Forest Fire (5137 ha) in United States 06 Sep 2022

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Articles after 05 Sep 2022

Alerta de tsunami en Japón tras un fuerte temblor en Taiwán

2022-09-18T14:06+0200mdzol (es)

El terremoto se produjo a las 3.44 hora argentina a unos 50 kilómetros al norte de la ciudad de Taitung y a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros, detalló el el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). El día anterior, un terremoto de magnitud 6,6 sacudió la misma región y se produjeron varios temblores.

A third of Aussies fear losing their homes to climate change

2022-09-16T19:39+0200samacharcentral (en)

Six in 10 Australians (62%) expect climate change will have a severe effect in their area over the next 10 years and globally across 34 countries more than 71%, including a majority in every single country, expect the same, a new study conducted by Ipsos for the World Economic Forum finds.

A third of Aussies fear losing their homes to climate change

2022-09-16T19:20+0200vervetimes (en)

Six in 10 Australians (62%) expect climate change will have a severe effect in their area over the next 10 years and globally across 34 countries more than 71%, including a majority in every single country, expect the same, a new study conducted by Ipsos for the World Economic Forum finds.

World Ozone Day: Forest fires pose new threat to ozone layer

2022-09-16T17:20+0200downtoearth (en)

The wildfires that scorched much of Australia from June 2019 to March 2020 were unprecedented in scale and nature. They burned over 33 million hectares, killed or displaced 3 billion animals and caused damage to property, becoming the worst natural disaster in the country.

Power outages are on the rise in the US and here’s why

2022-09-15T02:08+0200d1softballnews (en)

“This is really something that we should be concerned about because it’s affecting all of us and we’re seeing more of them,” Kaitlyn Trudeau, a Climate Central data analyst who worked on the report, told CNN. “The system that we have now was not built in the weather and climate that we are experiencing now,” he added.

Wildfires Could Cause Cascading Problems for Drought-Stricken West

2022-09-14T23:51+0200theepochtimes (en)

in areas like California have only increased over the past three years, and firefighters combatting the infernos use every tool at their disposal to try to get the upper hand. After a fire, charred trees stand in testimony to what was once a forest, and in the unluckiest places, once-inhabited homes are reduced to foundations.

MIL-OSI USA: Rep. Payne, Jr. Votes to Protect FEMA Workers During Emergency Deployments

2022-09-14T22:55+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

Source: United States House of Representatives – Congressman Donald Payne Jr (Tenth District of New Jersey) September 14, 2022. Press Release. Media Contact : Patrick Wright — Washington, D.C. — Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr.

Power Outages Are On The Rise In The US And Here’s Why

2022-09-14T14:26+0200wearebreakingnews (en)

(Related video) Heat and fires suffocate part of the US 1:27. (WABNEWS) — Power outages across the US are on the rise, researchers reported Wednesday, as extreme weather worsens due to the climate crisis, demand for electricity rises and the country’s energy infrastructure gets older. and more vulnerable.

Mitigating Wildfires’ Risk and Impacts

2022-09-13T22:34+0200climateadaptationplatform (en)

There is a need for harmonised procedures for wildfire risk assessment at the Pan-European scale to mitigate the impacts of wildfires, reducing their risks of occurring and impacts when it happens, Wildfires blazing from June to August 2022 have affected many parts of Europe and the Mediterranean,....

Forest fires choke air in Lower Mainland, Alberta

2022-09-13T03:14+0200theglobeandmail (en)

Large areas of Southern British Columbia and Alberta are under air quality advisories, as smoke from several growing forest fires blots out the sun and rains ash particles on the region. Environment Canada issued one such advisory to residents of Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley on Saturday.

Multiple forest fires take place in California

2022-09-11T01:21+0200xinhuanet-english (en)

Firefighters attempt to extinguish a fire in the forests near Lake Tahoe in north California, the United States , on Sept. 9, 2022. Multiple forest fires took place recently due to hot and dry weather in California. (Photo by Dong Xudong/Xinhua) Firefighters attempt to extinguish a fire in the....

EEUU: California espera inundaciones por el huracán Kay

2022-09-10T23:16+0200ambito (es)

Las tormentas generadas tras el paso del huracán Kay en California, Estados Unidos generarán inundaciones y deslaves de tierra, una situación que afectará especialmente al pequeño condado de Riverside, que sufre un gran incendio que quemó más de 9.700 hectáreas y causó la muerte a dos personas.

Multiple forest fires take place in California

2022-09-10T14:34+0200wn (en)

Firefighters attempt to extinguish a fire in the forests near Lake Tahoe in north California, the United States , on Sept. 9, 2022. Multiple forest fires took place recently due to hot and dry weather in California. (Photo by Dong Xudong/Xinhua) Firefighters attempt to extinguish a fire in the....

In flames, California threatened by floods

2022-09-10T12:52+0200tellerreport (en)

Aggravated by global warming, the combination of climatic disasters could cause significant damage California at the crossroads of climate disasters. Already devastated by a major fire at the gates of Los Angeles, called "Fairview fire", the American state is now threatened by storm Kay, coming from Mexico.

Peligro de deslaves y diluvios en una California arrasada por el fuego

2022-09-09T23:26+0200tvn-2 (es)

Hemet, Estados Unidos/ Los bomberos que luchan contra un creciente incendio en las afueras de Los Ángeles se preparaban el viernes para deslizamientos de tierra e inundaciones mientras una tormenta se precipitaba hacia las áreas arrasadas por el fuego.

Analysis of solar inverter responses to forest fires

2022-09-09T12:12+0200wn (en)

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation inverter reliability team has determined that inverter settings need to be further developed to help them to respond more effectively to forest fires, which triggered power grid issues in the United States during the 2016-17 period.

Analysis of solar inverter responses to forest fires

2022-09-09T11:37+0200finanznachrichten-en (en)

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation inverter reliability team has determined that inverter settings need to be further developed to help them to respond more effectively to forest fires, which triggered power grid issues in the United States during the 2016-17 period.

US resumes setting intentional fires in national forests after review

2022-09-09T00:59+0200wcfcourier (en)

A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests, destroying 935 buildings and forcing the evacuation of thousands of people.

US resumes setting intentional fires in national forests after review

2022-09-09T00:49+0200buffalonews (en)

A series of lightning storms in mid-August 2020 hit Northern California, a region already experiencing a severe drought season , igniting what would become the August Complex fire. Over the course of almost three months, it burned through national forests, destroying 935 buildings and forcing the evacuation of thousands of people.

Un huracán hará su mayor acercamiento al sur de California en 25 años, contribuyendo a los problemas climáticos del estado

2022-09-08T05:39+0200huaral (es)

(CNN) — Se pronostica que el huracán Kay se desplazará paralelo a la costa occidental de Baja California durante las próximas 48 horas antes de avanzar hacia el oeste justo por delante de la frontera de Estados Unidos con México, este será el mayor acercamiento de un huracán al sur de California desde 1997 y el huracán Nora.

MIL-OSI Translation: Climate backlash: air quality threatened by heat waves and forest fires

2022-09-07T17:30+0200foreignaffairs-nz (en)

MIL OSI Translation. Region: France and French Territories – Source: United Nations – in French 2. Headline: Climate backlash: air quality threatened by heat waves and forest fires. Air quality is threatened by the “climate backlash”, a United Nations agency said on Wednesday, drawing attention to the repercussions of forest fires.

National Weather Service: Pronósticos del clima en Estados Unidos para hoy 07 de septiembre de 2022

2022-09-07T15:40+0200debate (es)

Estados Unidos.- El Weather Prediction Center del National Weather Service, advirtió sobre el calor peligroso continúa en todo el oeste hoy antes de gradualmente relajarse al final de la semana. Pronóstico del tiempo extremadamente crítico para incendios en partes del norte Altos Llanos.

Una brutal ola de calor alimenta incendios forestales y cortes de energía en toda California. Y un huracán podría prolongarla

2022-09-07T13:41+0200huaral (es)

(CNN) — Una ola de calor sin precedentes ha horneado el oeste de Estados Unidos durante días —alimentando incendios forestales destructivos y amenazando con cortes de energía en California— y podría durar aún más tiempo debido a los efectos de un huracán que se forma a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico de México.

Air quality threatened by "climate backlash", warns the UN

2022-09-07T12:54+0200tellerreport (en)

According to a new report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, a mutually reinforcing dynamic between pollution and global warming will lead to a "climate backlash" that will affect hundreds of millions of people.

Heatwaves And Wildfires To Worsen Air Pollution: UN

2022-09-07T08:46+0200ibtimes (en)

A blistering heat wave is baking the western United States , the latest to blast the northern hemisphere in a summer that has brought extreme temperatures across Europe, Asia and North America. More frequent and intense heatwaves and wildfires driven by climate change are expected to worsen the....

Unmanned drones help Türkiye's fight against forest fires

2022-09-05T15:33+0200dailysabah (en)

Eight unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have helped Türkiye’s Directorate General of Forestry around the clock both across the country and in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Combing an area of 12.5 million hectares per minute, they serve as early warning systems against Bekir....

More than 100 homes destroyed in California fire

2022-09-04T03:20+0200tellerreport (en)

A wind-driven wildfire ravaging rural Northern California has so far resulted in the total destruction of around 100 homes and other buildings. According to representatives of the area's emergency services, two people have been injured and thousands have been forced to leave their homes.

2022, the summer when the Northern Hemisphere felt the violence of...

2022-09-03T03:27+0200thesaxon (en)

In early June, the Loire dried up in places. Deadly floods in Pakistan, historic droughts and heat waves in China and Europe, torrential rains in the United States : d& #x27;Across the Northern Hemisphere, the natural disasters of the summer of 2022 brought the reality of global warming to billions of people like never before.

California fights Route and Border 32 fires amid heat warnings - The Washington Post

2022-09-02T19:03+0200google-top-stories (en)

Firefighters have contained 27 percent of a wildfire that erupted north of Los Angeles on Wednesday, after it burned through some 5,200 acres of land and prompted mandatory evacuations amid triple-digit temperatures. There have been no fatalities as a result of the Route Fire, which was first....

In pictures: Worst floods in Pakistan's history seen from above

2022-09-01T23:29+0200tellerreport (en)

Helicopters trying to evacuate people stranded in the mountains of the north, boats traversing the flooded plains of the south: Pakistan continues to mobilize all the means at its disposal to rescue the millions of people affected by the worst floods in its history.

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