nella capitale

2022-09-19T20:39+0200lastampa (it)

Un sisma di magnitudo 7.5 è stato registrato lungo la costa Sud-Ovest del Messico, a largo di largo di La Placita de Morelos. Lo riporta l'Istituto Geologico degli Stati Uniti (Usgs) mentre secondo alcuni media la scossa è stata avvertita anche nella capitale, Città del Messico, dove i palazzi hanno oscillato.

Se registra sismo magnitud 7,4 en el suroeste de México

2022-09-19T20:39+0200LaTercera (es)

Este lunes 19 de septiembre se registró un sismo magnitud 7,4 que sacudió el sudoeste de México, según información del Servicio Sismológico Nacional de ese país. Desde la Oficina Nacional de Emergencias (Onemi) aseguraron que las características del movimiento sísmico se encuentran en evaluación por....

Terremoto di 7.5 nel Messico occidentale, gli edifici tremano nella capitale

2022-09-19T20:38+0200repubblica (it)

Una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 7.5 ha colpito la costa centrale messicana sul Pacifico. Il sisma è stato avvertito distintamente nella capitale: gli edifici hanno tremato e molta gente si è riversata nelle strade. Non si ha notizia di vittime o danni. La scossa ha avuto luogo alle 13.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:38+0200wsoctv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey, which had initially put the magnitude at 7.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m.

2022-09-19T20:37+0200timescolonist (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:36+0200cbs17 (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey. Copyright 2022 The Associated Press.

Strong Earthquake Shakes Mexico’s Pacific Coast

2022-09-19T20:36+0200huffingtonpost-us-en (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey.

VIDÉO. Taïwan : un puissant séisme fait au moins un mort et 79 blessés

2022-09-19T20:36+0200leparisien (fr)

Un important séisme est survenu dimanche au large de la côte sud-est de Taïwan entraînant une alerte tsunami dans la région qui a finalement été levée. L’Agence nationale des sapeurs-pompiers a déclaré qu’une personne avait été tuée par la chute de machines dans une cimenterie de la ville de Yuli, située à proximité de l’épicentre.

Alerta de tsunami. Un potente terremoto vuelve a sacudir a México cuando recordaba el aniversario de dos de sus peores sismos

2022-09-19T20:36+0200lanacion-AR (es)

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- Un fuerte sismo sacudió esta tarde la costa oeste de México, en el municipio de La Placita de Morelos, con una magnitud de 7,5, según informó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El terremoto se produjo a 46 kilómetros al sur-sureste de la Placita de Morelos , en el....

JUST IN - Powerful 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Mexico. - Latest Tweet by Disclose.tv

2022-09-19T20:35+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by Disclose.tv states, 'JUST IN - Powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico .' JUST IN - Powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake strikes Mexico. Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) September 19, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and information from social....

Strong Earthquake Shakes Mexico’s Pacific Coast

2022-09-19T20:35+0200huffingtonpost-fr-fr (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey.

Significant earthquake of magnitude 5.1 just reported 95 km north of Puerto Peñasco, Mexico

2022-09-19T20:35+0200volcanodiscovery (en)

Mexico was shaken near Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, by an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 only 21 minutes ago, the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) reported. The quake hit at a shallow depth of 10 km beneath the epicenter near Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico, in the morning on Monday, September 19th, 2022, at 11:08 am local time.

Terremoto de magnitud 7,6 sacude la costa de México

2022-09-19T20:35+0200biobiochile (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 7.6 sacudió este lunes la costa de México justo en el día de los aniversarios de los terremotos del 19 de septiembre de 1985 y de 2017, considerados los dos más destructivos de la historia reciente de ese país. De acuerdo al reporte del servicio sismológico de Estados Unidos....

Earthquake shakes buildings in Mexico City

2022-09-19T20:34+0200reuters (en)

MEXICO CITY, Sept 19 (Reuters) - Buildings shook in Mexico City and residents of the capital ran into the streets after an earthquake struck near the coast of western Mexico on Monday afternoon. The U.S. Geological Survey said in an initial report that the quake was registered at 7.

Magnitude 7.5 earthquake strikes off La Placita de Morelos, Mexico -USGS

2022-09-19T20:34+0200reuters (en)

Sept 19 (Reuters) - A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck off the coast of La Placita de Morelos in western Mexico , the U.S. Geological Survey said on Monday. The quake struck 46 km (29 miles) south-southeast of La Placita de Morelos in the state of Michoacan and was at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), USGS said.

MEXICO-QUAKE - Strong earthquake shakes Mexico's Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:31+0200nampa (en)

Contributed by NAMPA / PTI. Mexico City, Sep 19 (AP) A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 pm local time, according to the US Geologic Survey.

Le Mexique frappé par un violent tremblement de terre

2022-09-19T20:30+0200news-24 (fr)

Un tremblement de terre majeur a frappé la côte ouest du Mexique. Selon l’US Geological Survey, le tremblement de terre a frappé le sud de Guadalajara, au large de l’État de Michoacan. Il s’agissait d’un agitateur de magnitude estimée à 7,6 à une profondeur de 10 kilomètres. Des secousses auraient été ressenties jusqu’à Mexico .

World News | Strong Earthquake Shakes Mexico's Pacific Coast

2022-09-19T20:29+0200latestly (en)

Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. Mexico City, Sep 19 (AP) A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:28+0200actionnewsjax (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:28+0200sfgate (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico 's central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey.

Alert: Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico; No immediate word on damage

2022-09-19T20:28+0200sfgate (en)

Alert: Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico ; No immediate word on damage. MEXICO CITY (AP) — Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico; No immediate word on damage.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:27+0200wowktv (en)

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey.

Strong earthquake shakes Mexico´s Pacific coast

2022-09-19T20:26+0200sandiegouniontribune (en)

MEXICO CITY — A magnitude 7.5 earthquake shook Mexico ’s central Pacific coast on Monday, setting off an earthquake alarm in the capital. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake that hit at 1:05 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geologic Survey.

Strong Earthquake Shakes Central Mexico; No Immediate Word on Damage, Reports AP - Latest Tweet by PTI News

2022-09-19T20:26+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by PTI News states, 'Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico ; no immediate word on damage, reports AP' Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico; no immediate word on damage, reports AP Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) September 19, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking....

DEVELOPING: Powerful 7.5-magnitude Earthquake Hits Western Mexico; Tsunami Alert Issued - Latest Tweet by BNO News

2022-09-19T20:26+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News states, 'DEVELOPING: Powerful 7.5-magnitude earthquake hits western Mexico ; tsunami alert issued ...' DEVELOPING: Powerful 7.5-magnitude earthquake hits western Mexico; tsunami alert issued BNO News (@BNONews) September 19, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the latest....

Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico; No immediate word on damage

2022-09-19T20:23+0200ABCnews (en)

Strong earthquake shakes central Mexico ; No immediate word on damage.

BREAKING: Pacific Tsunami Warning Center Issues Tsunami Alert for Mexico - Latest Tweet by BNO News

2022-09-19T20:16+0200latestly (en)

The latest Tweet by BNO News states, 'BREAKING: Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issues tsunami alert for Mexico ' BREAKING: Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issues tsunami alert for Mexico BNO News (@BNONews) September 19, 2022 (SocialLY brings you all the latest breaking news, viral trends and....

Cuál ha sido el terremoto más fuerte registrado en México

2022-09-19T19:39+0200infobae (es)

Los sismos que han estremecido a México a lo largo de la historia, han quedado en la memoria de los mexicanos el de 1985 y los del 2017 y 2019 que cobraron la vida de más de 470 personas. Según los expertos, nuestro país se encuentra en un área en forma de herradura con alta actividad sísmica que se....

Five years after the 2017 earthquake, Mexico City maintains open wounds

2022-09-19T19:35+0200d1softballnews (en)

Mexico City, Sep 19 (EFE) .- The wounds left by the earthquake of September 19 that hit Mexico City in 2017 are still open five years later, since even more than 23% of the victims do not have a home and those who they were rebuilt, they denounce precariousness.

Castellabate, gli studenti protagonisti di “Generazione Tsunami” su Rai Uno

2022-09-19T19:30+0200salernonotizie (it)

I volti, le voci e le opinioni degli studenti di Castellabate saranno protagonisti della puntata di “Generazione Tsunami”, in onda su Rai Uno sabato 24 settembre p.v. all’interno del programma “Uno Mattina in famiglia” alle ore 9,50 circa. La scelta degli autori è ricaduta, infatti, sul Comune di....

¿Cómo operan las alertas sísmicas de otros países?

2022-09-19T19:08+0200elsiglodetorreon (es)

Pocas naciones cuentan con sistemas de alerta temprana antisismos (Eatyhquake Early Warning, o EEW, por sus siglas en inglés): Japón, China, Turquía, Rumania, Italia, además de la isla de Taiwán, se cuentan entre ellos. Sin embargo, no todos funcionan de la misma manera, ni tienen los mismos alcances.

Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in…

2022-09-19T18:35+0200balochistan24 (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan: A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan’s Emergency Operations Center said.

World Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan The Associated Press 11:03 AM, Sep 19, 2022

2022-09-19T18:05+0200abcactionnews (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

VIDEO: Impresionantes imágenes del sismo d...

2022-09-19T17:49+0200zocalo (es)

Taiwan.- Terremoto en Taiwan descarrila trenes, colapsa edificios y deja 146 damnificados y al al menos un muerto, aquí las impresionantes imágenes. El sismo fue de magnitud 6.9 sacudió el Sureste de Taiwan el fin de semana y tuvo una profundidad de diez kilómetros con su epicentro en el condado de....

Sismo de 4.3 de magnitud con epicentro en Mapastepec, Chiapas

2022-09-19T17:38+0200infobae (es)

La ciudad de Mapastepec experimentó un temblor que alcanzó los 4.3 de magnitud y tuvo una profundidad de 10 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el movimiento telúrico sucedió hoy a las 10:08 hora local (15:08 UTC), con un epicentro de 175 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Chiapas.

Ancash, Huarmey, registra un sismo de magnitud 4.8

2022-09-19T17:38+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor de magnitud 4.8 se registró este lunes 19 de septiembre en la ciudad de Huarmey , en la provincia de Huarmey del departamento de Ancash, informó el Centro Sismológico Nacional (Censis) del Instituto Geofísico de Perú (IGP). El movimiento telúrico comenzó a las 10:09:04 (hora local) y se....

Giappone: allerta per super tifone Nanmadol, 9 mln evacuati

2022-09-19T17:36+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di lunedì 19 settembre 2022) Le autorità Giappone si hanno diramato l'ordine di evacuazione per 9 milioni di cittadini a causa del passaggio del tifone Nanmadol , nel sud - ovest del Paese. Lo riferisce Bbc. Quasi 350mila le ... : Giappone: allerta per super tifone Nanmadol, 9 mln evacuati:....

Taiwan earthquake: Badminton players flee as sport centre collapses

2022-09-19T17:35+0200dailymail (en)

Police and firefighters rushed to a bridge collapse on a two-lane road in what appeared to be a rural part of the same town where three people and one or more vehicles may have fallen off, according to media reports. Also in Yuli, a landslide trapped nearly 400 tourists on a mountain famous for the....

ArticoloCaro bollette, Bonaccini: "Tsunami che rischia di travolgerci, decreto subito"

2022-09-19T17:35+0200ilrestodelcarlino (it)

Caro bollette, Bonaccini: "Tsunami che rischia di travolgerci, decreto subito" Da Roma si parla di uno stanziamento da 4 miliardi. Anci sul piede di guerra: "Luci spente sui monumenti per protesta contro i....

World Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan The Associated Press 11:03 AM, Sep 19, 2022

2022-09-19T17:34+0200wkbw (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

Taiwan earthquake: Badminton players flee as sport centre collapses

2022-09-19T17:29+0200whatsnew2day (en)

This is the dramatic moment when the ceiling of a badminton court collapsed on top of players during an earthquake in Taiwan on Sunday. About two dozen people were playing at the Bade Sports Center in Taoyuan City – about 20 miles west of the capital Taipei – shortly before 3 p.m. when the quake struck.

Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, registra sismo de magnitud 4.2

2022-09-19T17:28+0200infobae (es)

Salina Cruz fue el epicentro de un sismo de magnitud 4.2 que sorprendió hoy a los pobladores del estado de Oaxaca a las 9:45 en hora local (14:45 UTC). El temblor se registró 78 km al sureste de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 16 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

En dix ans, 225 millions de personnes sont devenues réfugiées climatiques Publié à 16:41Mis à jour à 16:55 Pour la seule région de l'Asie-Pacifique, le nombre de personnes déplacées en raison de catastrophes climatiques et naturelles a dépassé les 225 millions au cours des 10 dernières années, selon....

2022-09-19T17:26+0200LesEchos (fr)

Les chiffres sont sans doute en deçà de la réalité. Ne serait-ce qu'au regard des cet été. Mais l'étude réalisée par la Banque asiatique de développement (BAD) avec l'Internal displacement monitoring centre (IDMC), un organisme dépendant du Conseil norvégien pour les réfugiés, a le mérite d'évaluer....

World News Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan The Associated Press 8:03 AM, Sep 19, 2022

2022-09-19T17:08+0200ksby (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

Strong earthquake in Taiwan traps people, derails train

2022-09-19T17:05+0200macaudailytimes (en)

A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan yesterday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. The magnitude 6.8 quake was the largest among dozens that have....

Los videos más impactantes de terremoto que sacudió a Taiwán

2022-09-19T16:40+0200tiempo (es)

Redacción. Un terremoto de magnitud 7.2 según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que después ajustó a 6.9 , causó en la zona costera de Taiwán, en el sureste asiático, de acuerdo con reportes de las autoridades locales. Dos grandes sismos, uno de 6.4 y 6.

Taiwán: terremoto no generará tsunami en Perú, según reporte de Marina de Guerra

2022-09-19T16:39+0200expreso-PE (es)

Después del sismo de 7.2 registrado en la isla de Taiwán , una de las mayores interrogantes era si dicho movimiento telúrico tendría repercusiones en el Perú. Sin embargo, el Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional (COEN) descartó esa posibilidad.

Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan

2022-09-19T16:21+0200ksl (en)

Estimated read time: 2-3 minutes. TAIPEI, Taiwan — A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks.

Se registra un temblor en Pijijiapan, Chiapas

2022-09-19T16:05+0200infobae (es)

Los pobladores de la ciudad de Pijijiapan vivieron un temblor que alcanzó los 4.1 de magnitud y tuvo una profundidad de 83 kilómetros. Según información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el temblor sucedió hoy a las 8:26 hora local (13:26 UTC), con un epicentro de 30 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Chiapas.

Geosciences, Vol. 12, Pages 350: Hazard and Risk-Based Tsunami Early Warning Algorithms for Ocean Bottom Sensor S-Net System in Tohoku, Japan, Using Sequential Multiple Linear Regression

2022-09-19T15:58+0200mdpi (en)

This study presents robust algorithms for tsunami early warning using synthetic tsunami wave data at ocean bottom sensor (OBS) arrays with sequential multiple linear regression. The study focuses on the Tohoku region of Japan, where an S-net OBS system (150 pressure sensors) has been deployed.

Tsunami warnings issued after 6.9-magnitude earthquake hits Taiwan | CNN

2022-09-19T15:49+0200thewall (en)

A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit southeastern Taiwan on Sunday, inflicting buildings to break down and triggering tsunami warnings. The quake hit the Chishang township in rural southeastern Taiwan and had a depth of 10 kilometers. Japan’s Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning for Miyako....

Strong earthquake jolts western Indonesia, no casualties reported-Xinhua

2022-09-19T15:45+0200wingsenvironmental (en)

Cellphone photo provided by Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) shows people gathering outside a public health building after an earthquake hit the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia, Sept. 11, 2022. A powerful earthquake struck off Indonesia’s western province of West Sumatra on....

A magnitude 4.6 earthquake in an area 144 km east of Ulsan

2022-09-19T15:26+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-19T13:25:53.103Z. At around 8:40 tonight, a magnitude 4.6 earthquake struck the sea 144 kilometers east of Ulsan. Although no damage has been reported yet, large-scale earthquakes have been occurring all over the world recently, so it seems necessary to analyze the cause. <Anchor> Today (19th) around 8:40 pm, a magnitude 4.

Terremoto en Taiwán Deja Un Muerto, más de 70 Heridos y Daños Incuantificables

2022-09-19T14:50+0200elorbe (es)

* De 6.9 Grados en la Escala de Richter. * Ocurrido Ayer Domingo. Un terremoto de magnitud 7.2 según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que después ajustó a 6.9, causó severos daños materiales en la zona costera de la región china de Taiwán, de acuerdo con reportes de las autoridades locales. Dos grandes sismos, una de 6.

Palenque, Chiapas, registra temblor de 4.1 de magnitud

2022-09-19T14:50+0200infobae (es)

Los pobladores de la ciudad de Palenque vivieron un sismo que alcanzó una magnitud de 4.1 y tuvo una profundidad de 16 kilómetros. La información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN) señala que el movimiento telúrico sucedió hoy a las 7:17 hora local (12:17 UTC), con un epicentro de 8 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Chiapas.

Fertiberia garantiza «la seguridad» de su proyecto de restauración de los fosfoyesos

2022-09-19T14:43+0200sevilla-abc (es)

Fertiberia defiende que «las máximas autoridades científicas de España han avalado la fortaleza y la seguridad del proyecto de la compañía para la restauración de los apilamientos de fosfoyesos Restore 20/30 «, que logró en 2020 la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (DIA) positiva tras un largo....

Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan, 146 injured

2022-09-19T14:40+0200clubofmozambique (en)

Firefighters work at the site where a building collapsed following a 6.8-magnitude earthquake, in Yuli, Hualien county, Taiwan September 18, 2022. [Photo: Taiwan's 0918 Earthquake Central Emergency Operations Centre/Handout via Reuters] A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated....

Fertiberia garantiza «la seguridad» de su proyecto de restauración de los fosfoyesos

2022-09-19T14:34+0200lavozdigital (es)

Fertiberia defiende que «las máximas autoridades científicas de España han avalado la fortaleza y la seguridad del proyecto de la compañía para la restauración de los apilamientos de fosfoyesos Restore 20/30 «, que logró en 2020 la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (DIA) positiva tras un largo....

SES extends Digicel partnership to provide Tonga with disaster network resiliency via O3b

2022-09-19T14:08+0200terradaily (en)

SES and international mobile network operator Digicel report that they will extend their partnership to provide the Kingdom of Tonga with long-term disaster resiliency to minimise bandwidth disruptions. Under the agreement, Digicel will benefit from SES's expertise in offering disaster resiliency....

internacionales Devastador terremoto en Taiwán

2022-09-19T14:07+0200diarioextra (es)

T aipéi, Taiwán (AFP) - Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán este domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. El terremoto se produjo a las 06H44 GMT a unos 50....

Earthquake in Taiwan, at least one victim in Yuli – Last Hour

2022-09-19T14:03+0200italy24news (en)

CopyAMP code. (ANSA-AFP) – TAIPEI, 18 SEPTEMBER – A strong earthquake hit south-east Taiwan killing at least one person, collapsing some buildings and destroying roads, but forecasters said the threat of a tsunami has passed. The earthquake struck at 14:44 (0644 GMT) about 50 kilometers north of the....

Taiwan, 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Tsunami warning in Japan

2022-09-19T14:03+0200italy24news (en)

CopyAMP code. A 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the southeastern coast of Taiwan. The US Geological Survey reported, adding that Japan has issued the tsunami warning for the southern regions of Miyakojima and Yaeyama. The strong quake was recorded at 14.44 (8.44 in Italy), about 50 kilometers north of the city of Taitung, at a depth of 10 kilometers.

Fertiberia alega que las "máximas autoridades científicas" avalan su proyecto para ...

2022-09-19T14:01+0200gentedigital (es)

HUELVA, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Fertiberia ha asegurado este lunes que "las máximas autoridades científicas de España" han avalado la "fortaleza y la seguridad" del proyecto Restore 20/30 para la restauración de los apilamientos de fosfoyesos de la ría de Huelva, que "logró en 2020 la Declaración de....

Devastador terremoto en Taiwán

2022-09-19T13:59+0200diario-extra (es)

T aipéi, Taiwán (AFP) - Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán este domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. El terremoto se produjo a las 06H44 GMT a unos 50....

Fertiberia: "Las máximas autoridades científicas avalan el plan de los fosfoyesos"

2022-09-19T13:58+0200diarioHuelva (es)

Las máximas autoridades científicas de España han avalado la fortaleza y la seguridad del proyecto de Fertiberia para la restauración de los apilamientos de fosfoyesos Restore 20/30, que logró en 2020 la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (DIA) positiva tras un largo y minucioso proceso de concepción,....

Terremoto deja severos daños en costa sureste de Taiwán

2022-09-19T13:57+0200radiomundial (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6.9 causó severos daños materiales en la zona costera de la región china de Taiwán, de acuerdo con reportes de las autoridades locales, refiere Últimas Noticias.. Dos grandes sismos , una de 6.4 y 6.9, en menos de 24 horas, provocó la caída de edificios, deslizamientos de....

Fertiberia alega que las "máximas autoridades científicas" avalan su proyecto para los fosfoyesos de Huelva

2022-09-19T13:57+0200teleprensa (es)

HUELVA, 19 (EUROPA PRESS) Fertiberia ha asegurado este lunes que "las máximas autoridades científicas de España" han avalado la "fortaleza y la seguridad" del proyecto Restore 20/30 para la restauración de los apilamientos de fosfoyesos de la ría de Huelva, que "logró en 2020 la Declaración de....

Tsunami threat for Taiwan after 6.9 earthquake hit southeastern coast CBS-Philadelphia

2022-09-19T13:54+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

Tsunami threat for Taiwan after 6.9 earthquake hit southeastern coast. At this time, it is unclear if there are any casualties.

Fertiberia alega que las "máximas autoridades científicas" avalan su proyecto para los fosfoyesos de Huelva

2022-09-19T13:53+0200europapress (es)

HUELVA, 19 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) - Fertiberia ha asegurado este lunes que "las máximas autoridades científicas de España" han avalado la "fortaleza y la seguridad" del proyecto Restore 20/30 para la restauración de los apilamientos de fosfoyesos de la ría de Huelva, que "logró en 2020 la Declaración....

08:34 - Al menos 146 heridos: las consecuencias del impactante sismo en Taiwán

2022-09-19T13:48+0200ellitoral (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6.8 sacudió el domingo la escasamente poblada parte sureste de Taiwán, según la oficina meteorológica de la isla, haciendo descarrilar vagones de tren, provocando el derrumbe de una tienda y dejando a cientos de personas atrapadas en las carreteras de montaña.

Fuerte sismo en Taiwán: al menos 146 heridos y siguen las réplicas

2022-09-19T13:40+0200elpopular-AR (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 sacudió el domingo la escasamente poblada parte sureste de Taiwán, según la oficina meteorológica de la isla, haciendo descarrilar vagones de tren, provocando el derrumbe de una tienda y dejando a cientos de personas atrapadas en las carreteras de montaña.

Rattled Taiwan hit by more aftershocks

2022-09-19T13:22+0200guardian-ng (en)

A rescuer walks past a collapsed building after an earthquake at Yuli Township in Hualien county, eastern Taiwan on September 18, 2022. – A strong earthquake struck southeastern Taiwan on September 18, bringing at least three buildings down in a small town and tearing up roads — but forecasters said the threat of a regional tsunami had passed.

13:10 | societe 24 heures en images de la semaine

2022-09-19T13:19+020020minutes (fr)

Castarophe naturelle en Guadeloupe, guerre en Ukraine, mort de la reine Elizabeth II , sport... Chaque jour, retrouvez toute l’ actualité à travers le travail des photojournalistes qui parcourent le monde. Grâce aux agences de presse, toujours en première ligne pour couvrir les grands événements, et....

Taïwan : l'île frappée par un violent séisme La terre a tremblé violemment à Taïwan, dimanche 18 septembre. Un séisme de 6,9 sur l'échelle de Richter a fait au moins 75 blessés, selon les autorités.

2022-09-19T13:02+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Ils jouaient au badminton, lorsque le plafond s'est effondré. La scène s'est déroulée à Taoyuan ( Taïwan ), où l'île a été frappée par un violent séisme, dimanche 18 septembre. En gare, un train a basculé dans tous les sens. Le tremblement de terre, évalué à 6,9 sur l'échelle de Richter, a même créé une véritable tempête dans une piscine.

Fertiberia defiende que su plan de restauración de los fosfoyesos tiene el respaldo de "las máximas autoridades científicas"

2022-09-19T13:01+0200huelvainformacion (es)

La compañía Fertiberia defiende que " las máximas autoridades científicas de España han avalado la fortaleza y la seguridad del proyecto para la restauración de los apilamientos de fosfoyesos Restore 20/30, que logró en 2020 la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (DIA) positiva tras un largo y....

Sismo de magnitud 4.4 con epicentro en Cd Hidalgo, Chiapas

2022-09-19T12:51+0200infobae (es)

Un temblor se registró en Cd Hidalgo a las 5:29 hora local (10:29 UTC) de hoy, con una magnitud de 4.4 y una profundidad de 52 kilómetros. De acuerdo con información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN), el epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó 60 km al sur de la ciudad, en el estado de Chiapas.

Alluvione Marche. L’importanza di un servizio meteorologico regionale e del nowcasting

2022-09-19T12:51+0200tempostretto (it)

L’Italia, assieme alla Grecia, è l’unico paese europeo a non essere dotato di un vero Servizio Meteorologico Nazionale civile, coordinato fra le varie regioni. Fino ad oggi l’unico ente che si è occupato della diffusione dei dati meteorologici nazionali ed internazionali è stato il Servizio Meteorologico dell’Aeronautica Militare .

Incendios forestales arrasan un millón de hectáreas en Bolivia

2022-09-19T12:40+0200jornada (es)

La Paz., La temporada de incendios forestales en Bolivia ya arrasó casi un millón de hectáreas y el peligro de que se extiendan persiste en zonas boscosas y agropecuarias en el oriente del país, informaron autoridades bolivianas. Los servicios de emergencia, bomberos y militares están frente a más....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-19T12:37+0200huffingtonpost-es-es (es)

Al menos nueve millones de personas de 3,7 millones de hogares han recibido la orden de evacuación en el sur y el oeste de Japón debido a la llegada del tifón ‘Nanmadol’, una tormenta “sin precedentes”, según las autoridades niponas. Según las autoridades de la ciudad de Miyakonojo, en la....

Taiwán reporta al menos un muerto y 79 heridos por sismo El temblor de magnitud 6.9 derribó tres edificios y destrozó carreteras en el sureste de la isla, según el último balance de las autoridades. Global | 05:35 hrs.

2022-09-19T12:35+0200excelsior (es)

este domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras , pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. El temblor se produjo a las 06H44 GMT a unos 50 kilómetros al norte de la ciudad de Taitung y a una profundidad de 10....

After Hurricane Fiona, Puerto Rico Could Be Without Power For Days

2022-09-19T12:34+0200flipboard (en)

As the eye of Hurricane Fiona barreled west into the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico was left early Monday with a knocked-out energy grid, widespread flooding and continued heavy rains, with conditions remaining too dangerous for officials to assess the scope of the crisis. But it was immediately … At least one person died after a 6.

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-19T12:22+0200es-noticias (es)

Tifón en Japón. (Photo: Europa Press/Contacto/ESA - Archivo) Al menos nueve millones de personas de 3,7 millones de hogares han recibido la orden de evacuación en el sur y el oeste de Japón debido a la llegada del tifón ‘Nanmadol’, una tormenta “sin precedentes”, según las autoridades niponas.

Rescue operation underway at building toppled by Taiwan quake

2022-09-19T12:07+0200in-cyprus (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday (September 18) causing some damage but no casualties. Taiwan’s fire department said all four people were rescued from a building housing a convenience store that collapsed in Yuli, while three people whose....

Rescue activities in a building that collapsed in the Taiwan earthquake

2022-09-19T11:59+0200worldakkam (en)

A magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck Taiwan’s sparsely populated southeast on Sunday (September 18), causing some damage but no casualties. All four people were rescued from a collapsed convenience store building in Yuli, and three after a car fell off a damaged bridge were rescued and taken to hospital, according to Taiwan’s fire department.

Strong earthquake hits part of Taiwan, leaves 146 injured

2022-09-19T11:56+0200bworldcom (en)

TAIPEI — A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island’s weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicenter was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a...

2022-09-19T11:50+0200saudigazette (en)

TAIPEI — A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks, the Associated Press reported.

Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan, 146 injured

2022-09-19T11:28+0200bworldcom (en)

Taiwan Central Weather Bureau. TAIPEI — A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island’s weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads.

6.8 magnitude damages buildings in Taiwan News

2022-09-19T11:25+0200usaToday (en)

Tsunami warnings in place following 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan. A strong earthquake struck Taiwan, toppling objects from store shelves, collapsing a house and interrupting rail service on the island.

Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan, 146 injured

2022-09-19T11:04+0200GulfDailyNews (en)

TAIPEI: A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island's weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicentre was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan

2022-09-19T11:02+0200ctvnews (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan - A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-storey building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Centre said.

Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan September 19, 2022 NEW

2022-09-19T10:40+0200ajw (en)

TAIPEI — A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

Strong Taiwan earthquake traps people, derails train

2022-09-19T10:39+0200news-yahoo-uk (en)

A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and trapping two people inside and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. The magnitude 6.8 quake was the largest among dozens that have rattled the island's southeastern coast since Saturday evening, when a 6.

Tremblement de terre à Taïwan : au moins 1 mort, 9 blessés

2022-09-19T10:36+0200news-24 (fr)

Taipei, Taiwan – Un fort tremblement de terre a secoué une grande partie de Taïwan dimanche, renversant un immeuble de trois étages et piégeant temporairement quatre personnes à l’intérieur, bloquant environ 400 touristes à flanc de montagne et faisant dérailler une partie d’un train de voyageurs.

Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan

2022-09-19T10:10+0200ABCnews (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

Magnitude-6.8 earthquake traps hundreds, derails trains in Taiwan as aftershocks continue

2022-09-19T10:10+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A mess of twisted metal and snapped cables is all that remains of a bridge linking picturesque tourism spots in Taiwan's south-east after a magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck on Sunday. Key points: Aftershocks are still rattling Taiwan after two massive earthquakes in two days; A tsunami warning for....

Magnitude-6.8 earthquake traps hundreds, derails trains in Taiwan as aftershocks continue

2022-09-19T10:01+0200abc-au (en)

A mess of twisted metal and snapped cables is all that remains of a bridge linking picturesque tourism spots in Taiwan's south-east after a magnitude-6.8 earthquake struck on Sunday. Key points: Aftershocks are still rattling Taiwan after two massive earthquakes in two days; A tsunami warning for....

Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan, 146 injured

2022-09-19T09:56+0200bna-en (en)

Taipei, Sept. 19 (BNA): A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island's weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicenter was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un supertifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-19T09:53+0200elperiodico (es)

Al menos ocho millones de personas de 3,7 millones de hogares han recibido la orden de evacuación en el sur y el oeste de Japón debido a la llegada del tifón 'Nanmadol' , una tormenta "sin precedentes", según las autoridades niponas. Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de....

On This Day, Sept. 19: Puebla earthquake kills hundreds in Mexico

2022-09-19T09:45+0200upi (en)

In 1881, U.S. President James Garfield, 49, who had been shot in July by a disgruntled office-seeker, died of his wounds. Vice President Chester Arthur was sworn in as the successor to Garfield, who had been president for 6 1/2 months. His assassin was executed in 1882. In 1893, with the signing of the Electoral Bill by Gov.

Strong earthquake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan

2022-09-19T09:39+0200timesofindia (en)

TAIPEI: A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

Apple Supplier TSMC Says Production Not 'Majorly' Impacted By Taiwan Earthquakes

2022-09-19T09:32+0200benzinga (en)

Apple Inc 's AAPL long-time chip partner, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. TSM , said the recent earthquakes in Taiwan did not significantly impact its business. The 5.6 magnitude earthquake on Monday came as the third quake in the past three days that has struck Taiwan, leading to the death....

Experts ponder huge Hikurangi trench earthquake and tsunami hitting Gisborne

2022-09-19T09:15+0200Stuff (en)

There’s no easy way of putting it. The impact of a magnitude 9 earthquake in the Hikurangi Trench and the tsunami that hits Gisborne a short time later does not bear thinking about. But thinking about it is precisely what needs to be done and was what led to a group of international and national....

Rattled Taiwan hit by more aftershocksThe latest quake hit around 10am local time, 66km south-southwest of the coastal city of Hualien. Taiwan's central weather bureau put the magnitude at 5.9. The most powerful, a 6.9-magnitude quake, struck on Sunday afternoon, tearing up roads and bringing down houses.

2022-09-19T08:22+0200ground-news (en)

Rattled Taiwan hit by more aftershocks. TAIPEI: Aftershocks struck southeastern Taiwan on Monday (Sep 19), including a 5.5-magnitude earthquake that was felt in the capital Taipei, a day after a more powerful tremor killed one person and injured ar. Rattled Taiwan hit by more aftershocks.

Meteo Cronaca diretta: (Video) Taiwan, forte sisma 7 Meteo Cronaca diretta: (Video) Taiwan, forte sisma 7.2 Richter scuote la città di Taitung; ci sono danni Taiwan, 19 settembre 2022. Una violenta scossa di terremoto ha colpito la città di Taitun. Il sisma è stato stimato in 7.2 Richter, ma oltre a questa scossa ce n'è stato un'altra di 6.

2022-09-19T08:01+0200informazione (it)

Meteo Cronaca diretta: (Video) Taiwan , forte sisma 7.2 Richter scuote la città di Taitung ; ci sono danni Taiwan, 19 settembre 2022. Una violenta scossa di terremoto ha colpito la città di Taitun. Il sisma è stato stimato in 7.2 Richter, ma oltre a questa scossa ce n'è stato un'altra di 6.5. Non ci sono stati danni o feriti.

Últimas noticias breves del mundo hoy, 19 de septiembre

2022-09-19T07:41+0200huaral (es)

Más de 300.000 hogares en el suroeste de Japón se quedaron sin electricidad después de que el tifón Nanmadol tocó tierra el domingo por la noche, lo que llevó a las autoridades locales a emitir una “advertencia especial” instando a los residentes a buscar refugio de la poderosa tormenta.

Powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake hits Taiwan on September 18, 2022 – Mothership.SG

2022-09-19T07:16+0200worldakkam (en)

Screenshot from the USGS website. A tsunami warning has been issued. collapsed roads and buildings. Photos and videos of the aftermath of the earthquake have been circulating online, showing how it collapsed When The couple are stranded on a bridge between two collapsed sections of a highway in....

Japan: Thousands evacuated as Typhoon Nanmadol makes landfall in southern Island

2022-09-19T07:10+0200radio-pk (en)

In Japan, thousands of people were evacuated after super typhoon Nanmadol made landfall on southern island of Kyushu, bringing strong winds and heavy rain in the region. Meanwhile, authorities issued a tsunami warning for Okinawa, Japan's southernmost and westernmost prefecture, after a strong earthquake hit Taiwan.

Mochila de emergencia, lo que importa ante una posible amenaza

2022-09-19T06:33+0200eldia-do (es)

SANTO DOMINGO.- En la medida que el fenómeno atmosférico Fiona se desplaza, las autoridades se mantienen emitiendo alertas preventivas a fin de que la población realice desde el núcleo familiar las medidas de seguridad que permitan la salvaguarda, en primer lugar, de su vida y, segundo, sus bienes.

Development plans doomed to fail due to flawed data

2022-09-19T06:30+0200irishtimes (en)

In all the most populated local authority areas around Ireland, we are seeing the same commentary from senior council officials: that we have sufficient zoned land to meet our requirements for new home delivery. Most councils are failing to address the increasingly scarce supply of zoned, serviced....

La historia de Elizabeth y Natacha

2022-09-19T06:27+020020minutos (es)

Esta es la historia de cómo del dolor más profundo, de la pérdida más dolorosa, del sufrimiento más desgarrador puede surgir lo mejor de cada uno. Esta es la historia de Elizabeth, una mujer que en 2004 vivió el momento más terrible de su vida, la muerte de su hija , y cómo de aquello surgió el....

Five-year-old girl pulled from the rubble of three-storey building as 6.8 magnitude earthquake…

2022-09-19T06:04+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A strong earthquake shook Taiwan yesterday, toppling a three-storey building and trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountain, and knocking a train off its tracks. T he magnitude 6.8 quake was the largest among dozens that have rattled the island’s south-eastern coast since Saturday evening, when a 6.

Sismos en México: ¿Cuáles han sido los más fuertes en la historia del país? De los más de 180 sismos de gran magnitud en nuestro país, solo tres han sido de más de 8. 22:26 hrs.

2022-09-19T05:41+0200excelsior (es)

En México han ocurrido más de 180 sismos de gran magnitud de 1900 a la fecha, de acuerdo al Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred). De los más de 180 sismos de gran magnitud en nuestro país, solo tres han sido de más de 8, el más reciente fue el del 2017. 19 de septiembre de 1985. Un devastador terremoto de 8.

Incredible images show force of huge quake

2022-09-19T05:37+0200wn (en)

Incredible images have emerged from Taiwan where a strong earthquake hit on Sunday, killing one person and sparking a tsunami warning. ......

Taiwán: un fuerte terremoto dejó al menos un muerto, 79 heridos e importantes destrozos

2022-09-19T05:35+0200aimdigital (es)

El sismo fue de 6,9 puntos y causó el colapso de edificios y puentes; en un comienzo los especialistas alertaron sobre un posible tsunami, aunque poco después lo descartaron Un fuerte terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en la escala de Richter sacudió este domingo el sureste de Taiwán.

Strong quake brings down buildings in Taiwan

2022-09-19T05:23+0200dawn (en)

TAIPEI: A strong earthquake struck southeastern Taiwan on Sunday, killing at least one person, bringing down a handful of buildings and tearing up roads — but forecasters said the threat of a regional tsunami had passed. The quake hit at 2:44pm (0644 GMT) about 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of the....

At least 1 dead in strong Taiwan quake; tsunami threat lifted

2022-09-19T05:16+0200wn (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AFP) – A strong earthquake struck southeastern Taiwan on Sunday, killing at least....

1 dead, 146 injured in strong earthquake that hits southeastern Taiwan

2022-09-19T05:08+0200inquirer (en)

TAIPEI — A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island’s weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicenter was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

Strong earthquake in southeastern Taiwan injures 146

2022-09-19T05:04+0200themalaymailonline (en)

TAIPEI, Sept 19 — A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island’s weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicentre was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

Earthquake hits Taiwan: Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan, 146 injured

2022-09-19T05:00+0200dailymaverick (en)

The weather bureau said the epicentre was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.4 magnitude temblor on Saturday evening in the same area, which caused no casualties. Read full story The U.S. Geological Survey measured Sunday’s quake at a magnitude 7.2 and at a depth of 10 km (six miles).

Tepelmeme, Oaxaca, registra temblor de 4.0 de magnitud

2022-09-19T04:55+0200infobae (es)

Tepelmeme fue el epicentro de un temblor de 4.0 de magnitud que sorprendió hoy a los pobladores del estado de Oaxaca a las 21:09 en hora local (2:09 UTC). El sismo ocurrió 49 km al sureste de la ciudad y tuvo una profundidad de 71 km , de acuerdo con la información preliminar del Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN).

146 injured after strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan

2022-09-19T04:35+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

TAIPEI - A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday (Sept 18), the island's weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicentre was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

6.8 magnitude earthquake traps hundreds in Taiwan

2022-09-19T04:35+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island’s weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicenter was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

1 dead, 146 injured after strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan

2022-09-19T04:34+0200AsiaOne (en)

TAIPEI - A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday (Sept 18), the island's weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicentre was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

Un violent séisme frappe le sud-est de Taïwan, faisant 146 blessés

2022-09-19T04:28+0200algeriemondeinfos (fr)

TAIPEI (Reuters) – Un séisme de magnitude 6,8 a frappé dimanche une zone peu peuplée du sud-est de Taïwan, faisant dérailler des wagons, provoquant l’effondrement d’un magasin et piégeant des centaines de personnes sur des routes de montagne, a annoncé le bureau météorologique de l’île.

Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan, 146 injured

2022-09-19T04:26+0200timesofindia (en)

TAIPEI: A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island's weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicentre was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

Trains derail, stores collapse as earthquake hits Taiwan

2022-09-19T04:18+0200indiatoday (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island's weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicentre was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

At least 146 injured due to magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Taiwan

2022-09-19T04:01+0200gmanews (en)

TAIPEI - A magnitude 6.8 earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island's weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicenter was in Taitung county , and followed a 6.

6.9-magnitude earthquake strikes Taiwan, killing 1 and leaving damage behind - KABC-TV

2022-09-19T03:51+0200google-top-stories (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan, 146 injured

2022-09-19T03:44+0200thesundaily (en)

TAIPEI : A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island’s weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicentre was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

Powerful Earthquake Hits Southeast Taiwan, Tsunami Warning Issued

2022-09-19T03:35+0200chosun (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island's weather bureau said, derailing train carriages and causing a convenience store to collapse. The weather bureau said the epicenter was in Taitung county and followed a 6.

Strong quake strikes eastern Taiwan, tsunami threat lifted

2022-09-19T03:33+0200nation (en)

TAIPEI -A strong earthquake struck southeastern Taiwan, bringing at least three buildings down in a small town and tearing up roads -- but forecasters said the threat of a regional tsunami had passed. The quake hit at 2:44 pm (0644 GMT) about 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of the city of Taitung at....

Puissant séisme à Taïwan

2022-09-19T03:22+0200lesoleil-ca (fr)

Un puissant séisme est survenu dimanche au large de la côte sud-est de Taïwan entraînant une alerte tsunami dans la région qui a finalement été levée.

Quake strikes eastern Taiwan

2022-09-19T03:15+0200thenews-pk (en)

Taipei: A strong earthquake struck southeastern Taiwan on Sunday, killing at least one person, bringing down a handful of buildings and tearing up roads -- but forecasters said the threat of a regional tsunami had passed. The quake hit at 2:44 pm (0644 GMT) about 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of....

fuerte terremoto sacude el sureste de taiwán, al menos 146 heridos

2022-09-19T02:56+0200lanacion-AR (es)

Por Ben Blanchard y Yimou Lee. TAIPÉI, 18 sep (Reuters) - Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 sacudió el domingo la escasamente poblada parte sureste de Taiwán, según la oficina meteorológica de la isla, haciendo descarrilar vagones de tren, provocando el derrumbe de una tienda y dejando a cientos de personas atrapadas en las carreteras de montaña.

Se registra un temblor con epicentro en Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca

2022-09-19T02:45+0200infobae (es)

Un sismo de magnitud 4.0 se registró en las cercanías de Puerto Escondido a las 18:47 hora local (23:47 UTC) de hoy, informó el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Información preliminar señala que el epicentro del temblor fue a 31 km al suroeste de la ciudad del estado de Oaxaca y tuvo una profundidad de 2 km.

ACTUALIZA 1-Fuerte terremoto sacude el sureste de Taiwán, al menos 146 heridos

2022-09-19T02:41+0200infobae (es)

TAIPÉI, 18 sep (Reuters) - Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 sacudió el domingo la escasamente poblada parte sureste de Taiwán, según la oficina meteorológica de la isla, haciendo descarrilar vagones de tren, provocando el derrumbe de una tienda y dejando a cientos de personas atrapadas en las carreteras de montaña.

Strong earthquake in southeastern Taiwan injures 146

2022-09-19T02:32+0200malaymail (en)

TAIPEI, Sept 19 — A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island’s weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicentre was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

Puissant séisme de magnitude 6,9 dans le Sud-Est de Taïwan : 1 mort

2022-09-19T02:17+0200catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,9 est survenu dimanche au large de la côte est de Taïwan, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGC) a causer des dommages matériels significatifs. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre, qui s'est produit peu après 14H44....

Tsunami warnings issued after quake hits Taiwan

2022-09-19T02:09+02009news (en)

A trapped victim is carried on a stretcher as the victim was found and rescued by firefighters from a collapsed building in Yuli township in eastern Taiwan. (Hualien City Government via AP) (AP) This photo provided by the Mount Carmel Presbyterian Church shows a crack on the floor at the church following the earthquake.

Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan

2022-09-19T02:07+0200wsvn (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan’s Emergency Operations Center said.

Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan, 146 injured

2022-09-19T02:04+0200financialpost (en)

Article content. Taiwan’s fire department said one person had died and 146 were injured by the quake. All four people were rescued from a building that collapsed in Yuli, while three people whose vehicles fell off a damaged bridge were rescued and taken to hospital.

Strong earthquake hits southeastern Taiwan, 146 injured

2022-09-19T01:56+02004-traders (en)

* Train carriages derailed, four rescued from collapsed building. * Tsunami warnings cancelled, chip foundries unaffected. * More than 600 trapped by blocked mountain roads. * Quake follows 6.4 magnitude tremor on Saturday. TAIPEI, Sept 18 (Reuters) - A 6.

Tsunami warnings issued after earthquake hits Taiwan

2022-09-19T01:32+0200brisbanetimes (en)

A 6.9-magnitude earthquake has struck Taiwan, causing buildings to collapse and triggering tsunami warnings.

Tsunami warnings issued after earthquake hits Taiwan

2022-09-19T01:31+0200smh (en)

A 6.9-magnitude earthquake has struck Taiwan, causing buildings to collapse and triggering tsunami warnings.

Strong quake brings down buildings in Taiwan

2022-09-19T01:15+0200palestinewater (en)

TAIPEI: A strong earthquake struck southeastern Taiwan on Sunday, killing at least one person, bringing down a handful of buildings and tearing up roads — but forecasters said the threat of a regional tsunami had passed. The quake hit at 2:44pm (0644 GMT) about 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of the....

Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan

2022-09-19T01:14+0200sunherald (en)

In this photo provided by Hualien City Government, a trapped victim is carried on a stretcher as the victim was found and rescued by firefighters from a collapsed building in Yuli township, Hualien County, eastern Taiwan, Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022. A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday,....

Un fallecido y varios daños estructurales: Taiwán sufre segundo sismo de fuerte intensidad en menos de 24 horas

2022-09-19T01:08+0200ElMercurioOnline (es)

Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán este domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. El terremoto se produjo a las 06.

Impactantes imágenes del terremoto en Taiwán

2022-09-19T00:44+0200sonora (es)

Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.8 se registró este domingo en Taiwán y usuarios compartieron las imágenes en redes sociales. Un fuerte sismo de 6.8 sacudió el suroeste de Taiwán , causando destrozos en carreteras y derribando varios edificios. Además, que se encontraban bajo una amenaza de tsunami, pero ya no se encuentra activa.

A series of earthquakes in Taiwan and Japan… One-time tsunami warning

2022-09-19T00:34+0200tellerreport (en)

2022-09-18T22:31:16.565Z. A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Taiwan yesterday. The earthquake, which continued for three days, killed one person and injured more than 140 people so far. A magnitude 6.1 earthquake occurred yesterday in the waters surrounding Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. <Anchor> Yesterday (18th), a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.

Un muerto tras terremoto de 6,9 en Taiwán

2022-09-19T00:28+0200diario-extra (es)

Taipei (AFP). Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán el domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. El terremoto se produjo a las 06H44 GMT a unos 50 kilómetros al....

Strong Quake Strikes Eastern Taiwan, Japan Issues Tsunami Alert

2022-09-19T00:27+0200menafn (en)

- Gulf Times) A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck Taiwan's southeastern coast on Sunday, the US Geological Survey said, prompting Japan to issue a tsunami warning. The quake hit at 2:44 pm (0644 GMT) about 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of the city of Taitung at a depth of 10 kilometres, the USGS said.

VIDEO. Así se vivió el dramático sismo de 6.9 que sacudió Taiwán

2022-09-19T00:22+0200elsalvadornoticias (es)

Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán este domingo, cobrando la vida de una persona, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. El terremoto se produjo a las 6:44 de la mañana a unos 50 kilómetros al....

Terremoto de 6.8 grados deja muertos, heridos y considerables daños materiales en Taiwán

2022-09-19T00:10+0200panamericana (es)

Hace 47 minutos Terremoto de 6.8 grados deja muertos, heridos y considerables daños materiales en Taiwán. El violento sismo, que remeció el sureste de la isla, tuvo una profundidad de 10 kilómetros, pero las autoridades descartaron cualquier amenaza de un tsunami.

Taiwan quake prompts tsunami alert

2022-09-19T00:01+0200tribuneonline (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AFP) — A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck Taiwan’s southeastern coast on Sunday, the United States Geological Survey said, prompting Japan to issue a tsunami warning. The quake hit at 2:44 p.m. about 50 kilometers north of the city of Taitung at a depth of 10 kilometers, the USGS said.

All of Puerto Rico without power as Hurricane Fiona arrives

2022-09-18T23:56+0200upi (en)

Sept. 18 (UPI) -- All of Puerto Rico was without power on Sunday as Hurricane Fiona made landfall on the island, Gov. Pedro Pierluisi said. Pierluisi said in a statement at 1:44 p.m. EST that utilities Luma and AEE had both reported that Puerto Rico's electrical service was out of service due to the hurricane.

Sismo de 6,9 grados en la escala Richter golpea a la costa este de Taiwán

2022-09-18T23:56+0200publimetro (es)

(AP) Un segundo terremoto afectó a la costa este de Taiwán , de acuerdo a los reportes del Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos ( USGS ). Esto ocurrió en la plena tarde del domingo en la isla, a las 14:44 horas (3:44 AM en Chile), y su magnitud fue de 6,9 en la escala Richter , en primera instancia se reportó que fue de 7,2 grados.

6.9-magnitude earthquake strikes Taiwan, killing 1 and leaving damage behind

2022-09-18T23:55+0200abc7ny (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

Fuerte terremoto causa un muerto y 79 heridos en Taiwán

2022-09-18T23:41+0200lostiempos (es)

Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán el domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. El terremoto se produjo a las 06H44 GMT a unos 50 kilómetros al norte de la....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T23:37+0200diariolibre (es)

Al menos ocho millones de personas de 3.7 millones de hogares han recibido la orden de evacuación en el sur y el oeste de Japón debido a la llegada del tifón 'Nanmadol', una tormenta "sin precedentes", según las autoridades niponas. Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de....

Gobierno se solidariza con Taiwán por sismo registrado

2022-09-18T23:13+0200dca (es)

El presidente manifestó su solidaridad a la población y Gobierno de la República de China (Taiwán) , ante el terremoto que se registró este fin de semana en el país asiático. “Expresamos nuestra más profunda solidaridad al pueblo y Gobierno de la República de China (Taiwán), ante el devastador sismo que golpeó sus tierras.

Capturan a agresores sexuales

2022-09-18T23:13+0200dca (es)

Foto: MINGOB. Durante una serie de acciones de la Sección de Delitos Sexuales de la (PNC) se logró la detención de varios hombres implicados en agresión sexual y violación, en las últimas horas, informó la referida entidad. Uno de los capturados es Reginaldo Juc Che , de 36 años, quien fue ubicado....

6.9-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Taiwan

2022-09-18T23:05+0200ibtimes (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit southeastern Taiwan on Sunday, collapsing a three-story building and derailing a passenger train, amongst other damage. Taiwan has been hit by several earthquakes since Saturday evening. There has been one reported death.

6.8 magnitude earthquake traps hundreds in Taiwan

2022-09-18T22:58+0200nypost (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island’s weather bureau said, derailing train carriages, causing a convenience store to collapse and trapping hundreds on mountain roads. The weather bureau said the epicenter was in Taitung county, and followed a 6.

Tonga: dal Giappone aiuti per la ricostruzione ed esercitazioni congiunte

2022-09-18T22:58+0200strumentipolitici (it)

Tonga sta tornando alla normalità dopo il disastro di inizio 2022, quando l’eruzione del vulcano Hunga-Tonga ha isolato il Paese per oltre un mese e ha causato vittime in tutto l’Oceano Pacifico. Gli scienziati considerano questo evento come l’eruzione più violenta mai registrata dai sistemi....

The Loop: How to watch the Queen's funeral, Hurricane Fiona hits Puerto Rico, Patrick Cripps wins Brownlow

2022-09-18T22:53+0200abc-au (en)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has brushed off Ukraine's counteroffensive efforts and said Moscow would respond more forcefully if its troops were put under further pressure. It comes after Ukrainian authorities reported the discovery of a mass grave containing the bodies of 17 soldiers in Izium....

Watch: Badminton players flee as ceiling collapses in Taiwan quake Astonishing vision shows badminton players run for their lives as ceiling panels crash to the floor.

2022-09-18T22:53+0200tvnz (en)

A security camera caught people fleeing as a ceiling on the fifth floor of a sports centre collapsed after a strong earthquake shook on Sunday. One man was injured in the collapse in Taoyuan city, west of Taipei and 210 kilometres north of the epicentre. The magnitude 6.

Terremoto deja severos daños en la costa sureste de Taiwán

2022-09-18T22:53+0200ultimasnoticias (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6.9 causó severos daños materiales en la zona costera de la región china de Taiwán, de acuerdo con reportes de las autoridades locales. Dos grandes sismos , una de 6.4 y 6.9, en menos de 24 horas, provocó la caída de edificios, deslizamientos de tierra y cortes en las vías....

Terremoto de 6,9 en Taiwán genera alertas de tsunami

2022-09-18T22:52+0200adnradio (es)

Este domingo, un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 sacudió a Chishang, en el sureste de Taiwán, el cual tuvo una profundidad de solo 10 kilómetros y provocó diferentes daños en estructuras. Leer también. Según indicó el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS), existen probabilidades de que se generen....

Un puissant séisme touche Taïwan

2022-09-18T22:51+0200francetvinfo (fr)

Le séisme est survenu à Taïwan, en Asie, à près de 11 000 kilomètres de la Polynésie, peu après 14h44 heures locales (vers 21h samedi 17 septembre heure de Tahiti). L'épicentre du tremblement de terre a été localisé à environ 50 km au nord de la ville de Taitung, à une profondeur de dix kilomètres, a précisé l'USGC.

Los videos del fuerte terremoto que sacudió Taiwán: hay un muerto y 79 heridos

2022-09-18T22:49+0200esdelatino-com (es)

Los videos del fuerte terremoto que sacudió Taiwán: hay un muerto y 79 heridos. El seísmo fue de 6,9 ​​puntos y provocó el derrumbe de edificios y puentes. No hay alerta de tsunami.

Un puissant séisme touche Taïwan

2022-09-18T22:46+0200la1ere (fr)

Le séisme est survenu à Taïwan, en Asie, à près de 11 000 kilomètres de la Polynésie, peu après 14h44 heures locales (vers 21h samedi 17 septembre heure de Tahiti). L'épicentre du tremblement de terre a été localisé à environ 50 km au nord de la ville de Taitung, à une profondeur de dix kilomètres, a précisé l'USGC.

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:40+0200laprovincia (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Un puissant séisme frappe Taïwan

2022-09-18T22:35+0200TF1 (fr)

L'île de Taïwan a enregistré un tremblement de terre de 6,9 sur l'échelle de Richter, le deuxième en 24 heures. Une activité sismique relativement inquiétante sur cette zone située sur une énorme faille. À Taoyuan, une partie de badminton a failli tourner au drame. Soudain, le toit s'est effondré sous l'effet du séisme.

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:24+0200laopiniondemurcia (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:22+0200diarioInformacion (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:21+0200lanuevaespana (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:20+0200diariodeibiza (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:18+0200eldia (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:16+0200levante-emv (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:16+0200elperiodicodearagon (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:15+0200laopinioncoruna (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:13+0200DiarioDeMallorca (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Fuerte terremoto causa un muerto y 79 heridos en Taiwán

2022-09-18T22:13+0200crhoy (es)

(AFP).- Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán el domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. El terremoto se produjo a las 06H44 GMT a unos 50 kilómetros al norte de....

22:09 Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:12+0200elperiodicoextremadura (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:11+0200diarioCordoba (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T22:10+0200laopiniondezamora (es)

Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta, informa la televisión pública NHK. Las autoridades locales han emitido una alerta de Nivel 5, la más alta de....

Strong earthquake shakes Taiwan: See toppled building, derailed train, torn up roads

2022-09-18T21:46+0200wn (en)

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Taiwan just one day after a 6.4 quake hit the island. Forecasters said the threat of a regional tsunami had passed.

Tsunami warnings issued after 6.9-magnitude earthquake hits Taiwan

2022-09-18T21:46+0200wn (en)

A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit southeastern Taiwan on Sunday, causing buildings to collapse and triggering tsunami warnings.

Cancillería: Todos los guatemaltecos están bien luego del terremoto en Taiwán

2022-09-18T21:44+0200emisorasunidas (es)

El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Minex) informó que todos los guatemaltecos que viven y estudian en la República de China (Taiwán ) “están bien” luego del de este 18 de septiembre. En el país asiático viven 264 guatemaltecos, aunque la mayoría está alejada del lugar del terremoto.

Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan

2022-09-18T21:31+0200news-herald (en)

By JOHNSON LAI and KEN MORITSUGU. TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks.

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón “sin precedentes”

2022-09-18T21:25+0200LaTercera (es)

Al menos ocho millones de personas de 3,7 millones de hogares recibieron la orden de evacuación en el sur y el oeste de Japón debido a la llegada del tifón ‘Nanmadol’ , una tormenta “sin precedentes”, según las autoridades niponas. Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de....

En el sureste. Un fuerte sismo sacudió Taiwán y dejó al menos un fallecido y 79 heridos

2022-09-18T21:03+0200hoydia (es)

En el sureste Un fuerte sismo sacudió Taiwán y dejó al menos un fallecido y 79 heridos La Agencia Meteorológica de Japón y el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico emitieron avisos de tsunami poco después del terremoto, pero ambos explicaron más tarde que ya no había amenaza de olas altas.

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T21:00+0200heraldo (es)

debido a la llegada del tifón 'Nanmadol', una tormenta "sin precedentes", según las autoridades niponas. Las órdenes de evacuación afectan concretamente a las regiones de Kiushu, Shikoku y Chugoku, donde se han contabilizado ya 33 personas lesionadas por incidentes relacionados con la tormenta , informa la televisión pública NHK.

Tsunami warnings issued after 6.9-magnitude earthquake hits TaiwanA 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday. There were no immediate reports of damage. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the quake at a magnitude 7.2. The Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning in Taiwan after the tremor.

2022-09-18T20:57+0200ground-news (en)

Train standing in station sways during strong Taiwan earthquake. A video clip from Taiwan showed buildings and power lines shaking, and a stationary train swaying from side to side. Powerful earthquake hits southeast Taiwan. TAIPEI - A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated....

Terremoto deja severos daños en la costa sureste de Taiwán

2022-09-18T20:57+0200correodelorinoco (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 7.2 según el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos, que después ajustó a 6.9, causó severos daños materiales en la zona costera de la región china de Taiwán, de acuerdo con reportes de las autoridades locales. Dos grandes sismos, una de 6.4 y 6.

Domingo 18 Septiembre, 2022 | 15:52 Videos registran derrumbes y colapsos durante terremoto 6,9 en Taiwán

2022-09-18T20:55+0200biobiochile (es)

Varios videos registraron los primeros momentos durante el terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en Taiwán, durante la jornada de este domingo 18 de septiembre. En las piezas audiovisuales se ve cómo algunos techos colapsan y cómo algunos trenes quedaron descarrilados por el fuerte movimiento.

Earthquake in Taiwan: Earth shakes more than 100 times in 24 hours in Taiwan, heavy loss of life and property due to three major...

2022-09-18T20:54+0200morningexpress (en)

According to media reports, three major earthquakes have occurred in Taiwan in the last 24 hours. Three earthquakes of magnitude 6.4, 6.8 and then 7.2 have wreaked havoc in Taiwan. Meanwhile, Japan has also issued a tsunami alert. Because the last earthquake was of very high intensity.

Segundo sismo en Taiwán colapsa edificios; hay un muerto y 79 heridos

2022-09-18T20:51+0200elsoldemexico (es)

Este domingo un terremoto de magnitud 6.8 sacudió el condado de Taitung, en el sureste de Taiwán, este es el segundo sismo después que el día de ayer sábado, otro sismo de 6.4 y varias réplicas azotaran la misma zona. El terremoto se cobró al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando....

Forte terremoto a Taiwan: ecco come la scossa scuote un treno [VIDEO]

2022-09-18T20:50+0200informazione (it)

L’isola di Taiwan è stata teatro di una serie di scosse telluriche nelle ultime ore. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6,8 sulla scala Richter è stato registrato nella parte Sud-Est del paese, scarsamente popolata, facendo scattare anche un allarme… Di Redazione Cronache Il Giappone ha diramato un’allerta tsunami preventiva.

Giappone in allerta meteo per il tifone Nanmadol. Oltre 4 milioni di persone evacuate

2022-09-18T20:46+0200primapress (it)

(PRIMAPRESS) - GIAPPONE - Sono oltre 4 milioni di persone quelle evacuate in Giappone per l'arrivo del tifone Nanmadol nel sud-ovest dell'arcipelago. Diramata un'allerta di livello 4 su una scala di 5. Diverse aree sono già state investite da piogge torrenziali, mareggiate e venti fino a 250 km/h.

Japón.- Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón «sin precedentes»

2022-09-18T20:41+0200noticiasde (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos ocho millones de personas de 3,7 millones de hogares han recibido la orden de evacuación en el sur y el oeste de Japón debido a la llegada del tifón ‘Nanmadol’, una tormenta «sin precedentes», según las autoridades niponas.

Japón.- Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón

2022-09-18T20:39+0200notimerica (es)

MADRID, 18 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) - Al menos ocho millones de personas de 3,7 millones de hogares han recibido la orden de evacuación en el sur y el oeste de Japón debido a la llegada del tifón 'Nanmadol', una tormenta "sin precedentes", según las autoridades niponas.

Colombianos en Taiwán aseguran sentirse solos y sin apoyo tras el terremoto

2022-09-18T20:35+0200infobae (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6.8 sacudió a Taiwán. La prensa internacional, luego de que se reportara la tragedia, ha estado revelando detalles de la tragedia que significó esta catástrofe natural dentro de la comunidad. En la mañana de este domingo, un colombiano que vive allí, identificado como Inder....

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T20:33+0200diariosigloxxi (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos ocho millones de personas de 3,7 millones de hogares han recibido la orden de evacuación en el sur y el oeste de Japón debido a la llegada del tifón 'Nanmadol', una tormenta "sin precedentes", según las autoridades niponas.

Más de ocho millones de evacuados en Japón por la llegada de un tifón "sin precedentes"

2022-09-18T20:33+0200teleprensa (es)

MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) Al menos ocho millones de personas de 3,7 millones de hogares han recibido la orden de evacuación en el sur y el oeste de Japón debido a la llegada del tifón 'Nanmadol', una tormenta "sin precedentes", según las autoridades niponas.

Terremoto en Taiwán de magnitud 6,9

2022-09-18T20:32+0200radio-corporacion (es)

El Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés), informa sobre un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 que se dio este domingo a las 6:44 (UTC) a 85 kilómetros al este del denominado distrito de Yujing, en la isla de Taiwán. El sismo de gran magnitud, ha provocado destrozos, según imágenes publicadas en las redes sociales.

Strong Taiwan earthquake traps people, derails train

2022-09-18T20:21+0200newsbreak-USA (en)

A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

Taiwan, scossa terremoto di magnitudo 7.2: allerta tsunami in Giappone

2022-09-18T20:19+0200mister-x (it)

Un forte terremoto di magnitudo 6.7 � avvenuto oggi, 22 marzo, al largo di Taiwan alle 18:41 ora italiana, ad una profon; Oggi, domenica 20 gennaio, alle 22.05 � stata registrata una scossa di terremoto di magnitudo 2.7 alla profondit� di 10; Terremoto alle porte di Roma nel pomeriggio di oggi, venerdì 15 aprile: una scossa di magnitudo 2.

Presidente Giammattei se solidariza por terremoto en Taiwán

2022-09-18T20:14+0200emisorasunidas (es)

El presidente Alejandro Giammattei compartió un mensaje de solidaridad luego del en la República de China (Taiwán). “Expresamos nuestra más profunda solidaridad al pueblo y Gobierno de la República de China (Taiwán) ante el devastador sismo que golpeó sus tierras.

Adrien Quatennens, l’adieu à la reine, typhon au Japon... l’actu de ce week-end

2022-09-18T20:10+0200Liberation (fr)

L’actu. Adrien Quatennens reconnaît des violences sur son épouse. «Je sais qu’aucune explication, si dure soit-elle et qu’aucun contexte, si complexe que fût la situation, ne justifient ces comportements.» Le député insoumis a annoncé dimanche se mettre en retrait de ses fonctions de coordinateur de....

6.8 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan

2022-09-18T20:09+0200247newsbulletin (en)

According to the statement made by the Central Climate Bureau (CWB), the earthquake, which occurred at 14:44 local time, and whose epicenter was in Chisang county, 42.7 kilometers north of Taitung city in the southeast of the Island, was recorded at a depth of 7 kilometers.

Internacionales Un muerto tras terremoto de 6,9 en Taiwán

2022-09-18T20:07+0200diarioextra (es)

Taipei (AFP). Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán el domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. El terremoto se produjo a las 06H44 GMT a unos 50 kilómetros al....

Terremoto en Taiwán dejó al menos un muerto y edificios y puentes derrumbados

2022-09-18T20:01+0200diaadia (es)

En la mañana de este 18 de septiembre de 2022, un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán , cobrando al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras. Los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. Su fuerza inicial fue dada como de magnitud 7,2....

El poderoso tifón Nanmadol deja al menos 22 heridos en Japón

2022-09-18T19:49+0200tvperu (es)

Al menos 22 personas resultaron heridas este domingo en Japón , tras ser golpeado por el poderoso tifón Nanmadol , informó la cadena estatal NHK. Ante el peligro, más de ocho millones de personas en el suroeste del país recibieron la orden de evacuación.

Strong quake kills 1, knocks house, derails train in Taiwan The magnitude 6.8 quake was the largest among dozens that have rattled the island's southeastern coast since Saturday evening, when a 6.4 quake struck the same area.15 mins ago 1m read

2022-09-18T19:47+0200newsday-USA (en)

TAIPEI, Taiwan — A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

Terremoto en Taiwánn deja al menos un muerto y alertas de tsunamis

2022-09-18T19:45+0200biobiochile (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 sacudió este domingo 18 de septiembre, el condado de Taitung, en el sureste de Taiwán, lo que generó alertas de tsunamis en costas de Japón. El movimiento telúrico de esta jornada llega después de que el sábado otro sismo de 6,4 y varias réplicas azotaran la misma zona. Terremoto en Taiwan.

TRAGEDIA Fuerte terremoto en Taiwán: hay un fallecido y 79 heridos

2022-09-18T19:40+0200subrayado (es)

el domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. El terremoto se produjo a las 06H44 GMT a unos 50 kilómetros al norte de la ciudad de Taitung y a una profundidad de 10....

Videos | Impactantes y angustiantes imágenes del terremoto en Taiwán, que dejó un muerto y varios heridos

2022-09-18T19:38+0200semana (es)

Varias personas que se encontraban practicando voleibol en un coliseo huyen cuando se presenta el desplome del techo debido al terremoto en Taiwán - Foto: Harish Deshmukh/Twitter @DeshmukhHarish9/Captura de video Tras el terremoto que golpeó fuertemente a Taiwán y que deja hasta el momento una....

Descartan alerta de tsunami tras terremoto en Taiwán

2022-09-18T19:33+0200radionacional (es)

La Agencia Meteorológica de Japón y el Centro de Alerta de Tsunamis del Pacífico emitieron alertas poco después del terremoto de 6.9 grados en Taiwán, pero ambos explicaron más tarde que ya no había amenaza de olas altas. En la zona del remesón hubo más de 10 réplicas en las últimas horas.

Terremoto a Taiwan, almeno una vittima a Yuli

2022-09-18T19:33+0200zazoom-it (it)

(Di domenica 18 settembre 2022) Un forte Terremoto ha colpito il sud - est di Taiwan uccidendo almeno una persona, facendo crollare alcuni edifici e distruggendo strade ma i meteorologi hanno detto che la minaccia di uno tsunami è ... Con il terremoto geopolitico in atto, la Germania si scopre più debole e con la necessità di .

VIDEOS: Sismo de 6.8 grados en Taiwán derriba edificios y destruye carreteras

2022-09-18T19:29+0200lasillarota (es)

SISMO VIDEOS: Sismo de 6.8 grados en Taiwán derriba edificios y destruye carreteras El sismo provocó el descarrilamiento de vagones de tren y dejando a cientos de personas atrapadas en las carreteras de montaña. Un terremoto de 6.8 grados sacudió este domingo la parte sureste de Taiwán, según la....

Mira las impactantes imágenes tras el terremoto de 6,9 en Taiwán

2022-09-18T19:25+0200cnnMexico (es)

Terremoto de magnitud 6,9 en Taiwán causa alerta de tsunami. Estas son las secuelas del sismo. Después de que un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 sacudiera Taiwán este domingo, la isla se encuentra bajo alerta de olas de tsunami, según dijo el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). Will Ripley de CNN cuenta su experiencia desde la isla.

El dramático momento en que se derrumba el techo de un gimnasio durante el sismo en Taiwán

2022-09-18T19:24+0200infobae (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido a primera hora de este domingo la isla. Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 en la escala abierta de Richter ha sacudido a primera hora de este domingo la isla de Taiwán , según confirmaron las autoridades, tras lo que la presidenta....

Fuerte terremoto sacude el sureste de Taiwán y provoca el derrumbe de...

2022-09-18T19:10+0200investing-ES (es)

Por Ben Blanchard y Yimou Lee. TAIPÉI, 18 sep (Reuters) - Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 sacudió el domingo la escasamente poblada parte sureste de Taiwán, según la oficina meteorológica de la isla, haciendo descarrilar vagones de tren, provocando el derrumbe de una tienda y dejando a cientos de personas atrapadas en las carreteras de montaña.

Videos recogieron el momento exacto del terremoto de 6,9 grados en Taiwán

2022-09-18T19:10+0200telegrafo (es)

El domingo 18 de septiembre de 2022, Taiwán fue azotada por un terremoto de 6,9 grados de magnitud, según el Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos. El epicentro del sismo se registró a 50 kilómetros al norte de la ciudad de Taitung, con una profundidad de solo 10 kilómetros, lo que hizo que se....

Terremoto remece buena parte de Taiwán y derriba al menos un edificio

2022-09-18T19:09+0200HoyDigital-DO (es)

el domingo y derribó al menos un edificio, donde había dos personas. Un tren de pasajeros se salió de la vía en una estación. El terremoto de 6,8 fue el más fuerte de las docenas de temblores registrados en la costa sureste de la isla desde el sábado por la mañana, cuando un sismo de 6,4 golpeó la misma zona.

Puissant Séisme à L’est De Taïwan: L'alerte Tsunami Est Levée

2022-09-18T19:08+0200seneweb (fr)

L’épicentre du tremblement de terre, qui s’est produit peu après 14H44 locales (08H44 heure belge), a été localisé à environ 50 km au nord de la ville de Taitung, à une profondeur de dix km, a précisé l’USGC. La puissance du séisme avait été évalué de 7,2 par l’USGS qui l’a ensuite rétrogradée à 6,9.

Strong earthquake kills 1, derails train in Taiwan

2022-09-18T19:07+0200newsnow-co-uk (en)

A strong earthquake shook much of Taiwan on Sunday, toppling a three-story building and temporarily trapping four people inside, stranding about 400 tourists on a mountainside, and knocking part of a passenger train off its tracks. One person died and nine people had minor injuries, Taiwan's Emergency Operations Center said.

Taïwan : Un séisme de magnitude 7,2 enregistré au large de l’île

2022-09-18T19:07+0200africanmanager (fr)

Un séisme de magnitude 7,2 est survenu dimanche au large de la côte est de Taïwan, selon l’Institut américain d’études géologiques (USGC) conduisant le Japon à diffuser une alerte tsunami. L’épicentre du tremblement de terre, qui s’est produit peu après 14h44 locales (6h44 GMT), a été localisé à....

Strong quake strikes eastern Taiwan, tsunami threat liftedMore than 7,000 households were reported without power ...

2022-09-18T19:01+0200wn (en)

A strong earthquake struck southeastern Taiwan on Sunday, killing at least one person, bringing down a handful of buildings and tearing up roads -- but forecasters said the threat of a regional tsunami had passed. The quake hit at 2:44 pm (0644 GMT) about 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of the city....

Fuerte terremoto sacudió Taiwán y provocó el derrumbe de un edificio

2022-09-18T19:01+0200lagaceta (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,8 sacudió hoy la escasamente poblada parte sureste de Taiwán, según la oficina meteorológica de la isla, haciendo descarrilar vagones de tren, provocando el derrumbe de una tienda y dejando a cientos de personas atrapadas en las carreteras de montaña.

Fuerte terremoto en Taiwán deja al menos un muerto y decenas de heridos

2022-09-18T18:59+0200teleamazonas (es)

Un terremoto de magnitud 6,9 sacudió hoy el condado de Taitung, en el sureste de Taiwán y varias réplicas azotaran la misma zona. Producto del fuerte movimiento telúrico una persona murió y decenas resultaron heridas, tres edificios colapsaron y múltiples carreteras están destrozadas, pero los....

Magnitude 6.8 earthquake strikes southeastern Taiwan

2022-09-18T18:58+0200azertag (en)

Baku, September 18, AZERTTAC. A magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck southeastern Taiwan, local media reported on Sunday, according to Anadolu Agency. The earthquake that caused shockwaves in most parts of Taiwan took place at a depth of 7 kilometers (4.4 miles), said a local Taiwan News outlet, citing the US Geological Survey.

Taiwan: strong earthquake left at least one dead and 79 injured news today

2022-09-18T18:54+0200247newsbulletin (en)

A strong earthquake hit southeastern Taiwan on Sunday, claiming at least one life, toppling three buildings and ripping apart roads, but experts say the threat of a regional tsunami has passed. The earthquake occurred at 6:44 am about 50 kilometers north of the city of Taitung and at a depth of 10....

Fuerte terremoto de 7.2 sacudió el sureste de Taiwán y provocó el derrumbe de un edificio (Imágenes sensibles)

2022-09-18T18:45+0200noticiasaldiayalahora (es)

Un fuerte terremoto de 7.2 sacudió este domingo 18 de septiembre el sureste de Taiwán y provocó entre otros daños y destrozos el derrumbe de un edificio. De acuerdo a los medios locales, la oficina meteorológica precisó que el epicentro estaba en el condado de Taitung, y siguió a un temblor de....

Terremoto a Taiwan, crollato almeno un edificio

2022-09-18T18:38+0200lopinionista (it)

TAIPEI – Almeno un edificio risulta essere crollato nella cittadina di Yuli, a Taiwan, a causa del terremoto di magnitudo 7.2, poi ridimensionato a 6.9 dallo stesso Usgs, che alle 14.44 locali (le 8.44 italiane) di oggi ha colpito la costa orientale dell’isola.

Fuerte terremoto causa un muerto y decenas de heridos en Taiwán

2022-09-18T18:37+0200infobae (es)

Añade 1 muerto y 79 heridos debido al sismo, contexto, precisiones y mención FOTO ///Taipéi, 18 Set 2022 (AFP) - Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán el domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó.

Powerful earthquake hits southeast Taiwan, tsunami warning…

2022-09-18T18:28+0200balochistan24 (en)

TAIPEI : A 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the sparsely populated southeastern part of Taiwan on Sunday, the island’s weather bureau said, causing damage including derailed train carriages, and sparking tsunami warnings. The weather bureau said the epicentre was in Taitung country and followed a 6.

Il tifone da record Nanmadol colpisce il Giappone: 8 milioni di evacuati

2022-09-18T18:28+0200scienzenotizie (it)

L’uragano dovrebbe dirigersi a nord-est e seguire l’isola principale dell’arcipelago giapponese, Honshu, fino a martedì. Oltre otto milioni di persone nel sud-ovest del Giappone sono state evacuate mentre il potente tifone Nanmadol si dirige verso la regione. A renderlo noto oggi è stata l’emittente statale NHK.

En video | Fuerte terremoto sacudió a Taiwán

2022-09-18T18:19+0200elcolombiano (es)

Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán este domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras. El desastre natural se produjo a las 06H44 GMT a unos 50 kilómetros al norte de la ciudad de Taitung y a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros, detalló el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos USGS.

Un séisme de magnitude 6,9 secoue Taïwan et déclenche une alerte au tsunami au Japon

2022-09-18T18:17+0200news-24 (fr)

Les premiers intervenants à Taïwan recherchent des survivants dans les décombres après qu’un tremblement de terre de magnitude 6,9 ​​a frappé l’île dimanche, faisant craindre un tsunami au Japon. L’agence de surveillance des tremblements de terre de Taiwan a déclaré que le tremblement de terre....

Earthquake in Taiwan kills 1, collapses building and derails train

2022-09-18T18:16+0200flipboard (en)

Florida is looking good but The Bahahams, not so much as Tropical Storm Fiona intensifies and continues on a northwesterly path. The system is … Bitcoin, ethereum and other major cryptocurrencies have swung wildly this week as the crypto market undergoes a radical shift—sparking a game-changing warning.

Puissant séisme de magnitude 6,9 dans le Sud-Est de Taïwan

2022-09-18T18:16+0200catnat (fr)

Autres informations. {nomultithumb} Un puissant séisme de magnitude 6,9 est survenu dimanche au large de la côte est de Taïwan, selon l'Institut américain d'études géologiques (USGC) a causer des dommages matériels significatifs. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre, qui s'est produit peu après 14H44....

Puissant séisme à l'Est de Taïwan, l'alerte tsunami levée

2022-09-18T18:09+0200rtl-BE (fr)

Un puissant séisme est survenu dimanche au large de la côte sud-est de Taïwan entraînant une alerte tsunami dans la région qui a finalement été levée. L'épicentre du tremblement de terre, qui s'est produit peu après 14H44 locales (06H44 GMT), a été localisé à environ 50 km au nord de la ville de....

Hundreds stranded and buildings collapse as Taiwan is hit by powerful earthquake

2022-09-18T18:08+0200heart (en)

Footage shows the moment the 6.8 magnitude quake also caused the ceiling of a sports centre to collapse while people were playing badminton. People are seen running to safety as parts of the ceiling crashed down on to the badminton court at the Taoyuan Bade Civil Sports Center in the northwest of the country.

Fuerte terremoto en Taiwán dejó al menos un muerto y edificios y puentes derrumbados

2022-09-18T18:05+0200ElPaisUY (es)

Un fuerte terremoto golpeó el sureste de Taiwán este domingo, cobrándose al menos una vida, derribando tres edificios y destrozando carreteras, pero los especialistas afirman que la amenaza de un tsunami regional ya pasó. Su fuerza inicial fue dada como de magnitud 7,2 pero el Servicio Geológico de....

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